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COMICS! |OT| December 2015. Let's save the world, you and me, together. Ready?

Why do people hate events and civil war in particular. I remember civil war being my first foray into comics after just being a fan of movies and cartoons my mom took me too.

There's a negative stigma attached to them because they derail things by having writers abide to a set story across many books and they bring in some so-so talent for some. However, there are some great ones (Secret Wars, any Valiant event) and I always hope that events will be good.


Events read like stories creators don't care about, typically high profile means to shift continuity. Infinity and Secret Wars were/are okay, Hickman did a good job of making it feel like an extension of his Avengers books.


Every Marvel event since 2006 has been them trying to redo Civil War/the sales of Civil War so it's not that much of a surprise that they're literally redoing Civil War I guess


Why do people hate events and civil war in particular. I remember civil war being my first foray into comics after just being a fan of movies and cartoons my mom took me too.

Events are disruptive and can lead to new developments not made by the writers of solo ongoings so they have to work around the changes.

Civil War was never a good idea. Character assassinations, pointless conflict and applying real world politics on super heroes just screwed everything up. Millar painted Tony as an evil sheriff all the time and Cap as a stubborn old man. Both sides nearly wiped out each other because they both believed they were right and never considered an alternative. And we, the readers, were supposed to choose a side but it was obvious that Millar unintentionally (or intentionally) painted Cap's side as the good guys so the tagline "Whose side are you on?" was moot. And to have it end where Cap has an epiphany and surrenders just screams lazy.

It was a big event, but many people didn't like it for what it was and what came after.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I hate how my tablet MU app doesnt update at the same time as my
phone app usually does. and they are both android wtf


Loki agent of asgard is a book that doesn't feel like Secret Wars affected it ending. It wraps up so well in the face of Secret Wars. I'd buy an OHC of this run.
Loki agent of asgard is a book that doesn't feel like Secret Wars affected it ending. It wraps up so well in the face of Secret Wars. I'd buy an OHC of this run.

Definitely. The second half of that run was so, so good. They even managed to fit in a plug for Silver Surfer.


I am sorry when I came of a little bit rude. I am currently a emotional wreck who wants to cry in the one minute and throw things through the room in the another.

I'll dig it
How will Bendis fit Kitty into this event?
Kitty vs. Miles Morales

Shit like that is why I started it
Marvel and DC kept putting out events year in and year out. Some of it was fatigue, some of it was that they felt inconsequential, some of it that the events werent good. Some of it is that they kept interrupting other books to do events.

Civil War gets a lot of crap for having a lot of heroes act out of character and having an anticlimatic resolution. In reality, it would have worked as it was initially pitched, an event for the Ultimate universe.

Secret Wars, and to a lesser extent Infinity, is the first event in a while to really feel like its definitely worth its hype.
I felt Forever Evil was really good. Then again, the only other events I've read have been the original Secret Wars (mediocrity designed to sell toys that had a couple decent moments), The Infinity Gauntlet (has one of the biggest "be a goddamned superhero" moments ever), World War Hulk (has some cool spreads and action, but for the most part it's pretty boring, since it's just Hulk beating the shit out of everyone), Avengers vs. X-Men (could have been good, but Scott is portrayed as an unreasonable dictator, and the Avengers act like overly aggressive, whiny children for the most part. So it's bad), and Age of Ultron (starts strong, but then drops off a cliff and ends up being a whole lot of boring nothingness). Does Inhumanity count? Because that was also not good. Mostly because it has very little "event" and is mostly just a bunch of tie-ins.

Forever Evil was legit good though. Tie-ins were all garbage though.
I pretty much just read tie-ins for Secret Wars. I haven't touched the main series, was way too far behind on Avengers/New Avengers anyway.

Most of those tie-ins were pretty good, though it helped they were basically just allowed to do whatever they wanted.
I pretty much just read tie-ins for Secret Wars. I haven't touched the main series, was way too far behind on Avengers/New Avengers anyway.

Most of those tie-ins were pretty good, though it helped they were basically just allowed to do whatever they wanted.

Only event I ended up not liking was Planet Hulk, and even then it was only the ending. That ending was so fucking stupid. Still makes me angry. Very few things have that long lasting of an effect.


Yeah, I would love an event if it was actually good. But the odds in favor of that are pretty slim.

