Thinking I'm liking All New Inhumans more than the Uncanny book right now.
Any Cosmic Marvel recommendations that's readable on Marvel Unlimited.
What are your colorful complaints about Brandon Graham, dude?
People are hating on TFA in the spoiler thread for the sake of hating.
It's hilarious(ly sad).
Won't see the movie till tomorrow afternoon but imm guessontheyre hating that it adheres alot to remixing the OT in one film right?
People are hating on TFA in the spoiler thread for the sake of hating.
It's hilarious(ly sad).
Maybe they didn't like it?
Thinking I'm liking All New Inhumans more than the Uncanny book right now. They're both excellent but Crystal is bad and Naja and Flint get more screen time then ISO and Inferno in the other title.
Any Cosmic Marvel recommendations that's readable on Marvel Unlimited.
Maybe they didn't like it?
Errr, see the shit they're complaining about, it's like those who complained it was Batman v Superman and not vs.
Oh and Naja seems to be a main character in this book Freeza. She looks great in this art style.
Everything is better with monster girl waifus.
Shingi did you catch Swains robe at the end of the second issue I thought it was a cute nod. Swain is cool too.
Everyone is apart of the Carol Corp these days, well everyone expect Slayven.
It's crazy how the Inhumans is probably the strongest grouping of books at Marvel right now. All New, Uncanny, Ms.Marvel, Moon Girl, Karknak.
Also get excited boys Nowhere Men is back from a lengthy Haitus starting next month.
At first it's a tough habit to break. You rationalize that you have to buy the new issue because you read all the ones that came before. But there's too many good books out there to waste time with books you're not enjoying. I used to do this with anime, too. Keeping up with shows that were just boring me.
If you're not having fun, just stop.
Loving this thread lately. So much good point-making.Except the Brandon Graham disses. That shits not right.
Y'all have me pretty intrigued by Weirdworld and especially Inhumans. But I don't think I can add an Inhumans title right now.. Well, maybe I could just look at the previews.. Yeah.. That couldn't hurt.
Check the previews for All New Inhumans. Oh and any preview for the new Wierdworld will sell you on art alone.
Everyone is apart of the Carol Corp these days, well everyone expect Slayven.
It's crazy how the Inhumans is probably the strongest grouping of books at Marvel right now. All New, Uncanny, Ms.Marvel, Moon Girl, Karknak.
Also get excited boys Nowhere Men is back from a lengthy Haitus starting next month.
HA! Good one.Everyone is apart of the Carol Corp these days, well everyone expect Slayven.
Errr, not really. Criticizing a movie for being too derivative of IV, or not utilizing characters well is hardly unreasonable.
That isn't what I'm getting at at all. Have you even looked at the comments in the spoiler thread?
It's not bad, it's just a product of its time. I'd still argue that Dark Phoenix Saga is amazing. I genuinely like that run, but then again that's what got me into comics, so call me biased.of all the things to read
and thats coming from a xmen fanboy![]()
Is that the only story that isn't collected? Because that's super weird if so.The real crime is that the Eva Bell story from the X-Men annuals still has yet to be collected in trade. Fuck it, I'mma buy them on CMX.
Another good jumping on point, since Morrison pretty much rebuilds the X-Men from the ground up again.I just jumped into Morrison. My first entry into x-men!
It's not his grandma, May is his aunt and, for all intents and purposes, his mother. You choose to either lose a relationship you can potentially get back, or let your mother die. Your call.This alone convinces me that he's just an idiot. Come on, if you're given a choice between your grandmother and your wife, you can agonize about it all you want, but you already decided that grandma's getting the boot.
I haven't picked up my issues, but I've started reading Sinestro Corps. War. Kyle simultaneously got a huge power up and totally fucked in the span of two issues.Anybody read any good comics this week?
I read Realm of Kings and Son of Hulk was super out of place to me, but then again I didn't read any of the stuff beforehand, so I just didn't care. I only cared about the Imperial Guard and Inhumans storylines.Abnett / Lanning Guardians of the Galaxy. The Nova book from the same time-frame, and the War of Kings event.
I'm also going to throw you a curveball and say you should check out Son of Hulk as well. I still love that fucking series. It basically continues with the setting we saw in Planet Hulk, and at the end it crosses over with Realm of Kings.
Holy fuck, Fred at the close of Superior Foes of Spider-Man
I've learned not to be bothered by spoilers. If it happens it happens, the context is more important for me. However, I am usually bummed out if it happens towards Metal Gear or something I have been purposefully blacking out on. Most of the time I will not even retain the information someone says to me anyway. If anything, I use that spoiler to see if whatever piece of media interests me more after hearing it, or less.Ughhhhhhhhhhh. I'm an anti-spoiler person living in a spoiler world.
The X-Men were a mistake
booooooooooooI read Realm of Kings and Son of Hulk was super out of place to me, but then again I didn't read any of the stuff beforehand, so I just didn't care. I only cared about the Imperial Guard and Inhumans storylines.
Some fucking little kid just spoiled an important thing that happens in TFA. I can't watch the movie until Monday.
You mean before AvX?
This Grant Morrison F4 mini called 1234 was super neat, even if it makes Doom look like a bitch. The art is really striking, I want to say it's by the same guy that did that first Sentry mini
I was still enjoying some of the stuff around then actually but never read AvX.
But Doom IS a whiny bitch
Art is by Jae Lee, go read Inhumans by Paul Jenkins, he's the artist on that too.
What? I can't help it. His shit didn't deal with the things I was interested in and I knew nothing about him and I didn't care.boooooooooooo
booooooooo i say
The origins are very fucky. Basically, there's either reincarnated lovers, or warriors from another planet. The show's origins adapt one origin (not a fan ofAdded
Edit: question for DC experts, are Hawkman and Hawkgirl's origins like they showed on The Flash show, that they get reincarnated and shit, or was that made up for the show?
ok so theres some basis to what they did. Good on them![]()
Yea. What they did in the show was closest to the more recent take on the characters told by Johns.ok so theres some basis to what they did. Good on them![]()