¿tienes pedo con futbol wey?Actually, hard pass on TTG.
Hmm... well, it's like you said, he's not really age-appropriate generally. There'll be individual issues here and there, but it's tough to recommend whole runs or even arcs :/
I'd second the Teen Titans Go suggestion. Lil' Gotham or... what's that Scottie Young joint called, the Avengers one. Those might be even better, actually.
Actually, hard pass on TTG.
¿tienes pedo con futbol wey?
That means "Merry Christmas"
Help me out, comics fans.
I've recently started buying comics again, and my daughter is really into them. She's 9. Now, her favorite character, thanks to the Spider-man cartoon, is Deadpool. I actually like Deadpool, too, but I know Deadpool more from the comics where he is both 4th wall breaking and super violent.
I'd like to get her a collected of something Deadpool related, but I'd also like to find something that is, well, not completely inappropriate. Any recommendations? I really appreciate it.
voy a joderte pendejo >Bing translate sez you're a liar
That means "Merry Christmas"
Bing translate sez you're a liar
voy a joderte pendejo >
that means 'and a happy new year to you'
also bing?
Wait until Sillymonkey sees all this non American language in here...
That means "Merry Christmas"
Says the Jaime Reyes fan
i just read it...but freeza already posted a "disgusting" meme for Civil War 2 and i think that's the daily limit.
.....but i have to comment....
Merry Christmas means Merry Christmas, it doesn't need to be translated because Christmas is only for Americans and we speak AMERICAN!
Does anyone collect certain characters and comics in single issue form yet collect others in trade form?
I typically collect Batman and Spider-Man monthly since I like keeping up to date with them and collecting their issues, but for, say, Daredevil, I feel like his stories read better in trade. His stories are usually consistently good too, so it doesn't feel like I'd be getting a potentially bad story when I buy a DD trade no matter what volume it is as opposed to the other mainstream characters I mentioned where I typically buy the big, important arcs in trades rather than every story since there's just SO MUCH material regarding ones like Batman and Spider-Man.
Anyone else do something similar?
Just flipping through the Rat Queens hardcover. It must have killed Wiebe to have to put Upchurch's name on that book.
I got your backI will freely admit I did not think this particular gag all the way through.
And thank you for your helpful tip.
Forewarning: Planet Hulk's ending is garbage. The SW tie-in. Dunno about the original book.Really liked Hulk Future Imperfect #1-2 (more like 1-4 since they are 48page issues, good old 90s). Also now it makes sense why Maestro is in Spiderman 2099, Future Imperfect was a Peter David joint
That left me in a bit of a Hulk mood, I should check out Planet Hulk next
Does anyone collect certain characters and comics in single issue form yet collect others in trade form?
I typically collect Batman and Spider-Man monthly since I like keeping up to date with them and collecting their issues, but for, say, Daredevil, I feel like his stories read better in trade. Even with Mark Waid's recent run, I enjoyed reading the first volume he did in the trades more than when I started collecting single issue Daredevils when he started the second volume of his run after Marvel NOW. It felt like every issue ended way too quickly despite the quality of the story he may have told. Daredevil stories are usually consistently decent too, so it doesn't feel like I'd be getting a potentially bad story when I buy a DD trade no matter what volume it is as opposed to the other mainstream characters I mentioned where I typically buy the big, important arcs in trades rather than every story since there's just SO MUCH material regarding ones like Batman and Spider-Man.
Anyone else do something similar?
Finished Astonishing X-Men, wow that ending was fantastic.
I'm conflicted as to whether I enjoyed it or New X-Men more, but I'm leaning towards Astonishing. New X-Men started strong, but the last two arcs were just kind of bizarre whereas Astonishing just got better and better culminating in an excellent climax. I feel like "heart" is a bit of a cheesy word to use but I felt a lot of that reading Astonishing while New felt a lot colder and uglier. Part of it might have been the amount of humor in Astonishing, though it's admittedly harder to enjoy Whedon's work nowadays after the internet eviscerated Age of Ultron and it's quip-ness. Some good jokes in there though.
