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COMICS! |OT| December 2015. Let's save the world, you and me, together. Ready?

The Thrawn Trilogy's worth a read if you've never read them. 400 or so pages for that price is good value. I quite like Dark Empire too, even though it's a bit over the top silly. The old Marvel omnibus' are charming but pretty dated.

The Star Wars is an interesting look at what the original film might have been too. It just shows how radically different it could have been if they'd gone ahead with one of the earlier drafts.

The majority aren't as good as the new Marvel comics but there's a few fun reads.

Thanks! Picked up Thrawn Trilogy. These stories are to be treated as what ifs or alternate universe stuff now?
New X-Men Ultimate Collection Vol. 2

Finished this last night. So, this collection covered 4 arcs: Weapon XII, the whole Ghosts on Genosha with Polaris (which I think was like, an issue), Riot at Xavier's, and the beginning of the Whodunnit? arc.

I really liked this volume more than the first, primarily because I felt the art was better. Overall I've really enjoyed Morrison's run, but it feels very...mechanical. Like he's setting up plots and doing a lot of stuff with this world and these characters, but there's no emotion. Unless it's from Beak, who's kind of a mess. Angel isn't helping that scenario. Regardless, I feel like there's a huge gap between then end of the previous arc where they saved Xavier from Cassandra Nova, and the beginning of Weapon XII. All of a sudden, we have the X-Corporation, and Jean mentions something about how the previous X Corps. was a disaster.

What am I missing, here? Or am I actually missing something, if anything at all?

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
picked up Monstress 1 bc x-23 was dope and takeda is brilliant

looking fwd to reading it tonight - is this a mini? is takeda doing art for all of it?


I think Black Science is a super interesting failure, especially because it could have taken an interesting route at one point but pretty immediately backtracked on it.

But for Low, that's a book worth looking into again. I was going to drop it after the first two issues as well because it really didn't do anything too interesting, was overly verbose (with some purple ass prose), and there wasn't to cling to in the story, character and setting-wise. But after that initial uphill, the series really starts snowballing and you're in classic Remender territory: you start caring about characters; consequences start coming down hard; and everything turns to shit with only the slightest amount of hope. Also, Toccinni's flowing art is just beautiful once it all clicks.

hmmm the thing about the art for me was that it worked for me at first until it didn't and I was like "oh right, I don't like this guy after all"

thanks for the write up though, I'll keep it in mind if I come across the paperback

I haven't give it a proper chance, no. I read the first issue or two. I liked it, but I had to make severe cuts at the time and dropped it.

Yeah, I have the first and the third issue of Pope Hats. Have you read much Noah Van Sciver? He's one of my favorite indie dude. I need to grab the Blammo issue that came out this year.

As you're lower mainland based, lemme know if you ever want to do a zine/book loan exchange or read-in.

I haven't read a lot of Van Sciver actually, and yeah, that sounds cool!



Fuck. My. Wallet.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
hmmm the thing about the art for me was that it worked for me at first until it didn't and I was like "oh right, I don't like this guy after all"

thanks for the write up though, I'll keep it in mind if I come across the paperback

The color palette in Low just gives me some sort of weird sick feeling. Can't stand it. Sounds like an interesting book otherwise but I can't take that art.


The color palette in Low just gives me some sort of weird sick feeling. Can't stand it. Sounds like an interesting book otherwise but I can't take that art.

the palette hides a lot of the weaknesses in his drawings, I think, and was a big reason why I was initially into the art
Think you'd like this, Messi. Steve Lieber's selling some interior art he did of Harley Quinn years ago. He posted this message with it:

Another of the 4 pages of Harley Quinn I drew in the spring of 2001. Written by Karl Kesel, penciled, inked, and hand lettered by me. It's neat to see these again. I don't think I've really looked at them since DC FedExed the originals back to me when the comic hit the stands.

As I mentioned in my notes for page 37, ( http://etsy.me/1lJ2t1f )
I drew these in Pittsburgh, where my mom was hospitalized because of a traumatic brain injury. I'd just flown across the country from Portland to help out however I could. Things were incredibly hectic. There were decisions to be made, family issues to be dealt with, forms to fill out, crucial errands, appointments with various experts.

