I'm getting back into reading comics (mainly Batman and Superman titles) and I am thinking of regularly picking up these titles:
Superman: American Alien
Robin: Son of Batman
Omega Men (unrelated but read it's really good)
Besides Batman, which I read up through Zero Year before I had to stop buying comics, what's everyone's opinion on the others? Is Superman worth picking up if I start around #32?
So was book of death any good?
Maybe it's too soon to say, but, Monstress is damn close to overtaking Revival as my favorite monthly book. Everything about it is too good.
Maybe it's too soon to say, but, Monstress is damn close to overtaking Revival as my favorite monthly book. Everything about it is too good.
I kind of love Charest's work even though i tend to loathe his style (stiff figures, overly rendered drawings) in most other artists
re: women artists in comics, there's two somewhat noteworthy Silver Age artists in Ramona Fradon at DC and Marie Severin at Marvel. The underground folks were pretty male-centric afaik as well, but there's also stuff like Wimmen's Comix. Other than those, there haven't been as many big ones that I know of though I admit that's probably largely my own ignorance
As far as Japan goes, Rumiko Takahashi (InuYasha, Ranma 1/2, etc) is my bet for the biggest one...she's probably the biggest in the world too
Thanks for that link. I havent gotten into a lot of manga by women for a couple reasons. Some of it is my knowledge of it is pretty limited. Kind of hard for me to parse what I will like even if Im not even in the target demographic. I grew up reading some CLAMP stuff. Mostly X/1999 and Magic Knight Rayearth. I also tried getting into the OG Sailor Moon manga but got just a bit into it before realizing it wasnt all that good or maybe just not for me.From Japan, CLAMP is another really prolific one, being a group of women (and they're actually a pretty unique entity as far as manga creators go). Plus of course all the women in Shojo/Josei stuff. This article also reminded me of Kazue Kato and Hiromu Arakawa in particular (alongside the others mentioned) as other great examples of women breaking that awkward mold of "yeah, female mangaka pretty much make stuff "for girls"", which I'd love to see broken more often (and hell, vice versa as well, get some Shojo stuff done by men too as well, because why not!)
Edit: Apparently the mangaka for Samurai Deeper Kyo/Code: Breaker is another example.
Edit: And Akira Amano of Reborn! fame. I'm learning quite a bit from this topic!
Edit: Oh right, D. Gray-man!
Edit: BTW, while I'm on the manga topic, Viz has actually been having some pretty solid digital sales for a while. Like, Yuyu Hakusho has a pretty nice bundle price right now for anyone interested, for an example. Cool to see a manga publisher get their act together on that, even if I'm not a digital guy.
I dont even bother with monthly releases outside of MU. If theres a new series that sounds pretty interesting Ill buy the first issue and make my choice whether Ill buy the trade when it comes out. For example: Ill be buying the Monstress tpb when it comes out b/c the first issue was superb.I find lately that I really want to read a nice contained story, or at least say something like the God Butcher arc in Thor, but I never have the time to read a trade/graphic novel AND keep up with weekly issues. Anyone else run into this problem? I just purchased all of Sandman, for instance. But most of my comics reading time is devoted to whatever issues I picked up that week. If there's a big week (say 10 or so issues) I usually can't even read all the weeklies and then I fall behind until a slow week comes around. As I type this out, I'm not sure it's actually much of a problem and I think this post is just boiling down to "man, I wish I read comics more often".
So when the hell does Deadly Class come back?
I think it would be pretty interesting to ask women in the western comics industry to name other women who likely would have stayed in comics if they had felt welcome to participate in it. Janelle Asselin talked about how many talented people she knew who gave up on the comics industry and it had me wondering if there was some way to estimate the possible talent loss.yeah, I think a big part of it is that Japan has a real sizeable female readership in a way that NA/Euro comics don't or the dominance of superheroes has killed (at least in the case of romance comics)
Am I gonna have to drop some Hirohiko Araki on all you kids?
Moura is definitely one of the top artists I want to get more familiar with her work. The level of detail on clothing is legendary.Ah really? My bad then since the first thing that came to mind was Araki ^^;
If anything I'll nominate the FMA artist Hiromu Arakawa, her art is spectacular, as well as Kaoru Mori who is the artist and author of A Bride's Story
I like how stark is clearly waving to someone else and Land just moved his eyes.I'm glad you're enjoying this page.
The absolute editions are pretty nice but I dont think theyre priced well so if you can get those for a good discount go with those.Anyone get Absolute Court of Owls or Brian K Vaughan's Private Eye Deluxe Edition?
Can't find pictures or any visual review anywhere and I'm thinking of getting both, maybe for Christmas.
Also, as someone who never read Sandman, should I go for the Absolute Editions for the best experience or just go for the slipcase edition?
Get that paper Sienkiewicz!
Damn Flash, you were supposed to be the good Venom
A step up from eating squirrels.
So was book of death any good?
Damn, ending Invincible like that before heading into a 4 month break is just cruel.
I'm loving Runaways (2003). It's really fun. Funny but realistic writing (given the circumstances surrounding it, of course) and the premise is just wonderful.
Art is pretty decent, but not loving it by any means. I never liked this type of shading style. For some reason it just makes me think Marvel style shading. I don't know why since there's plenty of artistic variety at Marvel, but it just does based on my fairly limited experience with them, lol.
Man Alphonas art changed so much between runaways and Ms Marvel
Man Alphonas art changed so much between runaways and Ms Marvel
Hate hate hate the art in the new WicDiv. This person is by far the worst guest they've had yet. Rushing through this one so I don't have to look at this shit any longer than I have to.
Brandon Graham.....definitely not a fan.
Hate hate hate the art in the new WicDiv. This person is by far the worst guest they've had yet. Rushing through this one so I don't have to look at this shit any longer than I have to.
Brandon Graham.....definitely not a fan.
brandon graham *does* rule
hes an amazing storyteller. his sense for panel placement and story beats is pretty much flawless.
hes also a great shit talker
Have you met him? 'Cause this is so true. Dude will tell you what he really thinks.
Speaking of saying what you really think, my girlfriend just said that Zatanna looks like "a girl Michael Jackson."
I take it this was before his space adventures.
Damn Flash, you were supposed to be the good Venom
hes also a great shit talker
JoJos Bizarre Adventure? Its one of those series I want to get into but its been running forever and I have a hang up about getting into really long running titles with an actual continuity
Rhaknar posting smoochy spoiler final pages.
NXT....i watched through the finn/joe match and so far the new day triple tag team match from TLC was the best match out of both events.
It's a 5 year old comic
And there's still 3 more pages after that!![]()
Silver Surfer #12! It was first on my MU to read page! Smooch! Will they, won't they? You robbed me of this drama.
Pretty good issue though, right?