Also, to feel like an event, it needs to happen a lot less. Maybe every few years? I shouldn't be able to predict when the next event's coming about. Having them annually is just exhausting. Let the freaking universe breathe, let characters do their own thing for a bit... THEN do an event. Or if the status quo needs shaking up. That doesn't need to happen every 6-12 months.

As for movie tie-ins... I mean, I enjoy the movies, but I like the comics being separate and doing their own thing. Having Civil War happen in the movies the same time as the comics is just redundant and one is always gonna be lesser than the other. Just my two-cents there.

I am sorry when I came of a little bit rude. I am currently a emotional wreck who wants to cry in the one minute and throw things through the room in the another.


You're cool, dude, all good.
I don't wanna fail my physics final in a half hour ):


So what's worse Fear Itself or Amazon attacks.

The best event in recent years is probably Throne of Atlantis. That was great from begining to end did aton of world building, and took ocean master from being one note evil brother to someone you pity.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
fucking MU update. Doesnt show up on the app, if I go to the site I can add most titles but not all. #rageforfirstworldproblems
For you maybe. For me it would have been the worst issue.

Trust me, I approached it with skepticism too, but I came away with one of the most affecting comics I've ever read.

So what's worse Fear Itself or Amazon attacks.

The best event in recent years is probably Throne of Atlantis. That was great from begining to end did aton of world building, and took ocean master from being one note evil brother to someone you pity.

Best recent event is definitely one of Valiant's. They legitimately know how to do huge scale events. Armor Hunters, Book of Death, Harbinger Wars. And their best, The Valiant, which was more of a mini-event, but an astounding story on its own.


The best event in recent years is probably Throne of Atlantis. That was great from begining to end did aton of world building, and took ocean master from being one note evil brother to someone you pity.

Wasn't that just a crossover? That it only affected JL and Aquaman?
So what's worse Fear Itself or Amazon attacks.

The best event in recent years is probably Throne of Atlantis. That was great from begining to end did aton of world building, and took ocean master from being one note evil brother to someone you pity.

Wasn't throne just a jl story arc?


Yup. I mean, if we're talking crossovers, I've only read good ones.

Wait, Blight was a crossover, and it was garbage...fuck...

Well I'm just saying that crossovers and events are different things. Events are nearly line wide and crossovers affect two or three books (at least).

I don't know. I just think back to Court of Owls and Death of the Family and wonder if those were events or crossovers.
Well I'm just saying that crossovers and events are different things. Events are nearly line wide and crossovers affect two or three books (at least).

I don't know. I just think back to Court of Owls and Death of the Family and wonder if those were events or crossovers.

I suppose Events deal with everyone (for the most part), and crossovers only deal with a select section. Battle for the Atom is just X-Men, therefore a crossover. Forever Evil is EVERYONE, therefore an event.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I never read one more day, will Renew Your Vows even resonate with me?

Let's find out I guess


I never read one more day, will Renew Your Vows even resonate with me?

Let's find out I guess

hmmmm I guess you'll miss out on a destructive arc that changed Spidey forever but go for it.

You ignored me on reading Thor before Thor, difference was, the previous Thor run was actually good.

And read all of it, The Accursed (the arc after God Bomb) is average but Last Days of Midgard is epic.

Well I'm just saying that crossovers and events are different things. Events are nearly line wide and crossovers affect two or three books (at least).

I don't know. I just think back to Court of Owls and Death of the Family and wonder if those were events or crossovers.

Honestly, the line gets a little bit thin. Events are just big crossovers, yeah? They fall somewhere on the scale between a Bat Family Crossover and a Crisis Crossover.

I think a good criteria is that it involves more than 2 books, which would bar Throne of Atlantis from qualifying (though it was pretty great). I'd say Forever Evil is the best recent DC event. All of the Batfamily stuff would qualify as well.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I wonder how famous Spider-people fanboy Drayco felt reading One More day back in the day :3

Edit: didn't this Regent guy make it over to the regular universe in one of the ANAD books?


Blight was six good issues and then about six more of padding. It didn't help many of the issues told the same events. John and Nightmare Nurse going super Oni to fight blight was cool though.

re Scotty Lobdell: Dude wrote the best episode of Godzilla the animated series, that and his superman/action run was really entertaining. Wouldn't say i'm a stan of his. My current stanning goes to Charles Soule and Al Ewing.
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