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COMICS! |OT| December 2015. Let's save the world, you and me, together. Ready?

We Are Robin #7 was gud. Jason/Tim tag team continues to entertain. Owls are mobilizing in a big way. Duke comprehends the gulf between his guys and the Real Deal, very curious to see where the We Are Robin crew ends up at the end of all this, especially with Bruce's return on the horizon.

I really miss Jorge Corona. Carmine Di Giandomenico is... okay, but I just really like Jorge's style. Find it much more visually appealing. Plus, it's arguably a better fit.

I would but then I'd have to drop it once Robin War starts. So I really don't see the point.

Still dumb.
Favourite event: Annihilation through Thanos Imperative. (though you may not count them as one event).

Worst: everything else I've read. With maybe Rotworld leading the pack.


In hindsight, it was stupid of the Illuminati to invite Beast over Scott. The latter played the entire damn world like a fiddle while the former was there because... He was a scientist?


just found out they rebooted judge dredd, least it looks like the same team.

edit I also got the weeks mixed for deadly class #17. So guess I am reading gotham academy.


I kind of love Charest's work even though i tend to loathe his style (stiff figures, overly rendered drawings) in most other artists

re: women artists in comics, there's two somewhat noteworthy Silver Age artists in Ramona Fradon at DC and Marie Severin at Marvel. The underground folks were pretty male-centric afaik as well, but there's also stuff like Wimmen's Comix. Other than those, there haven't been as many big ones that I know of though I admit that's probably largely my own ignorance

As far as Japan goes, Rumiko Takahashi (InuYasha, Ranma 1/2, etc) is my bet for the biggest one...she's probably the biggest in the world too

From Japan, CLAMP is another really prolific one, being a group of women (and they're actually a pretty unique entity as far as manga creators go). Plus of course all the women in Shojo/Josei stuff. This article also reminded me of Kazue Kato and Hiromu Arakawa in particular (alongside the others mentioned) as other great examples of women breaking that awkward mold of "yeah, female mangaka pretty much make stuff "for girls"", which I'd love to see broken more often (and hell, vice versa as well, get some Shojo stuff done by men too as well, because why not!)

Edit: Apparently the mangaka for Samurai Deeper Kyo/Code: Breaker is another example.
Edit: And Akira Amano of Reborn! fame. I'm learning quite a bit from this topic!
Edit: Oh right, D. Gray-man!
Edit: BTW, while I'm on the manga topic, Viz has actually been having some pretty solid digital sales for a while. Like, Yuyu Hakusho has a pretty nice bundle price right now for anyone interested, for an example. Cool to see a manga publisher get their act together on that, even if I'm not a digital guy.


I'll take "events I never ever ever ever expected to see placed on a similar tier" for 500 Alex.

Axis is legit terrible expect maybe redneck Carnage. Final Crisis is technically good but was a hard read for me the first time around and beyond the feeling of dread and the cool superman moment toward the end doesn't do anything for me. A good chuchk of it isn't the story itself but the fallout. The new Gods die but they aren't replaced with a 5th World instead all the fourth world characters are recycled cause Darksied has to Job to the JLA.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
just found out they rebooted judge dredd, least it looks like the same team.

edit I also got the weeks mixed for deadly class #17. So guess I am reading gotham academy.

To be fair so did Image. They had been advertising it as coming out today on Facebook and Twitter.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
the best is DC One Million e a s i l y

the worst is War Games

Fuck, I got like halfway through DC One Million and then put it down to read all of New X-men instead. I should probably get back to it.

The main event was good, but some of those tie-ins are tough to plow through, man.
I find lately that I really want to read a nice contained story, or at least say something like the God Butcher arc in Thor, but I never have the time to read a trade/graphic novel AND keep up with weekly issues. Anyone else run into this problem? I just purchased all of Sandman, for instance. But most of my comics reading time is devoted to whatever issues I picked up that week. If there's a big week (say 10 or so issues) I usually can't even read all the weeklies and then I fall behind until a slow week comes around. As I type this out, I'm not sure it's actually much of a problem and I think this post is just boiling down to "man, I wish I read comics more often".

So when the hell does Deadly Class come back?


I find lately that I really want to read a nice contained story, or at least say something like the God Butcher arc in Thor, but I never have the time to read a trade/graphic novel AND keep up with weekly issues. Anyone else run into this problem? I just purchased all of Sandman, for instance. But most of my comics reading time is devoted to whatever issues I picked up that week. If there's a big week (say 10 or so issues) I usually can't even read all the weeklies and then I fall behind until a slow week comes around. As I type this out, I'm not sure it's actually much of a problem and I think this post is just boiling down to "man, I wish I read comics more often".

So when the hell does Deadly Class come back?

