what are your top 3 marvel/dc comics right now guys?
Marvel - Ms. Marvel, Doctor Strange, Invincible Iron-Man
DC - Prez, Omega Men, Batgirl
Image - Walking Dead, Saga, Deadly Class
what are your top 3 marvel/dc comics right now guys?
I just can't be arsed to care about Vision after that crap he did to Wanda.
Um all I'm reading for DC right now is American Alien, Black Canary, and Lois and Clark. There, easy.
Marvel: Spider-Gwen (though it hasn't been as great as pre-Secret Wars), Captain America: Sam Wilson, and... Er, nothing else I'm reading right now is worthy of favorite.Can I put in Scarlet Witch or is that too soon????
I don't read as many comics as you guy, welp.
Alright, Riot at Xavier wasn't bad, but screw those loser kids. RIP gas-boy.
Also, I'm too lazy to take screens but what the shit happened to Beak over the course of this series. The art, I mean. He went from an actual beak, to some weird creepy face protrusion, to basically being a weird looking skull with barely any beak. Isn't he supposed to be a bird???
ps as someone who's only X-perience with the franchise is the movies, I'm now sad Emma Frost was basically non-existent in the films. She and Cyclops are my faves.
Uncanny Avengers Vol. 5: Axis Prelude
So, I must admit I liked what I was reading. All this build up to Red Skull finally exerting domination, the themes Remender has been pushing in this storyline: dealing with the cycle of hatred, and whether or not killing is a solution. Acuña's art is gorgeous, though short-lived in this. Interesting that the trade covers two issues of Magneto, though they do lend themselves to the storyline.
I must say, I have to read Axis. I know that it's been said how bad it is, but I have to see the conclusion to this storyline. I have to. I've come to far.
Now, before I do that: Thor becoming unworthy, Cap losing the serum, and Logan losing his healing factor...did that all occur during Original Sin? Because that means that Original Sin occurred between Vol. 4 and Vol. 5 of UA. I should probably read that, too.
Now you know why every comic X-Men reader should be frustrated with those movies. Poor representation.
Now, before I do that: Thor becoming unworthy, Cap losing the serum, and Logan losing his healing factor...did that all occur during Original Sin?
Last blade series is one I hadn't played before. I'll check it out. I was giddy at all the announcements. Full throttle, yakuza zero, etc. of course most the gaf thread didn't care (most hate every game shown) but I did!
Ive made the worst decision ever
RIP Chloe
Fuck, I feel so bad.
You did the right thing.
Now if you kissed Warren, then we'll have to talk. Although hugging him is actually worse, he has a good sniff of Max like a creep.
Oh man, sorry. I thought it was clear because I earlier stated that I am going to play the game again. Argh :/Thanks for the spoiler with no context. Fantastic..
Thanks for the spoiler with no context. Fantastic..
Marvel Dr Strange, Invincible Iron Man, Extraordinary X-Men
DC Batgirl, Gotham Academy, Robin Son of Batman
Indie Saga, Low, Shutter (honorable mention to Deadly Class and Rumble)
Indie was hard the others were simple.
Y'all are cheating. The question was favorite Marvel, DC and Image. Not indie.
instead of ranking our favorite titles by publisher, why dont we rank our favorite posters by ethnicities? retweet if you agree
Oh in that case.....
I don't know who's what or what.
Really? Have I not bitched enough about the Canadian to American conversion rates on CMX? I'll have to step that up.
Y'all are cheating. The question was favorite Marvel, DC and Image. Not indie.
Y'all are cheating. The question was favorite Marvel, DC and Image. Not indie.
Fuckin ASpider-Gwen?? Silk is where it's at.
I like to imagine people on here are their avatars.
It's one of the best. Cooke is an amazing artistThe New Frontier is SO GOOD. Wow. I've noticed that it is basically 18 issues long instead of six, since it seems that each issue has three ~21 page chapters.
Interesting to see Outcast on at least two list but nobody ever talks about it in here.
I read a lot of comics but sometimes never talk about them here.
Interesting to see Outcast on at least two list but nobody ever talks about it in here.
I read a lot of comics but sometimes never talk about them here.
I feel like I have talked about it every time a new issue comes out. It's my first Kirkman book and it has been quality every issue. It's hard for comics to really convey horror without the sense of sound but Kirkman does an excellent job creeping you out.
I feel like Im overdrawing. Adding a lot of details and lines that dont add much to the page but I cant really stop myself. Im like sillymonkey trying to fix up his statues. I know its a mistake but I cant stop it.
As an example, here is a panel. First is the print size version of it and then the size I work at
It's disappointing that such a fantastic long-spanning arc had to end in such a manner. Still, I need to form my opinion. Gotta finish what I started.Thor's stuff happened in Original Sin, Cap losing the serum happened in Remender's Captain America: The Iron Nail and The Tomorrow Soldier, Wolverine's stuff was in the Cornell runs and it was REALLY bad, which is strange for me as I usually like his stuff (his Doctor Who: Four Doctors mini is on my comics of the year list, and Captain Britain and MI-13 is one of my fav books ever).
AXIS was bad because it was too little story, made too fast and spread out over too many issues. A six-issue, monthly series with one decent artist would probably have been good, as a nine-issue event in less than three months, it was simply too much. It felt like it could have used a few more drafts, there probably wasn't time between Remender's indie books (which he's right to pursue) and the real life issues that lead to him quitting Marvel. The art was godawful in places given all the fill-ins that had to brought in to get it on time, stickmen would have been better than some of the panels in the last few chapters.
Only the first happens in Original Sin, the other two happen in their respective solo books
Remender's Cap was mostly weird, and un-Caplike, but not bad. I was not a huge fan of Frankencastle, but otherwise really enjoyed his Punisher run.Are Remender's Cap and Punisher runs good? I know Brubaker and Rucka are the definitive respective runs on both, but I'm curious how Remender's runs are.
Remender's Cap was mostly weird, and un-Caplike, but not bad. I was not a huge fan of Frankencastle, but otherwise really enjoyed his Punisher run.