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COMICS! |OT| December 2015. Let's save the world, you and me, together. Ready?


Yeah, not really any way to avoid it. Everything ties together eventually.

And the new team is... well, no two ways about it, it's not as good as the last run (one issue in), but it's still miles above Nocenti.

I'm not quite sure that Nocentis Catwoman isn't the defining run of our generation. The race of thieves is this generations Selinas big score.
Mutant trash! Human rights are for humans!
I don't see her pulling it off, even though I like the new X-Men films.

Really loved the first three issues of Paper Girls, but I can't think of a BKV book I don't love.

Chrononauts was dudebro trash. Typical Millar book in that I love the premise but the execution is a mess. Dude is the M. Night Shamalamadingdong of comics. I'm sure Hollywood is casting the movie as I type this.


I've given every new Marvel series a read and think it's a mixed bag.

Doctor Strange
The Mighty Thor
Captain Sam Wilson
Karnak (wtf happened to issue #2?)

Amazing Spider-Man
Extraordinary X-Men
Ms. Marvel
Uncanny Inhumans
Maaaaaybe Scarlet Witch
And maaaaaaaybe Nova

Kill It with Fire
Everything else but especially...
Every Avengers book, especially Uncanny
OK, I've made the decision to put reading Saga on the back burner for now, while I'm reading The Walking Dead. I don't want to spoil myself with all these potentially great stories as once, so one non-Marvel series at a time. Once TWD is done, I'll start on Saga. The bits I've read were pretty overwhelming and I did feel really naughty reading it in the same room as my wife haha


OK, I've made the decision to put reading Saga on the back burner for now, while I'm reading The Walking Dead. I don't want to spoil myself with all these potentially great stories as once, so one non-Marvel series at a time. Once TWD is done, I'll start on Saga. The bits I've read were pretty overwhelming and I did feel really naughty reading it in the same room as my wife haha

Sounds reasoning
Yeah, I just don't feel like I'd fully appreciate them otherwise.

I might start reading Roy of the Rovers, as Newcastle are still bloody awful.
I think I'm leaning that way, but it'll be interesting to see how she does on the big screen. She sounds too English in the trailer though, and basically came across as Sansa Stark still.

It's a pretty bad accent in that clip. They should have told her to stick with her British accent.

I think the film will be good though. Days of Future Past was really good and Oscar Isaac, Fassbender and McAvoy are all great.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Definitely check this out if anyone hasn't already. I read the first issue when it came out and it was really good.

I dropped it after 3 issues. The dialogue was annoying both in the way it was written and lettered. The characters were all pretty unlikable/boring. Also didn't care for the art either. Ugly color pallet.


People who are like me and buy the first volume of image trades, do you then get vol 2 if you like it or wait for Deluxe Hardcover? I'm in trade limbo at the moment because i can't decide....

Nailbiter vol 1 was $5 which i own already. Volume 2 is $7.50 at IST sale, usually 8.99 a trade i think. The Deluxe Hardcover is $17.49, so ten addition dollars for the second volume's new content in hardcover fashion, but pricing would be comparable for the next two trades vs. hardcover, though i'd have to wait a year for more story.

The digital life must be nice. For Rat Queens i had the first trade and then bought 6-10 during the last digital sale. I hate splitting a series by format like that though. I should just not buy vol 1 trades and wait for digital sales or Hardcovers but that's a lot of waiting.


People who are like me and buy the first volume of image trades, do you then get vol 2 if you like it or wait for Deluxe Hardcover? I'm in trade limbo at the moment because i can't decide....

Nailbiter vol 1 was $5 which i own already. Volume 2 is $7.50 at IST sale, usually 8.99 a trade i think. The Deluxe Hardcover is $17.49, so ten addition dollars for the second volume's new content in hardcover fashion, but pricing would be comparable for the next two trades vs. hardcover, though i'd have to wait a year for more story.

The digital life must be nice. For Rat Queens i had the first trade and then bought 6-10 during the last digital sale. I hate splitting a series by format like that though. I should just not buy vol 1 trades and wait for digital sales or Hardcovers but that's a lot of waiting.

I buy digital issues an wait for OHCs for books I think will get them. Others I buy trades. If they get them I give my trades to friends to try get them into comics.
Her first costume. It's the black tiara/headdress thing. I think she wore it for a while again after joining Cykes X-Men team and during Avengers vs. X-Men.

Also Mohawk Storm >>> everything else. Her current costume isn't bad though.
It was also a part of her X-treme/New X-men costume
So I should just read all of it? No way of trimming off any fat?
I've given every new Marvel series a read and think it's a mixed bag.

Doctor Strange
The Mighty Thor
Captain Sam Wilson
Karnak (wtf happened to issue #2?)
I have no damn clue. Does Ellis have a history of delays? Does the artist (since the name escapes me)?
Guys! Guys! I read some comics. Well, first I watched Trainwreck (On Demand) last night lololol, but then I read the first Giant Days trade. Love it. It reminds me of that old comic Nemi. Also bought the rest of the single issues on CMX.

