For some reason I'm not motivated to reading neither weirdworld nor Squadron Supreme, Marvel just hasn't been as enticing to read as it was 5+ years ago =_=
Wierdworld #1
Now you're just being childish. All I ask is to be considerate. We put that warning in the OP for a reason. There's pages you can post that are mostly just fluff and provide little context to what's up and that's fine. Posting the last page like that is not one of them.
I know you weren't doing it to troll or whatever but there's plenty of other ways to talk about that besides throwing up a big scan that people can't skip over
Anybody read any good comics this week?
Nobody gives a shit about whether or not it's on MU. If it's story stuff that's months old- IMO post away. Waiting for people to catch up on 6 month old stories is stupid.
Anybody read any good comics this week?
Spoiler tags now work on images, bros.Except on mobile lololololol
actually it doesnt on mobile (and mobile goes for tablets)
which you said lol. thought that was a picture in the spoiler
Ultimate End 5 was so fucking garbage
dude spoilers for whatever anime thats from![]()
dude spoilers for whatever anime thats from
Oh, fuck off Bendis. He literally did 3 more of those, 1 double spread had two small boxes and one tiny bit of text. Another was just blank.
Oh, fuck off Bendis. He literally did 3 more of those, 1 double spread had two small boxes and one tiny bit of text. Another was just blank.
So was Ultimate End worse than Ultimatum.
I never read the latter, but this was the worst comic I can ever remember reading.
Oh, fuck off Bendis. He literally did 3 more of those, 1 double spread had two small boxes and one tiny bit of text. Another was just blank.
Amazing and beautiful page.
No, mate. No.
THREE times he did this, it's distracting and it hurts my eyes.
It just really like the art
Tokyo Ghost #4 was very good. So far it's my book of the week as Autumnlands was a little bit of a let down, Beauty was decent, and WicDiv was ugly as shit.
Still have I hate Fairyland and The Tithe to read.
I passed on Beauty, Autumnlands and WicDiv this month. Haven't been feeling them so much lately. Was hyped for WicDiv because that cover was supercool, but then saw the preview and was like AAAAAAHHHHHHH. I guess you're not a Brandon Graham fan either. I mean, Multiple Warheads was fun, but his art ain't pretty with dat simple coloring.
No he's my new least favorite artist. I voiced my complaints about his art more colorfully late last night.
Hey, Uncanny Inhumans is pretty good! Who told the creative team that I love monster girls? Was it you, Messi?
Hey, Uncanny Inhumans is pretty good! Who told the creative team that I love monster girls? Was it you, Messi?
i always have the desire to read the things i'm least interested in first so i don't feel like i still have those waiting in my pile. Up next: Old Man Logan SW tie-ins #3-5.
i always have the desire to read the things i'm least interested in first so i don't feel like i still have those waiting in my pile. Up next: Old Man Logan SW tie-ins #3-5.
I used to do this. It burns you out and stops you from reading good books. If you are not interested in them enough to read them then drop them.
If a book gets to the point where it feels like a chore, then why keep buying it?
If a book gets to the point where it feels like a chore, then why keep buying it?
I've done a pretty good job not buying books i don't want to read, but minis sometimes get me in pre-ordering and then i end up reading those things i stopped pre-ordering on MU so it worked for not spending as much money but not in avoiding reading things. I ended up pre-ordering the full Old Man Logan and Marvel Zombies SW tie-ins.
He is a 2nd class citizen
He reads his books on Marvel Unlimited.
Naja's pretty hot alright. What? Stop looking at me like that.
Hey now... hey...