Thanks. I think I read the first issue of Wicked & Divine several months ago and loved it. Will definitely prioritize catching up on these.
I forgot to mention Monstress. I bought the first two issues after seeing the art work.
Which books would you argue aren't top quality or worth reading? I really do want to trim it down some and just write some of the books off, so to speak. If you have any suggestions, I'd appreciate it!
Personally I didn't like/enjoy
Codename Baboushka Blah Blah Blah (passed on it didn't like the idea behind it and was turned off by the art)
Jupiter's Circle (I know this gets me shit here but I don't like Quitelys art. I do understand that on a technical level it is great and I see why people like it. But it actually does nothing for me at all)
Kaptara (so let down by this, was very excited for Zdarsky to stretch out and do something on his own. Don't find it anywhere near as engaging as howard the duck, nor is it as funny or clever. Art is fine)
ODY-C (Didn't like the art, found it confusing but I suppose this part is subjective)
Outcast (not a fan of this kind of book)
Pretty Deadly ( At times beautiful, at times too hard to follow for me. I just don't think this book is for me. I got quite fustrated trying to understand it all)
Red One (its only two issues, beautiful art but hollow story. 2 issue arc is lol)
Which Marvel Zombies SW Tie-Ins are the ones I need to read?
Just Marvel Zombines, the one that follows Elsa Bloodstone. I thought it was great fun.