need a good run that's wrapped up - thinking Silk or Silver Surfer
any other short, fun runs that ended recently?
Did you read Kot's Secret Avengers? That was 15 issues of fun.
ohh yeah, loved that run. based MODOK.
I'm not into superheroes all that much, honestly. But there are some good comics out there that transcend the limits of their genre.
I'm going with my friends to see Star Wars on the Saturday of release, we're going to dinner afterward and I'm dreading the anime/American TV drama/ARK Survival Evolved talk. Anxiety is so bad, lately, just thinking about it.
I am, probably too much honestly. This era of so many movie and TV show adaptations has dampened that a little. Kid me would have loved it, but adult me just looks at those release calendars and just wants to go to bed and never wake up.
I hate it, because I feel too dumb for all the mature, adult stuff that people seem to like. I don't have TV, but when I'm at home I mostly watch cartoons (admittedly a lot of this is because I often get put on child-minding duty when I'm at home). I can't even get through an episode of something fairly light like Game of Thrones without feeling like my brain has eaten a Christmas dinner. I just end up playing with Lego or an action figure on my desk, or picking up my Steam Controller and randomly clicking buttons or something.
I'm going with my friends to see Star Wars on the Saturday of release, we're going to dinner afterward and I'm dreading the anime/American TV drama/ARK Survival Evolved talk. Anxiety is so bad, lately, just thinking about it.
I've been thinking about that. I mean, skipping some books is out of the question, but I do want to try to cut back on the stuff that's going to have a million tie-ins. I'm just enjoying the ANAD Marvel books too much right now. Maybe I can scale back when the novelty wears off a bit.
need a good run that's wrapped up - thinking Silk or Silver Surfer
any other short, fun runs that ended recently?
I assume you're probably not into superheroes and superpowers and stuff, right? That would eliminate 90% of the comics you'd be interested in in the market, so that would help.
need a good run that's wrapped up - thinking Silk or Silver Surfer
any other short, fun runs that ended recently?
Silk didn't end. It continues on in post SW with silk making shitty life decisions... Or so I hear.
Messi gonna be in such a rush to catch up on Silk 8 issues from now when he realizes we've been telling the truth about.Silk not really being evil
Silk didn't end. It continues on in post SW with silk making shitty life decisions... Or so I hear.
I assume you also read MODOK Assassin? That one was pretty hysterical as well.
We Can Never Go Home
I did it... I'm all caught up with current stuff up to Secret Wars (just in time for tomorrow's update too). I can actually read everything as it updates every week now (well I was already doing that with Secret Wars stuff anyway).
Nova #29-31 was OK, Duggan continues to write a fun book despite the baggage associated with it. Sam reunites with his dad which will directly continue in the ANAD book I guess.
Guardians Team-up #1-2, 4-5 (3 was the black vortex tie-in so I had already read it) is mediocre filler which I really should have dropped sooner. It's actually not over yet, not sure I'll read the rest as it shows up on MU.
Ultron Forever #2 and 3 - this was a neat little story and I loved that it toed in to Avengers A.I.
Well that's it for current stuff (2014 onward), feels kinda weird now lol. Time to jump in on some older stuff then, not sure what to start with.
Superior Spidey or Aaron's Thor (the 2012 one, I read the Jane Foster stuff)? Or go way back and finally read Immortal Iron Fist (to get in the mood for his imminent release in Marvel Heroes)?
God butcher stuff from Aaron Thor (first two arcs) then superior Spider-Man.
Might wanna spoiler that. Even speculation might be spoilery. Muthafuckas ain't had a new SW in a decade. Let them have this.
Might wanna spoiler that. Even speculation might be spoilery. Muthafuckas ain't had a new SW in a decade. Let them have this.
How exactly can speculation be a spoiler. It is, in fact, the opposite of a spoiler. I refuse to accept that we have reached a point in spoiler culture where what amounts to fan fiction is now considered a spoiler. I'm sorry but that is just ridiculous.
Wait is there a thing about naming a Korean American super hero Silk? Like is silk a sterotypical nickname for Korean Americans or something? legit askingi think i'm gonna get over my hangup with the fact that someone with a Korean surname is named Silk (because lol this shit is incredibly goofy) and read her book... maybe
Invincible readers, I'm curious, is thestill a thing?reboot
Was about to say I just read Thor #1. Yo motherfucking Ribic does the art, why didn't anyone tell me? It should be Aaron / Ribic Thor just like we say Fraction / Aja Hawk guy! Umless, let me guess, he only does like 5 issues lol
Anyway that was a awesome start to the book and to this first arc. Also, future old Thor is missing his arm, so Aaron was actually planning that for awhile a parent, I love shit like that.
Edit: Ribic only draws about half of it according to Wikipedia. Oh well![]()
Ribic's art is ridiculous. I would throw money at him to lock him down if I was Marvel (or DC), except the Secret Wars delay debacle has soured me on him a little.
Wait is there a thing about naming a Korean American super hero Silk? Like is silk a sterotypical nickname for Korean Americans or something? legit asking
need a good run that's wrapped up - thinking Silk or Silver Surfer
any other short, fun runs that ended recently?
I don't know how some of you keep your lists so trim.
Loki: Agent of Asgard was really good. I'd recommend that.
Loki: Agent of Asgard was really good. I'd recommend that.
ThirdedLoki: Agent of Asgard was really good. I'd recommend that.
I buy a very small amount of books monthly (like 5 or so) and read everything else on MU or when Comixology has a sale. I don't have any friends who read comics so beyond being able to understand what people are talking about on ComicGAF on Wednesdays I'm not really missing out on much by reading everything at a delay. Plus I save tons of $$$$$
You might be on to something. But thinking of how much I've spent on comics over the past six years makes me cringe.
I buy a very small amount of books monthly (like 5 or so) and read everything else on MU or when Comixology has a sale. I don't have any friends who read comics so beyond being able to understand what people are talking about on ComicGAF on Wednesdays I'm not really missing out on much by reading everything at a delay. Plus I save tons of $$$$$
One of my brothers died tonight. I just, I don't know how to feel. I'm at a loss. This is the second brother I lost suddenly in six years. Just to let you guys know if I don't post for awhile or something, since this is pretty much the only community thread I care about.
One of my brothers died tonight. I just, I don't know how to feel. I'm at a loss. This is the second brother I lost suddenly in six years. Just to let you guys know if I don't post for awhile or something, since this is pretty much the only community thread I care about.
One of my brothers died tonight. I just, I don't know how to feel. I'm at a loss. This is the second brother I lost suddenly in six years. Just to let you guys know if I don't post for awhile or something, since this is pretty much the only community thread I care about.
One of my brothers died tonight. I just, I don't know how to feel. I'm at a loss. This is the second brother I lost suddenly in six years. Just to let you guys know if I don't post for awhile or something, since this is pretty much the only community thread I care about.
One of my brothers died tonight. I just, I don't know how to feel. I'm at a loss. This is the second brother I lost suddenly in six years. Just to let you guys know if I don't post for awhile or something, since this is pretty much the only community thread I care about.
I'm sorry for your loss, VanWinkle.One of my brothers died tonight. I just, I don't know how to feel. I'm at a loss. This is the second brother I lost suddenly in six years. Just to let you guys know if I don't post for awhile or something, since this is pretty much the only community thread I care about.
One of my brothers died tonight. I just, I don't know how to feel. I'm at a loss. This is the second brother I lost suddenly in six years. Just to let you guys know if I don't post for awhile or something, since this is pretty much the only community thread I care about.