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COMICS!!! |OT| December 2016. Motor Girl is my new Motor Crush


Well I sure am interested in Bendis' original ending that he deemed even worse than this pile of garbage.

The words he made Beast spout should convince anyone he shouldn't be let anywhere near these characters.


I'm really starting to get bothered by the *apparent* lack of communication at Marvel.

In Infamous Iron Man:



Doom had always sought power, but when he finally won, he discovered that power was not an end to itself. Thus he's decided to use power as a means in order to find fulfillment.


So who the fuck is this in Moon Girl?

I really hope that this is a head fake, but if it's not

Also, the whole Patsy Walker thing re: Jubilee and She-Hulk. At this point it seems best to create your supporting cast wholesale so that your characters don't get snatched by someone else.
Yeah Beast, Carol
clearly wasn't wrong about anything and Tony fought not her but the idea
. That was such a bad conclusion to an already not stellar run. Anyone have an idea where the conversation between Tony and Victor takes place when he catches him? Read all iron man stuff and it's nowhere to be found.
I'm really starting to get bothered by the *apparent* lack of communication at Marvel.

In Infamous Iron Man:

Doom had always sought power, but when he finally won, he discovered that power was not an end to itself. Thus he's decided to use power as a means in order to find fulfillment.


So who the fuck is this in Moon Girl?

I really hope that this is a head fake, but if it's not

Also, the whole Patsy Walker thing re: Jubilee and She-Hulk. At this point it seems best to create your supporting cast wholesale so that your characters don't get snatched by someone else.
what cracks me up about Doom rebuilding the world in his image is that he goes and just steals Reed's family. Like he's not making his own family with a Susan but he envies Reed so much he makes the kids his only in name.


They built up the Victim Syndicate as a symbol of Batman's failures. Then after the initial clash between them last issue, suddenly they all go down like jobbers and end up in Arkham. It felt rushed, and as if the VS was only a vehicle to turn Steph's alignment to chaotic neutral or whatever she is now. I wanted to see this go on a bit longer. The Victim Syndicate was too well-designed to be disposed of so quickly. I was disappointed.

I understand your disappointment for this book. The plot does seems rushed and
the Syndicate jobbed really hard
but I still love what Trnion is doing for the characters. He seems so contracted on character development that in this arc the overall plot suffered. That's why this arc although still good was weaker then the first.
So who the fuck is this in Moon Girl?

I really hope that this is a head fake, but if it's not

probably a rogue doombot. one showed up in Gwenpool.

There was also a time displaced Doom in squirrel girl. The "infamous" doom is the real deal though. that plot thread has been running through Iron Man since Secret Wars ended.

Yeah Beast, Carol
clearly wasn't wrong about anything and Tony fought not her but the idea
. That was such a bad conclusion to an already not stellar run. Anyone have an idea where the conversation between Tony and Victor takes place when he catches him? Read all iron man stuff and it's nowhere to be found.

what cracks me up about Doom rebuilding the world in his image is that he goes and just steals Reed's family. Like he's not making his own family with a Susan but he envies Reed so much he makes the kids his only in name.

nah. Doom was God. He had kids with that Susan, he just ensured they just turned out exactly like Reed's, because he wanted what Reed had.
nah. Doom was God. He had kids with that Susan, he just ensured they just turned out exactly like Reed's, because he wanted what Reed had.
That's just it, it's absolutely pathetic and so small minded. You have all the power in the world and the best you can come up with, is make your lost love love you and have someone else's kids with her.
Since if they are genetically identical to Reed's kids then they are effectively his and not Victor's.
Just couldn't take God Doom seriously for that and similar reasons.
That's just it, it's absolutely pathetic and so small minded. You have all the power in the world and the best you can come up with, is make your lost love love you and have someone else's kids with her.
Since if they are genetically identical to Reed's kids then they are effectively his and not Victor's.
Just couldn't take God Doom seriously for that and similar reasons.

except they aren't. they look like Reed's, and have the same abilities- but there's no "reed" in them.

just like everything else on battleworld, they were made from the power doom borrowed from molecule man.

and yes, doom being small minded and not up to the task of letting go of the past and creating something new was the entire point of secret wars. Reed was the better man for the job because he could let go of universe 7.
So what was the big fallout of civil war 2?

Tony is in a coma, Iron Man is now Doom or Riri, depending on how you look at it

Bruce is still very dead. She Hulk is barely in control of herself and in danger of going savage

Hawkeye is either a hero or pariah, depending on who you ask

Captain Marvel has been placed in charge of national defense more or less

Ulysses has acended to become one of the new abstract powers

Captain Hydra successfully used that whole mess to avoid Ulysses finding out about the revitalized Hydra and his role in it, which was the point of playing both of those sides against each other in the first place
except they aren't. they look like Reed's, and have the same abilities- but there's no "reed" in them.

just like everything else on battleworld, they were made from the power doom borrowed from molecule man.

and yes, doom being small minded and not up to the task of letting go of the past and creating something new was the entire point of secret wars. Reed was the better man for the job because he could let go of universe 7.
It's not the how they were created it's what the end result was. If they are identical in looks, powers and such Viktor would have had to clone/reconstruct them. Whether he used his own genetic material to achieve it hardly matters when the end result is a sperm cell identical to Reed's.


