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COMICS! |OT| December 2013. Spiking the eggnog, and not telling Stark about it.

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I'm pretty sure I've asked this before so apologies if it seems familiar but does anyone have any solid comic book related podcasts to recommend? Currently listen to War Rocket Ajax and would like another one or two comic book focused casts to add to my commute rotation.


I've been listening to a bunch of different podcasts trying to find some that I actually look forward to listening to. One's that I enjoy are: Comics Geek Speak, iFanboy (their picks of the week one), The Comic Conspiracy (this is recorded by some of the guys who own a comic shop in the South Bay, CA), and finally Moms Read Comics by Comicosity. I especially love the latter because they generally have a special guest star which is someone from the comics industry, and it's always fun to hear them shed light on what they're working on, etc.

ComicVine has some podcasts too but I find that they can be a little too long for my taste.
Jeez, I never realized just how popular the Injustice comic was :O I just looked it up on comixology and it has a TON of reviews. More than I would honestly expect.

The story begins with Superman pushing his entire arm through the Joker's chest - I'm honestly surprised it hasn't gotten more press.
Jeez, I never realized just how popular the Injustice comic was :O I just looked it up on comixology and it has a TON of reviews. More than I would honestly expect.
I've looked at an issue here and there. It appears to have the same kind of appeal as a slam dunk contest, so to me it's not so surprising that it's as popular as it is.

The last page of Earth-2 that people are talking about leaves me with the same impression, but I'll admit I've only seen that one page out of context.
Anyone pick up Inhumanity #1? How is it? I wasn't quite ready to trust Fraction with my $3.99... Sex Criminals is one thing, but his last Marvel event didn't turn out so well.
Oh. WOW.

Mahmud Asrar: Quentin's
got a new position at the school. Now that the tables have turned for him, it will result in a visual impact. So the way he dresses is different now, but we're intending on keeping that iconic t-shirt quote idea in other means. The statements he makes with those t-shirts is a reflection of his character so it's gotta be there. Now that he's a teacher, he'll have to restrain himself in a way, which will result in him wearing more acceptable clothing. We'll have to see how the students react to that though.



(spoilered reactions to BenjaminBirdie's interview quote, because I don't trust myself to spoiler specific bits reliably without giving stuff away)
Before we had "He’s realizing that what he saw as a school could, in the wrong hands, become a factory for the next Cyclops or Dark Phoenix or Apocalypse or Weapon X." Now he's following that up by employing a genetically engineered sentinel/assassin and a telepathic anarchist/future phoenix as staff. Does anyone have a definition of 'wrong hands', because at this stage the Hellfire Academy staff really has nothing on those at the Wolverine School of Questionable Role Models. How desperate are they for summer staff, because with the two of them on board all I can think is that with it's just begging to have Rachel's new friend added to the roster as well.
(Does Fantomex have any knowledge of Days of Future Now? For that matter, does Wolverine? I remember the ending cycled future Sublime into past/present John Sublime but I can't recall if it did that within the confines of it's own universe or if the past was 616. Time travel :\)

I rib, but I have actually enjoyed the Wolverine School so far, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued. I can take or leave Fantomex but I've enjoyed Quire during Aaron's run and kind of like the idea of him stepping up. I just hope we do still see some of the other new (and old) students too. I know others haven't really liked them, but I have.
Bunn writing a villain series?

The finale to Six Gun Gorilla.. Wow! I'm stunned. I'm so incredibly glad I re-read the 5 previous issues before the finale. This just has to be the best mini series of the year. It's unbelievable and I will die of excitement if they produce a second volume.

(Main character) Blue describes fiction as being ".. lies made of thought and joy and art. Lies designed to do nothing but make you feel." This series certainly made me feel. I can't imagine the pride that Spurrier and Stokely must feel. It's an accomplishment on so many levels. A testament to what can be achieved with the medium.
The finale to Six Gun Gorilla.. Wow! I'm stunned. I'm so incredibly glad I re-read the 5 previous issues before the finale. This just has to be the best mini series of the year. It's unbelievable and I will die of excitement if they produce a second volume.

