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COMICS! |OT| December 2015. Let's save the world, you and me, together. Ready?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Absolutely loved this Tony Moore art in Venom #14, wish he was the regular


I am so glad Weirdworld is back.
I got the free month of Marel Unlimited and went back to slowly dragging myself through Claremont's run of Uncanny X-​Men. Finally made it to #101 and the first appearance of Phoenix. Really hoping it improves from here.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I got the free month of Marel Unlimited and went back to slowly dragging myself through Claremont's run of Uncanny X-​Men. Finally made it to #101 and the first appearance of Phoenix. Really hoping it improves from here.

of all the things to read

and thats coming from a xmen fanboy :(


Question regarding Justice League 46. Had a little trouble understanding the ending. So overall, I thought this was the weakest issue of the Darkseid War so far but it was still fun. My question is
what exactly happened at the end there with Grail and the Anti-Monitor? Is the Anti-Monitor gone and Grail took over his power somehow? I am lost

Big ole block of spoilers:

With Darkseid dead the Anti-Monitor is reverting back to his original status as a dude named Moebius. The process of doing so separated him from the Anti-Life Equation which Grail captured and is going to try and use to presumably enslave Darkseid. It's pretty safe to assume that this will go horribly wrong.

In regards to your earlier question about the tie ins, I would check them all out. Superman was probably the weakest, but was still decent, and the Green Lantern and Shazam books were amazing.


Darth Vader annual was..interesting.

I couldn't tell if Vader keeping her alive was a show of force on empires fault or getting his ducks in a row for his coupe against Palpatine. So far we've seen him build up his resources and aquire his own drone Army. It stands to reason he'd need the support of other planets as well.
Oh I thought you meant venom's smooch lol

Yes I love everything about Slott's Surfer and that kiss is true love, spoilers won't stop true love damn you!
It was still a jerk move. You know it just came out recently on MU. So for MU only readers it's it release week. Don't do that crap. Especially a very spoilerific panel for the whole dang series


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
It was still a jerk move. You know it just came out recently on MU. So for MU only readers it's it release week. Don't do that crap. Especially a very spoilerific panel for the whole dang series

Wait you're serious? We worrying about MU spoilers now? I've been eating it up for months because, hey guess what I don't buy the comics, I don't read them for another 6 months so I'm in no position to complain, and now all of a sudden it's a dick move? For a surfer / dawn kiss of all things, the most obvious of all conclusions?

Where was this when people were posting the dick suit "Daredevil for the defense" page back when that issue came out for example? Not to mention the secret wars pages.

It never crossed my mind that posting a 6 month old page could ever be considered a spoiler (well technically is, but then everything ever made is technically a spoiler)

That you act like I did it to be a dick...jesus


I think you got caught up in a really cute page moment and posting it won out. Probably could have spoiler tagged it or just posted reaction and not the page itself.

I thought silver surfer was going to kill Dawn and feed her to his board, so it was a surprise to me.

When people posted Secret Wars spoilers there were at least three and up to dozens of people who were unhappy about it. If it's not in a preview, and it's not some random thing you just thought was neat, you should probably resist posting the page. I don't attribute jerk-qualities to it, i don't think people are just purposely trying to spoil things for others, but it's an enjoyment of a visual medium and wanting to share things you like. The answer to people posting things they definitely shouldn't isn't to relax internal posting restraints and putting up more pages they probably shouldn't return, let's all hide spoilers so that only Messi can see them on his phone.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Well I removed it anyway, sorry for anyone affected. Best remove myself aswell, peace
Well I removed it anyway, sorry for anyone affected. Best remove myself aswell, peace
Now you're just being childish. All I ask is to be considerate. We put that warning in the OP for a reason. There's pages you can post that are mostly just fluff and provide little context to what's up and that's fine. Posting the last page like that is not one of them.

I know you weren't doing it to troll or whatever but there's plenty of other ways to talk about that besides throwing up a big scan that people can't skip over


Passing metallic gas
I couldn't tell if Vader keeping her alive was a show of force on empires fault or getting his ducks in a row for his coupe against Palpatine. So far we've seen him build up his resources and aquire his own drone Army. It stands to reason he'd need the support of other planets as well.

I think most likely the former. I was a little disappointed with Yu's art though. I don't know how hard they're cracking the whip at Marvel but his work has been looking pretty rushed lately.
You guys are really moody.