Tony is in a coma, Iron Man is now Doom or Riri, depending on how you look at it

Bruce is still very dead. She Hulk is barely in control of herself and in danger of going savage

Hawkeye is either a hero or pariah, depending on who you ask

Captain Marvel has been placed in charge of national defense more or less

Ulysses has acended to become one of the new abstract powers

Captain Hydra successfully used that whole mess to avoid Ulysses finding out about the revitalized Hydra and his role in it, which was the point of playing both of those sides against each other in the first place

Huh............Only thing that sounds interesting is the Captain Marvel thing, and that's only because that's the role I see her having in the MCU.
It's not the how they were created it's what the end result was. If they are identical in looks, powers and such Viktor would have had to clone/reconstruct them. Whether he used his own genetic material to achieve it hardly matters when the end result is a sperm cell identical to Reed's.

there were no sperm cells involved. everything on battleworld was just a simulacrum- with the exception of Strange and the dozen or so people that managed to survive time runs out in that spaceship. Doom just willed them into being as is with cosmic power.

Huh............Only thing that sounds interesting is the Captain Marvel thing, and that's only because that's the role I see her having in the MCU.

that's a shame, because jennifer as "hulk" is REALLY good this week.


Comixology have not included Love is Love in the new releases page for either IDW or DC. Its on there if you search for it. Great job Comixology, you had one job.
Comixology have not included Love is Love in the new releases page for either IDW or DC. Its on there if you search for it. Great job Comixology, you had one job.

I went through the new releases twice looking for it and didn't bother to search for it at first. Figured it was a "print first" thing. Wonder what the story is there.


there were no sperm cells involved. everything on battleworld was just a simulacrum- with the exception of Strange and the dozen or so people that managed to survive time runs out in that spaceship. Doom just willed them into being as is with cosmic power.

that's a shame, because jennifer as "hulk" is REALLY good this week.

More of a fan or happy Quipy she hulk but I'm willing to give the new book a shot in six months. I just ignored because I found the whole killing banner with Hawkeye thing stupid.

Really feels like the MU still doesn't have an overall direction and instead we have events upon events crashing into one another.

I'm really enjoying JL v SS and maybe Marvel needs to reevaluate events.
More of a fan or happy Quipy she hulk but I'm willing to give the new book a shot in six months. I just ignored because I found the whole killing banner with Hawkeye thing stupid.

Really feels like the MU still doesn't have an overall direction and instead we have events upon events crashing into one another.

I'm really enjoying JL v SS and maybe Marvel needs to reevaluate events.

I have faith in Nick Spencer

IvX has been really good so far too


I went through the new releases twice looking for it and didn't bother to search for it at first. Figured it was a "print first" thing. Wonder what the story is there.

I only searched for it as someone on twitter said they had bought it on comixology. What a stupid fuck up. It should have been one of the front page banners.
More of a fan or happy Quipy she hulk but I'm willing to give the new book a shot in six months. I just ignored because I found the whole killing banner with Hawkeye thing stupid.

If you read "Steve Rogers: Captain America" the entire thing makes perfect sense.

Really feels like the MU still doesn't have an overall direction and instead we have events upon events crashing into one another.

been that way for a while. Events drive sales, really.
there were no sperm cells involved. everything on battleworld was just a simulacrum- with the exception of Strange and the dozen or so people that managed to survive time runs out in that spaceship. Doom just willed them into being as is with cosmic power.

You yourselves said he had kids with Susan so I operated under that premise, speaking about that I was always curious how long was Battleworld actually in existence not willed into existence history.
So doom willed Susan and Reed's kids into existence and paternity tests and genetics that would in a way so they'd show up as his not Reed's? That's the only way it'd work for the kids to be his.


I'm not sure how we get from Civil War 2 to that most famous superhero ever! Yasssss queen! nonsense from the "The Mighty Captain Marvel" press release.


Regarding Justice Legaue vs Sucicide Squad so
Max remembers his old life in the pre flashpoint universe correct.

The wonder Woman/Harley confrontation was a bit too meta for my liking. The Killer frost design is pretty dang rad.

Re: your spoilers

Right. Sorrow and Emerald Empress know it's all wrong too
I'm not sure how we get from Civil War 2 to that most famous superhero ever! Yasssss queen! nonsense from the "The Mighty Captain Marvel" press release.

Because predictive justice was incredibly popular on Marvel Earth. People loved that these horrifying things that happen to them all the time would happen a little less often even if what Carol was doing was kind of fucked up. You know when your family suffocates to death in Fin Fang Foom's shit you kind of stop caring about the civil rights of superpowered people, robots, monsters, etc.

Hawkeye was acquitted because he killed the uncontrollable green rage monster those people have been living with all their lives
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