Why do people want Nightwing again.
How about Dick just wears tighter clothes, but everything else stays the same.
I'm not sure Dan Didio's ideas board is centered around how much Dick is on show.
Why do people want Nightwing again.
How about Dick just wears tighter clothes, but everything else stays the same.
Rich could be full of shit considering technically everything is being cancelled to start over at #1 anyway.
Aw yissRIP EINarez, comicgaf starting to fall apart ;_;
Poodlestrike to the rescue. Complete with a poodle
Civil War SW #1: Started a new SW mini on MU, mostly disappointed in this book and it's about what i expected, awkward event fan fiction similar to the What If? issues. They should have made Cap's side full of ponies.
RIP EINarez, comicgaf starting to fall apart ;_;
I would encourage you to stick with it, it gets really good as it goes on.
what was my class and what did I get
Man of Steel
The Superman
New Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz)
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corp
Looks like Cruz is getting the push that Baz probably should have gotten or at least needed.
Babs, Frankie, Canary, Blue Bird and Stef.
Book it.
Looks like Cruz is getting the push that Baz probably should have gotten or at least needed.
Tomasi taking over Superman?
That is actually a pretty good fit. Glad that the book is not being given to some newcomer.
The newest issue of Bloodshot: Reborn was odd, to say the least. I trust Jeff Lemire, but I don't like the. Hopefully it becomes more interesting.30-year jump and the world turning into Mad Max. And then there are crossovers with characters I don't know
He's writing every super book in April and May to lead into the Rebith Status Quo.
With Superman and Man of Steel being books, I hope Action becomes a Steel/Lana Lang book.
Edit: Damien Wayne led Teen Titans just like the animated universe.
So two Titans related books. Liking the sound of these leaks.
Tom King is the new Batman writer accordinf to Bleedingcool.
I stand with yeThey better not cancel the new Blade book. I will straight-up boycott all Marvel books.
Rich Johnston is Grima Wormtongue, and we are all Theoden of RohanIsn't it already confirmed as not canceled? King & Seeley said something to the effect of "we're moving to a different book for a bit but another team is stepping in until we get back."
Rich Johnston, Speaker of Lies.
Because Higgins' run on Nightwing left a lot to go off but then it was murdered in front of all of us before it could grow. Also because Higgins did not do a good job on that book and I miss Dick Nightwing. I MISS HIM.Why do people want Nightwing again.
How about Dick just wears tighter clothes, but everything else stays the same.
I like those! Any more?Marvel announces Women of Power variant month
Jamie McKelvie & Matt Wilson's A-Force #3 variant
Kamome Shirahama's Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #6 variant:
Tula Lotay's Amazing Spider-Man #9 variant:
Kevin Wada's Black Widow #1 variant
I'll give up my energy for Jaime...
How much like the animated universe, exactly?
Do we know the rest of the team?
Trinty Biweekly book slated for Later in the year, and a big part of Rebirth is something introduced in Dawn of Justice.
How much like the animated universe, exactly?
Do we know the rest of the team?
Beast boy
Super boy
And a de-aged Ted Kord
The IDW TMNT series is really rad. I've been a fan of the Turtles since I was a kid, with the 80s tv series, the live-action films and tv series, the 00s tv series, and some of the newer Nick series. But I think that this IDW series really takes the best parts of them and makes something greater than the sum of its parts. I love seeing how different characters and plots are interpreted in a more mature way than those pieces of media did before it.
Beast boy
Super boy
And a de-aged Ted Kord
So, how did Prez end up? Looks like the first trade is out, and I'm looking to get to free shipping so I can order the Superior Foes omnibus.
It's great stuff that not enough people bought. Get that trade.
So, how did Prez end up? Looks like the first trade is out, and I'm looking to get to free shipping so I can order the Superior Foes omnibus.
Order placed! I skipped over Young Avengers when I had MU for some reason. And Superior Foes is worth owning in hardcover.
This is GAF's chance to jump on the DC train. No more ignorant hate!More Sandman related content with Gaimens input.
A de-aged Ted Kord isn't really a spoiler is it?
Unless I'm imagining it he appeared at the end of Forever Evil when Lex offered to help him out because of stealth remorse for his dad's death?
Don't panic guys, just making a joke
This is GAF's chance to jump on the DC train. No more ignorant hate!
Don't panic guys, just making a joke