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COMICS! |OT| December 2015. Let's save the world, you and me, together. Ready?

That's why I found it so funny. Like... Luke you've dealt with a mindcontroller and you don't trust your idol because he was mind controlled? OK
I think his plan was to "kick out" Peter and other members because of the long con he was playing against the Beyond Corporation.

Even then, Luke has weird spurts of moral righteousness. Like when Matt was fighting the lawsuit tooth and nail, and never stopped denying he was DD even though everyone knew it. He told Matt that he lost respect for him because Matt wouldn't own up to being DD. It's like "Because he has a day job that also helps people! He's not a hero for hire, Luke!"


Otto threatened the guy who gave him the doctorate, but your doctorate can be taken away if its proofed that you plagatarized.
I can see some whistleblower thingy here.

I guess. Though it seems a little lazy to reuse that thread as a means to break everything. Miguel has already warned Peter about how aggressive Liz is with Alchemax, if anything "beats" Parker Industries I think it'll be them or Sajani herself.


I guess. Though it seems a little lazy to reuse that thread as a means to break everything. Miguel has already warned Peter about how aggressive Liz is with Alchemax, if anything "beats" Parker Industries I think it'll be them or Sajani herself.

Or a reassembled Sinister Six
Solid list, I always enjoy reading your thoughts on what you're currently reading.
Love & Rockets is a series I need to read more of, I have a couple of the New Stories books from a CMX sale and have read a handful of the older comics, but I keep meaning to dive into the whole series.

I'll try and get my year end list up this weekend, I have a pretty good idea of what's going to be on it.
Thanks man (and everyone else), definitely looking forward to seeing what's on your list! I have a feeling I know some of the titles you'll include already.

Love & Rockets is really great. Jaime's story doesn't really find its groove till after the Maggie the Mechanic arc IMO but it's still entertaining enough. It improves a lot after that though. I haven't started The Palomar stuff yet but I'll probably look into it after I finish the Locas stuff.


No Scrubs
They've been hammering on something happening to the company, but after buying the Baxter Building and being one of the current main developers of SHIELD tech, I feel like they're going to take the company away from Peter rather than outright destroy it. Or maybe they'll get bought out by ALCHEMAX

It might
go back to the FF once they come back, like Peter loses it but Reed and Sue scoop it up from under everyone.

Silver Sable to the rescue!
Hey, if Rhino's alive...

That would certainly be an interesting development for Peter.


It might
go back to the FF once they come back, like Peter loses it but Reed and Sue scoop it up from under everyone.

That would certainly be an interesting development for Peter.

I never understood why Peter didn't just work for the FF.
I never understood why Peter didn't just work for the FF.

Spidey doesn't work for free like those pikers



Read the latest Starfire issue #7, from most of the story so far it seems she is fresh new to Earth but she's known Grayson? How does that work?


Just make sure reed doesn't play the stock market


More like don't let Reed get played by the stock market.

Though TBH I'm not too concerned about
losing Parker Industries.
What I don't want is a return to the prior operating setting which wore really thin with me. I feel like Spider-Man can move past the whole poor-ish superhero that worries about his aunt may dynamic. Put him in charge of a charity or let him work at Alchemax.
Read the latest Starfire issue #7, from most of the story so far it seems she is fresh new to Earth but she's known Grayson? How does that work?

I haven't read any of it, but my guess from the preview and Red Hood and the Outlaws, is that she basically spent all of her time on Earth in the Titans, and never took any time to herself. She was always being a superhero instead of being herself.
More like don't let Reed get played by the stock market.

Though TBH I'm not too concerned about
losing Parker Industries.
What I don't want is a return to the prior operating setting which wore really thin with me. I feel like Spider-Man can move past the whole poor-ish superhero that worries about his aunt may dynamic. Put him in charge of a charity or let him work at Alchemax.

Once you move a hero up in scale, it's hard to bring them back.
Other than established TV franchises, are there any Space Saga comics out there you can recommend?

Selfishly bumping this now the thread is a bit more active. So something that isn't Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar, etc. A nice big epic Space yarn akin to The Walking Dead or something.
Off on holiday starting tomorrow, will have almost no time for reading comics the rest of the year I think. So here's my top 10 list of comics I read for the first time in 2015.

(I actually hit 800 issues read this year!)

