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COMICS! |OT| January 2013. "Read more comics"? Now that's a resolution I can keep!

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Characters I don't care about:

Captain America

Books I am reading:

Captain America


Characters I don't care about:


Books I am not reading:

Fury of Firestorm


(Works both ways bro)


New 52's biggest problem seemed to be not enough talent and ideas to actually have 52 books, along with being tied to an abysmal continuity mash-up and editorial shenanigans.

Typing out that sentence feels like i traveled in time a year. Same problems, their new book announcements are wonky....Phantom Stranger? Team 7, Amethyst with a soon to be random back-up and titled Swords that know Sorcery?
New 52's biggest problem seemed to be not enough talent and ideas to actually have 52 books, along with being tied to an abysmal continuity mash-up and editorial shenanigans.

Typing out that sentence feels like i traveled in time a year. Same problems, their new book announcements are wonky....Phantom Stranger? Team 7, Amethyst with a soon to be random back-up and titled Swords that know Sorcery?


As someone who reads both Team 7 and Sword of Sorcery, what exactly is bad about them? They are both actually pretty interesting. Can I assume you haven't read them?

To your first point; I am a reader. I don't particularly care about the editorial side of things. I care about what is in my hands, what I read. And I enjoy the vast majority of the books that I get. I also don't particularly care if I can't account for where every pre-52 title did or did not occur in continuity. Doesn't really matter. Try explaining how half the Marvel titles can happen when the characters are in 3-5 different places at once. Same story, different variation.

Just enjoy comics mang.
New 52 can still be salvaged. There were a lot of great comics to come out of it like Action Comics, Aquaman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Earth 2, and pretty much the entire DARK line of books. I'm also curious to see if DC really keeps that new muslim green lantern around permanently. I agree that they should cut the line down though I don't understand why they need to arbitrarily have 52 books on the shelves and having 6 batman books diminishes the brand not strengthens it.
i think some consolidation would be good fro DC. also keeping creative teams intact would be nice as well.

how is earth 2. post starman james robinson ahs been awful. so is this a decent book
i think some consolidation would be good fro DC. also keeping creative teams intact would be nice as well.

how is earth 2. post starman james robinson ahs been awful. so is this a decent book

Yea Earth-2 has been great better than the main Justice League book. It's a very different take on super heroes and golden age concepts though.
how is earth 2. post starman james robinson ahs been awful. so is this a decent book

In my opinion Earth 2 is a stellar book. It's had some hit or miss moments but over all the art is amazing (Nicola Scott is a Goddess with a pencil, imo, although she hasn't done the last few issues? :( ) It's an interesting alternate take on Earth 2 continuity. It's not going to be anything from the Golden Age that you remembered, it's more in the line of a true Alternate Earth, but they seem to be having alot more ties between it and DCnU Earth 2.

And this is someone who is also wishy washy on Robinson. But I'd say this has been some of his better work. I'd say it's a consistent 4/5 book.

This makes me sad... Even people who hate Hawkeye love his new book. You should at least give it a chance, it's really solid.

It's one of the few Marvel titles I've considered because of all the high praise (This is how I started picking up Saga, for example). But I'm still on the fence about it. The inconsistent guest artists haven't exactly sold me on it either. Is Aja expected to be more consistent or is it going to continue to be a "Maybe this month, maybe next month?" sort of deal?

I agree that they should cut the line down though I don't understand why they need to arbitrarily have 52 books on the shelves and having 6 batman books diminishes the brand not strengthens it.

Those tend to be their strongest sellers. So DC isn't going to prune back successful titles even if you don't feel there is a need for titles like Dark Knight, or Detective Comics, etc.
It's one of the few Marvel titles I've considered because of all the high praise (This is how I started picking up Saga, for example). But I'm still on the fence about it. The inconsistent guest artists haven't exactly sold me on it either. Is Aja expected to be more consistent or is it going to continue to be a "Maybe this month, maybe next month?" sort of deal?

So far, it's mostly Aja and Pulido but with 2 exceptions. Aja did 1-3, Pulido did 4-5, Aja did 6, there's a Hurricane Sandy issue special that's done by guest artist (out on the 30th), issues 7 & 8 - not too sure on the pencillers for them.