This is the problem/curse of most comic readers. Its an embarassment of riches having great stories or books we want to try while wanting to keep up with weeklies. Its how we all have massive backlogs.

Oh and Deadly Class is next week :D


it is!

Fuck, I got like halfway through DC One Million and then put it down to read all of New X-men instead. I should probably get back to it.

The main event was good, but some of those tie-ins are tough to plow through, man.

ahh, you got the omnibus? I'm just talking about the main series, if you include every tie-in then there truly are no good events

From Japan, CLAMP is another really prolific one, being a group of women (and they're actually a pretty unique entity as far as manga creators go). Plus of course all the women in Shojo/Josei stuff. This article also reminded me of Kazue Kato and Hiromu Arakawa in particular (alongside the others mentioned) as other great examples of women breaking that awkward mold of "yeah, female mangaka pretty much make stuff "for girls"", which I'd love to see broken more often (and hell, vice versa as well, get some Shojo stuff done by men too as well, because why not!)

Edit: Apparently the mangaka for Samurai Deeper Kyo/Code: Breaker is another example.
Edit: And Akira Amano of Reborn! fame. I'm learning quite a bit from this topic!
Edit: Oh right, D. Gray-man!
Edit: BTW, while I'm on the manga topic, Viz has actually been having some pretty solid digital sales for a while. Like, Yuyu Hakusho has a pretty nice bundle price right now for anyone interested, for an example. Cool to see a manga publisher get their act together on that, even if I'm not a digital guy.

yeah, I think a big part of it is that Japan has a real sizeable female readership in a way that NA/Euro comics don't or the dominance of superheroes has killed (at least in the case of romance comics)


No Scrubs
Right, of course. He left it to like the worst person possible.

I wish he had left it to Cyke and we had him instead of Beast. He'd have been way more willing to do what needed to be done, but I suppose that would have tread on Namor's character arc.


I wish he had left it to Cyke and we had him instead of Beast. He'd have been way more willing to do what needed to be done, but I suppose that would have tread on Namor's character arc.

Probably. Wouldn't have been able to fit it in with him reconciling mutants with the human race.


I kind of love Charest's work even though i tend to loathe his style (stiff figures, overly rendered drawings) in most other artists

re: women artists in comics, there's two somewhat noteworthy Silver Age artists in Ramona Fradon at DC and Marie Severin at Marvel. The underground folks were pretty male-centric afaik as well, but there's also stuff like Wimmen's Comix. Other than those, there haven't been as many big ones that I know of though I admit that's probably largely my own ignorance

As far as Japan goes, Rumiko Takahashi (InuYasha, Ranma 1/2, etc) is my bet for the biggest one...she's probably the biggest in the world too

From Japan, CLAMP is another really prolific one, being a group of women (and they're actually a pretty unique entity as far as manga creators go). Plus of course all the women in Shojo/Josei stuff. This article also reminded me of Kazue Kato and Hiromu Arakawa in particular (alongside the others mentioned) as other great examples of women breaking that awkward mold of "yeah, female mangaka pretty much make stuff "for girls"", which I'd love to see broken more often (and hell, vice versa as well, get some Shojo stuff done by men too as well, because why not!)

Edit: Apparently the mangaka for Samurai Deeper Kyo/Code: Breaker is another example.
Edit: And Akira Amano of Reborn! fame. I'm learning quite a bit from this topic!
Edit: Oh right, D. Gray-man!
Edit: BTW, while I'm on the manga topic, Viz has actually been having some pretty solid digital sales for a while. Like, Yuyu Hakusho has a pretty nice bundle price right now for anyone interested, for an example. Cool to see a manga publisher get their act together on that, even if I'm not a digital guy.

Am I gonna have to drop some Hirohiko Araki on all you kids?






big lumberjanes-ish humble bundle going on. Are you humble? I kinda regret skipping the Sunstone humble bundle but my money was tied up when it was going on.
big lumberjanes-ish humble bundle going on. Are you humble? I kinda regret skipping the Sunstone humble bundle but my money was tied up when it was going on.

All of Irredeemable as well (but no Incorruptible, at least not yet) and a bunch of those Steed & Mrs. Peel minis I wanted to read.

I'm probably getting this.
big lumberjanes-ish humble bundle going on. Are you humble? I kinda regret skipping the Sunstone humble bundle but my money was tied up when it was going on.

All of Irredeemable as well (but no Incorruptible, at least not yet) and a bunch of those Steed & Mrs. Peel minis I wanted to read.

I'm probably getting this.

yeah this has a lot of stuff i want - Lumberjanes vol 2, Bee & Puppycat vol 2, Steed & Mrs. Peel, Bravest Warriors


I wish he had left it to Cyke and we had him instead of Beast. He'd have been way more willing to do what needed to be done, but I suppose that would have tread on Namor's character arc.
Would have made an excellent partner in crime for Namor though. Wouldn't have influenced the hate they felt for Namor, just throw out some more hate regarding Scott. Imagine that, Hickman releasing even more hate towards Scott. Ha, I'd pay money for that.

