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COMICS! |OT| December 2015. Let's save the world, you and me, together. Ready?


Thanks! I'll be sure to check out the Batman series. He seems to be the most interesting, fleshed out character of the bunch.

Wow, that link will be super handy. Thanks! To be honest, I'm attracted to Justice because of Alex Ross' amazing artwork, so I'm definitely going to give it a read. I think I read Kingdom Come before, but it's so hazy I have to read it again. Thanks, man, for the suggestions.

Justice is one of my favorite books ever. I dare to say it's even better than regular Alex Ross art like Kingdom Come and Marvels, since it's technically drawn by Doug Braitwaithe and painted by Alex Ross.



I'm not gonna lie, I love it every time someone says "I hate time travel" when involved in a time travel story. Sure it's a cheap way of waving some problem away since its usually used to NOT explain a paradox or something, but it cracks me up every time.

Worth a drinking game.
Al Ewing and Alan Davis comics (a.k.a Ultron Forever + Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders)

Lose #7 by Michael DeForge - DeForge’s control over his line is as impeccable his control over his tone, as seen when the longest story here – "Movie Star" – makes the turn from the serious into the surreal without losing a beat. There’s transformation here, as we’ve come to expect, but not necessarily a physical one.

Pope Hats #4 by Ethan Rilly - My favourite story here is a 4-pager called “Stained Glass,” a mediation on perfectionism in art and its role in self-sabotage, but the whole comic is a genuine accomplishment. A cast of loners and lonely people surrounded by people they’ve pushed away, but never celebratory in its depiction of them.

Justice League #41-46

The Humans #3-10 by Keenan Marshall Keller and Tom Seely

All Star Section Eight #1-6 by John McCrea and Garth Ennis

Tokyo Ghost #1-3 Rick Remender and Sean Murphy - Despite my adoration of Uncanny Avengers and Deadly Class last year, I find myself conflicted about Remender’s Image sci-fi work. The broadness of his writing works for superheroics and teenage angst, but fares less well out the mouths of what are supposed to be adults. Very little of the social satire stuff in Tokyo Ghost works for me. Meanwhile, Debbie and Led’s relationship is fairly engaging even though Debbie’s attachment to Led given how he is in the first two issues is pretty odd. The third issue is the best because it shows you why they're together, but I’m still fairly mixed about it as a whole so far, even with Murphy bringing the business.

The Fade Out #4-11 Sean Phillips and Ed Brubaker

Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1 by Many Hands - Depressing on every level. Frank Miller is special within the history of mainstream comics in that he achieved critical and financial success early enough that he had the freedom to choose his projects. There’s very little in his body of work that you could point out as fluff – there’s no Ditko drawing Micronauts or Moore writing Violator in there for example – and even his failures are worth reading because they’re clearly and recognizably him. Both Dark Knight books, whatever you think of them, work because it’s a single writer and artist (with ample help from Klaus Janson and Lynn Varley) pursuing a unified aesthetic vision. With Dark Knight III: The Master Race, you have no trace of Frank Miller: one of the greatest cartoonists of all time nor Frank Miller: one of the greatest collaborators of all time. You have Brian Azzarello and Andy Kubert turning the Dark fucking Knight into an 8-issue event comic complete with tie-ins. It’s boring and I’d rather read Holy Terror 2: Elektraboogaloo than what can only hope to amount to a competent Batman comic at its best.


I was particularly excited to see DeForge and Rilly on your list. nothjng gets under my skin like DeForge. I really liked the Pope Hats issues I've read. I look forward to catching up on both these cartoonists recent works.

I don't really like Remender. His track record sounds to be hit or miss, judging by posts on this thread.

See, DC: this is why we can't have nice things. Money grabs like this one make you, and our industry as a whole, look bad.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.

Dat silence as Goblin realises it's Peter lol

Absolutely loved Superior Spider-Man, even if the explanation of how Peter regains control is flimsy at best. Like, it's a good moment for Otto but it means they never actually switched, so how could dying Otto talk as Peter. Even worse, Peter proves to Carly he's himself by saying she shot at him in Otto's body but how could he know that if he was in his own body the whole time just dorment?

I know it's "comic books" but little things like that drive me nuts. Still loved it tho, Otto was a blast.


Why has Remender [basically] not done anything with DC? I assume there's probably a reason for it since he's done plenty of Marvel stuff.



I was particularly excited to see DeForge and Rilly on your list. nothjng gets under my skin like DeForge. I really liked the Pope Hats issues I've read. I look forward to catching up on both these cartoonists recent works.

I don't really like Remender. His track record sounds to be hit or miss, judging by posts on this thread.

See, DC: this is why we can't have nice things. Money grabs like this one make you, and our industry as a whole, look bad.

