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COMICS! |OT| December 2015. Let's save the world, you and me, together. Ready?

Hmm... well, it's like you said, he's not really age-appropriate generally. There'll be individual issues here and there, but it's tough to recommend whole runs or even arcs :/

I'd second the Teen Titans Go suggestion. Lil' Gotham or... what's that Scottie Young joint called, the Avengers one. Those might be even better, actually.

Actually, hard pass on TTG.

TTGo is purely a comedy show, no superheroics involved.

Lil' Gotham is godlike. Read Lil' Gotham. Everyone.

Also, Little Avengers vs. X-Men is also godlike.


¿tienes pedo con futbol wey?


Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Help me out, comics fans.

I've recently started buying comics again, and my daughter is really into them. She's 9. Now, her favorite character, thanks to the Spider-man cartoon, is Deadpool. I actually like Deadpool, too, but I know Deadpool more from the comics where he is both 4th wall breaking and super violent.

I'd like to get her a collected of something Deadpool related, but I'd also like to find something that is, well, not completely inappropriate. Any recommendations? I really appreciate it.

The X-Men 92 Secret Wars tie-in. Deadpool was in it and it was pretty cartoony. Has pretty much nothing to do with the overall event.

It's also going to become an on going series sometime next year if she likes it.


Wait until Sillymonkey sees all this non American language in here...

i just read it...but freeza already posted a "disgusting" meme for Civil War 2 and i think that's the daily limit.


That means "Merry Christmas"

.....but i have to comment....

Merry Christmas means Merry Christmas, it doesn't need to be translated because Christmas is only for Americans and we speak AMERICAN!


Doctor Strange #3

I loved the opening to this issue, making everything magic colorful and everything normal black and white was a good contrast. Also Strange is definitely going to need some help for this new enemy.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Really liked Hulk Future Imperfect #1-2 (more like 1-4 since they are 48page issues, good old 90s). Also now it makes sense why Maestro is in Spiderman 2099, Future Imperfect was a Peter David joint :)

That left me in a bit of a Hulk mood, I should check out Planet Hulk next


Does anyone collect certain characters and comics in single issue form yet collect others in trade form?

I typically collect Batman and Spider-Man monthly since I like keeping up to date with them and collecting their issues, but for, say, Daredevil, I feel like his stories read better in trade. Even with Mark Waid's recent run, I enjoyed reading the first volume he did in the trades more than when I started collecting single issue Daredevils when he started the second volume of his run after Marvel NOW. It felt like every issue ended way too quickly despite the quality of the story he may have told. Daredevil stories are usually consistently decent too, so it doesn't feel like I'd be getting a potentially bad story when I buy a DD trade no matter what volume it is as opposed to the other mainstream characters I mentioned where I typically buy the big, important arcs in trades rather than every story since there's just SO MUCH material regarding ones like Batman and Spider-Man.

Anyone else do something similar?


i just read it...but freeza already posted a "disgusting" meme for Civil War 2 and i think that's the daily limit.

.....but i have to comment....

Merry Christmas means Merry Christmas, it doesn't need to be translated because Christmas is only for Americans and we speak AMERICAN!

No limit.

Does anyone collect certain characters and comics in single issue form yet collect others in trade form?

I typically collect Batman and Spider-Man monthly since I like keeping up to date with them and collecting their issues, but for, say, Daredevil, I feel like his stories read better in trade. His stories are usually consistently good too, so it doesn't feel like I'd be getting a potentially bad story when I buy a DD trade no matter what volume it is as opposed to the other mainstream characters I mentioned where I typically buy the big, important arcs in trades rather than every story since there's just SO MUCH material regarding ones like Batman and Spider-Man.

Anyone else do something similar?

For me, it's more about creators than characters, in that regard. Morrison, for instance, is frequently nigh-incomprehensible reading issue to issue. I can't imagine trying to parse Seven Soldiers in release order. Other writers do a better job of keeping things... clean enough that reading week to week works just as well.


Just flipping through the Rat Queens hardcover. It must have killed Wiebe to have to put Upchurch's name on that book.

