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COMICS! |OT| January 2013. "Read more comics"? Now that's a resolution I can keep!

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This should have been the question when they cancelled Hellblazer in favor of a crappy PG Constantine book.

But what it looks like is that they're just killing off anything that starts to lag in sales, and then replace it with something else. I'm less than thrilled with this practice.

They all do it. Nobody is going to keep a book alive just because. Not unless they have trade sales or some shit to fall back on. Does anyone else remember when Alpha Flight was upgraded to a full ongoing at FanExpo and then a month later downgraded back to a miniseries?

At the moment Marvel are in the midst of their new initiative so it all seems hunky dory. Let's see where we are in 6-12 months time with some of these titles. I'd love for them to stick by the lower selling titles for longer as they tend to be the ones that I read.


it's called investment of time and resources, and having faith in your choices, and not hedging your bets. Its called having principles, it's called believing in something, like being a goddamn publisher, not a corporate hack.

I am not sure the guys running either show know anything about that anymore. You get the talent, and you give something a chance to succeed, you don't play it like a network, you don't pay attention to the competition more than you do your fans. But ah, we'll see.
Nah. Just because the New 52 has been the wettest of wet farts doesn't make Batman or Flash or I, Vampire or any other book you think is good any worse. Just like the fact that that super stupid thing that happened in Spider-Man will not make any book he's involved in that Slott is not writing any worse.

You have absolutely no input whatsoever on how those companies are run. All you can do is support good books by buying them. So, buy good books. That's the resolution you should keep.
I was referring more to the practice of supporting a book because you like a certain character, even though you disagree with the creative direction the book is being taken in.


I misunderstood you, but then I got an excuse to give some practical examples of the point I made earlier and talk shit about Dan Slott in the process. No regrets.


They all do it. Nobody is going to keep a book alive just because. Not unless they have trade sales or some shit to fall back on. Does anyone else remember when Alpha Flight was upgraded to a full ongoing at FanExpo and then a month later downgraded back to a miniseries?

At the moment Marvel are in the midst of their new initiative so it all seems hunky dory. Let's see where we are in 6-12 months time with some of these titles. I'd love for them to stick by the lower selling titles for longer as they tend to be the ones that I read.

How does it end up you read to lower selling titles? I'm curious? Coincidence or lesser know characters?



Got this in the mail today, all nice and b&b'd. Pretty awesome little story, worth the $5 for the Aja art alone. Enjoyed the weird future-past robot stuff. Logan isn't a dudebro bub throughout, he's mostly just Logan with the claws making only a couple appearances.


stop letting me fall out of the loop you guys

an all-woman x-men lineup

dont let video games take me away

demons souls is kicking my ass rip


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Come back to us Satch. Trading one form of masochism for another won't make you feel any better.


I'm pretty disappointed with Batman #15, feels like way too much complaining and explaining over storytelling. This issue, along with the ending of #14, is also the point where you see through the story and understand it's just a cover to sell other Batbooks. I enjoyed the last page page and the Riddler back-up, if only the full issue started with the last page and i could have skipped the " HOW DO YOU KNOW BRO?" repetitiveness.


I'm pretty disappointed with Batman #15, feels like way too much complaining and explaining over storytelling. This issue, along with the ending of #14, is also the point where you see through the story and understand it's just a cover to sell other Batbooks. I enjoyed the last page page and the Riddler back-up, if only the full issue started with the last page and i could have skipped the " HOW DO YOU KNOW BRO?" repetitiveness.

Agreed. I have high hopes for #16 though.
They all do it. Nobody is going to keep a book alive just because. Not unless they have trade sales or some shit to fall back on.

Well, yes. I understand the business aspect. But in this case it makes it seem like the entire reboot was to facilitate this practice to an extreme.


I'm pretty disappointed with Batman #15, feels like way too much complaining and explaining over storytelling. This issue, along with the ending of #14, is also the point where you see through the story and understand it's just a cover to sell other Batbooks. I enjoyed the last page page and the Riddler back-up, if only the full issue started with the last page and i could have skipped the " HOW DO YOU KNOW BRO?" repetitiveness.

I get what Synder was going for, but yeah. One whole issue of Nightwing telling Bruce he's full of shit isn't particularly exciting.


that actually sounds amazing

now if i could just find my credit card

It really isn't.


Batz: Let me explain, there's no wa...


Batz: Please, I've covered every possible scenario.


Tim: Why am I here?


that actually sounds amazing

now if i could just find my credit card

Here's how the conversation went:

He didn't!

But how do you know, bro?

Because blah blah blah blah blah

So you're not sure?

I'm sure! THERE"S NO WAY


Dude , bro - jason todd steps in


Riveting. Bendis-talk would have been more interesting, it's that bad.

^^^^^^^ how is everyone posting the same thing in two minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because the book was bad.


Did they tell Batgirl to be quiet while the men were talking?

Her only purpose was to remind readers to buy Batgirl and namedrop what the joker did in her book. Her dialog should have been " If you'd have read my book Bruce, you'd know that the Joker blah blah blah"
Yeah I feel that Snyder's biggest problem in his Batman run is he can't maintain the momentum from the first couple of issues in his big arcs. It happened in Court of Owls after Batman escaped the maze and it's happening again with issue 15. That reveal at the end of Owls almost killed that whole arc for me. The only part I really liked in Batman 15 was the call back to Arkham Asylum at the end and the Riddler back-up.


Nightwing: He was literally in the house Bruce. Literally took Alfred.

