He sure does love his Wonder Woman.
man I really wonder why

what would a writer/artist with Sejic's body of work see in Wonder Woman hmm

nope can't think of anything

anyway, hey, Sunstone's this week, right?
He sure does love his Wonder Woman.
If you liked those, you should most definitely keep reading.Is New 52 Batman worth keeping up with? I thought the court of owls and death of the family arcs were fairly solid and Capullo is an exceptional artist, but I haven't heard much about the arcs past those.
Is it because she has black hair?man I really wonder why
what would a writer/artist with Sejic's body of work see in Wonder Woman hmm
nope can't think of anything
anyway, hey, Sunstone's this week, right?
I know. At least the Carlyle sourcebook comes out in April, so there's something.A definite "oh shit" moment for me. Sucks we have to wait until June for #22.
Do it!what is so good about lazarus?
edit: I think I own the first issue so will read later
Since y'all have a thing for Rick Remender, this year marks' the 5th anniversary of the best game he ever worked on-
Did not know that. I'm actually going to have to play it, now.Since y'all have a thing for Rick Remender, this year marks' the 5th anniversary of the best game he ever worked on-
Her body is weird.
If you read AXIS and thought " this is great stuff, but i wish it were cosmic" then you can't miss Black Vortex!
Ahhhhhhh yeah comics-titans! I'm on the last issue of Black Vortex, Omega. It's been a long journey, but i can safely say it was a mistake. If you read AXIS and thought " this is great stuff, but i wish it were cosmic" then you can't miss Black Vortex!
AXIS fans are out there and i want them on my side when the war begins.
AXIS fans are out there and i want them on my side when the war begins.
Did not know that. I'm actually going to have to play it, now.
Her body is weird.
Year zero is worth reading. It's my favorite New 52 batman story
Nice. Is that another origin story?
Yesterday I read :
Thor 03 (2015)
Not bad, still a little light on meat. Too bad because it's solid otherwise.
All-New Hawkeye 02 (2015)
Uh no, I'm sure the creators are good and the series can be a must read but this arc is slow as shit and the very little story there is () puts me to sleep.another experimentally weaponized kids, yawn
Ant Man 01 (2015)
That on the other hand contained something that resembled some kind of writing. Now yeah, nothing really stellar, but fuck, there was a story, so yeah, celebration.
The main protag as Mr. NiceGuy 'Loser' McWhiny is a little tired but he certainly is sympathetic. Too bad that the title is overly verbose and the ultimate twist requires some solid suspension of disbelief (aka 'it's illogical captain').
So yeah, winner of the night was Ant-Man, because there was a story with the nice pictures.
Yeah All New Hawkeye is weak as hell. The flashback stuff in the first run was BAD. I dropped it after two or three issues. Messi showed me some pages from some of the more recent stuff too and you can literally see Perez's pencils lol. You're better off just reading something else.Yesterday I read :
Thor 03 (2015)
Not bad, still a little light on meat. Too bad because it's solid otherwise.
All-New Hawkeye 02 (2015)
Uh no, I'm sure the creators are good and the series can be a must read but this arc is slow as shit and the very little story there is () puts me to sleep.another experimentally weaponized kids, yawn
Ant Man 01 (2015)
That on the other hand contained something that resembled some kind of writing. Now yeah, nothing really stellar, but fuck, there was a story, so yeah, celebration.
The main protag as Mr. NiceGuy 'Loser' McWhiny is a little tired but he certainly is sympathetic. Too bad that the title is overly verbose and the ultimate twist requires some solid suspension of disbelief (aka 'it's illogical captain').
So yeah, winner of the night was Ant-Man, because there was a story with the nice pictures.
Since y'all have a thing for Rick Remender, this year marks' the 5th anniversary of the best game he ever worked on-
No you won't.
Dick tits. My overriding memory of this game. Apart from that I found it pretty forgettable.
That sounds like effort, though.Get the PC ver., you could get it for as little as USD 5.
If you get it off Steam during a sale, see if your system can run it, if it can't you can refund the game long as you played for under 2 hours.
Read Age of Ultron...
Should have listened to BKatastrophe.
I think I'll return Axis and "save" that for another time.
If it makes you feel any better, I would say Axis is better than AoU, because at least it has Kluh and good guy Carnage. Plus it's shorter than AoU, and actually has SOME action in it. It won't completely bore you, is what I'm saying.
X-Force/Cable: Messiah War
I really enjoyed this crossover, and as far as crossovers go, this has been one of my favorites.
American Alien has been fantastic so far.
Finally got around to read Gwenpool and phew, its really depressing to be Bruno. Poor guy.
Agreed. Super strong.
Max Landis is still a douche, but I would be okay with him writing one of the post-Rebirth Super-series. Dude's got a great way with the character.
I'll have to read the other two. For now I'm reading just for X-Force, but I'll go back to Messiah Complex when I'm done. Feel like I'm always reading X-books backwards.I really enjoyed that whole trilogy event. Messiah Complex/War and Second Coming are great X-Books.
The thing with AXIS is that the heroes-turned-evil shtick went from bad, to so-bad-it's-good, to outright shitty.
I like the different artist for each issue. And holy fuck, when was the last time Jae Lee did interiors?
Fuck Bruno.
And he is wrong, thoDamn, Messi getting hostile.