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COMICS! |OT| December 2015. Let's save the world, you and me, together. Ready?


That Gravity guy reminds me, what's the last time Marvel successfully made a new male character that wasn't forgotten 5 minutes later?

They seem to do well with females (X-23, Silk, Spider Gwen, Angela) but I can't remember the last time a male character was introduced (that mattered / stuck around)

New Nova


That Gravity guy reminds me, what's the last time Marvel successfully made a new male character that wasn't forgotten 5 minutes later?

They seem to do well with females (X-23, Silk, Spider Gwen, Angela) but I can't remember the last time a male character was introduced (that mattered / stuck around)


And Nova Sam.


Is Nick Fury Jr. even in a book post-Secret Avengers? They went through all of that Original Sin bullshit to send regular Fury off on and then didn't do much with his replacement.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
You might as well throw in Amadeus Cho if you're going as far back as X-23.

Well she stuck around and became somewhat important, more so than, I dunno, Maggott? Random?

Lol Maggott :/ I loved him when Joe Mad created him you know >_>



Then he was retconned into a scrawny kid for whatever reason



I would be more than okay with a Doomsday thread.

I remember there was a Thanos thread awhile back that didn't last long.

Let's see, Slayven did the Ultron thread
Doomsday is a joke
That Gravity guy reminds me, what's the last time Marvel successfully made a new male character that wasn't forgotten 5 minutes later?

They seem to do well with females (X-23, Silk, Spider Gwen, Angela) but I can't remember the last time a male character was introduced (that mattered / stuck around)

X-23 was a slow burn.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Didn't know Deodato was the artist on Dark Avengers.

Quickly remind me what lead to this (or Dark Reign in general). Was it secret invasion?

Edit: I loved this first issue. I really am a sucker for villains as good guys


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Is that Dark Avengers?

Sure is, just started it. It seems to crossover with a lot of other titles tho, and it leads to Siege and I'm not sure I'm ready to read Siege right now, but I'm digging it so far

His belt is too big.

He'd have trouble bending over with that belt.

He goes to the same tailor as Hyperion

Sure is, just started it. It seems to crossover with a lot of other titles tho, and it leads to Siege and I'm not sure I'm ready to read Siege right now, but I'm digging it so far

I really enjoyed Dark Avengers. Though I wouldn't really say it crosses over with anything. It took place during Dark Reign, which was more of a state of affairs than a proper event. Beyond that, it was basically the replacement for the main Avengers book. Just like each Avenger usually has their own solo series occurring alongside the main Avengers book, so is the case here. I don't think any of it was really too memorable for me outside of Dark Avengers and the Dark Reign issues of Ms. Marvel. The Hood was also a fun read.

As for Siege, it was only four issues. It shouldn't take you more than an hour or so.
Sure is, just started it. It seems to crossover with a lot of other titles tho, and it leads to Siege and I'm not sure I'm ready to read Siege right now, but I'm digging it so far

He goes to the same tailor as Hyperion


Hyperion's costume might be my least favorite thing about the Marvel Universe.

It's awful.


good read?

Some of the events inside are questionable(though I don't have the same issue with Civil War as much as you guys do), but the overall story of that arc in Marvel history is good is good and there are some nice books in there like Dark Avengers.
*checks MU

You lie Freeza, it's 51 issues!

You know I read every tie in when I do events >_<

Reading 47 tie-ins to accompany a 4-issue series seems like a waste of time to me. Honestly, Siege felt like it was over too soon. That's not something one usually says about a Marvel event, but there it is.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
My ocd is stronger than any of your warnings!

I read all 100+ of Civil War, Siege is peanuts in comparison :p


Sentry is the worst character ever here!


I was playing around with the wording and clearly didn't double check it lol.

Our heroes slowly reaching rock bottom after the Avengers are disassembled and events like Civil War continue to divide them further while Norman Osborn uses this opportunity to take over. The six year story concludes with our heroes fighting back and Avengers are reassembled.

Some of the events are messy but I like how Marvel made a long story like this out of them.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
More like as long as there's no Quietely

Oh yes, I'm goin after your bizarre golden boy Gaf. Merry Christmas indeed
Happy holidays everyone.

For comic related gifts, I got a Red Son Superman logo shirt, Daredevil Born Again, and Ant-Man on Blu-Ray. Pretty happy.


Doomsday is a joke, but apparently there's quite a large number of posters on GAF who think he's some character that's being done a huge disservice by BvS.

Just a thread dedicated to showing the world that he's a joke


Who speaks this maddness.

I smiled so hard when ha showed up because people complained about Marvel Villains. I bet they will shine next to Doomsday. He is just a plot device that can quickly get old.
Him too. He was complicit in ruining the X-men with that Morrison guy.

Don't know if agree.

I liked the Morrison run on New X-Men as a whole. It was novel for me to read a Morrison story where I knew what the hell was going on. My exposure to Morrison up to that point consisted purely of his more off-the-wall books.
Happy holidays everyone.

For comic related gifts, I got a Red Son Superman logo shirt, Daredevil Born Again, and Ant-Man on Blu-Ray. Pretty happy.

That Red Son shirt is gonna get you some funny looks :p


Who speaks this maddness.

I smiled so hard when ha showed up because people complained about Marvel Villains. I bet they will shine next to Doomsday. He is just a plot device that can quickly get old.

In all fairness, from the sounds of things Doomsday isn't really the "villain." That's Lex's job.

If Eisenberg manages to deliver, it's not a bad idea. Separate the physical threat from the intellectual/emotional thread.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Man Deodato's art in Dark Avengers is fantastic stuff. .. let me guess, he only lasts 4 issues >_>

Why does his Norman looks exactly like Tommy Lee Jones tho :p

Edit: also fuck you guys, I'm really into Sentry in Dark Avengers. Or at least the idea of this unstable godlike dude that they can't really control and might snap at any minute. Man this is a fun book, what happened to Bendis?



Man Deodato's art in Dark Avengers is fantastic stuff. .. let me guess, he only lasts 4 issues >_>

Why does his Norman looks exactly like Tommy Lee Jones tho :p

Edit: also fuck you guys, I'm really into Sentry in Dark Avengers. Or at least the idea of this unstable godlike dude that they can't really control and might snap at any minute. Man this is a fun book, what happened to Bendis?


Oh. I don't know if you'll like Siege.
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