Yeah, this Pope Hats is a departure from the ongoing storyline but it's really good (also ps i'm annoyed at how hard it is to find the first two issues of it). Reading the yearly Lose issues as an isolated thing is so much better than consuming the collection in a day or two.

re: Remender, I have a real love for a lot of his stuff.... people are probably tired of hearing it but there's a year and half period where Uncanny Avengers was my favourite ongoing by far. There's parts of Uncanny X-Force that are the best X-Men comics since Riot at Xavier's. The first 10 issues of Cap are great and propulsive action comics. Deadly Class really is that good.

But yeah, I've had real problems with Black Science('s first issue) and Low('s first two issues). I'm going to stick with Tokyo Ghost for now, but it's with some caution

Why has Remender [basically] not done anything with DC? I assume there's probably a reason for it since he's done plenty of Marvel stuff.

He has done some stuff. DC could've had him but they didn't want him.

Besides him though, a lot of Marvel's exclusive haven't done stuff with DC. Bends, Fraction, Hickman, and Gillen all being ones. DC could've had Jason Aaron too (he wrote a single one-shot and 60 issues of Scalped) but they didn't bite for some reason


He has done some stuff. DC could've had him but they didn't want him.

Besides him though, a lot of Marvel's exclusive haven't done stuff with DC. Bends, Fraction, Hickman, and Gillen all being ones. DC could've had Jason Aaron too (he wrote a single one-shot and 60 issues of Scalped) but they didn't bite for some reason

Huh. That's pretty interesting.

Man, I'd love to see a Fraction Nightwing run, though.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Really enjoyed Yost / Stegman (stegman again!) Scarlet Spider #1, even if Kaine needs to work on his hero moves, this isn't how you save old ladies Kaine

Goin on a Spidey bender lately

Edit: Really liking Stegman's art in this. From #3



Really enjoyed Yost / Stegman (stegman again!) Scarlet Spider #1, even if Kaine needs to work on his hero moves, this isn't how you save old ladies Kaine

Goin on a Spidey bender lately

Edit: Really liking Stegman's art in this. From #3
Kaine as Scarlet Spider is a god damn treasure.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Kaine as Scarlet Spider is a god damn treasure.

I'm really digging it, super fun so far, and great art

I still can't believe Stegman's art is so bad in Uncanny Avengers compared to his previous work.

You have no idea how much this is bugging me (no pun intended), especially since I happen to be catching a lot of his previous art lately :/
A lot of what I liked last year is still good (Transformers vs. GI Joe, Deadly Class, Stray Bullets) or I fell behind on (Sothern Bastards, WicDiv, Ms. Marvel) so I won’t go over those. Here are 6ish comics I liked, 2 I’m ambivalent about, and 1 I hated so it's not so much a top whatever so much as a year in review of comics that made me Think about things. A lot of it skews recent (i.e. the last 6 months), but that's the nature of these things sometimes
Great write-up man. Wish Lose and Pope Hats were available digitally so it would be easier for me to check them out since you've got me curious in them. I remember you (and Serp I think?) talking about The Humans so I'll have to try that out too as I've heard good things about it.
Really enjoyed Yost / Stegman (stegman again!) Scarlet Spider #1, even if Kaine needs to work on his hero moves, this isn't how you save old ladies Kaine

Goin on a Spidey bender lately

Edit: Really liking Stegman's art in this. From #3
Scarlet Spider's awesome. Unfortunately, Stegman doesn't stay on permanently so the art goes to shit for a bit, but the writing is great. It's impossible not to love Kaine and Aracely.

After finishing it, I'd recommend New Warriors by Yost as it's a followup to the series. Unfortunately, it was cancelled so the ending is incredibly rushed but it was fun enough while it lasted. The biggest problem with it was that it just took too long to get going. Still, worth it for Kaine and Aracely!
The Fade Out #4-11 Sean Phillips and Ed Brubaker - I’m super into Karina Longworth’s Hollywood podcast at the moment and have also caught up with The Fade Out in large part because of that. And The Fade Out is basically that, really – sleazy studio bosses, “fixers,” closeted male stars, people losing their souls trying to make it in the big time, etc…the real people that the fictional characters are based on are obvious. I like the comic, but there’s a way in which the fiction is weirdly less interesting than the reality here.
i have the first volume of this and the first issue in that super cool magazine format. that #1 was good but I think getting into stuff like that podcast has made actually reading the collection less of a priority, because shit, the real stories are right there. Of course, Brubaker/Philips are great storytellers so i'm sure it's a fine read still
You have no idea how much this is bugging me (no pun intended), especially since I happen to be catching a lot of his previous art lately :/
Maybe it'd be better to continue reading Scarlet Spider once Pham/Baldeon/Barberi replace Stegman and then immediately follow that up by reading those issues of Stegman's Uncanny. I haven't read that book but surely it can't be worse than Khoi Pham's Scarlet Spider?


i have the first volume of this and the first issue in that super cool magazine format. that #1 was good but I think getting into stuff like that podcast has made actually reading the collection less of a priority, because shit, the real stories are right there. Of course, Brubaker/Philips are great storytellers so i'm sure it's a fine read still

yeah, definitely. There also tend to be limits to what you can do in a fiction that readers find believable but with the real stuff it's just a whole nother level of craazy

I remember you (and Serp I think?) talking about The Humans so I'll have to try that out too as I've heard good things about it.

