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COMICS! |OT| December 2015. Let's save the world, you and me, together. Ready?



Happy to hear this vote of confidence. I'm ever so eager for a good female-lead cape flick.

I'm pretty easy to please but Gadot has been the stand outs in both trailers for me. Hoping this leads the way for an awesome Captain Marvel film.

I'm about 30 issues into my Marvel reading order and its funny how often you see the reds used as bad guys. The Hollywood issue of fantastic four was weird, and Kirby draws his women with Giant foreheads.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I would share my thoughts on the trailer but I'm a known Marvel fanboy so I would be accused of judging it on account of that.

Even tho for example The Flash is my favorite comic book show, including the Netflix stuff

Wonder Woman looked cool tho, wish she had a bit more color to her but that goes to the DCCU in general

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I read 3 whole books today!

Strange Girl #18 - A wee bit confusing, a little bit sad, and plenty of pointing out how silly religion is. A nice conclusion to a good series.

The Beauty #3 - Dective Vaughn continues to be awesome. Never trust Big Pharma or Big Brother!

The Tithe #6 - Churches be blowin up all over the place! The banter between the 3 leads is pretty good. A nice mystery for the second arc so far.


The most unexpected thing is that Lex Luthor is now appearently the Joker and that there was a joke in this trailer.

But I like how you can see how Bruce Wayne hates the Playboy thing and he just does it because he has to do it.
The hate for the trailer in the OT is borderline cringeworthy

I don't even get it. I figured people would be excited just to see the trinity on screen, but it seems all anyone wants to talk about is the tone of the movie. It's like we can't have nice things anymore :(. People are so binary on the internet, It's either complete shit or greatest thing ever. Though I suppose I am on a video game forum.

Those parademons though.


Saw the Batman vs Supes trailer, feel like i've seen the whole movie and remember why i don't watch trailers.
Shit. I read 0 comics today. Been playing Bloodborne again and binge-watching Orange is the New Black.

Oh well, there's always 2morrow.
I would share my thoughts on the trailer but I'm a known Marvel fanboy so I would be accused of judging it on account of that.

Even tho for example The Flash is my favorite comic book show, including the Netflix stuff

Wonder Woman looked cool tho, wish she had a bit more color to her but that goes to the DCCU in general

Fuck that noise, nobody's gonna give you shit for that here. What did you think of it?

EDIT: Neither have I, Freeza. Which sucks because I had Iron Man ready to read, then sorta forgot about it.
that trailer...was good/interesting for a bit but i involuntarily laughed in a bad way by the end. snyder doesn't really do much well outside of making violence pretty. i was in for mos as a live action dbz and dont really have big expectations for this one. dont really know what to expect of ww at this point.

will still watch it but i think suicide squad will be better of dc's offerings.


I don't even get it. I figured people would be excited just to see the trinity on screen, but it seems all anyone wants to talk about is the tone of the movie. It's like we can't have nice things anymore :(. People are so binary on the internet, It's either complete shit or greatest thing ever. Though I suppose I am on a video game forum.

MCU GAF in a nutshell. No legit criticism is never not hand waved to oblivion.

Not from trolls or haters, and especially not from fans.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
All New X-Men #40 - Good lord woman, stop reading everyone's thoughts without permission. Young Jean is the worst lol

"Don't people in line freak out when you teleport in dressed like that?"
"I usually get free stuff when I teleport in dressed like this"

I do enjoy when they make fun of their ridiculous costumes.

I really like X-23 on All New X-Men, she's young enough to fit and the character certainly deserves it after the hell hole her life has been lol. I also like Angel+X-23, certainly more than Kitty and Quill. Bobby being gay is...fine. I don't care either way, it's not unreasonable that a person would be closeted I guess, and if they (and by they I mean god emperor Bendis) wanted to make a character gay for more diversity or whatever, that's fine. Just don't retcon it again is all I ask. Dude is gay, let him be gay, don't make him a clone in 2 years or something.

The execution of it wasnt the best, but that was covered in the young Jean is the worst comment. I hope she's better on Extraordinary.