Eh I understand why but 80% of the work in that book is his right? Only two Sejic issues and one Fowler? Awkward situation I'm sure but Roc still gets paid as a creator of the book. He still gets paid on the single issues. I believe Wiebe said that at one point.
Finished Astonishing X-Men, wow that ending was fantastic.

I'm conflicted as to whether I enjoyed it or New X-Men more, but I'm leaning towards Astonishing. New X-Men started strong, but the last two arcs were just kind of bizarre whereas Astonishing just got better and better culminating in an excellent climax. I feel like "heart" is a bit of a cheesy word to use but I felt a lot of that reading Astonishing while New felt a lot colder and uglier. Part of it might have been the amount of humor in Astonishing, though it's admittedly harder to enjoy Whedon's work nowadays after the internet eviscerated Age of Ultron and it's quip-ness. Some good jokes in there though.

...though the ending is a bit ruined knowing that Kitty is apparently BMB's waifu or something and is married to Star Lord.

I'm thinking of tackling Hickman's Fantastic Four/FF next.
I will freely admit I did not think this particular gag all the way through.

And thank you for your helpful tip.
I got your back
Really liked Hulk Future Imperfect #1-2 (more like 1-4 since they are 48page issues, good old 90s). Also now it makes sense why Maestro is in Spiderman 2099, Future Imperfect was a Peter David joint :)

That left me in a bit of a Hulk mood, I should check out Planet Hulk next
Forewarning: Planet Hulk's ending is garbage. The SW tie-in. Dunno about the original book.
Does anyone collect certain characters and comics in single issue form yet collect others in trade form?

I typically collect Batman and Spider-Man monthly since I like keeping up to date with them and collecting their issues, but for, say, Daredevil, I feel like his stories read better in trade. Even with Mark Waid's recent run, I enjoyed reading the first volume he did in the trades more than when I started collecting single issue Daredevils when he started the second volume of his run after Marvel NOW. It felt like every issue ended way too quickly despite the quality of the story he may have told. Daredevil stories are usually consistently decent too, so it doesn't feel like I'd be getting a potentially bad story when I buy a DD trade no matter what volume it is as opposed to the other mainstream characters I mentioned where I typically buy the big, important arcs in trades rather than every story since there's just SO MUCH material regarding ones like Batman and Spider-Man.

Anyone else do something similar?

If a run is interesting to me, I will collect it on a weekly/monthly basis. Otherwise, I'll tend to wait. Particularly on events. Plus I have so many books that I'm reading in trade form now that trade waiting isn't very hard. I have plenty to keep the time. Wait about 6 issues and then an extra month or so and BOOM you have a trade.


Finished Astonishing X-Men, wow that ending was fantastic.

I'm conflicted as to whether I enjoyed it or New X-Men more, but I'm leaning towards Astonishing. New X-Men started strong, but the last two arcs were just kind of bizarre whereas Astonishing just got better and better culminating in an excellent climax. I feel like "heart" is a bit of a cheesy word to use but I felt a lot of that reading Astonishing while New felt a lot colder and uglier. Part of it might have been the amount of humor in Astonishing, though it's admittedly harder to enjoy Whedon's work nowadays after the internet eviscerated Age of Ultron and it's quip-ness. Some good jokes in there though.

...though the ending is a bit ruined knowing that Kitty is apparently BMB's waifu or something and is married to Star Lord.

I'm thinking of tackling Hickman's Fantastic Four/FF next.

Engaged and it is on the rocks.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Just randomly read Uncanny X-Men #251 (the one from the above cover)...this is a very dangerous path I'm starring at, I should just stop right now... :/

Edit: Uncanny X-Men #228 is when the "outback era" starts apparently which are some of my fondest memories of comics as a teen. Longshot, Dazzler, pre-ninja Psylocke, Havok... I think I'm gonna read it, see how it holds up. I really liked that #251 I just read to be fair

Edit: oh but #210 is when the Marauders kill the Morlocks stuff starts...shit I knew this was a dangerous path to stare down at

Edit: or I could just #98 for the modern team start (wolverine etc) :eek:

Someone stop me
Finished Astonishing X-Men, wow that ending was fantastic.