Basic schedule is Aja 2-3 issues, Pulido 2 issues.

If still on the fence, the Hawkguy trade is out in March.
So far, it's mostly Aja and Pulido but with 2 exceptions. Aja did 1-3, Pulido did 4-5, Aja did 6, there's a Hurricane Sandy issue special that's done by guest artist (out on the 30th), issues 7 & 8 - not too sure on the pencillers for them.

Basic schedule is Aja 2-3 issues, Pulido 2 issues.

Hmm. Hmm. Hmm... that's tough. I like Aja, but not Pulido (no offense to him).


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Terry Dodson variant for X-Men #1



So far, it's mostly Aja and Pulido but with 2 exceptions. Aja did 1-3, Pulido did 4-5, Aja did 6, there's a Hurricane Sandy issue special that's done by guest artist (out on the 30th), issues 7 & 8 - not too sure on the pencillers for them.

Basic schedule is Aja 2-3 issues, Pulido 2 issues.

If still on the fence, the Hawkguy trade is out in March.

Aja is back on for 8 and 9.

e: Sandy issue is only one exception, no?
Newsarama interviews Rick Remender about Uncanny Avengers and Captain America.

Of immediate interest: Cassaday is on art through #4, then Coipel comes in for an epilogue issue before Acuna takes over as regular series artist; he already has 1.5 issues of the next story in the can. Cassaday will still be providing covers, but since "Marvel is committed to keeping the book monthly" can we infer that means he won't be back unless he can produce faster?

EDIT: Dat mohawk... wait, Jubilee got her powers back? How?
Hmm. Hmm. Hmm... that's tough. I like Aja, but not Pulido (no offense to him).

True Pulido's art can be divisive, but it really works for the 2 issues he did as it gave the issues that 60's spy caper kinda feel.

I know that CBR often does previews of upcoming issues and some preview pages are posted here, but I think Fraction's writing stands well enough regardless of who's writing the issue.

Aja is back on for 8 and 9.

e: Sandy issue is only one exception, no?

Wasn't sure about 8 as I heard Pulido was originally going to do it - though that was a while ago. As for the Sandy issue, is it considered 7 or just a special? I can't remember.


Wasn't sure about 8 as I heard Pulido was originally going to do it - though that was a while ago. As for the Sandy issue, is it considered 7 or just a special? I can't remember.

The issues that are 8 and 9 were 7 and 8 before Sandy hit. Those were always going to drawn by Aja but they've been pushed back one issue for the (unplanned) Sandy issue. April solicits aren't out yet but I'd be willing to bet Pulido will be back on for 10.



As someone who reads both Team 7 and Sword of Sorcery, what exactly is bad about them? They are both actually pretty interesting. Can I assume you haven't read them?

To your first point; I am a reader. I don't particularly care about the editorial side of things. I care about what is in my hands, what I read. And I enjoy the vast majority of the books that I get. I also don't particularly care if I can't account for where every pre-52 title did or did not occur in continuity. Doesn't really matter. Try explaining how half the Marvel titles can happen when the characters are in 3-5 different places at once. Same story, different variation.

Just enjoy comics mang.

I read two issues of Sword of Sorcery, but not Team 7. I liked SoS, but i think its sent to die and wasn't quite good enough to get me to buy the third issue. It's also a 3.99 book with a silly name and a back-up that is going to be changing around.

on the editorial side, i don't know that much since i'm not an insider, just bits and pieces that websites and gaf talk about, things like Superman being constrained by Morrison's Action Comics, creative team unhappiness, things like Static Shock being a mess, Firestorm being a mess, etc etc etc etc.
The issues that are 8 and 9 were 7 and 8 before Sandy hit. Those were always going to drawn by Aja but they've been pushed back one issue for the (unplanned) Sandy issue. April solicits aren't out yet but I'd be willing to bet Pulido will be back on for 10.

Gotcha. I kinda figured that's what was gonna happen but wasn't 100% sure.