Captain Marvel #15 - cute story as Carol finally returns to earth (with her alien cat) and finds that her old friend Tracey finally succumbed to cancer. Pretty touching issue with various flashbacks and a funny conclusion, and David Lopez's art is great as usual. Good conclusion to a good run, which gets a lot more shut than I care to understand why. To each it's own I guess.

Fuck that noise, nobody's gonna give you shit for that here. What did you think of it?

EDIT: Neither have I, Freeza. Which sucks because I had Iron Man ready to read, then sorta forgot about it.

But...I am a marvel fanboy lol :p

The trailer wasn't very good in my opinion. Lex doesn't work as I feared, grimdark Superman was already weird in MoS from my limited knowledge of Supes, and he looks even grimdark...ier here. The whole thing looks very drab, but that's a DC cinematic universe thing apparently so it is what it is. I thought wasting Doomsday on what is likely a 5 minute act 3 scene is a bad thing from, again, my limited knowledge of Doomsday (which amounts to Death of Superman where he was a big thing) but apparently he's been a joke in DC since then so that's my bad. Also I'm not a big fan of Snyder's cinematography.

Wonder Woman looked good if very brown, again, a DCCU thing. I like colors man :/


I realize that my comment in there came off as sarcasm but man... people complaining about the editing of the trailer but still say that they'll see it is not negativity.

No, saying "I didn't think the editing of the trailer was bad, but I'll still check it out" isn't negativity, but rational complaints are the extreme minority in that thread. Reading through it has honestly been mentally exhausting. If the Civil War trailer scene where Iron Man was awkwardly fighting against Bucky and Cap was in the BvS trailer, there would be pages of hate about how terrible and fake it looked. (I really enjoyed the Civil War trailer, btw)

But I digress. I need to just get away from that. I don't think the trailer was great, but many elements from it got me excited.


Inhuman #12 - Medusa to Blackbolt


I continue to be shocked how much I have come to love this book (maybe 12 issues in I should stop being surprised), probably the most underrated book of this year in my opinion. I actually care about Inhumans now, go figure. Amazing last page (which I can't find online and it's bumming me out) too, really liking the artist, especially his Medusa.

This thing reminds me of the time WB decided to have Cass speak.
Get rid of Black Bolt because he doesn't speak and have Medusa be the main Inhuman leader so that there's actual dialog written.


No, saying "I didn't think the editing of the trailer was bad, but I'll still check it out" isn't negativity, but rational complaints are the extreme minority in that thread. Reading through it has honestly been mentally exhausting. If the Civil War trailer scene where Iron Man was awkwardly fighting against Bucky and Cap was in the BvS trailer, there would be pages of hate about how terrible and fake it looked. (I really enjoyed the Civil War trailer, btw)

What thread were you reading for the first few pages?
To the surprise of LITERALLY NOBODY, I loved the hell out of the trailer. Editing was a little awkward, but I'm chalking that up to them cutting up and splicing together scenes to avoid giving anything in its entirety.

The stuff towards the beginning, with Clark and Bruce sniping at each other? GOLD.


What thread were you reading for the first few pages?

For the Civil War thread or the BvS thread? I didn't see many complaints in the Civil War thread at all (though I didn't read it for TOO long), at least not in the sense of a like 90% negative to positive ratio.


I don't think I'll watch Bats vs. Supes
Which will come to the surprise of all my friends and relatives XP


For the Civil War thread or the BvS thread? I didn't see many complaints in the Civil War thread at all (though I didn't read it for TOO long), at least not in the sense of a like 90% negative to positive ratio.

The ratio is about the same for both threads my man


I think the problem is that Man of Steel is considered that bad. GAF tends to base opinion on Trailers on Sequels on how the predecessor was.

Marvel had a ton of movies more with a couple of really good ones, so the mood regarding this movies is way more positiv. But you could see a similar effect on Civil War, there were a couple of people who said basicly "Age of Ultron was shit, so this has to be shit, too!".
Let them see the movie, let them eat crow and everybody will calm down.

