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COMICS! |OT| January 2013. "Read more comics"? Now that's a resolution I can keep!

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Any final thoughts to add to this list? Comes to around $45.00 a month, not counting multiple shipments. Remember, I am 100% digital, so anything you rec should be available on ComiXology.

Thor: God of Thunder
Wolverine & The X-Men
All New X-Men
Superior Spider-Man
Young Avengers

Wonder Woman


Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Some damn fine comics this week. Cap America and Avengers Assemble especially.

Can't say the same for Batman. Is the big reveal that Joker can teleport now/is somehow Emperor Joker still?


I thought the same thing after reading it. I understand that there is a lot of stuff to cover setting up a big story like this, but holy crap the issue is just one giant meeting that goes on forever. Again hopefully this is just to set up the plot before things start rolling.

I thought the issue was great. The scale of the book is huge. I think the build up is going to be worth it in a few issues.


Any final thoughts to add to this list? Comes to around $45.00 a month, not counting multiple shipments. Remember, I am 100% digital, so anything you rec should be available on ComiXology.

Thor: God of Thunder
Wolverine & The X-Men
All New X-Men
Superior Spider-Man
Young Avengers

Wonder Woman


Personally I would add at least one Avengers book. Whether it's Uncanny Avengers, Avengers or New Avengers. Because I'm sure we will all be talking about them here.


Any final thoughts to add to this list? Comes to around $45.00 a month, not counting multiple shipments. Remember, I am 100% digital, so anything you rec should be available on ComiXology.

Thor: God of Thunder
Wolverine & The X-Men
All New X-Men
Superior Spider-Man
Young Avengers

Wonder Woman


Manhattan Projects


There's so much fucked up shit happening to horses in Batman #16 that I have to ask what's up with that. Seriously. Has Snyder ever shown this fierce an opinion for or against horses? Because at one point, you've gotta ask those horse questions.


It's kind of a stupid qualifier. Dudes were saying the same thing to me before I started reading it.

The reason for the qualifier is that Sandman gets touted as the best or one of the best comic books of all time. If you weighed that sort of statement against volume 1 in isolation, I think you run the risk of dismissing the series as extremely overhyped. That doesn't mean that volume 1 was bad by any stretch. Things kick into gear with volume 2 though.

EDIT: Also, Gaiman switches the series focus in issue 8. While the horror elements in volume one continue to show up, they are no longer as prevalent (the same is true regarding the DCU references) and the series starts to focus a lot more on mythology and the nature of dreams.
Any final thoughts to add to this list? Comes to around $45.00 a month, not counting multiple shipments. Remember, I am 100% digital, so anything you rec should be available on ComiXology.

Thor: God of Thunder
Wolverine & The X-Men
All New X-Men
Superior Spider-Man
Young Avengers

Wonder Woman

Buddy, you're doing yourself an excellent service with that lineup. Just a few heads up:

- If you're going with Wolverine & The X-Men and All New X-Men, it couldn't hurt to wiki Schism and AvX events to get an idea how it got to the current landscape.

- Also, Remender's Uncanny X-Force just ended...it's quite possibly a classic. Worth catching up on.

- If you end up liking Young Avengers, you should check out Gillen's Journey Into Mystery, which is essentially Kid Loki's story up to this point. It's very good.

- And depending on your budget, I agree about picking up one of the Avenger titles, too, mainly because it seems to be Marvel's main feature at the moment. I'd recommend Uncanny Avengers of the three. But be forewarned, it might be hard to jump into without prior context, since they reference stuff that's been happening in the Marvel Universe lately. Remender is awesome, so do it anyway!
New Avengers #2: What if Hickman was Bendis? And they kept calling Iron Man "Anthony" as if it made the comic more ~serious and mature~

All New X-Men #6: It's always over so quickly. This might be my favourite series along with Hawkeye.
Storm and Jean ;__;


Getting back into the Comic Book game I must say, I appreciate Bagley, Garney and JRJR a lot more. Most of the comics I end up not picking up is because I know they won't be on time. I'm looking at you Frank Cho. JRJR is weaksauce to a lot of people but his output is stellar. It's like most artists learned from the Image days that delays build up hype and therefore a good thing, so they almost prepare their minds to lag on issues. Then you get that fill in who is either awesome and you wish he would be the regular, or a hack who can ace the splash pages but fails to be a good storyteller. I wish I could experience Ultimate Spider-Man and the milestone they set with items on my current pull list. /rant


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
There's so much fucked up shit happening to horses in Batman #16 that I have to ask what's up with that. Seriously. Has Snyder ever shown this fierce an opinion for or against horses? Because at one point, you've gotta ask those horse questions.

