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COMICS! |OT| December 2015. Let's save the world, you and me, together. Ready?


Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
1 and 2 are good, sadly after Whedon, it got dumb. Kathryn Immonen righted the ship but Marvel pulled the plug.

I didn't like the Whedon run either. I really loved BKV's stuff. It would lend itself well to a serialized cartoon.


fuck square enix.

Dummies on gaming side going crazy over an episodic remake when XV and KHIII are no where near release. Dragon Quest and Braverly Default are cool .

Can't wait to get new star wars from Marvel. Movie left alot to be told in comics and novels.


Deus Ex delayed because the preorder thing backfired
Hitman is half a game at launch.
Tomb Raider got fucked over by SE and Microsoft's dumbassery
Just Cause 3 is okay.

But at least their games are out or close to it.

Started reading Superior Spiderman last night, really fun stuff! Didn't realise Peter was going to be in Ock's head the while time.

Star Wars was very good.


Thought Finn was the highlight of the film he had the best character arc and had just enough of Luke and Han's goofiness to make it work.

I likes Rey but felt she was a bit of a Mary Sue.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
No need i went for the 2d showing myself and it was fine
Beaides 3d is pricier anywhere...


But the earliest 2D showing was already sold out. Luckily(or not) I live in the middle of nowhere Illinois so a 10AM 3D showing is only $8. So I guess I'm going to that one.



But the earliest 2D showing was already sold out. Luckily(or not) I live in the middle of nowhere Illinois so a 10AM 3D showing is only $8. So I guess I'm going to that one.

$8 is cheaper than what we pay for 3D over here which averages at $10 lol.
IMHO the first half of Force Awakens was a lot better than the 2nd half.

absolutely. it gets too rushed after the amazing first half hour and also there's that SPOILER
death star 3.0
thing i didn't like.

but the characters that it gave us and what it's setting up for episode 8 has me so excited, the sequel is gonna knock it out of the park most likely.

also han solo was so good and c3p0's intro was the best.


absolutely. it gets too rushed after the amazing first half hour and also there's that SPOILER
death star 3.0
thing i didn't like.

but the characters that it gave us and what it's setting up for episode 8 has me so excited, the sequel is gonna knock it out of the park most likely.

also han solo was so good and c3p0's intro was the best.

I never cared for Solo nor understood why he was so popular. I did like him in this movie though.
Seriously Han never struck me as interesting character in the OT.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I never cared for Solo nor understood why he was so popular. I did like him in this movie though.
Seriously Han never struck me as interesting character in the OT.

you never understood why hes popular? really?

come on now. do you not understand why gambit was popular either (for example)?


you never understood why hes popular? really?

come on now. do you not understand why gambit was popular either (for example)?
I know why gambit is popular
But han solo never struck as an interesting character until force awakens.
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