Comparing booth is a little bit unfair IMO anyway, DC still has only one movie in their universe and just took way to long time, while Marvel is now at their... eleventh? twelth? movie plus a ton of TV show seasons.
I only have two small Problems with BvS. Superman and Wonder Woman. Get rid of them and I'd enjoy it much more :)

Batgawd will get his solo. Wonder Woman looks great visually, still have to hear her talk though.

Did anybody here pick up the new Archie? how was the new artist? it's gonna suck to see fiona staples' go, she did incredible work on it.
Read the first issue of Flash by Johns and it was a really cool intro. Wally locked up in some kind of alternate earth with Captain Cold to the rescue! Really excited to read more of this since I know very little about the Flash in general.

Also read more Plastic Man and it is the best. I love the weird family thing Plastic Man has going on now with his wife, Woozy, and the vampire's daughter that they took in. What a fun comic.
Batgawd will get his solo. Wonder Woman looks great visually, still have to hear her talk though.

Did anybody here pick up the new Archie? how was the new artist? it's gonna suck to see fiona staples' go, she did incredible work on it.

It was Annie Wu I believe? It was pretty good, and we get to see the "#LipstickIncident" in full.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Holy shit, I've read so much the last week or so, I'm actually down to only 33 issues behind on current stuff (that's like 2 weeks of MU updates). I was like 4 months behind before lol. Soon I can just read new stuff on Monday/Tuesdays as it updates (which was always the plan), and resume delving into older stuff you guys recomended many moons ago, including:

Aaron Thor, Superior Spidey, Young Avengers, Immortal Iron Fist, your various Brubaker Cap books, Runaways, resume Agent Venom, resume X-Factor, etc


Holy shit, I've read so much the last week or so, I'm actually down to only 33 issues behind on current stuff (that's like 2 weeks of MU updates). I was like 4 months behind before lol. Soon I can just read new stuff on Monday/Tuesdays as it updates (which was always the plan), and resume delving into older stuff you guys recomended many moons ago.

Aaron Thor, Superior Spidey, Young Avengers, Immortal Iron Fist, your various Brubaker Cap books, Runaways, resume Agent Venom, resume X-Factor, etc

I'm so happy you read Superior Spidey. He used to be my number one favorite super hero. Now it's ANAD Peter that took that spot.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I'm so happy you read Superior Spidey. He used to be my number one favorite super hero. Now it's ANAD Peter that took that spot.

I didn't read it, it's one of the many things recomended that I'll have time for when I'm all caught up with current (MU current that is) stuff. Learn to read Psych!

I loved Otto on Spiderverse for what it's worth
It was Annie Wu I believe? It was pretty good, and we get to see the "#LipstickIncident" in full.

Annie Wu's pretty great, I got so used to Fiona Staple's designs though. Does it take a big departure? they're not exactly alike.

whatever I'm still copping it this week anyways. Behind on Grayson too.
I know I'm late to the party, but after reading Morrison's New X-Men, Bendis' Uncanny, and Whedon's Astonishing, I'm pretty sure Emma Frost is my favorite X-Men. Though it's tough with Kurt, Cyke, Kitty, Rogue, and Colossus all up there.

I'm not even a huge X-men fan and prefer the inhumans but its weird that the mutants have become villains since AvX. Didn't the last run end ona positive note?
It did
Well it's not really the mutants as a whole, but mostly Cyclops. Maybe Beast somewhat. But mostly Cykes.
Cyclops is an amazing character that Marvel loves to throw to the dogs to play off of that 90's cartoon/Singer movie fanbase hate bashing he gets
I don't think anyone has liked Cyclops. Ever. He's just a natural self righteous arsehole.
Sometimes yeah. It's a character flaw, but the good he's done far outweighs the bad. Calling him self-righteous when he served under Xavier? Please. He finally kicked Xavier's ass out so the X-Men and their students could actually survive for once.
Whedon Cykes is the best. Especially when he faces Nova; "can't make me lose my mind lady, already lost it"

Still gets a chuckle out of me.
He's so boss
Uncanny dragged on even more than All-New IMO.
All-New had a whole trade of filler.
Inhuman #12 - Medusa to Blackbolt


I continue to be shocked how much I have come to love this book (maybe 12 issues in I should stop being surprised), probably the most underrated book of this year in my opinion. I actually care about Inhumans now, go figure. Amazing last page (which I can't find online and it's bumming me out) too, really liking the artist, especially his Medusa.
Not only do I constantly shill this series, but I've also used that sequence to do it. A lot.

