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COMICS! |OT| December 2015. Let's save the world, you and me, together. Ready?

Swear jar!

That's a rad avatar, too. Where is it from?

Also, Quantum Mechanix seems to be following up their previous Catwoman figure with a Wonder Woman.



Lol at Otto outing Hobgoblin, what a dick move even if hobs is a villain. I'm loving Superior, this must have been super refreshing at the time

Quite a few people were actually pretty angry at the time lol and the fans were pretty split on Otto.


Holy dick that new avatar is great.

Bombshell Harper?

Yep, I've not read her bombshell issues or anything past the first digital issue but I seen this art and had to have it.



Some say Bombshells is the perfect series for me. I love female leads and I collect the statues but I ain't about that digital series life. Must wait until March for the trade
Yep, I've not read her bombshell issues or anything past the first digital issue but I seen this art and had to have it.



Some say Bombshells is the perfect series for me. I love female leads and I collect the statues but I ain't about that digital series life. Must wait until March for the trade

It really is so good. Writing is consistently solid, and even though the art has been... inconsistent, that's been above average generally too. Batgirls arc was charming as fuck.


We Are Robin #7
Superman: American Alien #2 (really curious about this one, I know it's going to be fairly dramatically different from the first)
Martian Manhunter #7
Justice League #46
Batman: Europa #2
Batman & Robin Eternal #11
Plus whatever trades and back issues I end up picking up.

Which is generally at least a couple.
You guys are terribly friendly and informative, and... dammit.

This year has been a huge wakeup call to the world of Comics, and you've all helped a great deal. Just taking the time to read the thoughts of a total beginning delving into Marvel for the first time was enough to keep me going, and learn a lot along the way.

Now I'm on the verge of throwing myself into:

Walking Dead
Sin City

and I know I'll probably end up hunting down the Aliens collection at some point, as that's my favourite movie franchise of all time (even if it is totally messed up now). I'm hoping the comics have an interesting standalone universe that'll capture what I'm after.
hey if you want to pick up hellboy library edition 1 ive got a volume i can sell cheaper than you can get it from instocktrades. just pm me if youre interested
I liked the premise of Kaptara but maybe not everything needs a shitload of out-of-place quips


We Are Robin #7
Judge Dredd #1
Phonogram: The Immaterial Girl #5
Wicked + Divine #17
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #3
Spire #5

a new Greg Rucka Dragon Age comic also comes out and i'm not sure if i'm getting it but it looks neat. I forgot how slow DC was with trades. I liked the first issue of Parker/Foreman's JLU and planned to get it once it was collected but the trade for the first arc by Lemire is barely coming out this week. Unless they ditch the hardcovers or i pick up the single issues, I might be waiting a bit to read that one


I did too much Hearthstone related things this weekend and not enough comic reading. Saw the Warriors lose their streak, i wasn't too invested, playoffs are mostly what i'm interested in. I did manage to read a couple more comics, mainly issues 8, 9, and 10 of Rat Queens. Some guy named Sejic took over the art duties on the latter issues and they seemed lewder than usual. I enjoyed the issues but the story context seemed above what i remembered, i would have liked a little more build.


Hey, I need some help here, comic gaf.

I want to read Batman Eternal. I started it a year ago and got up to issue...17? 12? One of those. I didn't dislike it, but it kind of fell away and then piled up, making it harder to get into, until it finally finished it and I just promised myself I'd read it later.

I'm thinking of doing so now, partially because I want to read Valentine's catwoman, now that her run has concluded, and I want to know why the hell Selina is a crime boss all of a sudden. (On that note, is the new person still good or is it back to Nocenti quality?)

However, I remember there were a lot of "Hey, lets see what this utterly irrelevant character is doing before continuing the actual storyline" instances in the issues I did read. Is there an count of the essential issues that take out all the pitstops at the non-vital characters?
Radioactive Spider-Gwen #3: Eh, this book is starting to bore me. It's a lot of set-ups with no payoffs, and these set-ups have diminishing returns on how intriguing they are. Plus, the beginning was weird, but since I never read Spider-verse, I suppose I missed out on a lot of character development.

Jessica is pregnant. And she is in this book. I don't...why, again? Like, we've known for months now that this would be the case, but...why?
Sad to see a book I really liked slowly get worse.
Unnecessarily drawn own details.
I thought this article was great, its and interview with Kevin Wada on re-designing Scarlet Witch. Wada is great at making very fashionable versions of characters as seen in his con comissions. I would love him to do some re-designs of X-Men characters and have them used in the books.