Yeah, I dunno if serp has started it yet but thymusicman also reads it. I got into it super recently after hearing Tom Neely on the Image podcast but fair warning: there's super explicit monkey sex in this. Like, this might be the most explicit comic that's not a straight up porno ever published North America. Personally I think it's pretty funny because of how over the top it is but you've been warned!


I am reading Gotham Central volume 3, and the issues drawn by Jason Alexander (On the Freak Beat is the story) felt like a big step down from Michael Lark's, with worse facial expressions, more basic backgrounds, inconsistent character design, and a lack of great cinematic direction. I initially wasn't a huge fan of Lark's art style on this series but I really came to love it, and Alexander's issues felt like a big step down.

This volume just seems to be a lot more inconsistent in its art.
I find it hilarious that 80% of Marvel's Inhumans trades are out of print, despite their Inhumans push.

Goddamnit Marvel.
Streetlevel is the best superhero setting
Dat cosmic is up there tho.
I believe he's more known for dropping books after the first six issue arc.
I'm aware, I'm just trying to figure out what the delay might be.
This is I think my first post in the Comics OT, so be gentle.

I just watched Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox and the 'what if' scenario definitely piqued my interest. (Why the hell is it so violent though? Jesus.) So I go to wiki and imagine my surprise that the comic book series it's based on is what triggered The New 52. Woah. I liked Ultimate Marvel's take on an alternate universe, but this takes it to a whole another level.
I've found DC's stuff to be much darker than Marvel's stuff on a regular basis. I always think it's hilarious when someone claims that Marvel's "a lot darker because Wolverine and other heroes willing to kill" and those motherfuckers haven't touched--TOUCHED--stuff like Suicide Squad, Secret Six, Doom Patrol, any of the Bat family stuff, or any of the supernatural stuff.
I'm not gonna lie, I love it every time someone says "I hate time travel" when involved in a time travel story. Sure it's a cheap way of waving some problem away since its usually used to NOT explain a paradox or something, but it cracks me up every time.
Time travel is always a three way crapshoot to me: either it's a completely ill-conceived means of advancing plot that ends up causing a massive clusterfuck more than anything; a really interesting story that actually advances the current one in a meaningful way; or a big ol' nothing.

I don't hate it, but I become far more cautious and wary when it's utilized.
Oh fuck he's on Amazing?


Also lol at Otto just fucking clocking Black Cat in the mouth, no chit chat, no zinger, just wam.
The beginning of the Black Cat Empire.

The fire rises.
Man, Remender's X-Force is amazing. Sad how Fantomex gives the team everything and they still give him shit.
Let me fix that:
Man, Remender's X-Force is amazing. Sad how Deadpool gives the team everything and they still give him shit.
Fantomex is a piece of shit whose every motive for his actions is to get bone deep in Betsy, despite his protests. Yes, he does things that could be conceived as good, ultimately, but in the most scummy and shady way possible.

Wade is literally just trying to be a superhero the only way he knows how, and everyone fucking hates him for it (save for Warren and later on, Logan). This book is one of the only times I've managed to genuinely like Wade as a character, and the moments he has in it are beautiful.

Dat silence as Goblin realises it's Peter lol

Absolutely loved Superior Spider-Man, even if the explanation of how Peter regains control is flimsy at best. Like, it's a good moment for Otto but it means they never actually switched, so how could dying Otto talk as Peter. Even worse, Peter proves to Carly he's himself by saying she shot at him in Otto's body but how could he know that if he was in his own body the whole time just dorment?

I know it's "comic books" but little things like that drive me nuts. Still loved it tho, Otto was a blast.
Dude the end of Superior had me giving in to some ferocious emotions.
You want him at DC?
I'd be okay with it, but I've already stated my piece on him.
Huh. That's pretty interesting.

Man, I'd love to see a Fraction Nightwing run, though.
I'd be interested, but that's more on me loving Dick more than Fraction.


Top tip. If you merge your Comixology account with your Amazon account it`s going to set your date of birth to be the date you created your amazon account which is likely going to stop your buying age restricted titles.

I emailed them about it and they`re trying to sort it out but I suspect it`s going to need a bit of work to resolve properly. Which is a shame since I wanted to buy some sale Kodansha manga this week.
Read the first issues of Black Magick and Monstress last night. Enjoyed both. Liked the limited use of color in BM. The art in Monstress is just gorgeous though.