I'm conflicted as to whether I enjoyed it or New X-Men more, but I'm leaning towards Astonishing. New X-Men started strong, but the last two arcs were just kind of bizarre whereas Astonishing just got better and better culminating in an excellent climax. I feel like "heart" is a bit of a cheesy word to use but I felt a lot of that reading Astonishing while New felt a lot colder and uglier. Part of it might have been the amount of humor in Astonishing, though it's admittedly harder to enjoy Whedon's work nowadays after the internet eviscerated Age of Ultron and it's quip-ness. Some good jokes in there though.

...though the ending is a bit ruined knowing that Kitty is apparently BMB's waifu or something and is married to Star Lord.

Whedon's Astonishing is in my top 5 favorite books, and currently my favorite X book. Reading Morrison's NXM right now, I think that Rachel and Miles (of "Rachel and Miles X-plain the X-Men" fame) said it perfectly: Morrison reinvented the X-Men, Whedon gave them a soul.

It's cheesy, but I feel the description is apt.
Paper Girls #3 was great. This series is going in a pretty cool direction. Very much looking forward to the next issue.

Also read ANAD Avengers #2 and I thought it was fun. I'm kinda bummed out that Marvel's announcing all these crossovers already because I'm perfectly happy with the book's current state so far and I don't want crossovers this early on. The younger heroes make for a good contrast with the older ones and it's shaping up to be pretty damn good. Little things like Miles surfing Tony go a long way for me.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
I know I'm late but I just read issue #1 of "The Goddamned" by Aaron and I was really impressed. I mean I'm normally impressed by Aaron but that first issue read like something from The Sandman or Lucifer series which is a whole different tier of comics unto itself.
Also picked up the Street Fighter Legends volumes before the sale ended since they were so cheap.

Read through the Sakura story and it was okay. It was a very quick read and it was pretty cute. Not exactly a great comic by any means but it was fun enough. Liked the shenanigans with Karin once she got involved.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
wait how was space bullet a happy ending

That happens in the annual which he probably didn't read?

Speaking of annuals and X-Men, while technically not a annual (I needed a segway), just read Giant Size X-Men #1, and it kinda holds up, in a 70s adventure kind of way. It's certainly a classic, and everyone is a dick to each other (and a little 70s racist also lol).

Now, do I have it in me to carry on to Uncanny #98 and see how far I'll get? :p
haha I mean her "death" kind of loses all its emotional impact, plus all the stuff with Colossus.

Welcome to comics, big fella.

Just treat every run as its own thing and don't let outside events influence the emotional impact that particular run carries for you.

Ending to Astonishing still makes me tear up.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Uncanny X-Men #94-95...yeah this is rough :/ I don't think I can handle 70s Claramont, my nostalgia glasses aren't rose colored enough, think I'll skip ahead to the Longshot Era like I intended. Also, Thunderbird's death was fucking stupid, I had completely forgotten about it (how it happens that is). He's still dead dead right? Like the one in the wet works x-force team was his brother or something?
Uncanny X-Men #94-95...yeah this is rough :/ I don't think I can handle 70s Claramont, my nostalgia glasses aren't rose colored enough, think I'll skip ahead to the Longshot Era like I intended. Also, Thunderbird's death was fucking stupid, I had completely forgotten about it (how it happens that is). He's still dead dead right? Like the one in the wet works x-force team was his brother or something?

Thunderbird died doing what he loved


That's not what was said

no, but there is the suggestion that space bullet was better than whatever she's doing now

haha I mean her "death" kind of loses all its emotional impact, plus all the stuff with Colossus.

yeah, I guess, but that quasi-death was never meant to be permanent. Colossus was himself revived in AXM after a long time dead as a doornail

I've always thought the ending to AXM was incredibly dumb (and still do) and Whedon's boner for kitty bordered on the absurd throughout the series, and was especially distracting in that last arc


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Now you can enjoy Bendis's boner for Kitty instead


also i think there's a case to be made that Whedon's portrayals of Cyclops + Emma, while better than most of what came after, spelled the beginning of the end for them as nuanced characters after the Morrison stuff on NXM
Destroying plane cockpits when Banshee was right there to grab him?
ANGRILY destroying plane cockpits
I've always thought the ending to AXM was incredibly dumb (and still do) and Whedon's boner for kitty bordered on the absurd throughout the series, and was especially distracting in that last arc

Well, it's not surprising he focused on Kitty a lot, since he based Buffy off of Kitty. He basically got write his main character again.