10) Damage Control (McDuffie/Colon) - Great concept that might have fallen flat after the first couple of issues, if not for the writing. Constantly inventive and gives us some hilarious moments from completely new characters playing off established Marvel Heroes (and Villains). I am constantly surprised that there isn’t an ongoing for this. Now I am also super excited for a possible TV Show now.

09) Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (North/Henderson) - Constantly hilarious. Great art. And just plain fun. I am only a few issues in but this is easily the comic that has made me laugh the most this year.

08) Unknown Soldier (Dysart/Ponticelli) - A great comic that I think dealt with a very difficult issue very delicately. At no point did it feel preachy or judgemental or presume to offer solutions from an armchair a few thousand miles away. Art, colouring and (more importantly here) the lettering were a perfect fit for what Dysart was writing. And the final issue and conclusion, which was foreshadowed well, was one of the best I've read.

07) It Was a War of the Trenches/Goddamn This War (Tardi) - Two very different views of the same shitty war, written 15 years apart. The first was a close up look at war in the trenches during WW1. Told as a series of vignettes of the war without a constant narrator. Goddamn This War also starts talking about the bigger picture a little bit and also has a narrator. Very gory, very detailed and also very hard to read.

6) Maze Agency (Barr/Hughes) - Feels like Remington Steele: The Comic and I loved it. Fun mysteries, very likable lead characters and one of the best romantic relationships I've seen in a comic. Great Adam Huhges art. The colouring was wonderful too, definitely more 2010s than the 80s period it was written in. Only small hurdle to reading it all is that it is only available in single issues.

5) Wonder Woman (Greg Rucka) - The first 2/3rds of this run was so good. Great expanded cast of characters, intricately plotted, good adversaries and I really liked Wonder Woman. The last 1/3rd got bogged down by a stupid event, or I would have had to put this higher up in my list.

4) Love & Rockets: Locas (Jaime Hernandez) - I've only dipped my feet into this series, but what I saw was enough to put it up here. A fascinating setting with very interesting characters (Titanon, Penny, Maggie, Hopey) and very very expressive art. It is a bizarre mix of magical realism and sci-fi and afternoon soap opera drama and it all blends together perfectly! Can't wait to read the rest and also the Palomar series.

3) Starman (Robinson) - This is how I like my comics. With great jumping on points, no requirements of prior knowledge and with a satisfying conclusion. While reading it, I did realise that Robinson was attempting to align and tie-up the loose ends in Starman mantle's canon but the series never gets bogged down by that. On the contrary, it gives a whole lot of depth to the world and what Jack Knight is dealing with. (And I am always up for more comics with Wesley Dodds).

2) The Mighty Thor (Simonson/Buscema) - Most reviews I read before I picked this up talked about the art but I think the writing is even stronger. This reads like an Epic in the real sense of the world. Like something out of The Odyssey or The Silmarillion. Every character and event is larger than life and the writing style fits perfectly. Though the titular Thor gets a lot of screen time, Balder might actually be my favourite character in this run. Each character gets their moment. (Skurge’s plotline might just be one of the most memorable for me in superhero stories.) Simonson juggles so many parallel plot-lines and brings them all to a very satisfying conclusion. Simonson’s art is a standout but I really liked Buscema’s work too. And then there’s the lettering and sound effects in the series. So good!

1) Usagi Yojimbo (Stan Sakai) - There are many comics that have great runs where a team has told an amazing story and moved on. But there are only two series that I have read that have been brilliant and maintained that quality for a consistent period of time. The first is Astro City (which actually had a couple of dips). The second has to be Usagi Yojimbo. I am only saying that based on the first 15 years output of the 30 years of this comic available but I don’t see my opinion changing. Brilliant art, great inking, some of the best lettering/sound effects I’ve seen. And more importantly, some of the best story telling (not just in comics). Any story you read, it feels like an immense amount of thought has been put into it’s pacing and plotting and the background the story is set in.

And the best thing, you can jump in at any issue without feeling like you missing a whole lot of backstory.

I read a lot of other great comics too this year. And there are many more that I just about started but haven't made too much headway into. They might make next year's list.

And a special award..

Biggest regret of 2015: Having bought and read Geoff Johns' Green Lanter omnibus.

Selfishly bumping this now the thread is a bit more active. So something that isn't Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar, etc. A nice big epic Space yarn akin to The Walking Dead or something.

