Brian Fellows
Pete Carroll Owns Me
Zombone only stops in from time-to-time these days.
Too bad since he's the only other person in these threads that reads Manifest Destiny.
Zombone only stops in from time-to-time these days.
I can't disagree with that. This whole Wizard College story line is not doing a whole lot for me either.
Too bad since he's the only other person in these threads that reads Manifest Destiny.
He lost interest in the day to day posting here. I dont blame him sometimes tbh. Plus the google chat has taken away some of the off topic chat. People are welcome to join if they like btw. I am sorry but Grandharrier posts in there. Can't all be winners.
Too bad since he's the only other person in these threads that reads Manifest Destiny.
Too bad since he's the only other person in these threads that reads Manifest Destiny.
plenty of people on twitter ect more than happy to shit on Tess.
Speaking of Tess Fowler, I loved this drawing she did.
How is that surprising based on what you know of the internet Comics collective? There may be an opinion floating around that she got the gig as a pity-job-offer because of the Brian Wood thing.
What are you talking about?
What are you talking about?
I thought it was pretty self-explanatory. And it was purely speculation.
I know about this...I just wanted to know where the pity job stuff came from.
I honestly can't figure out Hawkeye right now.So I'm not sure what she was hoping to happen at that point? Was Clint supposed to raise them in his apartment?Kate wanted to rescue the kids from Hydra, so she and Clint did... but she refused to turn them over to SHIELD.
I know about this...I just wanted to know where the pity job stuff came from.
What did he do?Because I know how people think, Messi. I know. Even Brian Wood still has his defenders.
I've really come to love street-level heroic comics like Chuck Dixon's Nightwing and Matt Fraction's Hakweye. The first Harley Quinn N52 trade I have is kinda like that too. Just has a cool feel to it with them trying to juggle their personal lives with gangs and villains. What are some other great ones?
I've really come to love street-level heroic comics like Chuck Dixon's Nightwing and Matt Fraction's Hakweye. The first Harley Quinn N52 trade I have is kinda like that too. Just has a cool feel to it with them trying to juggle their personal lives with gangs and villains. What are some other great ones?
Daredevil by Miller, Bendis, or Waid are top tier street-level heroes
If you like Harley you should also enjoy Starfire.
Daredevil by Miller, Bendis, or Waid are top tier street-level heroes
Had no idea Starfire was street-level stuff, but I hadn't looked into it at all. That's cool. I'll check out the first trade when it releases.
Added Bendis Ultimate Collection Vol. 1 to my IST wishlist. Thanks! I figured DD would be good, but I didn't really know what to look into.
Its Starfire in a fish out of water situation trying to fit in and build a life while also being a hero.
Its Starfire in a fish out of water situation trying to fit in and build a life while also being a hero.
Daredevil by Miller, Bendis, or Waid are top tier street-level heroes
Like an army of little Hawkeyes
This must be wrong but on Amazon UK...Thor God of Thunder Vol 1 (seems to be oversized) is about 272 pages for £20 and apparently only includes 1-5...yet Vol 2 is same price, 320 pages and includes issues 12-25....
I'm guessing it's a product detail error on Amazon's part since the God Butcher stuff is listed separately but hmmm...
The product description is wrong and says it refers to an out of print version of the book. The rest checks out as the ohc version.
Oh man
I don't like her faces.
She seems to be getting better as she gets more comfortable too.
Well I'm still reading so I don't hate her art THAT much.
Just awful...AWFUL I SAY
^That art up there looks fine. It's pretty good. I haven't seen much from Tess, but it seems fine. I will say, though, I'm actually not a huge fan of Sejic art, from the stuff I've seen. I don't like the way he/she draws faces, and it just generally doesn't do much for me.
Dislike everything I've seen of Sejic's art also I'm afraid. The sketchy line work, the same face, the coloring, the bad background work. There's also something really uncanny valley about the faces when they try to show emotion too.
Messi, no one likes taking a step back in art quality. If you go from an Upchurch to a Sejic to a Fowler, it's a case of which-of-these-things-is-not-like-the-other. It's nothing personal, I just don't like her style and feel it doesn't suit the book as well as the other two.
sorry if old but first month of MU is free until the end of december when you use the code FORCE at checkout
Im too lazy to cancel my sub and resub using this, but if youve been on the fence or if you canceled yours but want to read some stuff, here's your chance
I just started reading AXIS and this is hilarious in a its-so-bad-its-good way.
just keep going.
It'll get to the so-bad-it's-trash phase really soon.
I have no damn clue. Does Ellis have a history of delays? Does the artist (since the name escapes me)?
I believe he's more known for dropping books after the first six issue arc.
This is I think my first post in the Comics OT, so be gentle.
I just watched Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox and the 'what if' scenario definitely piqued my interest. (Why the hell is it so violent though? Jesus.) So I go to wiki and imagine my surprise that the comic book series it's based on is what triggered The New 52. Woah. I liked Ultimate Marvel's take on an alternate universe, but this takes it to a whole another level.
Question is, where do I begin? I see there's a Main Series, but it's only five issues long, so it's either super short or it doesn't cover everything in the film. What I would like is a collected edition that covers the story arc chronologically, but apparently they wrote tie-in miniseries that help develop the alternate world's characters and their history, possibly before the Flash 'woke up' in the alternate reality. That's disappointing if true. I love how for example Superman isn't Clark Kent, but just Kal-El. I love how Wonder Woman is the villain. I love how Shazam is comprised of a bunch of kids. I even love their take on Batman.I love how there's so much wanton destruction and killing. I don't really want to follow their stories before the whole thing escalates if you know what I mean. World-building is fine, but there is a line when it comes to exposition. With that in mind, are the tie-in miniseries and one-shots worth reading? If so, which ones?(Martha Wayne becoming the Joker is total bullshit though.
Additionally, how is Final Crisis? What about Justice?
This is I think my first post in the Comics OT, so be gentle.
I just watched Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox and the 'what if' scenario definitely piqued my interest. (Why the hell is it so violent though? Jesus.) So I go to wiki and imagine my surprise that the comic book series it's based on is what triggered The New 52. Woah. I liked Ultimate Marvel's take on an alternate universe, but this takes it to a whole another level.
Question is, where do I begin? I see there's a Main Series, but it's only five issues long, so it's either super short or it doesn't cover everything in the film. What I would like is a collected edition that covers the story arc chronologically, but apparently they wrote tie-in miniseries that help develop the alternate world's characters and their history, possibly before the Flash 'woke up' in the alternate reality. That's disappointing if true. I love how for example Superman isn't Clark Kent, but just Kal-El. I love how Wonder Woman is the villain. I love how Shazam is comprised of a bunch of kids. I even love their take on Batman.I love how there's so much wanton destruction and killing. I don't really want to follow their stories before the whole thing escalates if you know what I mean. World-building is fine, but there is a line when it comes to exposition. With that in mind, are the tie-in miniseries and one-shots worth reading? If so, which ones?(Martha Wayne becoming the Joker is total bullshit though.
Additionally, how is Final Crisis? What about Justice?
Flashpoint was a cool movie