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COMICS! |OT| December 2015. Let's save the world, you and me, together. Ready?

Does anyone collect certain characters and comics in single issue form yet collect others in trade form?

I assume most of us on this thread do this. In the past I've purchased the trades of things and then caught up and switched to monthlies. I bought the first 24 or so trades of the Walking Dead and then couldn't trade wait it anymore and switched to singles. Also have the first few volumes of Atomic Robo and then a bunch of the arcs in singles. Same with Mouse Guard, Rachel Rising and others. Saga is the only thing I trade wait now. It reads really well in trade and I am used to waiting on it.

For me it's just about whether something is currently releasing or not. My comic reading priority is my monthlies. I enjoy being current with ongoing stories. But I do have some collections, especially hardcovers, that I prize. I think people who collect prized hardcovers and read monthlies digitally are doing it right. Alas, I don't let myself buy trades or hardcovers aside from a select few because I went crazy when I first got into comics (well, again) and I have so many on my shelf still unread.
Help me out, comics fans.

I've recently started buying comics again, and my daughter is really into them. She's 9. Now, her favorite character, thanks to the Spider-man cartoon, is Deadpool. I actually like Deadpool, too, but I know Deadpool more from the comics where he is both 4th wall breaking and super violent.

I'd like to get her a collected of something Deadpool related, but I'd also like to find something that is, well, not completely inappropriate. Any recommendations? I really appreciate it.

It's a bit of a stretch but you could introduce her to The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. She uses Deadpool's Guide to Super Villains cards to give her info on the baddies she faces. It's a hilarious all-ages title you'll also enjoy. I would also recommend The Sensational She-Hulk run that Byrne wrote. The series started in '89 but you can find the singles on eBay for peanuts. This was my first intro to superheroes at 12 and I effing loved it. She Hulk is also a fourth wall breaker and she's awesome, funny and more punchy, less kill-y.
It's a bit of a stretch but you could introduce her to The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. She uses Deadpool's Guide to Super Villains cards to give her info on the baddies she faces. It's a hilarious all-ages title you'll also enjoy. I would also recommend The Sensational She-Hulk run that Byrne wrote. The series started in '89 but you can find the singles on eBay for peanuts. This was my first intro to superheroes at 12 and I effing loved it. She Hulk is also a fourth wall breaker and she's awesome, funny and more punchy, less kill-y.

No one draws Shulkie quite like Byrne either. Love the way he draws her hair all big and with the S curl coming out over her forehead. He's still my favorite artist for the character.


100% digital singles for me.

Sometimes digital trades are easier (like if they collect one-shots and such in story order), and sometimes digital singles are easier (like if there is a big crossover between three books but they are collected as three separate volumes).
The great thing about reading old comics is seeing all the plot lines that went absolutely nowhere or villains people completely forgot. Then 20 years later another writer picks up on that plot line or villain.

I still want to know what the rock of finality is.


The great thing about reading old comics is seeing all the plot lines that went absolutely nowhere or villains people completely forgot. Then 20 years later another writer picks up on that plot line or villain.

I still want to know what the rock of finality is.
The best thing about superhero comics


i didn't read any comics during Raw....i played hearthstone. I'm a comics failure.

I did finish Archie vs Predator this morning though, just had those back-up single page stories to get through and look at all the variant covers. No regrets for the $3, it was quite colorfully goofy but lacked story substance. I really didn't care for how they handled the predator's involvement
cursed blade, liking Betty and (?) Veronica? It didn't feel like the scenes were thought out well
Random 6/10
A fate I would wish on no man

I'm re-reading the series from the beginning right now. I'm enjoying it. =(

I've never seen the show. Everyone seems to hate it, but it draws huge numbers.

i didn't read any comics during Raw....i played hearthstone. I'm a comics failure.

I couldn't play last night as my anti-virus flagged it as a virus and deleted the .exe. Spent HOURS trying to figure it out. Reinstalled the damn thing four times, or at least tried to.

You'd have to pay me to sit through Raw these days. It's the worst time of year, with the worst booking in years. I'll probably re-sub to the Network to watch the Usos, New Day and the Lucha Dragons kill themselves at TLC, plus NXT London next week.
The show is trash and I watch arrow weekly. Well the arrow thing is no excuse tbh.
Only room for one shitty show at a time.
I enjoyed the comics though, maybe one day I'll catch up as it just started getting interesting again around the 105th issue.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Sometimes digital trades are easier (like if they collect one-shots and such in story order), and sometimes digital singles are easier (like if there is a big crossover between three books but they are collected as three separate volumes).

Singles make it easier for me to manage the limited memory on my crappy tablet.

But I started Age of Apocalypse with singles over the summer and it is a bit of a chore to read that way. So I see your point too.

I'm re-reading the series from the beginning right now. I'm enjoying it. =(

I've never seen the show. Everyone seems to hate it, but it draws huge numbers.

The show definitely has it's moments but overall I wouldn't call it good. There is just too much filler, too many cringeworthy monologues, and the characters are just too damned stupid.

