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COMICS! |OT| December 2015. Let's save the world, you and me, together. Ready?

Okay, so Totally Awesome Hulk really IS totally awesome. Gonna keep picking that up
until Frank can't keep up and has to quit.


Maybe longer than that.


I'm not even a huge X-men fan and prefer the inhumans but its weird that the mutants have become villains since AvX. Didn't the last run end ona positive note?
Well it's not really the mutants as a whole, but mostly Cyclops. Maybe Beast somewhat. But mostly Cykes.


It's one pretty much a modern day cloak and dagger, that makes you wonder why you don't seem these characters to often.

Speaking of which I like Nico's new costume on the cover of A-force #3. It's much better than the moo moo she's been wearing as of late.


Who's the punk rock looking chick?
A Spider-Man comic drawn by Nick Bradshaw?!
yeah i saw that. hope marvel is pushing it with the younger crowd somehow

I don't think anyone has liked Cyclops. Ever. He's just a natural self righteous arsehole.

I don't like the way they prance about calling themselves Homo-superior.
Morrisons and Whedons runs give him some shine. plenty like Cyclops these days since hes much more hardline
I never had a favorite X-Men character. I guess I'd go with Wolverine or Cable if I had to choose one. Wolverine because he's my height and I like the whole "let's go bub -snikt-" and Cable because he's cool.

Also got my IST order from last week in. Fastest I've ever received an order from them, I was expecting like Saturday or next week given how they usually move so I'm super pleased.

Very impressed with the Solo Deluxe HC. It's a very nice looking book. It's really clever how the logo makes use of the CMYK color palette too! Only read the first story by Sale with Catwoman but it was great. I know I'm gonna love this.
Very impressed with the Solo Deluxe HC. It's a very nice looking book. It's really clever how the logo makes use of the CMYK color palette too! Only read the first story by Sale with Catwoman but it was great. I know I'm gonna love this.

I'm kind of surprised you didn't own it already. It's a very nice collection.


I always liked Scott's costume and the fact that early on he had this degree of normalcy that other members of the team didn't and he always tried to do the right thing even if it made him seem boring compared to Logan. But when the going got tough he could rally countless people behind him.

Spidey was weird. Good but not what I was expecting.


Very impressed with the Solo Deluxe HC. It's a very nice looking book. It's really clever how the logo makes use of the CMYK color palette too! Only read the first story by Sale with Catwoman but it was great. I know I'm gonna love this.

Awesome book. There were only a couple of issues that I didn't really like.


yeah i saw that. hope marvel is pushing it with the younger crowd somehow

It's a solid book, especially for people who have been avoiding the Slott books for the last few years -- somewhere halfway between early USM and the Marvel Adventures stuff, but much better drawn than either imo
I'm kind of surprised you didn't own it already. It's a very nice collection.
I'm kinda random with what I purchase. I only ended up getting this cause I saw Pope did work in it. Glad I got it though!
It's a solid book, especially for people who have been avoiding the Slott books for the last few years -- somewhere halfway between early USM and the Marvel Adventures stuff, but much better drawn than either imo

That sounds right up my alley. I like Bradshaw too so I may have to give it a shot.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
It's a solid book, especially for people who have been avoiding the Slott books for the last few years -- somewhere halfway between early USM and the Marvel Adventures stuff, but much better drawn than either imo

You know what else is a solid book for people who have been avoiding Slott's books over the last few years? Silver Surfer!

Where is that dang book--need more perfect cosmic adventures in my life.
I'm kinda random with what I purchase. I only ended up getting this cause I saw Pope did work in it. Glad I got it though!

You like the Pope, huh? So you must already have One Trick Rip-off, yeah?

You know what else is a solid book for people who have been avoiding Slott's books over the last few years? Silver Surfer!

Where is that dang book--need more perfect cosmic adventures in my life.

