Needs to be a holographic cover that does this
I had the whole team as a kid. Ah, memories.
Needs to be a holographic cover that does this
Mine too. Had an Action figure of her who could speak.Pink Ranger was my favorite
Pink Ranger was my favorite
Does also has to get money to pay his rent?ASM #4
Are you fucking kidding me? Really? We're going to do thisThis is such a tired fucking shtick, god damnit.rescuing aunt may bullshit again?
Part of why I'm pissed is that there's been so much progress and now the book is regressing to tired tropes like rescuing May.Does also has to get money to pay his rent?
Honestly, I just want to do someone else with Spidey at this point. High hopes in books like Spidey.
Ah, so Slott continues to build up a Goblin story? Sweet. The one thing I love on Slotts work is that he really does make a good build up for his arcs, And I am thirsty for a good new Green Goblin story, there wasnt one since Marvel Knights Spider-Man. I just hope he delievers.Part of why I'm pissed is that there's been so much progress and now the book is regressing to tired tropes like rescuing May.
I mean if he went AWOL on the mission to rescue a defenseless village from Goblins I could see that. But doing what they did just annoys me.
He looks like he's bringing back the entire sinister 6.Ah, so Slott continues to build up a Goblin story? Sweet. The one thing I love on Slotts work is that he really does make a good build up for his arcs, And I am thirsty for a good new Green Goblin story, there wasnt one since Marvel Knights Spider-Man. I just hope he delievers.
Ock, too?He looks like he's bringing back the entire sinister 6.
Octavius's mind is in Anna Maria's robot assistant. The one she called clingy. It was in ASM1 or 2.Ock, too?
They'd tank in a month.
Dark Horse Comics will publish Angel Catbird, written by Ms. Atwood and drawn by Johnnie Christmas, in the fall of 2016.
The story, which will be told over three graphic novels intended for all ages, is about a superhero that derives his powers from two animals. In a statement, Ms. Atwood explained some of how this new hero came to be: Due to some spilled genetic Super-Splicer, our hero got tangled up with both a cat and an owl; hence his fur and feathers, and his identity problems.
Agreed. While I was glad the spider marraige was destroyed, I wish May could have stayed dead.Aunt May should have stayed dead when she died in the early '00s.
Well, this is newand amazing!
Maybe. But it would be a glorious month.
Needs to be a holographic cover that does this
Any Gwenpool impressions?
same. lolPink Ranger was my favorite
Never read saga or you will be hooked foreverThe Walking Dead is getting in the way of reading more Marvel. I'm hooked and VERY LATE to the Party, I know. I find it really interesting reading them and thinking back to the TV Version of the same story arch. I can see why comic fans weren't too pleased with the TV show at the start.
Also, I'm sorry I don't engage more in other people's conversations and thoughts on comics, but my knowledge is pretty dire compared to most people in here. I'm a total comic noob, but I'm trying!
Never read saga or you will be hooked forever
Never read saga or you will be hooked forever
Never read saga or you will be hooked forever
The very first Avengers team was formed this way
actually he might be best off waiting, otherwise he will have to endure month long waits for the next issue.Only 31 of those so far though. He has/had 5x as many TWD's to catch up on.
Do love me some Saga though.
Oh, actually... I'm fairly certain I Have Vol1 of Saga upstairs..! I read Axecop instead, and forgot all about it until you've just mentioned it.
You chose...
No but seriously though Axecop is amazing.
actually he might be best off waiting, otherwise he will have to endure month long waits for the next issue.
Snyder/Capullo talk about Batman #47 spoilers (Newsarama (SPOILER ALERT, OBVIOUSLY)
Snyder also talks a bit about life after Greg. Basically, he's planning a totally different direction for the book when the new artist comes on, because he considers the book as it is now to be his and Greg's alone, and he's going to be pitching those ideas to the DC offices very soon.
Ah, so Slott continues to build up a Goblin story? Sweet. The one thing I love on Slotts work is that he really does make a good build up for his arcs, And I am thirsty for a good new Green Goblin story, there wasnt one since Marvel Knights Spider-Man. I just hope he delievers.
Secert Wars was cool, is #9 going to be double sized.The Ben and Franklin scene was heartbreaking
Star Wars Annual #1 was nice and felt like reading one of the books.Wish we would get a series about Ray when he was undercover in the Galatic Senate, more space politics.
Man that first issue of Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was pretty damn good start. Shame it's only going to be a 6 issue series.