I find it hilarious that 80% of Marvel's Inhumans trades are out of print, despite their Inhumans push.
Goddamnit Marvel.
Streetlevel is the best superhero setting
Dat cosmic is up there tho.
I believe he's more known for dropping books after the first six issue arc.
I'm aware, I'm just trying to figure out what the delay might be.
This is I think my first post in the Comics OT, so be gentle.
I just watched Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox and the 'what if' scenario definitely piqued my interest. (Why the hell is it so violent though? Jesus.) So I go to wiki and imagine my surprise that the comic book series it's based on is what triggered The New 52. Woah. I liked Ultimate Marvel's take on an alternate universe, but this takes it to a whole another level.
I've found DC's stuff to be much darker than Marvel's stuff on a regular basis. I always think it's hilarious when someone claims that Marvel's "a lot darker because Wolverine and other heroes willing to kill" and those motherfuckers haven't touched--TOUCHED--stuff like Suicide Squad, Secret Six, Doom Patrol, any of the Bat family stuff, or any of the supernatural stuff.
I'm not gonna lie, I love it every time someone says "I hate time travel" when involved in a time travel story. Sure it's a cheap way of waving some problem away since its usually used to NOT explain a paradox or something, but it cracks me up every time.
Time travel is always a three way crapshoot to me: either it's a completely ill-conceived means of advancing plot that ends up causing a massive clusterfuck more than anything; a really interesting story that actually advances the current one in a meaningful way; or a big ol' nothing.
I don't hate it, but I become far more cautious and wary when it's utilized.
Oh fuck he's on Amazing?
Also lol at Otto just fucking clocking Black Cat in the mouth, no chit chat, no zinger, just wam.
The beginning of the Black Cat Empire.
The fire rises.
Man, Remender's X-Force is amazing. Sad how Fantomex gives the team everything and they still give him shit.
Let me fix that:
Man, Remender's X-Force is amazing. Sad how Deadpool gives the team everything and they still give him shit.
Fantomex is a piece of shit whose every motive for his actions is to get bone deep in Betsy, despite his protests. Yes, he does things that could be conceived as good, ultimately, but in the most scummy and shady way possible.
Wade is literally just trying to be a superhero the only way he knows how, and everyone fucking hates him for it (save for Warren and later on, Logan). This book is one of the only times I've managed to genuinely like Wade as a character, and the moments he has in it are beautiful.
Dat silence as Goblin realises it's Peter lol
Absolutely loved Superior Spider-Man, even if the explanation of how Peter regains control is flimsy at best. Like, it's a good moment for Otto but it means they never actually switched, so how could dying Otto talk as Peter. Even worse, Peter proves to Carly he's himself by saying she shot at him in Otto's body but how could he know that if he was in his own body the whole time just dorment?
I know it's "comic books" but little things like that drive me nuts. Still loved it tho, Otto was a blast.
Dude the end of Superior had me giving in to some ferocious emotions.
I'd be okay with it, but I've already stated my piece on him.
Huh. That's pretty interesting.
Man, I'd love to see a Fraction Nightwing run, though.
I'd be interested, but that's more on me loving Dick more than Fraction.