It's still coming out. There was a new issue last week, and I think it's getting an ANAD series at some point as well.


yeah i saw that. hope marvel is pushing it with the younger crowd somehow

Morrisons and Whedons runs give him some shine. plenty like Cyclops these days since hes much more hardline
Whedon Cykes is the best. Especially when he faces Nova; "can't make me lose my mind lady, already lost it"

Still gets a chuckle out of me.
Yeah I would have thought the same thing. I haven't read an X-Men book in 20 years. I was hoping they'd get a fresh start I could jump onto after Secret Wars. But they just seem to be continuing the same lame storylines from before.

I really enjoyed the Bendis run on Uncanny. All-New was great in the beginning, but that shit did start to drag on after the mid-point in the series. UXM was great throughout, though.

Were the UXM / ANXM Annuals ever collected into trade format? That Eva Bell story was tops. I need it in collected format.

Yep It's coming back in Jan, Allred and Slott.

Pfffffft. As if we would accept any other creative team.


Karl Kerschl tweeted about 15 minutes ago that today's issue of Gotham Academy was his last.
well that sucks.
Yeah I would have thought the same thing. I haven't read an X-Men book in 20 years. I was hoping they'd get a fresh start I could jump onto after Secret Wars. But they just seem to be continuing the same lame storylines from before.

With Duggan ruining Deadpool I just dropped Marvel completely.

I trust Duggan with Deadpool. The last run was really good and the new one is setting up an interesting premise.

I really enjoyed the Bendis run on Uncanny. All-New was great in the beginning, but that shit did start to drag on after the mid-point in the series. UXM was great throughout, though.

Were the UXM / ANXM Annuals ever collected into trade format? That Eva Bell story was tops. I need it in collected format.

Pfffffft. As if we would accept any other creative team.
Uncanny dragged on even more than All-New IMO.


Is the Claremont X-men run available in trade? Trying to get my girlfriend into comics (she's a manga/anime girl) and I think a super powered soap opera would be up her alley.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Would it be wise to dive into secret wars before I start the new marvel stuff?

Only because it's good, but there's no relation really. We technically don't even know what happened to bring back the universe as it stands in ANAD


Is the Claremont X-men run available in trade? Trying to get my girlfriend into comics (she's a manga/anime girl) and I think a super powered soap opera would be up her alley.

Most of it is, but why not Whedon/Cassaday Astonishing if "getting someone into comics" is your goal?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Comics guys

Magneto #15-18 - series continues to be great, with Magneto going back to Genosha to rebuild after Axis (and recruiting the Marauders which is never a smart thing if you don't want to be viewed as a villain lol) and there's a cool, fucked up little story there about someone murdering mutants. #18 starts the "last days of" stuff which is Mags trying to stop the incursion by destroying the ultimate earth (and well, failing as we know...spoilers!). Really enjoyed this book and it proves you CAN do a good solo with x-men characters (unlike the recent storm and nightcrawler solos for example)

Superior Ironman #5-8 - Tony continues his mischievous ways as Pepper along with another Tony (who happens to be a A.I. imprinted as Tony from 8 years ago) try to stop him. Continues to be a fun book, that you know couldn't last so you just enjoy the ride. I like that pepper calls his armor a symbiote, I mean we were all thinking it.


Star Wars #13 was freakin great.
the assassin droids meeting Luke and crew was just about as amazing as I would have hoped.

Star Wars books are killing it so far.
Say what you will about the pains of tradewaiting/buying physical, there is so much money saved.

Got rid of four books over the past week. Broke even on two, sold the other two for 20% more than I originally paid.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I hear good things about clarmonts run and it seems like the most popular of the Xmen runs.

It's also very 90s and hard to read these days. Claremont has a tenancy to have his heroes spell out what they are doing which is really distracting compared to modern comics

"I shall dispose of this villain with a thunderbolt I summoned with my mutant powers" we can see the drawing Storm, we don't need you to tell us

Edit: wtf that famous Iron Fist run is from 2006? :eek: why did I think it was a recent thing, it's almost 10 years old!
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