I guess the main thing would be that some of the characters and teams I like aren't exactly in the top tier. Captain Britain, Black Panther, Iron Fist, Amadeus Cho, Jamie Madrox, Alpha Flight, and some of the Initiative and Academy kids. It feels like in the lower tier at least that writers have more leeway in what they can do with a character and that any changes or character development they give might have a higher chance of being more permanent. If you look at the Superior Spider-man stuff recently, everyone's talking about when not if the previous status quo will return. I suppose part of that is that when a series with the lower tier characters is finished you can never be certain when they'll be making appearances again. I also like that they're not always tied into events that heavily and tend to be left alone in their own corners of the Marvel universe at times.
Part of it is that I tend to follow creators more as well. That's how I got started on Alpha Flight for example. I jumped onboard with Pak and Van Lente after loving their Incredible Hercules run. Peter David, I'd enjoyed some of his novels and tried out the Madrox miniseries which I loved to bits.
Finally, I tend to give new characters and teams a chance and they obviously don't have the built-in audience at the start. This is because I'd like to experience the journey that some comic readers have, where they've followed characters since their creation and over a number of years (even decades). I find the idea of that to be pretty cool.
Sorry for the rambling post. Hope that's answered the question.