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COMICS! |OT| February 2016. World of love and strangeness and charm.


He sure does love his Wonder Woman.

man I really wonder why


what would a writer/artist with Sejic's body of work see in Wonder Woman hmm


nope can't think of anything


anyway, hey, Sunstone's this week, right?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Is New 52 Batman worth keeping up with? I thought the court of owls and death of the family arcs were fairly solid and Capullo is an exceptional artist, but I haven't heard much about the arcs past those.
If you liked those, you should most definitely keep reading.
Finished the Fourth World Omnibus volume 2 this morning and it was great. The last few pages of the book had some of Kirby's sketches. While the coloured version is pretty good, I can't help but feel it lost something from the original.



Ahhhhhhh yeah comics-titans! I'm on the last issue of Black Vortex, Omega. It's been a long journey, but i can safely say it was a mistake. If you read AXIS and thought " this is great stuff, but i wish it were cosmic" then you can't miss Black Vortex!


Did not know that. I'm actually going to have to play it, now.

Her body is weird.

Get the PC ver., you could get it for as little as USD 5.
If you get it off Steam during a sale, see if your system can run it, if it can't you can refund the game long as you played for under 2 hours.

Li Kao

Yesterday I read :

Thor 03 (2015)
Not bad, still a little light on meat. Too bad because it's solid otherwise.

All-New Hawkeye 02 (2015)
Uh no, I'm sure the creators are good and the series can be a must read but this arc is slow as shit and the very little story there is (
another experimentally weaponized kids, yawn
) puts me to sleep.

Ant Man 01 (2015)
That on the other hand contained something that resembled some kind of writing. Now yeah, nothing really stellar, but fuck, there was a story, so yeah, celebration.
The main protag as Mr. NiceGuy 'Loser' McWhiny is a little tired but he certainly is sympathetic. Too bad that the title is overly verbose and the ultimate twist requires some solid suspension of disbelief (aka 'it's illogical captain').

So yeah, winner of the night was Ant-Man, because there was a story with the nice pictures.


Yesterday I read :

Thor 03 (2015)
Not bad, still a little light on meat. Too bad because it's solid otherwise.

All-New Hawkeye 02 (2015)
Uh no, I'm sure the creators are good and the series can be a must read but this arc is slow as shit and the very little story there is (
another experimentally weaponized kids, yawn
) puts me to sleep.

Ant Man 01 (2015)
That on the other hand contained something that resembled some kind of writing. Now yeah, nothing really stellar, but fuck, there was a story, so yeah, celebration.
The main protag as Mr. NiceGuy 'Loser' McWhiny is a little tired but he certainly is sympathetic. Too bad that the title is overly verbose and the ultimate twist requires some solid suspension of disbelief (aka 'it's illogical captain').

So yeah, winner of the night was Ant-Man, because there was a story with the nice pictures.

Antman gets better but Loser McWhiny is in full over drive after the first arc is done.
Yesterday I read :

Thor 03 (2015)
Not bad, still a little light on meat. Too bad because it's solid otherwise.

All-New Hawkeye 02 (2015)
Uh no, I'm sure the creators are good and the series can be a must read but this arc is slow as shit and the very little story there is (
another experimentally weaponized kids, yawn
) puts me to sleep.

Ant Man 01 (2015)
That on the other hand contained something that resembled some kind of writing. Now yeah, nothing really stellar, but fuck, there was a story, so yeah, celebration.
The main protag as Mr. NiceGuy 'Loser' McWhiny is a little tired but he certainly is sympathetic. Too bad that the title is overly verbose and the ultimate twist requires some solid suspension of disbelief (aka 'it's illogical captain').

So yeah, winner of the night was Ant-Man, because there was a story with the nice pictures.
Yeah All New Hawkeye is weak as hell. The flashback stuff in the first run was BAD. I dropped it after two or three issues. Messi showed me some pages from some of the more recent stuff too and you can literally see Perez's pencils lol. You're better off just reading something else.

I thought Ant-Man was OK. I liked Superior Foes much more though. I dropped it after the relaunch since there are better books out there. I do plan on trying The Fix for more Spencer/Lieber action though.


You guys weren't kidding about the Star Lord/Kitty relationship thing, i was not prepared for how heavy they were going with that having not read Legendary Star Lord prior to Black Vortex.

All New X-Men #41: very low energy
X-Force/Cable: Messiah War

I really enjoyed this crossover, and as far as crossovers go, this has been one of my favorites. Nothing about it feels out of place. No one storyline or group of characters overshadows the others, which I feel is incredibly important in a crossover.

Effectively, what happens is that the X-Force gets thrown into the future by Cyclops to track down Cable and Hope and bring them back, seeing as apparently Cable fucked up (even though it wasn't his fault) and Scott's taking matters into his own hands by bringing them back. However, Cable and Hope could only time jump forward, and end up in a temporal trap set by Bishop and Stryfe. And thus begins the huge clusterfuck of a tale that is Messiah War.