Why does he wear the mask!?
AFAIK, JL is just... doing its own thing, canon-wise. They did announce that post-Convergence they were going to dial back the editorial control.
Ah, because it's confusing how their all gods now, especially with all the shit going on in their books. Green Lantern as a rogue, Aquaman as a traitor, Batman as Gordon, etc



Dat silence as Goblin realises it's Peter lol

Absolutely loved Superior Spider-Man, even if the explanation of how Peter regains control is flimsy at best. Like, it's a good moment for Otto but it means they never actually switched, so how could dying Otto talk as Peter. Even worse, Peter proves to Carly he's himself by saying she shot at him in Otto's body but how could he know that if he was in his own body the whole time just dorment?

I know it's "comic books" but little things like that drive me nuts. Still loved it tho, Otto was a blast.

Did you like Anna and Ock?
Ah, because it's confusing how their all gods now, especially with all the shit going on in their books. Green Lantern as a rogue, Aquaman as a traitor, Batman as Gordon, etc
I'm glad they're doing their own thing and ignoring the rest. The thing I'm annoyed with the most while re reading Morrisons JLA run is shortly after it got going we were saddled with that bad blue superman nonsense.
What else is good?

The Thrawn Trilogy's worth a read if you've never read them. 400 or so pages for that price is good value. I quite like Dark Empire too, even though it's a bit over the top silly. The old Marvel omnibus' are charming but pretty dated.

The Star Wars is an interesting look at what the original film might have been too. It just shows how radically different it could have been if they'd gone ahead with one of the earlier drafts.

The majority aren't as good as the new Marvel comics but there's a few fun reads.


Why does he wear the mask!?
I'm glad they're doing their own thing and ignoring the rest. The thing I'm annoyed with the most while re reading Morrisons JLA run is shortly after it got going we were saddled with that bad blue superman nonsense.

You do have a point, I'm just used to being saddled by continuity

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
But yeah, I've had real problems with Black Science('s first issue) and Low('s first two issues). I'm going to stick with Tokyo Ghost for now, but it's with some caution

I think Black Science is a super interesting failure, especially because it could have taken an interesting route at one point but pretty immediately backtracked on it.

But for Low, that's a book worth looking into again. I was going to drop it after the first two issues as well because it really didn't do anything too interesting, was overly verbose (with some purple ass prose), and there wasn't to cling to in the story, character and setting-wise. But after that initial uphill, the series really starts snowballing and you're in classic Remender territory: you start caring about characters; consequences start coming down hard; and everything turns to shit with only the slightest amount of hope. Also, Toccinni's flowing art is just beautiful once it all clicks.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Really enjoyed Yost / Stegman (stegman again!) Scarlet Spider #1, even if Kaine needs to work on his hero moves, this isn't how you save old ladies Kaine

Goin on a Spidey bender lately

Edit: Really liking Stegman's art in this. From #3

I'm so sorry, dude. You're about to get Pham'd.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
lol cant cancel my MU sub. Thanks Marvel >_>

edit: 5th time it worked yay

edit: hmm I re-subbed with the FORCE code but it still says the next renewal date is december 26th. /shrug



Dat silence as Goblin realises it's Peter lol

Absolutely loved Superior Spider-Man, even if the explanation of how Peter regains control is flimsy at best. Like, it's a good moment for Otto but it means they never actually switched, so how could dying Otto talk as Peter. Even worse, Peter proves to Carly he's himself by saying she shot at him in Otto's body but how could he know that if he was in his own body the whole time just dorment?

I know it's "comic books" but little things like that drive me nuts. Still loved it tho, Otto was a blast.

Is Goblin in that story as crazy as he was in Ellis' run?
Have you read Deadly Class? Because that is his best book since Fear Agent in my opinion.

I haven't give it a proper chance, no. I read the first issue or two. I liked it, but I had to make severe cuts at the time and dropped it.

Yeah, this Pope Hats is a departure from the ongoing storyline but it's really good (also ps i'm annoyed at how hard it is to find the first two issues of it). Reading the yearly Lose issues as an isolated thing is so much better than consuming the collection in a day or two.

Yeah, I have the first and the third issue of Pope Hats. Have you read much Noah Van Sciver? He's one of my favorite indie dude. I need to grab the Blammo issue that came out this year.

As you're lower mainland based, lemme know if you ever want to do a zine/book loan exchange or read-in.


Why does he wear the mask!?
lol cant cancel my MU sub. Thanks Marvel >_>

edit: 5th time it worked yay

edit: hmm I re-subbed with the FORCE code but it still says the next renewal date is december 26th. /shrug

Whats the force code do, mate?

I love the MU reader
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