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COMICS! |OT| December 2015. Let's save the world, you and me, together. Ready?

Gwenpool Holiday Special One-Shot
The Ultimates #2

Batman #47
Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 of 6
New Romancer #1 of 12

Pathfinder: The Hollow Mountain #2 of 6 (Dynamite)
Star Trek Ongoing #52 (IDW)
Star Trek/Green Lantern: Spectrum War #6 of 6 (IDW)
Monstress #2 (Image)
The Walking Dead #149 (Image, started my re-read getting ready for #150, up to Volume 5 right now)
Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #2 of 5 (Titan)
Unity #25 (Valiant, Final Issue)


List of oh damn DC and marvel week.

Batman 47
Batman and Robin 10
Catwoman 47
Detective comics #47
Gotham Academy #13
Grayson #15
Harley Quinn Vol 3 kiss kiss bang stab HC
New Romancer #1
Starfire #7

Monstress #2
We Stand on Guard #6

All New Hawkeye #2
Amazing Spider-Man #4
Contest of Champions #3
Deadpool #3
Guardians of the Galaxy #3
Gwenpool Special #1
Hercules #2
Scarlet Witch #1
Secret Wars #8
Spider-Man 2099 #4
Spider-Gwen #3
Ultimates #2
Uncanny Avengers #3

Rachel Rising #34




Buying that many books is silly and irresponsible

My list has shrunk quite considerably. I'm sure my LCS is thinking "when is this guy going to update his pull list?" I'm opting to trade wait some books but will keep up month-to-month the ones I'm too excited to wait for. Matter of fact, I haven't gone to my LCS in two weeks. I'll pay them a visit tomorrow to pick up my pile.
Ah, forgot some stuff.

Telos #3
Starfire #7
Red Hood/Arsenal #7
Grayson #15
Gotham Academy #13
Detective Comics #47
Catwoman #47
Batman/TMNT #1
JL: Darkseid War: Luthor #1
Batman & Robin Eternal #10

Oh, and guys, Batman #47 is next week.


Light week this week:

Constantine the Hellblazer #7
Justice League Darkseid War: Lex Luthor #1
The Twilight Children #3


I can't get over how many comics you guys buy every week. You'd all be rich.
I spend 100€ on Books a week.
Its good when you are a nerd with not that much hobbys who lives alone, earns well and have just to pay 150€ for yout rent.

One of you recommended me a follow up book after I finished Azzarellos Luthor book the other day. What was its name again?
New Romancer #1
Scarlet Witch #1
Ninjak #10
Insexts #1
Snow Blind #1
The Troop #1

it's a week for new series, I guess. I likely am only going to buy like half of these tbh


My first list, how exciting.

Star Wars Annual #1
Ultimates #2
Amazing Spider-man #3
Contest of Champions #3
New Romancer #1


My first list, how exciting.

Star Wars Annual #1
Ultimates #2
Amazing Spider-man #3
Contest of Champions #3
New Romancer #1

not enough girly hijinks

you are disqualified from making lists until the universe collides with another universe or until Messi stops loving Harley Quinn, whichever comes first



The New Frontier is finished. Unbelievably good. I'm so happy to have read it. I will definitely get the deluxe edition at some point.

I still technically have a little more to read, in the form of the Justice League New Frontier Special.
List. New Catwoman team. Let's see how they do.

My BuyList via Comics Day App
CATWOMAN #47 $2.99
STARFIRE #7 $2.99
0 items priced 'Please Inquire':
End of BuyList
Oh, man, I am so excited Alabaster is back. When I was more rightous, I read Dark Horse Presents monthly and fell in love with Caitlin R. Kiernan's Alabaster series. The Alabaster world is one that I admittedly never fully grasp, but the stories give me big feels due to how poetic and darkly beautiful they are. If you were intrigued by elements of Pretty Deadly but put off by how, well, pretentious it comes off, I strongly recommend checking out Alabaster. Issue #1 (of 5) of Alabaster The Good, The Bad and The Bird comes out Wednesday.
Very happy to see that Ed Brisson is back with a new ongoing crime series. I was ambivalent about his series Sheltered and ended up dropping it after one arc. But Brisson is a person who does one thing well, and in his case it's gritty crime stories. His style is not pretty crime noir, but something more akin to Stray Bullets.

Brisson's The Violent issue #1 drops on Wednesday. You can read some of his older crime comics for free here: http://www.murderbookcomic.com
Yeah, I'm impressed by how many are buying New Romancer. It does look kinda intriguing, though, and the art is good, judging by the preview.

I'm surprised not to see Matt Hawkins' Symmetry #1 on any pull lists. Looks pretty good to me. Preview for anyone who wants to know what I'm talking about:

I figure I'll skip Detective Comics this month since its Robin War. I always feel fucked over when I buy my regular book when it's been eventicized. And I think I'll be dropping Hercules. I was charmed by the first issue, and I respect Abnett, but I just don't think I'll like this series enough to make it pull worthy.


Walking Dead #148: Kicking off my print-comics reading since i haven't touched a flop in a couple weeks, not so good. The
town meeting brawl was as goofy as the Maggie/Rick brawl. Everything just seems kinda dumb right now, save us Negan from boring stories.
Random 5/10.

Alabaster The Good, The Bad, and The Bird #1 of 5
Twilight Children #3 of 4
The Walking Dead #149
The Violent #1
Rachel Rising #38

Best week ever!


I read volumes 1 and 2 of Rat Queens over the weekend.

wow, this book is real good!!!!

cant wait for volume 3 and beyond!!


I don't know how some of you keep your lists so trim.

I only buy ten books a month right now....

I am getting tired of Fallout 4 now, i played a ton. I blame it on the factions, i don't like any of them still. I might just treat it like comics-gaf and try to turn people against the hijinx faction.
By avoiding the big two altogether.

I've been thinking about that. I mean, skipping some books is out of the question, but I do want to try to cut back on the stuff that's going to have a million tie-ins. I'm just enjoying the ANAD Marvel books too much right now. Maybe I can scale back when the novelty wears off a bit.
I assume you're probably not into superheroes and superpowers and stuff, right? That would eliminate 90% of the comics you'd be interested in in the market, so that would help.

I'm not into superheroes all that much, honestly. But there are some good comics out there that transcend the limits of their genre.
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