Thus, for GrandHarrier:

Hawkguy #1-3: Aja, #4-5: Pulido, #6: Aja, #7: Sandy guest issue, #8-9: Aja.
Gotcha. I kinda figured that's what was gonna happen but wasn't 100% sure.

Thus, for GrandHarrier:

Hawkguy #1-3: Aja, #4-5: Pulido, #6: Aja, #7: Sandy guest issue, #8-9: Aja.

Thanks for collecting that info. Very kind of you. I'll think about it, but wishy washy artists are one of my biggest pet peeves. Hard bias to get over.

So this makes me wonder. I don't know the real answer. Do most artists just do 1 title? I've never understood how a 20-22 page book would be hard to put out on a monthly basis. I mean that's less than a page a say right? Why some artists can manage (Basri) while others can't has always been something I've wanted to know about.


I'm pretty sure he drew all of Fraction's recent Defenders run.

The Dodsons did 4~ issues of interiors. They did the first arc (3 issues) and came back for an issue or two after. Lark did issue 4 (aka the Best Issue) and the Breitweisers did the next one. McKelvie did a few towards the end and there were a bunch of other cats who did the rest.
If you aren't reading Hawkeye at this point, I have to assume one of two things:

1) You're hurting financially, in which case I feel for you. I'll be happy to gift you a digital copy of #1, or suggest a vastly inferior comic on your pull list to drop for it.

2) You aren't a comic book fan.
Here is where I am at for a monthly pull. Any other thoughts/adds are appreciated. How do people think Savage Wolverine, Young Avengers and Uncanny X-Force are going to be?

Gambit $3
Hawkeye $3
Daredevil $3
Deadpool $3
Thor: God of Thunder $4
Wolverine & The X-Men $4
All New X-Men $4
Superior Spider-Man $4
Young Avengers $4

Wonder Woman $3
Batman $4

Saga $3

oh also if you didn't know, Marvel likes to double/triple ship thier books so some of those might be out 2 or 3 times sometimes. since you were keeping to $100 just letting you know
Dodson is nice. Has he ever been a regular on a book?
I'm pretty sure he drew all of Fraction's recent Defenders run.
I just looked it up because I didn't think that could possibly be right... and it isn't, sorry: MacKelvie, Ibanez, and Lark are all credited as pencilers on that series too. The Dodsons rarely manage anything longer than a five-issue stint on a series, and often little more than three issues in a row, and that's a trend that goes back years -- all the way back to their early days on Mantra.

And to answer GrandHarrier's question somewhat because it's related: it's said that top artists these days earn more money for covers and in private sales of their artwork to collectors, than through the page rates they receive from publishers for finished pages. As a result, they spend more time working on fewer pages and turning them into something a collector would buy, and less time worrying about churning out pages like in the old days when the private market wasn't there.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
If you aren't reading Hawkeye at this point, I have to assume one of two things:

1) You're hurting financially, in which case I feel for you. I'll be happy to gift you a digital copy of #1, or suggest a vastly inferior comic on your pull list to drop for it.

2) You aren't a comic book fan.

preach. i will also throw in digital codes for issues 2-6 if you're broke and have no dumb books on your pull list.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
The Dodsons did 4~ issues of interiors. They did the first arc (3 issues) and came back for an issue or two after. Lark did issue 4 (aka the Best Issue) and the Breitweisers did the next one. McKelvie did a few towards the end and there were a bunch of other cats who did the rest.

The McKelvie issues made that run.



I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
If you aren't reading Hawkeye at this point, I have to assume one of two things:

1) You're hurting financially, in which case I feel for you. I'll be happy to gift you a digital copy of #1, or suggest a vastly inferior comic on your pull list to drop for it.

2) You aren't a comic book fan.

Sharing some choice quotes from one Ryan Higgins, comic shop owner, a man who has the power to influence the purchases of his clientele.

Finally got Hawkeye #3, made it half-way through #4 before I had to stop. I can't deal with Fraction's dialogue, it's really fucking awful. Great art, but I can't read this. It's the most hipster "superhero" comic ever written, I can't stand it.
...it really is a superhero book for people that don't like superheroes.

