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COMICS! |OT| January 2013. "Read more comics"? Now that's a resolution I can keep!

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Can Coipel handle a monthly ? I don't expect him to make it past the first arc.

I think there are less artists that can handle monthlies than not. Hopefully they get someone just as talented to rotate. Someone like PHIL NOTO. He already draws the best Jubilee.



No one can, probably not ever again. He'll do an arc, someone else will do the next one, ad infinitum.

Plenty of artists can do monthly books. It's Marvel's 2-3 week schedule that they have going on half their titles that messes things up. Coipel is slow though. He could probably handle 8 issues a year.

EDIT: The big names are also constantly drawing covers for the extra cash it brings in. That doesn't help with speed.


Knows the Score
Ha, wrong thread.

OK then, it's still kind of relevant but I meant to put it in the funny pics thread not funny books.



Really glad to see Wood call out Morrison's first New X-Men issue. It really is one of the all time greatest opening issues of anything god damned ever.
Yup. But then again Cassandra Nova is one my favourite villains.

But man, seeing the other X-book with a all female cast is pretty cool. I enjoy what Marvel's doing with the X-Men during this NOW thing. Wolverine & the X-Men is still a lot fun, I actually enjoy Bendis at this point with All New X-Men... Cable's new X-Force, eh. I liked team Fantomex better.


Semantically speaking, it was always James "Logan" Howlett. Are you asking who was the most charismatic?

I mean who called the shots, missions and plans of action. I'm thinking back on it, and it seems to of changed many times. I remember it going in this order:

  • Archangel
  • Logan
  • Fantomex
  • Psylocke

But then again, it seemed there was not clear cut leader. They would adapt to the situation and "wing" it from there. Fantomex seemed to always be happy being the field general in missions and letting the "leader" tag not deter him from taking command. I guess that's why I like it so much. At any time, even Deadpool could of probably lead the team into courses of action.
Yeah Wolverine and Angel were the leaders initially. Fantomex became the fan favorite of the group and Psylocke became the heart. Deadpool at times was the voice of reason.


how have you made it this long without reading UXF!?

Reading too much other stuff.

What's everyone picking up this week? $3.99 books alone are breaking me. Hulk, Batman, Avengers, New Avengers, Black Beetle, TMNT. All $3.99. Saga is the only $2.99 book I'm picking up.


I really need to read UXF. When does the last trade come out?

Amazon Supposedly in April but that would still need one more trade for the conclusion.

Reading too much other stuff.

What's everyone picking up this week? $3.99 books alone are breaking me. Hulk, Batman, Avengers, New Avengers, Black Beetle, TMNT. All $3.99. Saga is the only $2.99 book I'm picking up.

I'm picking up New Avengers, Cap, Savage Wolverine. And I guess I could try Thor since people really like it.


Also just went on Comiclist to check out some releases and this was the ad image:


Totally forgot this was even happening.

Also looks like TMNT got pushed back to next week :(. Get your shit together IDW.


Ultron should be cool. So anyways, what is going on with all the Avengers books? How do I choose, I don't know which one is which? So far I have the Opeña and Remender Avengers.
Not true. Some artists can handle it. Sam Basri did all 12 issues of Voodoo without missing a beat AND it was drop dead gorgeous to boot.

Too bad the story ended up being pretty terrible. I really wanted to like that book, too.

So now that Uncanny X-force is over I wonder whom you all feel was the Leader of the team, if there was a leader?

Wolverine was obviously the leader. But I think Fantomex was the main draw by the close of the series.

Reading too much other stuff.

What's everyone picking up this week? $3.99 books alone are breaking me. Hulk, Batman, Avengers, New Avengers, Black Beetle, TMNT. All $3.99. Saga is the only $2.99 book I'm picking up.

I've got a pretty light week (Batman, Saga, Elephantmen, Indestructible Hulk), so I think I may grab All-New X-Men #6 and see if I like it. As a friend of mine keeps singing its praises, and I do want to get back into a few X-Men titles.
Was it a build up issue? Or did it seem to hold up well on it's own?

It's definitely a buildup issue but it did a good job of setting the stage and establishing where all the pieces are after the battle of Yavin. Surprisingly Leia focused, which I think was a smart move. She's obviously at the centre of all the different story arcs.

Edit: Thinking about it some more, I'd say it's just as much Yavin aftermath as it is buildup for a future story.


Ultron should be cool. So anyways, what is going on with all the Avengers books? How do I choose, I don't know which one is which? So far I have the Opeña and Remender Avengers.

Avengers and New Avengers by Jonathan Hickman are companion books. That combo + Young Avengers is all I really need.
yay X-men all over my face!

That New Mutants book was so good.

Vive Les David Lopez.


X-23 can burn in hell.


dude i was one of 7 people that read x-23. i know the deal.

x-23 > jubliee

I too was one of those unfortunate fools who had to slog through the shitshow that was X-23's entire career, due to her always being linked to characters I like (the New X-men, Wolverine, Jubilee, Gambit etc). She is complete and utter SHIT. Nothing is worse than X-23. Literally.

Wannabe Kitty Pryde I can deal with but wannabe Longshot? ugh :/

p.s. I hope Wood gets to add Laura to the team later

I'm glad the Xmen stuff are coming back
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