But it's fun to watch the stupid people get eaten so I keep watching.


I like the show. :/
I read the comics up until issue #50 or somewhere around there.

For the guy that was reading through the entire Marvel universe chronologically, are all (or most) of the comics available on Marvel Unlimited?
dc solicits

52 reprints into two tp's sounds nice, I was complaining about that being out of stock. Wish they'd rerelease WW3 & The Dark Age as companion books. Looks like they're releasing Rucka's Checkmate too, always heard good things about that. Also Rucka WW.

Also collecting all of New Frontier into one tp.

Find it interesting that darkseid war ends on #50 and they've said they've got something planned for when the original new 52 titles hit #50. Curious if we're getting a line renumbering.


I like the show. :/
I read the comics up until issue #50 or somewhere around there.

For the guy that was reading through the entire Marvel universe chronologically, are all (or most) of the comics available on Marvel Unlimited?

Most of them are, I started doing it after seeing that dude post. I'm at Amazing Spider-man #1 which is about 48 issues in.
Earlier this year, I remember thinking that no comic has really made me stop and laugh out loud. Then I found Squirrel Girl. And now, Damage Control. The whole issue with the Hulk at the ball game was hilarious (and Kyle Baker's art was great). But the movie issue tops it. So much fun. I am surprised that there are these funny, likable and interesting characters in the universe, and no writer seems to be using them.

The "breaking" the fourth wall gag with She-Hulk was pure genius.

What happened to that one guy that was reading through all of the Marvel universe?

Mr.Luchador's task continues, he posts his opinions after he's read a bunch.

Screaming_Gremlin is done with his reading of everything in the Ultimate universe I think.


dc solicits

52 reprints into two tp's sounds nice, I was complaining about that being out of stock. Wish they'd rerelease WW3 & The Dark Age as companion books. Looks like they're releasing Rucka's Checkmate too, always heard good things about that. Also Rucka WW.

Also collecting all of New Frontier into one tp.

Find it interesting that darkseid war ends on #50 and they've said they've got something planned for when the original new 52 titles hit #50. Curious if we're getting a line renumbering.
The New frontier was recently released on HC at 35 bucks, unless you really want it in TPB format.
Feb 2016 and Gotham Academy is still not canceled!

Though we already knew the Yearbook was going to be a 4 parter. Guess we'll know for sure what happens by March.


Anybody getting the Luis Royo WW statue? Looks amazing.


I thought the face looked like crap after an amazing prototype. I am fairly certain someone from that company apologized for the differences on their forum.



I was very excited for it :(


dc solicits

52 reprints into two tp's sounds nice, I was complaining about that being out of stock. Wish they'd rerelease WW3 & The Dark Age as companion books. Looks like they're releasing Rucka's Checkmate too, always heard good things about that. Also Rucka WW.

Also collecting all of New Frontier into one tp.

Find it interesting that darkseid war ends on #50 and they've said they've got something planned for when the original new 52 titles hit #50. Curious if we're getting a line renumbering.

Oh hey, volume 2 of Teen Titans Earth 1!


Got up thinking today was Wednesday and spent about 15 mintues refrenceing comixology and getting frustrated new books hadnt up dated. Felt like an addict needing my fix.


Marvel Zomnibus

Overall, an enjoyable read. But yeah, the common complaint of Marvel dragging the story on for too long is valid. The omnibus started off strong and then just got kinda boring.

Still, it's a nice, thick book. I'm glad I only paid $35 for it.
dc solicits

52 reprints into two tp's sounds nice, I was complaining about that being out of stock. Wish they'd rerelease WW3 & The Dark Age as companion books. Looks like they're releasing Rucka's Checkmate too, always heard good things about that. Also Rucka WW.

Also collecting all of New Frontier into one tp.

Find it interesting that darkseid war ends on #50 and they've said they've got something planned for when the original new 52 titles hit #50. Curious if we're getting a line renumbering.
52 reprint! I've been waiting for this.
"I don't believe in luck."

'"What DO you believe in?"'


Reminds me of:

I Believe in Father Christmas

I whipped up a quick ComicGAF version:

They said there's Star Wars at Christmas
They said no more Battleworld
But instead they just kept on delaying
A veil of tears for a Secret Wars dearth
I remember one Wednesday morning
A world awake and a raced-to light
And the OT filled with a new comic day smell
And their posts full of "This book is shite."

They sold me a Marvel relaunch
They sold me a third Dark Knight
And they told me solicitations
'Till I believed they'd come out on time
And I believed in based Remender
And I looked at the thread with excited eyes
'till a post from the web, he had to quit X-Men
And I saw through Marvel's disguise

I wish your fav book's still printed
I wish your statues don't chip
All the books go on sale, for the CMX whales
And free shipping, for IST
They said there'll be Star Wars at Christmas
They said there'll be pizzas together
Indies and manga, or DC or Marvel
The comics you get you deserve
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