Mr. Luchador
Don't say the s word. It's not our fault they named the the wrong sport football.
It's almost by default now, I semi-translate for our Atlantic chums.
Don't say the s word. It's not our fault they named the the wrong sport football.
soccer is terrible, wrestling on the other hand is top form entertainment with our amazing champion Roman Reigns.
I've always been surprised that a wrestling comic never took off, I don't mean a franchise one like WWE, but a standalone story about a wrestler. Wrestling by it's nature is like a comic.
Maybe one did take off, and I don't know about it.
Don't make me speak Spanish in is terrible, wrestling on the other hand is top form entertainment with our amazing champion Roman Reigns.
It's because i haven't started on my comic writing career, i have an idea ready to go but alas, the whole talent thing. There is a new wrestling comic from Image called Ringside, and i remember an Andre the Giant OGN.
Don't make me speak Spanish in America.
soccer is terrible, wrestling on the other hand is top form entertainment with our amazing champion Roman Reigns.
you might as well get it out of your system before Trump becomes president.
Oh yeah that Andrea the Giant one looked amazing, I forgot all about that after seeing it in the WrassleGAF thread - thanks for the reminder! I'll check out ringside too.
What's this about the GOP possibly running another guy against Trump if Trump keeps doing well?
I dunno if COMICS-GAF got either game but I have a thread set up because I'm thinking of jumping back to the Band Game Pool.
GH Live or Rock Band 4?
Yea. It's getting exhausting how many there are. I'll be happy to get back to my smaller regular universe rotation.or Thunderbolts Volume 1 which only has like 7 or 8 random issues
speaking of MU, good update today. These Secret Wars #1s are never ending it seems
Do it! It's a must read series IMO. Brubaker writing and Cooke art! Doesn't get much better than thatI just finished Heart of Hush. It's WONDERFUL. Loved it. Might read Catwoman Vol. 1 Brubaker from the CMX DC sale next.
Star Wars was dope
I just finished Heart of Hush. It's WONDERFUL. Loved it. Might read Catwoman Vol. 1 Brubaker from the CMX DC sale next.
Heart of Hush was awesome and yes Brubaker Catwoman next. Pls
Christopher Yost Retweeted you
7h: @yost just read your fantastic Scarlet Spider run, its a travesty there isn't a ANAD Kaine book. A travesty sir!
I tell no lies and Yost knows it
Now you know why some of us are sad about this
Kaine just wants to be hardcore but Marvel won't let him
I like that Black Bolt nuked Vulcan out of existence. Nothing more cathartic than your favorite character nuking your most hated right out of existence.I hate Vulcan more. Sentry I liked in the first Jenkins mini. It worked because it was a clever one off deal about a broken and flawed hero. He sucked once Bendis decided to put him in the main universe. In an avengers book of all things too.
She's there. Hasn't really done anything to merit me liking or disliking her.I can't be the only one who likes Swain right?
If by "beat his candy ass" you mean "told him to be a hero so he'd never come back," then yeah she did. I mean, she tried to fight him, but it didn't work out so good.I'm glad Wasp beat his candy ass.
I like that Black Bolt nuked Vulcan out of existence. Nothing more cathartic than your favorite character nuking your most hated right out of existence.
She's there. Hasn't really done anything to merit me liking or disliking her.
If by "beat his candy ass" you mean "told him to be a hero so he'd never come back," then yeah she did. I mean, she tried to fight him, but it didn't work out so good.
She has seemingly done enough to piss people off on Twitter and some other forums / a few here.
Can't imagine why. I'll admit her dialogue in the first issue was a bit iffy, but beyond that she's just been sort of there.
She is loud and in your face
The exact kind of person everyone hates.
She is loud and in your face
Well folks, it looks like there's no getting around it: I am not able to make the January OT either. Without getting into specifics, a close family member needs round-the-clock care until other arrangements are made, and I will be assisting in that care when not working. Tyrant did a great job with the OT, so if he wants to continue I'm grateful; if he doesn't, then I'm hopeful that someone else will step up.
Well folks, it looks like there's no getting around it: I am not able to make the January OT either. Without getting into specifics, a close family member needs round-the-clock care until other arrangements are made, and I will be assisting in that care when not working. Tyrant did a great job with the OT, so if he wants to continue I'm grateful; if he doesn't, then I'm hopeful that someone else will step up.
I didn't want to get rid of you this way Spike, i hope things work out the best they can. I will start on the January OT now and maintain the quality of your threads.
Hope everything is okay over there, Spike.
Tyrant's OT was good, but it definitely needed more anime girls.
He turned down my requests for more anime saying and I quote "that's how threads get closed, I love Olivia wilde"
I love anime but only the super high quality stuff like Attack on Titan.
I didn't want to get rid of you this way Spike, i hope things work out the best they can. I will start on the January OT now and maintain the quality of your threads.
I don't believe you. That's something you would say.
I'm sorry to hear that, Spike. Hope things get better!Well folks, it looks like there's no getting around it: I am not able to make the January OT either. Without getting into specifics, a close family member needs round-the-clock care until other arrangements are made, and I will be assisting in that care when not working. Tyrant did a great job with the OT, so if he wants to continue I'm grateful; if he doesn't, then I'm hopeful that someone else will step up.
Reading Red Lanterns makes me realize that each corps should get its own book at least once.
I'd totally read a Blue Lantern book.
Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps. War
This was super good. Great action book, the pacing was always on point, I love some of the panelling and art. My big issue is Sodom Yat. Holy shit did he job hard. A Kryp-I mean a Daxamite with the power of Ion and he STILL got his ass wrecked by Superboy Prime? Like, not even standing a remote chance. Just "boosh" and he gone.
Otherwise I loved it. Exactly what I like out of a book about people flying in space with different colored laser rings while being space cops.