Also working my way through New Romancer, which I like, but I seem to get distracted easily.
People who are like me and buy the first volume of image trades, do you then get vol 2 if you like it or wait for Deluxe Hardcover? I'm in trade limbo at the moment because i can't decide....

Nailbiter vol 1 was $5 which i own already. Volume 2 is $7.50 at IST sale, usually 8.99 a trade i think. The Deluxe Hardcover is $17.49, so ten addition dollars for the second volume's new content in hardcover fashion, but pricing would be comparable for the next two trades vs. hardcover, though i'd have to wait a year for more story.

The digital life must be nice. For Rat Queens i had the first trade and then bought 6-10 during the last digital sale. I hate splitting a series by format like that though. I should just not buy vol 1 trades and wait for digital sales or Hardcovers but that's a lot of waiting.

I just end up buying the trades, usually. I'd like the Rat Queens hardcover but it'll probably go out of print before I can get one.


I just end up buying the trades, usually. I'd like the Rat Queens hardcover but it'll probably go out of print before I can get one.

Can't imagine that happening with the cartoon still coming and it's a popular book.

I love Mockingbird in Amazing Spider-Man. They should give her a solo title and have Joelle Jones draw it.



Rat Queens was picked up for a cartoon near #1.


Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Tess Fowler's art seems to have alot people abandoning ship. I know it's gone from one of my most anticipated books to sort of an after thought these days.
Tess Fowler's art seems to have alot people abandoning ship. I know it's gone from one of my most anticipated books to sort of an after thought these days.

I'm still reading, though I find myself looking forward to the book a lot less now. The art seems much more suited to a serious fantasy story instead of Rat Queens. I also think the color-work is too.....brown.

I have it on good authority thought that DA Inq. is trash, but hey I still plan on playing it.

If you want to play a current gen Dragon Age game, better just go with Witcha 3.

I liked both games quite a bit, but Witcher 3 is easily a far, far better game. And this is from someone who loooooooves Bioware games. And there's still a 20-hour Witcher 3 expansion that hasn't been released yet.
I own both, but didn't really get past the tutorial in either. Really want to get around to them, maybe over Christmas. Don't own any of the DLC, though.


Tess Fowler's art seems to have alot people abandoning ship. I know it's gone from one of my most anticipated books to sort of an after thought these days.

October 14 (Roc's final issue) #8: 14,726
April 15 (Sejics final issue) #10: 14,228
September 15 (latest Tess sales) #12: 13,615

Its a small drop in physical sales, but we are talking about a 1k drop in the space of a year with two artist changes. But from what I understand Rat Queens has always sold really well digitally. I just don't think Tess's art is hurting it as much as the constant delays this book has suffered through. They have had 5 main issues and one annual by tess in a year. I really dislike that Tess is getting saddled with all of the blame for series failures. Part of the problem is the fact that the book has gotten really serious and dark in places and the sense of fun and adventure is somewhat gone. Wiebe has even admitted to this and he is trying to fix it in the next arc.
Maybe RPGs just aren't your thing?

Oh, they most certainly are. I was more able for them when I was younger though. Back then, games had to last. Now I have hundreds of the damn things. It's this generation's "500 channels and nothin' on" problem.

Other stuff got in the way for while as well. My Witcher was free, but it's a GOG copy, so I honestly forget I own it. Then, with Inquisition, I got really into it for a few hours, then I got called into work that day and forgot about it, then my Origin got hacked and they deleted my cloud saves.

October 14 (Roc's final issue) #8: 14,726
April 15 (Sejics final issue) #10: 14,228
September 15 (latest Tess sales) #12: 13,615

Its a small drop in physical sales, but we are talking about a 1k drop in the space of a year with two artist changes. But from what I understand Rat Queens has always sold really well digitally. I just don't think Tess's art is hurting it as much as the constant delays this book has suffered through. They have had 5 main issues and one annual by tess in a year.

It's definitely the delays, Tess has tons of support on the twitter machine that I've seen. They should be on about #30 or so by now really.


Oh, they most certainly are. I was more able for them when I was younger though. Back then, games had to last. Now I have hundreds of the damn things. It's this generation's "500 channels and nothin' on" problem.

Other stuff got in the way for while as well. My Witcher was free, but it's a GOG copy, so I honestly forget I own it. Then, with Inquisition, I got really into it for a few hours, then I got called into work that day and forgot about it, then my Origin got hacked and they deleted my cloud saves.

It's definitely the delays, Tess has tons of support on the twitter machine that I've seen. They should be on about #30 or so by now really.

Say what you will about tess but she hasn't missed a deadline and right now that is the best thing for this series.


I don't have a top whatever of 2015. I'm not as good as you guys picking out the stuff I liked this past year.

Plus I'm a little dizzy.
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