I realized my problem with her art, Messi. Everything is brown! Even the reds are brown!
Then your problem is with the colorist not Tess
I realized my problem with her art, Messi. Everything is brown! Even the reds are brown!
I realized my problem with her art, Messi. Everything is brown! Even the reds are brown!
OK, I've made the decision to put reading Saga on the back burner for now..
The Spire is today's CMX freebie.....
People who are like me and buy the first volume of image trades, do you then get vol 2 if you like it or wait for Deluxe Hardcover? ..though i'd have to wait a year for more story. ..I hate splitting a series by format like that though.. I should just not buy vol 1 trades and wait for digital sales or Hardcovers but that's a lot of waiting.
If they get them I give my trades to friends to try get them into comics.
But isnt that the Azzarrelo book with the Luthor-Manufactured Superheroine?
Then your problem is with the colorist not Tess
I don't like her faces.
No, just means there is an additional problem.
I think Messi told me of another book with Lex as the main protagonist, but it was written by another team... Really cant remember the names and the title. And I always only find the Man of Steel bool from Azzarello.
But its hardly the awful art people make it out to be.
But its hardly the awful art people make it out to be.
fair enough then.
Do you plan on continuing with the series? I don't see her leaving any time soon. She seems pretty into staying if her twitter is to be believed.
Well I'm still reading so I don't hate her art THAT much. But it's just disappointing when I think about how good this book could be if Roc wasn't a woman beating dickhead.
Just awful...AWFUL I SAY
I couldn't see myself ever dropping it unless it got Ultimates 3 levels of bad.
I do agree that a change of tone to something more fun, while keeping the character drama, is for the best.
If Rat Queens was a D&D campaign, this is the point where the players have settled into their roles, but the DM has been up all night writing New Lore and cramming it in. A session or two where the players just fight monsters and play off each other in between battles is needed.
I own both, but didn't really get past the tutorial in either. Really want to get around to them, maybe over Christmas. Don't own any of the DLC, though.
the first page is alright but that second page is pretty bleh
I feel the opposite. The second page at least takes my attention off of all of the too-chubby faces.
^That art up there looks fine. It's pretty good. I haven't seen much from Tess, but it seems fine. I will say, though, I'm actually not a huge fan of Sejic art, from the stuff I've seen. I don't like the way he/she draws faces, and it just generally doesn't do much for me.
Don't hurt me, messi.
Go get a PS3 and play Yakuza 5 instead, it's GOTY material
Now that's how you cheer your date in a karaoke~
Those kinky erotic books have real everyday advicessad to have to put you on the ignore list but it needs to be done.
sad to have to put you on the ignore list but it needs to be done.
Another one bites the dustI am leaving this community
Also what's up with those speech bubble tails am I right?
But isnt that the Azzarrelo book with the Luthor-Manufactured Superheroine?
^That art up there looks fine. It's pretty good. I haven't seen much from Tess, but it seems fine. I will say, though, I'm actually not a huge fan of Sejic art, from the stuff I've seen. I don't like the way he/she draws faces, and it just generally doesn't do much for me.
Don't hurt me, messi.
Just awful...AWFUL I SAY
Love it, especially when he uses them to indicate emotions like having hearts or skulls in them.
I think that looks okay, is that Fowler? I'm not up to date on Rat Queens, I need to catch up.
I think Sejic is okay but he's not one of my favorites. I think his linework is too messy.
Usagi Yojimbo did it first.
Does that make it lesser?
Love it, especially when he uses them to indicate emotions like having hearts or skulls in them.
Not really. Just derivative.
Not really. Just derivative.
Just awful...AWFUL I SAY
A lot of derivative art out there in that case...
I don't think I even know anyone who owns one.
That game doesn't look appealing at all.
Wait, this is what y'all have been kvetching about?
Rat Queens fans are a selective bunch.
Everything is derivative, it's just a question of what a creator does with it.
Yes, Tess is fine. Not spectacular but not the dreadful artist some seem intent on making her out to be. I'm not even talking about here right now.
Messi, no one likes taking a step back in art quality. If you go from an Upchurch to a Sejic to a Fowler, it's a case of which-of-these-things-is-not-like-the-other. It's nothing personal, I just don't like her style and feel it doesn't suit the book as well as the other two.
Speaking of Tess Fowler, I loved this drawing she did.
Has Zombine left us, too?
Has Zombine left us, too?
Yes, Tess is fine. Not spectacular but not the dreadful artist some seem intent on making her out to be. I'm not even talking about here right now.
I feel like you people defending her art are proving our point for us. So far we have...
"It's fine"
"It's okay"
"It's not awful"
"It's not dreadful"
That is some high praise for what was once one of the best looking books on the market.
I am not going to call her a fantastic artist. I just don't like the attitude that she is the reason the book is not great right now. Wiebe is writing a dull ass story right now.