Drama And Allure: Kevin Wada Talks About Redesigning The Scarlet Witch
I really liked her Uncanny Avengers designs. Would've been better without her stupid head-frame tiara. Makes her look like a person who wears a picture frame around their face. I hate those. I don't get why Marvel loves them. Wanda, Enchantress, Polaris, Storm...

Ultimate Scarlet Witch was a good design, if I recall.
Superior was like reading a train crash in slo-mo over 30 issues.
I really liked it. Though, it was pretty rough during the arc with Miguel. That was pure nonsense. Felt like filler, but it wasn't at all.
Hey, I need some help here, comic gaf.

I want to read Batman Eternal. I started it a year ago and got up to issue...17? 12? One of those. I didn't dislike it, but it kind of fell away and then piled up, making it harder to get into, until it finally finished it and I just promised myself I'd read it later.

I'm thinking of doing so now, partially because I want to read Valentine's catwoman, now that her run has concluded, and I want to know why the hell Selina is a crime boss all of a sudden. (On that note, is the new person still good or is it back to Nocenti quality?)

However, I remember there were a lot of "Hey, lets see what this utterly irrelevant character is doing before continuing the actual storyline" instances in the issues I did read. Is there an count of the essential issues that take out all the pitstops at the non-vital characters?

If you're referring to Eternal and how it bounces all over the place, it becomes relevant. The plot threads slowly but surely tie together. Slowly but surely. Then again I haven't read all of it. Only the first volume.
I read NYX because I started following X-23. Just going off it, I'm hesitant to read anything else by Joe Queseda. The writing gets worse, the more I think about it. There was also a panty shot of a high schooler in the first issue and some other stuff, so the artist is going on my list as well.

Oh, he was responsible for the infamous "One More Day."


When did Storm wear a Tiara?
Her first costume. It's the black tiara/headdress thing. I think she wore it for a while again after joining Cykes X-Men team and during Avengers vs. X-Men.

Also Mohawk Storm >>> everything else. Her current costume isn't bad though.


If you're referring to Eternal and how it bounces all over the place, it becomes relevant. The plot threads slowly but surely tie together. Slowly but surely. Then again I haven't read all of it. Only the first volume.

So I should just read all of it? No way of trimming off any fat?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
interesting, so Apocalypse Wars isnt a event or even a crossover, its a...theme? Each X-Men book will tell its own Apocalypse-themed story

Extraordinary with Apocalypse in the future, Uncanny will deal with Archangel, and All New with Evan


interesting, so Apocalypse Wars isnt a event or even a crossover, its a...theme? Each X-Men book will tell its own Apocalypse-themed story

Extraordinary with Apocalypse in the future, Uncanny will deal with Archangel, and All New with Evan

The stories are supposed to have some sort of connection, but won't be crossing over.


Harper is the best current Bat family member.

List Time
Darth Vadar Annual #1
Ms.Marvel #2
Kanan #9
Batgirl #46
Justice League #46


interesting, so Apocalypse Wars isnt a event or even a crossover, its a...theme? Each X-Men book will tell its own Apocalypse-themed story

Extraordinary with Apocalypse in the future, Uncanny will deal with Archangel, and All New with Evan
So we unnecesary raged out because #events?
Hey, I need some help here, comic gaf.

I want to read Batman Eternal. I started it a year ago and got up to issue...17? 12? One of those. I didn't dislike it, but it kind of fell away and then piled up, making it harder to get into, until it finally finished it and I just promised myself I'd read it later.

I'm thinking of doing so now, partially because I want to read Valentine's catwoman, now that her run has concluded, and I want to know why the hell Selina is a crime boss all of a sudden. (On that note, is the new person still good or is it back to Nocenti quality?)

However, I remember there were a lot of "Hey, lets see what this utterly irrelevant character is doing before continuing the actual storyline" instances in the issues I did read. Is there an count of the essential issues that take out all the pitstops at the non-vital characters?

Yeah, not really any way to avoid it. Everything ties together eventually.

And the new team is... well, no two ways about it, it's not as good as the last run (one issue in), but it's still miles above Nocenti.


I saw that. Considering it too.

I should play the DA:I expansions sometime as well.

Isn't that game trash though :V

I read NYX because I started following X-23. Just going off it, I'm hesitant to read anything else by Joe Queseda. The writing gets worse, the more I think about it. There was also a panty shot of a high schooler in the first issue and some other stuff, so the artist is going on my list as well.

Oh, he was responsible for the infamous "One More Day."

Joe Q. did a good Daredevil miniseries though. Check out X-23 by Sana Takeda.
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