Holy crap, Scarlet #6 actually came out today. And it was glorious.
i should mention that injustice is 99 cents!
Saw it but didn't grab it. Can't remember how long it has been.Holy crap, Scarlet #6 actually came out today. And it was glorious.
Any maybe Powers Bureau will be out next week! Brilliant issue five, someday, maybe soon.Holy crap, Scarlet #6 actually came out today. And it was glorious.
Saw it but didn't grab it. Can't remember how long it has been.
Any maybe Powers Bureau will be out next week! Brilliant issue five, someday, maybe soon.
Immortal Iron Fist maaaaay be the best Marvel run post Morrison New X-men
It's kinda magical, and the way it pretty much creates an entire kung-fu universe/history is one of the best things about superhero comics.
You guys were NOT kidding about Injustice. Holy shit lol.
It's a shame Iron Fist couldn't capitalize on that momentum. In Avengers he was just kinda there, getting the White Ranger outfit and Defenders had flashes of IIF but also wasn't quite what it could have been for the character.
Superior Spidey #3
What a fucking great issue. I wish Stegman was drawing this exclusively. It's just so fucking beautiful. Letters section was hilarious. Dude's writing essays about how Slott has single-handedly destroyed comics books.
You guys were NOT kidding about Injustice. Holy shit lol.
yes another one.
changed my avatar because of it
I can only imagine where this shit will go from here...
I wish they would release an omnibus for that series. It's one of my favorites.
OK so i read Green Arrow: Year One and Green Arrow #17... those two are my only experience with the character so i'm a little confused:
is "the island" from 17 the same one from year one?
I just assumed it was *an* island but not specifically *that* island.
Avengers #1 page, should mean a bit more now...
I had forgotten all about that panel.
Hopefully this meansthe Illuminati isn't just going to get away with mind wiping Cap. There's got to be some fallout from that shit, and I want to see it.
I'm gonna read this Injustice shit. Thesounds dumb as hell, but I'll trust y'all on this.Superman killing Lois and nuke shit
I'm gonna read this Injustice shit. Thesounds dumb as hell, but I'll trust y'all on this.Superman killing Lois and nuke shit
You KNOW what you know under that spoiler and yet there's trepidation? Why do you read comics, man?
Yeah Injustice is lame. Sorry. The Joker trick was too predictable, so instead of a reveal, it was like hearing a bad pun. Painful. And that pain leads to anger, fear, blah blah blah Dark Side, so lets all see how Batman gets us out of this, this time.
^who the fuck is this guy???
Supes back in his underoos tho.![]()
And alsoDoc Ock accessing Peter's memories to fap to MJ was the realest moment in comics that I never want to see again.
Wait, what?
Wait, what?
Notice how she shuts him down, day after day, then the last night, he tries the I'm SpiderMan, trick, taking her webslinging, which traditionally leads to "C'mere Tiger" sexy time, but instead Carlie was there to CB. So he says "I can be with her any time" dot dot dot, and the next morning he's skipping out of the door, whistling, talking about how he can move on without having to obsess over that Mary Jane woman.
and yes, he did literally fap(it was implied)
On the Arrow TV show Ollie kills a lot of people. Like a lot of them. I think he killed at least 25 or more guys this last episode alone. Does he kill that much in the comics too?
Not even close. He usually just disables them.
Don't listen to him, it's bullshit.
Deny all you like. It's all over the google. I'm not the only one who noticed.
Dude, come the fuck on. It's obvious he jerked it. It's not even up for debate and it's fucking hilarious.I would never deny the internet's capability to have the same dumb thought about something but you're collectively reading too much into it. The closest it's implied is Pete saying he wishes Ock would stop "touching his body," but in the panel Ock is in the shower and clearly not touching his dick.
Does Hickman's Fantastic Four have to be read alongside FF to follow everything. I picked up the first FF trade along with my floppies today.
Superior Spidey #3
What a fucking great issue. I wish Stegman was drawing this exclusively. It's just so fucking beautiful. Letters section was hilarious. Dude's writing essays about how Slott has single-handedly destroyed comics books.