Violence was definitley unexpected but it was also a good change, and presumably it was to reflect the 'harshness' of the Flashpoint world. Good movie, good event.
What's up with DC's continuity?
Is Justice League set before current events in Batman etc?
Was Tony's inversion eventually reversed or did Secret Wars retcon that?
What if all Image books are in the one universe?
What's up with DC's continuity?
Is Justice League set before current events in Batman etc?
That explains why he was being a shitlord. I wonder what Steve's excuse is.It was not, he was still inverted when him and Steve were beating each other senseless while the world exploded around them. But of all the excuses to retcon something, I guess Secret Wars is up there as least offense. I mean technically they have care blanche to retcon anything after SW.
I'm not sure how I feel about Sansa Stark being Jean Grey in the New X-Men movie.
Her voice is too husky. Doesn't sound like Jean to me.
Has Stegman improved on Uncanny after that awful first issue? It's breaking my brain how good he is every time he's on Superior compared to that first Uncanny Avengers issue.
Also, side note, but Venom (as in Flash) was actually a long series at 42 issues. I stopped at #6 because it was a Spider Island crossover but I need to get bak to it, I liked the first 5 issues (and I don't plan on reading spider island anyway)
Thanks! I'll be sure to check out the Batman series. He seems to be the most interesting, fleshed out character of the bunch.Welcome to comics-gaf posting life. The best tie-in to Flashpoint i read was the Batman series which is collected in the Flashpoint World of Flashpoint Batman tpb along with two other bat-related tie-ins. The superman series collected in the superman world tp was okayyyyy, but mainly the only one i remember feeling like it was worth the money was Azzarello's Batman.
Final Crisis was great but Morrison-weird.
Wow, that link will be super handy. Thanks! To be honest, I'm attracted to Justice because of Alex Ross' amazing artwork, so I'm definitely going to give it a read. I think I read Kingdom Come before, but it's so hazy I have to read it again. Thanks, man, for the suggestions.If I remember correctly, the only thing the movie touches on that isn't in the main series is the Hal Jordan stuff. There are also a handful of differences with the characters between the comic and the movie (ie Captain Atom isn't in the comic at all) as well as some plot pointso being different.
The Batman tie in is probably the best, but I also enjoyed the Secret Seven, the Outsider, and the Green Lantern miniseries plus the Grodd and Reverse Flash one shots. Here's a reading order for both the trades and single issues -
Final Crisis is one of my favorite events ever, but without a deep understanding of the DC Universe I'm not sure how much you would get out of it. If you're looking for alt reality type stories check out Justice and Kingdom Come. Starting next year DC is also going to be publishing trades of the old Elseworlds stories, which may be up your alley as well.
He's gotten a bit better than the first issue but nowhere near Superior. Its quite a letdown.
Has Stegman improved on Uncanny after that awful first issue? It's breaking my brain how good he is every time he's on Superior compared to that first Uncanny Avengers issue.
Also, side note, but Venom (as in Flash) was actually a long series at 42 issues. I stopped at #6 because it was a Spider Island crossover but I need to get bak to it, I liked the first 5 issues (and I don't plan on reading spider island anyway)
One good comic that I'm sure that people would enjoy here is called Birthright. Imagine a father stopping at a park with his kid playing ball, then the kid vanishes as he's talking on the phone with his wife. People try to find the kid and of course the father is accused of killing the kid. It destroys the family, he becomes a drunk who is still accused of having done the deed but there is no proof, his ex wife thinks he did it. The one other son still around has to deal with all this. Then one day, hey something happened, there's this strange man the cops have found that might have something to do with it all, he has the sons back pack and other items on him.
The man is the son. It's only been a year but he's got a beard and is tough as hell, what's more he tells the investigators he got trapped in another land, one where he was the chosen hero prophesied to save the world and now he's back because he wanted to see his family. But is it the full truth?
Its good stuff and vaguely reminds me of Saga in another way. If that's sci fi this one is fantasy based, only without all the nudity and sex.
That explains why he was being a shitlord. I wonder what Steve's excuse is.
What the fuck? Maybe he was also body switched by a villain :3
Yoooo this art by Giuseppe Camuncoli is dope
Yoooo this art by Giuseppe Camuncoli is dope
Nice avatar
Oh fuck he's on Amazing?
Also lol at Otto just fucking clocking Black Cat in the mouth, no chit chat, no zinger, just wam.
Oh fuck he's on Amazing?
Also lol at Otto just fucking clocking Black Cat in the mouth, no chit chat, no zinger, just wam.
He's not on 7 - 9 at least.
Interesting that she technically works for Parker Industries. In SilkIf so, he seems like he's got a surprising grasp on what's going on.Cindy is a double agent, spying on Black cat for her. This technically means Cindy is Peter's spy right?
Mockingbird works for SHIELD so Silk would be their spy in that case.
That's not very superior Otto :3
Yet...totally adorable.
I read Silk #1. That was fun. Nice to see more Mockingbird, like that she is more active in books since agents of shield. Art was lovely as usual.
Yet...totally adorable.
I read Silk #1. That was fun. Nice to see more Mockingbird, like that she is more active in books since agents of shield. Art was lovely as usual.
Now do you see, Messi? We weren't lying to you.