Did they steal Batman's gloves? If so death is too good for them.


There's so much fucked up shit happening to horses in Batman #16 that I have to ask what's up with that. Seriously. Has Snyder ever shown this fierce an opinion for or against horses? Because at one point, you've gotta ask those horse questions.

Yeah I kept thinking the same thing as I was reading it.

Flaming horse first, then Batman himself punches a horse, then Mr. Freeze freezes a horse before it gets smashed to bits. From my personal taste I thought it was a bit excessive, but then again this is a very violent comic.

Also I have to say that Death in the Family currently is disappointing me in comparison to Court of Owls. (although it has yet to be seen if the finale will be a satisfying conclusion worthy of all the build-up.)


There's so much fucked up shit happening to horses in Batman #16 that I have to ask what's up with that. Seriously. Has Snyder ever shown this fierce an opinion for or against horses? Because at one point, you've gotta ask those horse questions.

Well, it goes with the whole medieval theme I guess. But yeah, horse lovers arent happy, especially in my household
Also I have to say that Death in the Family currently is disappointing me in comparison to Court of Owls. (although it has yet to be seen if the finale will be a satisfying conclusion worthy of all the build-up.)

Speaking of which, was anyone else shocked, that the next issue of Bats will be the conclusion to this arc? I mean, the whole Court/Night of the Owls-arc lasted for 7 issues (of Batman), so it's not notably longer than this, but somehow the conclusion coming in next issue seems..... I don't know, just feels weird man.
I'm literarally scared, what's gonna happen to Alfred.


Speaking of which, was anyone else shocked, that the next issue of Bats will be the conclusion to this arc? I mean, the whole Court/Night of the Owls-arc lasted for 7 issues (of Batman), so it's not notably longer than this, but somehow the conclusion coming in next issue seems..... I don't know, just feels weird man.
I'm literarally scared, what's gonna happen to Alfred.

I have a bad feeling that
whatever Joker put in that dining tray at the end of the issue has something to do with Alfred.


No Scrubs
Speaking of which, was anyone else shocked, that the next issue of Bats will be the conclusion to this arc? I mean, the whole Court/Night of the Owls-arc lasted for 7 issues (of Batman), so it's not notably longer than this, but somehow the conclusion coming in next issue seems..... I don't know, just feels weird man.
I'm literarally scared, what's gonna happen to Alfred.

I don't want to know...it looks like the whole family is coming to this party so something bad is going to happen.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
It's all part of a slow burning story that will culminate in a sequel to Morrison's The Black Glove story, Batman: The Bat Glove.

Where do I send my $2.99 to get this in front of me now?
Batman was good. I liked watching Bat run through the scrubs. I also like the Se7en
"So what's in the BOX?!?!" thing that we are left with. So what do you think it is?

Black Beetle is fucking awesome.

Saga was good.

Captain America was the shit. That ending!

I have a bad feeling that
whatever Joker put in that dining tray at the end of the issue has something to do with Alfred.

I was thinking the same thing :(


Venditti doesn't have the same gleeful irreverence as Cornell, but Demon Knights was still pretty crazy and fun. Now, can we have words about Threshold? Because Giffen doing cosmic and Larfleeze is a thing there needs to be words about.
Venditti doesn't have the same gleeful irreverence as Cornell, but Demon Knights was still pretty crazy and fun. Now, can we have words about Threshold? Because Giffen doing cosmic and Larfleeze is a thing there needs to be words about.

Which half of the New Guardians annual does it look like? The LoSH style Scott Kolins jams or the "Oh wait we're DC so how can we fuck this up" boring rote garbage fill in half?

I mean, it's on my pull list either way I just want to know what I'm in for.
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