So of course I accepted the offer to draw a 4 pager in an annual that was part of a big DC Comics crossover event. With unexpected medical and travel expenses falling on my family, I certainly needed the money, but I had a lot of other responsibilities, I was far from my studio, and I only had a crappy travel set-up to draw with. It should've been the straw that broke the camel's back. Instead it was exactly what I needed: one bright bit of goofiness and fun I could focus on without feeling guilty. This goofball material I'm burying myself in? IT'S MY JOB.

I remember feeling like I'd made this page into secret autobio. I added those odd sight gags of Harley going through all sorts of contortions and desperate gymnastics trying to bring someone back to consciousness.

Autobio aside, the gymnastics elements added big fun to what could've been a downer page of two survivors in a ruined city. I love working with athletic figures, and drawing a show-off hyperactive athlete like Harley is a huge treat.

I think it was my idea to have her pick up the circular metal rim from the rubble and turn it into a hula hoop. And I'm pretty sure I stole the idea for nervous Jimmy Olsen's multiple arm gestures from a Jaime Hernandez panel in Love and Rockets. I wasn't sure how old Jimmy was supposed to be in this story, and DC didn't have any official model sheets, so I went with an ambiguously teen look. Regardless, I was happy to get to draw Jimmy, though I just wish he was wearing the iconic green sports-coat and bow-tie instead of the futuristic space suit the story called for. I snuck in Lex Luthor too, giving a thumbs up on that sign in panel 5.

While I was inking this page, my wife Sara, who'd flown out to help with family stuff, looked over my shoulder and told me I needed to give Harley a bigger butt. "If she can do those kind of moves, she's gonna need way more funk in that trunk."

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
the palette hides a lot of the weaknesses in his drawings, I think, and was a big reason why I was initially into the art

Yeah, definitely agree there. I don't like any of his work on any other books (especially Uncanny X-Force), but by having a looser, more flowing, color heavy, almost smudged style for this book, it's easy to not fixate on specific details and to let him slide when the action is occasionally unfollowable.
I really enjoyed Low at first but fell off around #7-8. Black Science was one of my favorite series each month but it's hit a real lull, and I'm not liking where they're going with it. Maybe I'll re-read Low and pick up the issues I'm missing.

In the meantime, any recommendations of good Marvel books right now? Daredevil was the only 'superhero' comic I was reading and it's looking like I'll enjoy this new run. Picked up The Vision last week and both issues are incredible. All-New Hawkeye seems really good so far as well. Any other stuff I'm missing out on?
I really enjoyed Low at first but fell off around #7-8. Black Science was one of my favorite series each month but it's hit a real lull, and I'm not liking where they're going with it. Maybe I'll re-read Low and pick up the issues I'm missing.

In the meantime, any recommendations of good Marvel books right now? Daredevil was the only 'superhero' comic I was reading and it's looking like I'll enjoy this new run. Picked up The Vision last week and both issues are incredible. All-New Hawkeye seems really good so far as well. Any other stuff I'm missing out on?

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is great


Finished Gotham Central vol. 3. Fantastic, though I felt like the last story arc (which was amazing altogether) ended a little..abruptly? It kind of surprised me because I feel like there wasn't much closure to it.

Starting The Flash By Geoff Johns Book One. Just read the first issue and I am going to love it.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
tyrant rave you always have the best avatars

is that killer frost?

also how do i get into the google chat? i hear that's where is at these days

No, and yes.

word thanks

there was hullabaloo re: you and star wars a while back and i missed it - whatd i miss?

It's pretty awesome enjoy!

Monstress #1 is how you do new a series debut

dope! i'll likely do my classic Image move - read the first issue, disappear for 3 years and read it all when it's done


Speaking of Black Cat, she's apparently taking people, brainwashing them into drones, then sending them on suicidal missions dressed up in hero costumes? That's... hardcore evil. Like Osborn-tier.
Messi, any of the statues in the new DC solicits catxh your attention? I think the Suicide Squad Harley statue could be neat if DC ever lets us see it. But other than that, nothing I really need. I like the Bombshell Power Girl if they remove that disgusting growth from her arm.
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