Mr. Luchador
Had to Google "gwen carnage"
Lol :/
That's pretty creepy. Poor Gwen so much stuff happens to this girl.
Had to Google "gwen carnage"
Lol :/
That's pretty creepy. Poor Gwen so much stuff happens to this girl.
Hasn't the Archie company been downsizing lately though?
No. It's Bendis writing either events or team books. He doesn't do either well but keeps doing them.
Bendis is great at street level and solo books. That's his roots from his early indie days. Hell Jessica jones is practically him recreating his early character Jinx
It's not just Guardians. It's all his team books, his solo stuff is great.
Fucking why? It's so baaaaaaaaad
Also, Archie vs Predator was amazing lol
I guess maybe DC is doing something big for April? May? I dunno, it just seems like with 50th issue milestones and their biggest movie ever in theaters and everything else that's going on, they'd be doing more than... this.
What do you mean? They are doing something.... jacking up the price to $4.99 on all those #50's.
I can't find the interview but they said they were planning something for #50, which would include miss martian in a prominent role.
is Lumberjanes appropriate for a very young girl? she's just starting to read and i wanted to get her a fun, age appropriate comic
I like Ultimate Spider-Man but the book is the epitome of Bendis-speak. It gets on my nerves.
"I'm going to school."
"YOU'RE going to school?"
"Yeah-I'm going to school."
"Yeah! OK!"
*Peter looks at MJ*
*MJ Looks at Peter*
"I'm going to school."
DC is launching a digital-first Supergirl series written by Sterling Gates next month
Bengal is doing the first three issues. Lupacchino is going to do work on it too.
Didn't she just fake fight Mockingbird?Cindy's so evil, Peter has to step in to put her down.
DC is launching a digital-first Supergirl series written by Sterling Gates next month
Bengal is doing the first three issues. Lupacchino is going to do work on it too.
Which Earth One books are worth buying since they're on sale on Comixology?
Was leaning towards Batman and Teen Titans.
DC is launching a digital-first Supergirl series written by Sterling Gates next month
Bengal is doing the first three issues. Lupacchino is going to do work on it too.
Everyone here from LA alright?
Which Earth One books are worth buying since they're on sale on Comixology?
Was leaning towards Batman and Teen Titans.
Which Earth One books are worth buying since they're on sale on Comixology?
Was leaning towards Batman and Teen Titans.
DC is launching a digital-first Supergirl series written by Sterling Gates next month
Bengal is doing the first three issues. Lupacchino is going to do work on it too.
Just avoid JMS's Superman Earth-1. It's lukewarm garbage.
New CMX freebie is Swords of Sorrow #1
Think I'll pass on this one too.
I'm convinced the recent Kamala arcs are a symbolism about her sudden popularity.
I'm convinced the recent Kamala arcs are a symbolism about her sudden popularity.
Can Reed stretch his willy?
i'm at work but there are panels that imply Reed can, and there is a good reason he's been able to keep a wife like Sue satisfied despite being in the lab all day
How did we even get here?
How did we even get here?
He is like Dr. Manhatteni'm at work but there are panels that imply Reed can, and there is a good reason he's been able to keep a wife like Sue satisfied despite being in the lab all day
If sue is invisible can she pass through walls?
Yes.Can Reed stretch his willy?
Implied anyway.
Slayven Slayven SlayvenNow I'm wondering where this has been implied...
Slayven Slayven Slayven
It doenstNow we shall see of this works. Finally.
Another month of Image solicits and no Manhattan Projects.
4How many issues of the second series released before there were delays?