Speaking of moody, I was feeling some kind of way when I opened up Silk and there was NO STACEY LEE ART!!! What is this crap?!? I saw someone post a page or two back that she's gone till issue 5? Why? I feel lost, and I'm not sure what to do.

P.S. I was a little worried about Weirdworld without Aaron writing it, but the art is still awesome, and I really dug the writing as well. It went in a direction I was not expecting, but man that was a GREAT first issue. Up there with Vision and Iron Man in my opinion of ANAD books to read.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I am so glad Weirdworld is back.
Yo, how great is that book? I don't know that it'll last very long, but it's pretty much the best fantasy-action-absurd Conan book currently out.

Have you read the preceding Secret Wars issues?
It pains me to say this, but shame on Valiant for not including Legends of the Geomancer in the Book of Death OHC. I think I'm done with comics.
they really wanted to make that thing rare huh -_-

It also amounts into what is a pretty light offering as far as OHCs go. Not Harbinger Wars bad, but still only 8 issues for $40. Very lame. I can find other means of reading the story, but I really wanted to own it without having to pay those ridiculous prices.


i'm leaving comics-gaf until Dwight Howard wins a championship. Doesn't even have to be for the Rockets, just anywhere.

So goodbye forever i guess.


^That's creepy.

So Star Wars Kanan is cancelled with issue #12. The Wiseman curse continues since this was two arcs and cancelled. My guess is Marvels cutting it for something Post Endor.
Pax Americana
by Morrison, Quitely and Fairbairn
This image shows one of my favorite parts of Morrison comics. Often, he will have beings of higher understanding be mouthpieces for his thoughts on comics vs reality.

I havent read any other part of Multiversity but I can't imagine there is a better issue. Pax Americana is a masterful exercise in spacetime representation thats exclusive to comics. On many levels, this is a reworking of Moore and Gibbon's Watchmen.

Watchmen was drawn in a rigorous 9 panel grid only breaking when it served the story. Pax changes that up just a bit. Morrison and Quitely opt for an 8 panel base here. Morrison stated in an interview they decided on 8 panels to make it more like music. Im poorly versed on music theory, but from what I understand most music is based on 1-2-3-4 system. That 8 panel system works phenomenally well here.

It's a bit hard to understate how hard it is to pull off this book. My mind is boggled at how much work is packed into the 40 presented pages. Each page is meticulously designed. The story, dialogue, motion, color, etc all work in incredible unison. Each part complimenting each other to complete the overall objective. The following image is probably the quintessential example of Pax

This spread covers one physical space. Three timelines work in this space at the same time the reader is experiencing it. The story is kept clear by contrasting color palettes. Its just really really fucking impressive. Each story strand can be read by itself, followed by the next/previous and youre still receiving satisfying parts of a puzzle.

I highly recommend checking out Nathan Fairbairn process explanation on his tumblr. It goes to show how the color is such an integral part of the storytelling process. My favorite bit

Fairbairn said:
Step 1: read Grant’s script and look at Frank’s line art

After weeping in a corner for a few minutes, I picked myself up and got stuck in.

There’s a stunning amount of thought and care that goes into doing it right, which is why I usually just fake the hell out of it. On this book, though, I put in the effort.

And by “put in the effort” I mean “eventually asked Frank to do it for me when I couldn’t get it to look right.”

At any rate, this particular shadow was important. Frank told me he wanted the peace flag to cast the shadow of a mask on Harley’s face, which, symbolically, is so goddamn brilliant it makes me want to fly to Glasgow and hug the guy.

Now, I knew I could never really color Frank’s art and have it end up looking as good as if he’d done it himself, but I certainly wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t at least try my fucking best. So I put on my big boy pants, drank all the coffees, blacked out for a bit towards the end there, and eventually came up with this:

Step 4: paint the fucking thing

One more note on the story, you may have hear how often times stories are written circles. With an opening monologue mirroring the closing one. Or an object that appeared in the opening shot appearing in the final shot. Morrison takes that approach and literally twists the circle into an 8/infinity symbol. This type of story *can* be read backwards and forwards. I dont care that its almost a running joke you can do that but its true! The story works in so many ways. Pax Americana is a diamond you can admire only by looking at it in many ways.
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