It works. The hype is real.
Boring time-traveler Kang?
Talk shit get hit


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
kan u learning me???

You don't deserve things because you don't like mutants and Carol Danvers

Also on the above post, the young Cyclops ongoing was shockingly fun.

Edir: takes a guy with a DC avatar to apreciate mah mutants, fuck my life


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
who said anything about the former?

And you not being a fan of Kamala is the bigger crime!

I don't mind Kamala, where did that come from. I'm pretty sure I just said I feel like I should like her book more than I did once, not that I don't like it. And I still feel that way because I'm more into the "lighter" Marvel these days so that book should totally be my jam. But it's not, it's my...butter. butter is fine, but it's no jam sir.


I don't mind Kamala, where did that come from. I'm pretty sure I just said I feel like I should like her book more than I did once, not that I don't like it. And I still feel that way because I'm more into the "lighter" Marvel these days so that book should totally be my jam. But it's not, it's my...butter. butter is fine, but it's no jam sir.

brah you made the mutant statement first
But...I am a marvel fanboy lol :p

The trailer wasn't very good in my opinion. Lex doesn't work as I feared, grimdark Superman was already weird in MoS from my limited knowledge of Supes, and he looks even grimdark...ier here. The whole thing looks very drab, but that's a DC cinematic universe thing apparently so it is what it is. I thought wasting Doomsday on what is likely a 5 minute act 3 scene is a bad thing from, again, my limited knowledge of Doomsday (which amounts to Death of Superman where he was a big thing) but apparently he's been a joke in DC since then so that's my bad. Also I'm not a big fan of Snyder's cinematography.

Wonder Woman looked good if very brown, again, a DCCU thing. I like colors man :/

Eh, this post wasn't that bad. I can see where people would have problems with the trailer.\\

EDIT: I will say that I don't really agree with the grimdark line of Supes, both in this and in MoS.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I must have a thing for D-list villains, as I really enjoy every book that involves them. The recent Spider Woman rebrand, Superior Foes, Ant Man. It's just fun to see these guys as real people. Are there any more series like that? Can be DC also, not that I'll read those but I like to be informed. Someone posted one with Wonder Woman I believe some time ago

I just like villains hanging out with heroes I guess lol


Eh, this post wasn't that bad. I can see where people would have problems with the trailer.\\

EDIT: I will say that I don't really agree with the grimdark line of Supes, both in this and in MoS.

Yeah I don't get the "grimdark" Superman thing at all. I didn't get that vibe when watching MoS, even though I didn't really like the movie all that much. Serious? Yes. Grimdark? Not at all. His seriousness is really no different than somebody like Captain America in the MCU movies. Neither of them are always serious.
I must have a thing for D-list villains, as I really enjoy every book that involves them. The recent Spider Woman rebrand, Superior Foes, Ant Man. It's just fun to see these guys as real people. Are there any more series like that? Can be DC also, not that I'll read those but I like to be informed. Someone posted one with Wonder Woman I believe some time ago

I just like villains hanging out with heroes I guess lol

Secret Six.

Ostrander's Suicide Squad has shades of that as well.

Tell you what, I'll read a Marvel series you rec if you read Ostrander's Suicide Squad. Like a hostage exchange.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Secret Six.

Ostrander's Suicide Squad has shades of that as well.

Tell you what, I'll read a Marvel series you rec if you read Ostrander's Suicide Squad. Like a hostage exchange.

Tell DC to make a DC Unlimited and I will gladly sub.

...why exactly have they not again? :/
DC trade times are so shit too. I'm still waiting on Batman Endgame to hit paperback (all my other batmans are paperback...consistency y'all)

Gordon is the new Batman and he's in a mech suit you say? I'll find out about that in 2 years.

Hell when grayson went back to gotham city I was so confused.
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