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COMICS! |OT| January 2013. "Read more comics"? Now that's a resolution I can keep!

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Guys, I'm still going crazy here.

Claremont 80's inspiration


Morrison 2000's inspiration


All women team


Olivier Coipel


Avengers who?


The X-Men are just about the only Marvel franchise that can support an all-girls team without it being cancelled in 8 issues, so it's cool to see them try it out.

Was Brian Wood's previous run on X-Men worth reading?
It sounds pretty chill, like the future story lines that Wood teased. Still shocked that Heroes For Hire hasn't been announced, guess Now will be extending into May.
The X-Men are just about the only Marvel franchise that can support an all-girls team without it being cancelled in 8 issues, so it's cool to see them try it out.

Was Brian Wood's previous run on X-Men worth reading?

Yup, his X-Men was awesome and his Ultimate X-Men right now is just as good. He is a godsend to the franchise that's been gutted!
I feel like as far as the X-Men go, the women are the X-Men," Wood explains. "Cyclops and Wolverine are big names, but taken as a whole, the women kind of rule the franchise.

I'm all for diversity in comics, but really? If the women rule the franchise why has no female solo book ever really been successful on the Marvel side? I understand they need to talk big to sell the book to people, but this sort of feels dishonest.

Jedeye Sniv

Yup, his X-Men was awesome and his Ultimate X-Men right now is just as good. He is a godsend to the franchise that's been gutted!

Yeah I guess your excitement level really does depend on how much you like Wood. After reading his snoozetacular Star Wars comic this week, I can't say my balls are on fire over it.
The X-Men are just about the only Marvel franchise that can support an all-girls team without it being cancelled in 8 issues, so it's cool to see them try it out.

Was Brian Wood's previous run on X-Men worth reading?

It was boring and pointless, but his interviewer tells me he may have learned something since then. I hope so. He's never thrilled me.

How the fuck did they give him Adjectiveless without a proper X-Men history? No wonder it sucked.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
All of Claremont's women were the most important in the 80s. Storm, Rogue, Psylocke, Shadowcat were all bigger than cannon fodder Wolverine and Colossus. Cyclops was booted off the team and slummed it with his highschool friends and Jean Grey over in X-Factor too. Even in New Mutants, it was basically all about Magik, Moonstar and Karma. And Exalibur was the Rachel/Kitty/Meggan show. It was my favourite time so I have a soft-spot for a women-focused X-Men.

I understand that there have been prominent women in the xmen, but I don't see the girl group aspect
I understand that there have been prominent women in the xmen, but I don't see the girl group aspect

Huh. I've always seen pretty much exactly what ahem supermanisdead was saying.

That's why they were so important to me. Claremont wrote strong women when pretty much no one was.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Huh. I've always seen pretty much exactly what ahem supermanisdead was saying.

That's why they were so important to me. Claremont wrote strong women when pretty much no one was.

But does putting strong women on a team make it a girl group? Was x men under rogue with mystique and omega sentinel a girl group?


well not really...yet
all female X-Men?

Brian Wood?

Coipel + Martin?

oh mah gawd.

By the way, dude who said X-Men is at its best when its female character centric is spot on.
Outback/Silvestri era was best Claremont X-men

Was also the time where it had more women than men
(and the men were Logan/Havok/LONGSHOT, so I mean, yay)

I wouldn't go so far as to say that Marvel's X-Men books are all about the women; however, I will say that for a very long time the strongest women characters at Marvel were those of the X-Men.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Outback/Silvestri era was best Claremont X-men

Was also the time where it had more women than men
(and the men were Logan/Havok/LONGSHOT, so I mean, yay)


That last one.....no. For the life of me, I will never understand the fascination with him.



Must not buy. Must not buy. Batman's cape looks like how three year olds draw a turkey,but i still want it
CBR column with Bob Harras. I'm not good at copying and pasting with iPad. They announce the changes so non chalant too, like we know what they are talking about.

Yeah, it was amazing.

I liked how they gave Venditti some nice praise and then for Zub they're like "When I say 'What's Next' that means I'm done talking about this. WHAT'S NEXT."

She went there, twice in fact. Both times she got out. Didn't you read those stories?

Marjorie Liu brought Jubilee into the X-23 solo series to be BFFs with Laura and get her to live a little in the big Paris adventure. That and the vampire-blood-kiss-lesbian-subtext scenes generated a whole new legion of fans who wanted to see Logan's fanged daughter hang out with his clawed daughter on a regular basis. Which, of course, won't be happening because someone decided to stick Laura on Murderworld Island instead.

dude i was one of 7 people that read x-23. i know the deal.

x-23 > jubliee


I feel sorry for those that were excited for the upcoming creative changes for those books. I'm just happy that so far the books I'm reading haven't really been affected except what should be hopefully in positive ways (Giffen joining LoSH for example).
dude i was one of 7 people that read x-23. i know the deal.

x-23 > jubliee

I too was one of those unfortunate fools who had to slog through the shitshow that was X-23's entire career, due to her always being linked to characters I like (the New X-men, Wolverine, Jubilee, Gambit etc). She is complete and utter SHIT. Nothing is worse than X-23. Literally.
Score another for Johnston: "Holy Shit!" gatefold covers confirmed in April.

Also, lol at this response. Are we supposed to think Simone was lying about being fired from the book?

Since we're on the topic of creative changes, one of the things that was a big discussion point for a while was Gail Simone being on and off "Batgirl." With Gail now reinstated on the title, I have to ask -- how much was fan outcry and fan support part of that creative editorial decision?

Harras: What we had was Ray [Fawkes] coming on for two months to help out, schedule-wise. We're very happy Gail is back; she's on the book moving forward, so to me, that was a moment in time where we were just looking for Gail's next plot to come in and we're moving forward.
Yeah, it was amazing.

I liked how they gave Venditti some nice praise and then for Zub they're like "When I say 'What's Next' that means I'm done talking about this. WHAT'S NEXT."

Yeah, this is fucking pathetic. Vendietti was spread to thin, so they give it to the guy that was already spread to thin? Well they sure had more relevance and excitement in their first column than Axel in Chrge has ever had
New Brian Wood interview

Marvel.com: What do you view as the greatest advantage/benefit to writing an all-female cast?

Brian Wood: Personally, a high comfort level in writing women. I've always written female characters, going all the way back to my first book ever, and I'm known for it. But that aside, the X-Men are full of truly excellent female characters. I would say that on balance, the women rule the men in the x-world, hands down. It's a real anomaly in comics, and I think it’s what makes the X-Men both special and successful—and appealing to all genders and all types. You can see this reflected in the fan base. So I get great women to write, complicated, complex, multi-faceted, flawed, wonderfully relatable characters, and here is this series where all that can shine. It's a no-brainer, I think, and anyone ready to dismiss it is missing what the X-Men is all about

This is my most hyped book ever. X-Men and Uncanny X-Force are going to blow away anything from Marvel NOW. I can't wait.


I too was one of those unfortunate fools who had to slog through the shitshow that was X-23's entire career, due to her always being linked to characters I like (the New X-men, Wolverine, Jubilee, Gambit etc). She is complete and utter SHIT. Nothing is worse than X-23. Literally.

I like her in Marvel vs Capcom. She was at least good in that.
Score another for Johnston: "Holy Shit!" gatefold covers confirmed in April.

Also, lol at this response. Are we supposed to think Simone was lying about being fired from the book?
That was also very much a "we're not talkin about it, move on" response, and CBR obliges because it's PR journalism.
Really glad to see Wood call out Morrison's first New X-Men issue. It really is one of the all time greatest opening issues of anything god damned ever.
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