Bruce: Coincidence. He never got in the cave. Fuck you.

Nightwing: Fuck you.

Jason: Fuck all of you.

The others: ...


Leather face joker was really my official jumping off point for DC books, my interest has been dropping since the new52. Joker has become a perfect example of "look how serious and scary we are now"


Leather face joker was really my official jumping off point for DC books, my interest has been dropping since the new52. Joker has become a perfect example of "look how serious and scary we are now"

Yeah, I prefer the tone of the Marvel universe much more even if their big events are fucking pukefests usually.


I mean yeah, at first is was Tony Daniel being dumb and going for shock value, but you need to read Batman & Robin #15. Gleason just makes it work.

Also, I'm still hype for Batman #16 HI HATERS


I mean yeah, at first is was Tony Daniel being dumb and going for shock value, but you need to read Batman & Robin #15. Gleason just makes it work.

Also, I'm still hype for Batman #16 HI HATERS

I don't think any of us aren't hyped for it. Everyone has said the end of #15 was great.

You calling other people haters is amazing. Aren't you overdue for a whinefest about Dan Slott?


No Scrubs
Yeah I feel that Snyder's biggest problem in his Batman run is he can't maintain the momentum from the first couple of issues in his big arcs. It happened in Court of Owls after Batman escaped the maze and it's happening again with issue 15. That reveal at the end of Owls almost killed that whole arc for me. The only part I really liked in Batman 15 walked into Arkham at the end.

I feel like Snyder writes the entire arc at the same time and then just breaks it up into chapters from there and adjusts it so it fits into chapters better. They read really great all at once, the Court of Owls was painful one issue at a time but reading it all at once was just amazing.

Yeah, I prefer the tone of the Marvel universe much more even if their big events are fucking pukefests usually.

I do agree though, I do prefer Marvel currently. I'm ok with the Bat-books being sort of dark and gritty, but there's no reason for the rest of it to be like that.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
What the fuck, I was bitching about Batman 15 when it first came out and everybody was up my ass about how it was great character development or a good slow build up or some bullshit.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Anybody remember this shit?


I still wanna know where those damn gloves are!!!


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Oh shit, never mind. False alarm, it was just ElNarez giving me shit about h8ing the ish. I forgot to take it with a grain of salt at the time.



No Scrubs
It was. The problem with buildup is that it's not always particularly interesting or exciting on its own though.

Yea, it's part of the problem with long arcs. Sometimes it slows down for character/story development. It's sort of why I like the Spidey pacing, 3 chapter arcs are nice since if something isn't working you just wait a month and you've got something new.

Yeah, I remember you being totally fucking weird about that.

Yea he lost his mind over that. Panel could have been done better, I think even Capullo admitted to that.


I feel like Snyder writes the entire arc at the same time and then just breaks it up into chapters from there and adjusts it so it fits into chapters better. They read really great all at once, the Court of Owls was painful one issue at a time but reading it all at once was just amazing.

Snyder has a really weird way of writing things. He's said he has two different methods depending on whether he's got scenes where it's dialogue (or Snyder Soliloquy™) heavy and scenes that are action heavy. Apparently for the former he'll write all the words first and ask Capullo to do whatever and for the latter, where he's got action in mind, he describes the panels for Capullo and makes up the words later.


What the fuck, I was bitching about Batman 15 when it first came out and everybody was up my ass about how it was great character development or a good slow build up or some bullshit.

i feel like every time i poke my head in here, you're losing


You calling other people haters is amazing. Aren't you overdue for a whinefest about Dan Slott?

Nah, they've only released media for the first three issues of Superior so I can't infer more shit. 'tis a tough life, the one of a hate-reader, I tells ya.

But that thing I was doing there, the "Hi Haters thing", it was exaggerating. I saw that we had a disagreement on the writing of Batman, and extrapolated it, playing up my reputation in this thread as "the bad guy who hates stuff" with a silly, pseudo-confrontational remark about y'all being my haters. Just like right now, I'm goofing on the idea that my hatred of Dan Slott is irrational, by making it seem as if my sole occupation was to scour every little piece of Spider-Man media to find reasons to hate him.

Now I am explaining the basic gist of the character I am playing in the thread, in an attempt to make me sound much more clever than I actually am, by pretending that the positions I have taken previously, while based on my actual opinion, are exaggerated for comic effect.

PS: Yeah, Batman #15 could've used a panel of Batman's gloves on the ground tangled in rope.

PPS: I love you guys don't you dare change.


Going back to DC needing more fun, you know what would make Aquaman the perfect superhero book? If Arthur had more of his Brave and the Bold counterpart in him. Seriously, he's fucking amazing in that show.

There has got to be some kind of happy medium between the sad sack, "heavy is the head that wears the crown" Arthur that Johns is doing and the boisterous King Arthur from that show. Just one issue of him grabbing Mera and saying "Let's go on a fucking adventure, and fight some crime. We're superheroes, damn it! :D"

Back to Synder, I feel like this Swamp Thing foolishness is going to be amazing once I read it all after he's done. Right now, though? Fucking end, already.


No Scrubs
Snyder has a really weird way of writing things. He's said he has two different methods depending on whether he's got scenes where it's dialogue (or Snyder Soliloquy™) heavy and scenes that are action heavy. Apparently for the former he'll write all the words first and ask Capullo to do whatever and for the latter, where he's got action in mind, he describes the panels for Capullo and makes up the words later.

That's weird? If I had someone as good as Capullo drawing for me I'd probably do the same.
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