The art is killer, but man, the dialogue. Fraction is channeling his inner Bendis like no one's business, and it's just awful.
I've always hated Fraction's dialogue, but it's just so forced all through this book. All the "bro's" and the Bendis-like half-sentences and stuttering. Terrible.


Defenders is like, quintessential Fraction. So many awesome issues, so many dumb+boring ones.

re: Bendis comparisons

The difference between them is that Bendis does that back and forth quippy shit in every comic. Fraction is deliberately using it because he knows Aja is gonna draw a panel for every line which makes it read MUCH better. Notice how he avoided it when Pulido was on art.
Sharing some choice quotes from one Ryan Higgins, comic shop owner, a man who has the power to influence the purchases of his clientele.

I guess, but if you are someone who's actually leaving your purchasing power to the guy who runs the shop, then I guess the quote 'A fool and his money are soon parted.' is apt.


Sharing some choice quotes from one Ryan Higgins, comic shop owner, a man who has the power to influence the purchases of his clientele.

Who is Ryan Higgins and why the fuck should I care about his terrible goddamn opinion ?

(Speaking of terrible opinions, dang, there's a lot of those on this page. Defenders haters, you're ridiculous.)


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Who is Ryan Higgins and why the fuck should I care about his terrible goddamn opinion ?

(Speaking of terrible opinions, dang, there's a lot of those on this page. Defenders haters, you're ridiculous.)

You care so much about every body else's I figured you would like to hear one more.


I pretty much gave up on Marvel and DC around the time of Nu52.

The only series I read now is The unwritten, now that DMZ has finished. but I may have to chek out Hawkeye if Fraction and Aja are back together again. Immortal iron Fist was godly!


I just looked it up because I didn't think that could possibly be right... and it isn't, sorry: MacKelvie, Ibanez, and Lark are all credited as pencilers on that series too. The Dodsons rarely manage anything longer than a five-issue stint on a series, and often little more than three issues in a row, and that's a trend that goes back years -- all the way back to their early days on Mantra.

And to answer GrandHarrier's question somewhat because it's related: it's said that top artists these days earn more money for covers and in private sales of their artwork to collectors, than through the page rates they receive from publishers for finished pages. As a result, they spend more time working on fewer pages and turning them into something a collector would buy, and less time worrying about churning out pages like in the old days when the private market wasn't there.

Thanks for the research. So the Dodsons are kinda like Hughes? Great cover artists but undependable on a series it seems. So many artists are like that. Travis Charest also went that way.
All female X-Men team looks interesting. The last time I saw Kitty Pryde and Jubilee interacting was back when Illyanna died. Jubilee was jealous of Illyana's connection with Kitty and all Jubilee could do is get Illyana's Bamf doll.


So I just got into comics about 3 months ago after getting a nexus 7, I started and loved The Walking Dead then read Y The Last Man, various "must read" Batman and Superman arcs (love the new 52 Batman), IDW's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ghostbusters and just finished up to the latest issue of Locke and Key (when does issue 6 come out?)

Anyone got any recommendations? I really love the 6-12 issue continuing arc of things like Locke and Key and Batman Court of Owls. I liked Y The Last Man but the ending was a let down, I liked the fact that it was a contained read though with a start and end.


So I just got into comics about 3 months ago after getting a nexus 7, I started and loved The Walking Dead then read Y The Last Man, various "must read" Batman and Superman arcs (love the new 52 Batman), IDW's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ghostbusters and just finished up to the latest issue of Locke and Key (when does issue 6 come out?)

Anyone got any recommendations? I really love the 6-12 issue continuing arc of things like Locke and Key and Batman Court of Owls. I liked Y The Last Man but the ending was a let down, I liked the fact that it was a contained read though with a start and end.

Umbrella Academy :)



Quick Hawkeye preview:

Issue 1:




Now as for the "bro" hipster thing (it's a joke, one that clearly went over some people's heads)





Unconfirmed Member
Tomorrow I'm just getting Captain America. I get Saga and Batman digitally and I'm behind on those and need to buy the previous issues for those two first. I might see if my shop has the Brian Wood Conan trade that came out and buy that.
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