Now, I say "clusterfuck," but I mean that in the best way possible. The action is constant, and there's a lot of tension. Stryfe is really powerful, Bishop and Deadpool are both completely insane, Cable doesn't want to go back, Vanisher is a dick, and Hope is seven years old. It couldn't be more ridiculous if it tried, and I love it because of that. Now, while I'm a bit bummed because I didn't read the arc previous to X-Force and Cable involving Hope's birth, nor have I read Cable up until this point. I'm only getting about half the story, but it works out. The trade has the necessary issues of Cable leading up to it, and the back of the trade has "Cable's Strike Files," which sums everything that's need to know up in a nice package. The end also has Bishop's backstory involving his future and Hope's role in it, which provides perfect context for why he turned against all of his former allies.

Now, as for the part that I dove into the story for: X-Force. Effectively, it provided really good character development for the crew. Particularly Warren, X-23, Domino, and Warpath. Rahne isn't present, so there's nothing for her. Vanisher is pretty much just a dick, as usual. Elixir still hates using his powers to kill. Logan still can't lead a team for shit. But as for the rest...Domino is shown that while she doesn't necessarily support the methods of this X-Force, she's more than willing to do what's necessary to achieve their goals. Warpath is shown to be the main member of the team trusted by Logan to protect Hope, and I thought that was interesting. That with everything going on, I feel like it showed that Logan views James as the most innocent and most trustworthy of the group. That he would die before letting anything happen to Hope, and the fact that he withstood Stryfe for as long as he did is impressive in and of itself. Warren's development comes from his interactions with Apocalypse, who Bishop and Stryfe deposed in order to create the Age of Stryfe (though Stryfe failed to kill him). Warren's storyline primarily shows his increased control over his Death persona, but it also sows the seeds for Remender's Apocalypse storyline, with Apocalypse stating that Warren's role his to "spread his influence (or something akin to that)."

X-23 probably had the most interesting development over the course of this, primarily involving her relationship with Hope. She seems to identify with and also take a liking to Hope almost immediately, trying to gain her trust and immediately taking to protecting her. This is likely due to a few things: her inability to protect her close friends before they were pulled forward, and Logan's words about how the innocents (like Rahne) are who people like her and him are supposed to protect. Hope is an innocent, and therefore X-23 immediately wishes to protect her. I think overall, Laura is one of the most interesting members of the group throughout this story, and I'm more than okay with that.

Overall this is definitely the best crossover/event I've read in quite some time. Not sure if I recommend it as a standalone read, because I feel like in order to get the full impact you'd have to be familiar with at least one of the two main storylines that cross over. At the very least, it's a great action story with a satisfying conclusion.
Get the PC ver., you could get it for as little as USD 5.
If you get it off Steam during a sale, see if your system can run it, if it can't you can refund the game long as you played for under 2 hours.
That sounds like effort, though.
Read Age of Ultron...

Should have listened to BKatastrophe.

I think I'll return Axis and "save" that for another time.

If it makes you feel any better, I would say Axis is better than AoU, because at least it has Kluh and good guy Carnage. Plus it's shorter than AoU, and actually has SOME action in it. It won't completely bore you, is what I'm saying.
If it makes you feel any better, I would say Axis is better than AoU, because at least it has Kluh and good guy Carnage. Plus it's shorter than AoU, and actually has SOME action in it. It won't completely bore you, is what I'm saying.

Shorter. Maybe I'll read it in a few days, once I've had a chance to cleanse my palate with something good.

Not like Ultron took me a long time to read. I read 11 issues of this nonsense in the same time it took me to read about 3 of the Fourth World issues. (This is in spite of the Ultron artists attempting to model the panel flow after a connect the dots puzzle.)
I really enjoyed that whole trilogy event. Messiah Complex/War and Second Coming are great X-Books.
I'll have to read the other two. For now I'm reading just for X-Force, but I'll go back to Messiah Complex when I'm done. Feel like I'm always reading X-books backwards.
The thing with AXIS is that the heroes-turned-evil shtick went from bad, to so-bad-it's-good, to outright shitty.

This is very accurate.


I like the different artist for each issue. And holy fuck, when was the last time Jae Lee did interiors?

Like... Batman/Superman 9 a year and a half ago? He did the first 3 issues of that book too, and a whole Before Watchmen (lol) mini whenever those came out


Messi list now with 100% more dunk Ally :

Batman and Robin Eternal #21
Deathstroke #15
Grayson #17
Suicide Squad Most Wanted #2
Teen Titans #17
We are Robin #9

Jem and the holograms #12

Black Magick #5
Chew #55
Cry Havoc #2
Plutona #4
Saga #34
Sunstone Vol 4
Wayward #14
Wolf #6

ANAD Avengers #6
ANAD Inhumans #4
ANAD X-Men #5
Angela Queen of Hel #5
Daredevil #4
Drax #4
Howling Commandos of SHIELD #5
Karnak #2
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #4
Hellcat #3
Silk #5
Spider-Man 2099 #7
Squirrel Girl #5
Venom Space-Knight #4
Worlds Worst X-Man #1

Rachel Rising #40



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