I never thought I'd say this, but I really like what Tom Taylor is doing on Earth 2.
Final page was just... dayum.
I never thought I'd say this, but I really like what Tom Taylor is doing on Earth 2.
Final page was just... dayum.
I'm pretty sure I've asked this before so apologies if it seems familiar but does anyone have any solid comic book related podcasts to recommend? Currently listen to War Rocket Ajax and would like another one or two comic book focused casts to add to my commute rotation.
I never thought I'd say this, but I really like what Tom Taylor is doing on Earth 2.
Jeez, I never realized just how popular the Injustice comic was :O I just looked it up on comixology and it has a TON of reviews. More than I would honestly expect.
I've looked at an issue here and there. It appears to have the same kind of appeal as a slam dunk contest, so to me it's not so surprising that it's as popular as it is.Jeez, I never realized just how popular the Injustice comic was :O I just looked it up on comixology and it has a TON of reviews. More than I would honestly expect.
Mahmud Asrar: Quentin'sgot a new position at the school. Now that the tables have turned for him, it will result in a visual impact. So the way he dresses is different now, but we're intending on keeping that iconic t-shirt quote idea in other means. The statements he makes with those t-shirts is a reflection of his character so it's gotta be there. Now that he's a teacher, he'll have to restrain himself in a way, which will result in him wearing more acceptable clothing. We'll have to see how the students react to that though.
The finale to Six Gun Gorilla.. Wow! I'm stunned. I'm so incredibly glad I re-read the 5 previous issues before the finale. This just has to be the best mini series of the year. It's unbelievable and I will die of excitement if they produce a second volume.
Uuuuggghhhh. Thought Marvel had come to the realization how bland Bunn's company books are.Bunn writing a villain series?
All re marvel now is about relaunching all the books marvel canceled .
Bet that bun book is a follow up to fearless defenders
Action Comics was fucking cool. Pak has a voice for Supes that just works. Feels good to have a good Superman book again.
On the flip side Superior Spider-Man felt kind of dumb.
Amazing X-Men was fun. I really love the humor in Aaron's writing. Also helps that I feel a nostalgia pull when Firestar and Iceman are together.
Compared to the others, it's a little... eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhh.So, what's the deal with the reaction regarding the Animal variant cover, again? Do you guys know that there's a whole line-up for them, right?
Also, exaggerating a little. But, she does look a bit like she belongs in a Starfox game.
I'll continue to read WatXM with a focus on Quire, Evan, and Idie. They're the most interesting students in the existing run anyways.
Everyone being fucking stupid is the entire point of SSM.
If the previous volume of Captain Marvel by Deconnick didn't light up the charts, what makes anyone think this one is going to ?
The colors do match UA Magneto's outfit. So we could finally be seeing the fallout from UA.
If the previous volume of Captain Marvel by Deconnick didn't light up the charts, what makes anyone think this one is going to ?
All re marvel now is about relaunching all the books marvel canceled .
Earth 2
Yep. This series is still a keeper.
Any takers on who Earth 2 Batman is? I am really hoping for reanimated Thomas Wayne.
Well, then this issue was particularly on the mark!
No, seriously, the "I just have to step out to get my special assistant - Spider-Man walks in" moment was just too much for me.
You're on the back of the Absolute Final Crisis too
Im excited for Moon Knight. Gonna really love those three issues os Declan Shalvey until they replace him with Koi Pham.
Brah is soing a really epic story with George Romero. Here's the twist, there re vampires with the zombies now. Shit couldnt even be made into a SyFy movie and nowit is an 18 issue Marvel comic.Get Alex makeev on moon night again !