Trade = bought?

Considering how people are raving about it, I'll probably pick up the trade and see what the fuss is about.


Action Comics was fucking cool. Pak has a voice for Supes that just works. Feels good to have a good Superman book again.

On the flip side Superior Spider-Man felt kind of dumb.

Amazing X-Men was fun. I really love the humor in Aaron's writing. Also helps that I feel a nostalgia pull when Firestar and Iceman are together.


Action Comics was fucking cool. Pak has a voice for Supes that just works. Feels good to have a good Superman book again.

On the flip side Superior Spider-Man felt kind of dumb.

Amazing X-Men was fun. I really love the humor in Aaron's writing. Also helps that I feel a nostalgia pull when Firestar and Iceman are together.

Everyone being fucking stupid is the entire point of SSM.


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
So, what's the deal with the reaction regarding the Animal variant cover, again? Do you guys know that there's a whole line-up for them, right?
It feels wrong to be talking about any comic besides Six Gun Gorilla #6 today because HOLY SHIT but Velvet #2 was really good. I didn't love the first issue as much as I expected I would, but #2 won me over.
The car chase was coooool. Also the montage of Velvet's spy exploits raaaaad.
And it's written so well that the stuff that happened last issue is subtly referenced in just the right way in case you have a memory minus like me and struggle to string stories together month to month.

So it was really good. Not Six Gun Gorilla #6 good HOLY SHIT, but good.


Everyone being fucking stupid is the entire point of SSM.

Well, then this issue was particularly on the mark!

No, seriously, the "I just have to step out to get my special assistant - Spider-Man walks in" moment was just too much for me.


If the previous volume of Captain Marvel by Deconnick didn't light up the charts, what makes anyone think this one is going to ?


Earth 2

Yep. This series is still a keeper.

Any takers on who Earth 2 Batman is? I am really hoping for reanimated Thomas Wayne.

The colors do match UA Magneto's outfit. So we could finally be seeing the fallout from UA.

Which is a damn shame as I was hoping for a more benign Magneto.


Well, then this issue was particularly on the mark!

No, seriously, the "I just have to step out to get my special assistant - Spider-Man walks in" moment was just too much for me.

The only way people can find out who Spider-Man is is if he unmask himself to them.

I believe this was do to a spell Doctor Strange cast and was established a LONG time ago.


Probably my first post ever in these comic threads. I'm not current at all, so I've been buying a lot of Marvel & DC omnibuses and hardcovers. I also buy trade paperbacks that I'm interested in. Just picked up the Rebirth of Thanos and Infinity Gauntlet trades.

Already preordered the Infinity HC & companion. Same for the new Xmen DoFP HC that's coming out next year. Going to buy the Uncanny Xmen vol #1 omnibus next paycheck and preorder vol #2. If I can find an Infinite Crisis omnibus for less than cover price, then I'll pull the trigger on it, too.

One of the great things about living in Orlando is that there are comic shows every few months, or so. Great place to find trades & HCs for cheap. I picked up Kingdom Come and the sequel trades for half off, along with the whole Messiah War trades.


I'm disappointed in Infinity, just having read 5 and 6 alongside the avengers 22 and 23. In summary this event is what happens when you want something to be "epic" but don't take the time to set up moments properly. It's like watching a widescreen movie in pan and scan 4:3 format, every possible "epic" moment has been shrunk and cropped, both in panel layout and set-up.
Im excited for Moon Knight. Gonna really love those three issues os Declan Shalvey until they replace him with Koi Pham.

And how in the fuck is there not any news on Inhuman? Rich Johnson, Stephen Whacker, Axel Alonso freakin poody holes.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Im excited for Moon Knight. Gonna really love those three issues os Declan Shalvey until they replace him with Koi Pham.

Maaan--that guy stinks. He made it hard to appreciate Scarlet Spider after he took over art on the book.
I think he's just Wacker pitch hitter. I remember when Marcos Martin left(and then Paolo Rivera) DD and it was like "uh uh who do we put on the book til Chris Samnee gets here". Da Pham, son
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