On the other hand, Beast got his moments in New Avengers as well. He told the Illuminati that "you would ask a mutant what he would do to prevent extinction?" which was on point and he got slammed by Young Beast when he told him about the Incursions.
Ha ha okay no but seriously how is Darkseid War anything but some kind of ridiculous obnoxious Crisis-tier event.

Shit is getting realer than real.

Oh, and it's also extremely gorgeous. Manapul putting in WORK.
Does Darkseid War count as an event? Seems like an overblown JL story. Then again Convergence was just an overblown Earth 2 story.
So let me see if I understand what happened in Uncanny X-Men 600.
Scott creates his own school with blackjack Frost and hookers Magneto. He recruits mutants, gives them a cause to believe in, makes everyone around him believe in him. Then eventually after Eva threatens him, he takes the opportunity to break all of the trust and likability among his students that he's built by kicking them out- so they turn to his "rival" the Jean Grey School with Storm, so now all mutants are under one roof. He manipulates their antagonism against him by making his presence known in DC through cerebro and all of the mutants show up to confront him. There he takes the opportunity to make his grand speech to show how you can have all the mutants in one place and they can stand there just being people like anyone else; and thus he fulfills Xavier's dream.

If so... that's really something.
If you read the run of Uncanny leading up to it, basically
Cyclops realized he was going to far into the radical department by trying to recruit an unstable and ridiculously powerful Omega onto his side. Eva went back in time to get Xavier to ensure that the child was never born, and put Scott in his place. Scott realized he wasn't fit to lead the school and disbanded it. One of the issues has Emma and Havok questioning him on what the revolution meant, which was that Scott needed the world to believe mutants were powerful enough to fight back if need be. That they wouldn't just lie around and take it. Apparently, Scott managed to somehow cause himself to become a focal point and unite everyone both against and with him at the same time.

Fucking ridiculous unintentional master stroke there, Scott.

Right, of course. He left it to like the worst person possible.
My guess is, if I had to take one, that Xavier felt Beast had the knowledge and skill to back everything up, whereas he wanted Scott to focus on leading the X-Men. Beast would be able to deal with high level stuff, while Scott would advance Xavier's dream of coexistence and also protect the mutants directly.

Of course, Beast is a shitbag, so that didn't pan out.
(Today, 05:28 PM)

Damn son.
But y tho?

THE INHUMANS BOOKS, oh my gawd, both are so good.

Nice to see BB is still powerful to wipe someone out with words.

I-I'm not the only one here who likes Inhumans anymore?


I'm really warming up to Uncanny Inhumans. Shit is amazing.

Black Bolt only uses a whisper to wipe out his son. Damn son indeed. Plus he leaves Johnny to do his dirty work. Like a true king. Reader got a chuckle out of me, even if it's the worlds most obvious joke.

"Wow, who got to feel Black Bolt's power?"

"Johnny Storm"

"Well can't say I didn't see that one coming"


Am I gonna have to drop some Hirohiko Araki on all you kids?

Araki is awesome, but not a woman which was at least the topic (subtopic?) the manga in those posts were discussing.

Edit: For the more general topic on awesome comic artists in general, I haven't really put enough thought into it. Allred's definitely up there, that's for sure, and Mignola. Sejic's a possibility too, but I've done him a disservice and actually only read Sunstone from his stuff so far... Though if we're including manga it's definitely Yusuke Murata for me, and I'd add Kazuhiro Fujita as well.
The earlier Inhumans book was okay but man, these new Inhuman books are good. Karnak is still the top seed. Dunno if Kamala counts.

I wouldn't count Kamala. She's an Inhuman, yeah, but I wouldn't count her as part of the Inhumans books.

Whaddya mean the previous book was okay?! It was fantastic!


Araki is awesome, but not a woman which was at least the topic (subtopic?) the manga in those posts were discussing.

Ah really? My bad then since the first thing that came to mind was Araki ^^;
If anything I'll nominate the FMA artist Hiromu Arakawa, her art is spectacular, as well as Kaoru Mori who is the artist and author of A Bride's Story

If anything I'll nominate the FMA artist Hiromu Arakawa, her art is spectacular, as well as Kaoru Mori who is the artist and author of A Bride's Story


Bride's Story is amazing. But Mori also did Emma, which is even amazinger.



Bride's Story is amazing. But Mori also did Emma, which is even amazinger.

She also did a rather....lewd manga as well, but I've had no luck finding it ;P
I much prefer Bride's story though, likely due to the setting.
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