Also, you can't blame Whedon for ruing Cyke and Emma. A lot of other writers handled them after that. They could have done a lot of things with those characters.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I want to sit down with a beer and rap about x-men with BK.

Speaking of mutants, we jump ahead 100 or so issues to Uncanny X-Men #210, and it's much more readable. Prelude to the Morlocks massacre, the original 5 (minus Jean with Madelyn instead...how the fuck dud Scott even go for that lol) have popped up as X-Factor, on the x-men front Rachel (Phoenix) has gone awol (completely forgot Rachel), Illyana has her limbo powers already (wait when did that happen?), Magneto is with the X-Men (forgot he gad a first try at it before Marvel Now) and the aforementioned Marauders are starting to kill Morlocks. Also the hell fire club are in the background aswell, so it's a good period. No Psylocke or Longshot so I guess they join later.


Help me out, comics fans.

I've recently started buying comics again, and my daughter is really into them. She's 9. Now, her favorite character, thanks to the Spider-man cartoon, is Deadpool. I actually like Deadpool, too, but I know Deadpool more from the comics where he is both 4th wall breaking and super violent.

I'd like to get her a collected of something Deadpool related, but I'd also like to find something that is, well, not completely inappropriate. Any recommendations? I really appreciate it.

They just recently did this Gwenpool spin off of Gwen Stacy being Deadpool because...? Fans...? Might wanna gauge how child-friendly that could be. I honestly have no idea, but it's an off-shoot of Spider-Gwen, which has been kid friendly so far imo.

I dunno, at her age I was gobbling up Chris Claremont's X-Men and no one can tell me Claremont isn't the most amazing ever. No okay I totally get his faults. But I love that crazy purple prose of his <3.

I will second Tiny Titans and Lil' Gotham. Haven't actually read Lil' Gotham yet but I so plan to when I get the chance.

Does anyone collect certain characters and comics in single issue form yet collect others in trade form?

I typically collect Batman and Spider-Man monthly since I like keeping up to date with them and collecting their issues, but for, say, Daredevil, I feel like his stories read better in trade. Even with Mark Waid's recent run, I enjoyed reading the first volume he did in the trades more than when I started collecting single issue Daredevils when he started the second volume of his run after Marvel NOW. It felt like every issue ended way too quickly despite the quality of the story he may have told. Daredevil stories are usually consistently decent too, so it doesn't feel like I'd be getting a potentially bad story when I buy a DD trade no matter what volume it is as opposed to the other mainstream characters I mentioned where I typically buy the big, important arcs in trades rather than every story since there's just SO MUCH material regarding ones like Batman and Spider-Man.

Anyone else do something similar?

Yeah, mostly a trades dude. It's more affordable as well. I only buy the things I'm super into and want to support as issues. Then again I am buying Guardians of the Galaxy and that has been okay at best so far... I dunno, Kitty's one of my favorites and I wanted to see how she was as Star-Lord even if she hasn't been the greatest under Bendis lately--IMO anyway.

Uncanny X-Men #94-95...yeah this is rough :/ I don't think I can handle 70s Claramont, my nostalgia glasses aren't rose colored enough, think I'll skip ahead to the Longshot Era like I intended.



On this day
The 7th or 8th of December, the year of our Lord Gaben, 2015
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 series has died

Long live the Melty

Been re-reading MTMTE, the writing just keeps you engaged like you want to read every panel, but lord was the
Functionist's timeline
still the scariest shit I've read in a comic brrrr.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.

I know... I know :/
its the truth tho

On this day
The 7th or 8th of December, the year of our Lord Gaben, 2015
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 series has died

Long live the Melty

Been re-reading MTMTE, the writing just keeps you engaged like you want to read every panel, but lord was the
Functionist's timeline
still the scariest shit I've read in a comic brrrr.

watch someone think im being serious in that thread btw
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