...though the ending is a bit ruined knowing that Kitty is apparently BMB's waifu or something and is married to Star Lord.
I'm thinking of tackling Hickman's Fantastic Four/FF next.
Finished Astonishing X-Men, wow that ending was fantastic.
I'm conflicted as to whether I enjoyed it or New X-Men more, but I'm leaning towards Astonishing. New X-Men started strong, but the last two arcs were just kind of bizarre whereas Astonishing just got better and better culminating in an excellent climax. I feel like "heart" is a bit of a cheesy word to use but I felt a lot of that reading Astonishing while New felt a lot colder and uglier. Part of it might have been the amount of humor in Astonishing, though it's admittedly harder to enjoy Whedon's work nowadays after the internet eviscerated Age of Ultron and it's quip-ness. Some good jokes in there though.
...though the ending is a bit ruined knowing that Kitty is apparently BMB's waifu or something and is married to Star Lord.
...though the ending is a bit ruined knowing that Kitty is apparently BMB's waifu or something and is married to Star Lord.
wait how was space bullet a happy ending
wait how was space bullet a happy ending
wait how was space bullet a happy ending
haha I mean her "death" kind of loses all its emotional impact, plus all the stuff with Colossus.
Uncanny X-Men #94-95...yeah this is rough :/ I don't think I can handle 70s Claramont, my nostalgia glasses aren't rose colored enough, think I'll skip ahead to the Longshot Era like I intended. Also, Thunderbird's death was fucking stupid, I had completely forgotten about it (how it happens that is). He's still dead dead right? Like the one in the wet works x-force team was his brother or something?
Thunderbird died doing what he loved
That's not what was said
haha I mean her "death" kind of loses all its emotional impact, plus all the stuff with Colossus.
ANGRILY destroying plane cockpitsDestroying plane cockpits when Banshee was right there to grab him?
I've always thought the ending to AXM was incredibly dumb (and still do) and Whedon's boner for kitty bordered on the absurd throughout the series, and was especially distracting in that last arc
Help me out, comics fans.
I've recently started buying comics again, and my daughter is really into them. She's 9. Now, her favorite character, thanks to the Spider-man cartoon, is Deadpool. I actually like Deadpool, too, but I know Deadpool more from the comics where he is both 4th wall breaking and super violent.
I'd like to get her a collected of something Deadpool related, but I'd also like to find something that is, well, not completely inappropriate. Any recommendations? I really appreciate it.
Does anyone collect certain characters and comics in single issue form yet collect others in trade form?
I typically collect Batman and Spider-Man monthly since I like keeping up to date with them and collecting their issues, but for, say, Daredevil, I feel like his stories read better in trade. Even with Mark Waid's recent run, I enjoyed reading the first volume he did in the trades more than when I started collecting single issue Daredevils when he started the second volume of his run after Marvel NOW. It felt like every issue ended way too quickly despite the quality of the story he may have told. Daredevil stories are usually consistently decent too, so it doesn't feel like I'd be getting a potentially bad story when I buy a DD trade no matter what volume it is as opposed to the other mainstream characters I mentioned where I typically buy the big, important arcs in trades rather than every story since there's just SO MUCH material regarding ones like Batman and Spider-Man.
Anyone else do something similar?
Uncanny X-Men #94-95...yeah this is rough :/ I don't think I can handle 70s Claramont, my nostalgia glasses aren't rose colored enough, think I'll skip ahead to the Longshot Era like I intended.
Nice!Last bit of NYCC is here and I am incredibly happy with it![]()
On this day
The 7th or 8th of December, the year of our Lord Gaben, 2015
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 series has died
Long live the Melty
On this day
The 7th or 8th of December, the year of our Lord Gaben, 2015
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 series has died
Long live the Melty
Been re-reading MTMTE, the writing just keeps you engaged like you want to read every panel, but lord was thestill the scariest shit I've read in a comic brrrr.Functionist's timeline
Going through anthropomorphic animal overload after reading the first two issues each of Autumnlands and Shutter.