Space Usagi!
I've only ever heard great things about it, so I'm a bit scared to even start it. I still have a never ending line of Marvel to read through and now The Walking Dead has grabbed me too. I don't want to end up spending £100 a week on comics like the rest of you.



I've only ever heard great things about it, so I'm a bit scared to even start it. I still have a never ending line of Marvel to read through and now The Walking Dead has grabbed me too. I don't want to end up spending £100 a week on comics like the rest of you.


It's a seriously quick read once it digs it's hooks in. It happens quite quickly too.
If I do have Vol 1 sitting upstairs I'll read through it, and then drop hints for the other volumes throughout the year. Please don't think any less of me for buying them in volumes! I think it's the only way I can cope, I don't know how people waited months at a time for the next issues of their favourite books.

I'm a product of Netflix culture tbh.
Really enjoying these best-of-the-year lists. Just marvellous to read. Thank you folks for your efforts putting these together.

Archie #1 by Staples and Waid is free today on Comixology. Git on it

Ok, so, due to this prompt, I finally read this. I had some big hang-ups about this relaunch because I grew up reading Archie. It was my first childhood comics obsession. I owned dozens, if not over a hundred of the little collections you grab at grocery store check outs. I was known around my neighbourhood for reading Archie as I walked to school and back every day. Anyway, you get the picture. I loved Archie.

This Waid/Saples Archie #1 made my heart swell up. I'm hurting Grinch-style right now. As modernized as it is.. It is still so Archie. I don't even.. Wow.


I've only ever heard great things about it, so I'm a bit scared to even start it. I still have a never ending line of Marvel to read through and now The Walking Dead has grabbed me too. I don't want to end up spending £100 a week on comics like the rest of you.


:) That's what CMX trade sales are for.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
So that's how they get you to spend £100 per week! It's OK, there's 6 volumes of Axe Cop, and spin offs, for me to read to pass the time!

I spend about $18-20 per week.

I have 22 active subs on CMX. But because they are all Image books no more than 18-20 are coming out in anyone month. So 4-5 a week on average. Add to that two titles that I buy weekly and I'm buying about 6 or 7 books per week.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
SAGA by Brian K Vaughn is what you want.
Saga is nothing like "Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar, etc", however. It's a soap opera that happens to rely on sci-fi and fantasy.

There really isn't much out there that fits the bill. Fear Agent might satisfy some of those of elements. I think there might be some Euro comics that have done more space opera or starship-based sci-fi, but I haven't read them.

There are some newer Image books that are focusing more on space exploration/colonization. Stuff like Faster Than Light (which I haven't read), Invisible Republic, Drifter, Roche Limit, Planetoid, Prophet.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Ok, so, due to this prompt, I finally read this. I had some big hang-ups about this relaunch because I grew up reading Archie. It was my first childhood comics obsession. I owned dozens, if not over a hundred of the little collections you grab at grocery store check outs. I was known around my neighbourhood for reading Archie as I walked to school and back every day. Anyway, you get the picture. I loved Archie.

This Waid/Saples Archie #1 made my heart swell up. I'm hurting Grinch-style right now. As modernized as it is.. It is still so Archie. I don't even.. Wow.

I felt the same way - it captured the feel of the classic series perfectly, yet still managed to create a compelling and fresh little world. Look forward to it every month.


Selfishly bumping this now the thread is a bit more active. So something that isn't Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar, etc. A nice big epic Space yarn akin to The Walking Dead or something.

Ody-C (thought I'm not a big fan), Prophet, Roche Limit, The Fuse, Transformers: MTMTE. Low, kinda (though it's set undersea rather than in space).


The Marvel relaunch has been great so far but its missing a big Juciy team book right now. One thing I like about John's Justice League and Hickman's Avengers are they feel like your reading event comics month to month. Your actually seeing universe pushed forward and everything matters. We're seeing our heroes face threats that only the Justice League and Avengers can deal with when Orms forces take out the Justice League and Cyborg has the call reseveres in it was impactful. Likewise in Avengers seeing Thanos come to earth as the team leaves to fight the builders had me at the edge of my seat. None of the ANM teams books give me that feeling that they're going to be pushing the universe. Ideally Avengers/Guaridans/FF should be the big Easy to follow books that lead into the big summer events or better yet the event is played out throught the said book.

Sorry for the Wall of text, PS All New Avengers really should be two books ANAD and Young Avengers.
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