So good
So good
So good
And what the fuck? Is Captain America pulling a Batman? "You can enter my mind, but you won't like what you find." Lol, what?
She's gone, Satch. She's gone to the same dark place as Wally West, Stephanie Brown, Ted Kord, Atlee, Lian Harper, Waller's rolls of fat, Harley's self-respect and my favorite ship, and like them she isn't coming back.
And even if she does come back, it's still the New 52; they'll make her, I dunno, Ares's rape baby or something.
Be glad for her, for she is safe and in good company.
The helicopter backpack was shit hot!
What's in the box? What's in the box???
Land traced the whole bar scene from the first issue including the female facial expressions. Hahahaha
Land traced the whole bar scene from the first issue including the female facial expressions. Hahahaha
What's in the box? What's in the box???
And where the hell did this Marquez guy come from? He's phenomenal.
What's in the box? What's in the box???
And where the hell did this Marquez guy come from? He's phenomenal.
What's in the box? What's in the box???
The best layout in last issue was the grappling hook sequence, with the cape and the panels themselves lookin' like the wings of a scarab opening up
From what I have gathered reading stuff in this thread, Marvel isn't nearly as much of a piece of shit as DC is when it comes to editorial.
I legitimately feel bad for Emma despite her somewhat questionable actions during the whole Phoenix Five thing, I mean I think it's clear Emma more than anyone else in that group loves kids and just wants to teach. Unfortunately this chick just makes horrible decisions (most of them she does to protect children). And unfortunately she hasn't been able to shed her more manipulative and guarded nature. I guess that's to be expect after what's she's gone through growing up. She's one of my more favorite characters in comic books as a result.
Wolverine used to have the poison touch too. He still can't maintain a relationship for shit. And it seems all the ex lovers of his that are still alive want him dead for the most part. Actually he still has the poison touch. Its just that kitty and jubes are immune
I think he means that one time Wolverine was watching Cyclops and Emma sleeping in the first Astonishing X-Men. It was more Logan being pissed off then him being a perv.
yeah if this is "star wars" then The Will will eventually be Han Solo-ish
and it's going be super rad
What's in the box? What's in the box???
What's in the box? What's in the box???
And where the hell did this Marquez guy come from? He's phenomenal.
Also are there any new titles that came out in the second half of last year that I should look out for? I remember picking up Captain Marvel #1 and being floored by the art/coloring. Has it held up well? And how has Marvel Now turned out? Are Winter Soldier and Daredevil still the cat's pyjamas?
Amazing. Plot lines are converging.So what did you guys think of Saga #9?
I got wrist surgery yesterday and since I can't play games (or do much of anything really) I've been spending all day yesterday and today catching up on the comics that have come out since I dropped the hobby back in July of last year. Been working through the DC library and I'm going through the #0 issues now. Is it just me or do most of these suck? There were a few good ones though, like Green Lantern and Wonder Woman. I also much preferred Romano Molenaar on Birds of Prey #0; his art fits the book much more than Travel Foreman's did after they switched Jesus Saiz off. Is Molenaar the new permanent artist on this book?
Also are there any new titles that came out in the second half of last year that I should look out for? I remember picking up Captain Marvel #1 and being floored by the art/coloring. Has it held up well? And how has Marvel Now turned out? Are Winter Soldier and Daredevil still the cat's pyjamas?
Sorry for all the questions but I feel like a ton of stuff has passed me by and I'm trying to get my bearings again.
Daredevil is still good. You'll probably also get about 5 recommendations for Hawkeye, which was one of better surprises of late 2012.
The best Marvel Now! book so far is Thor by Jason Aaron. Runners up for me are Captain America by Rick Remender and New Avengers by Jonathan Hickman. Some people in this thread have been complaining about the slow starts in the Hickman Avengers books though (which is a fair criticism. Hickman is doing a lot of setup).
All-New X-Men is also surprisingly good. It ships like 8 times a month though if you are on a budget.
Winter Soldier is still the bee's knees. Brubaker and Guice's next issue (14?) is gonna be the last one they're on tho. New writer/artist team coming but it's probably not gonna be as good.
Brubaker isn't doing superhero books anymore, from what I hear. Guice is drawing an issue of Thor: God of Thunder before Ribic does the next story arc
Does it still have Breitweiser as the colorist? I love her work.
I got wrist surgery yesterday and since I can't play games (or do much of anything really) I've been spending all day yesterday and today catching up on the comics that have come out since I dropped the hobby back in July of last year. Been working through the DC library and I'm going through the #0 issues now. Is it just me or do most of these suck? There were a few good ones though, like Green Lantern and Wonder Woman. I also much preferred Romano Molenaar on Birds of Prey #0; his art fits the book much more than Travel Foreman's did after they switched Jesus Saiz off. Is Molenaar the new permanent artist on this book?
Also are there any new titles that came out in the second half of last year that I should look out for? I remember picking up Captain Marvel #1 and being floored by the art/coloring. Has it held up well? And how has Marvel Now turned out? Are Winter Soldier and Daredevil still the cat's pyjamas?
Sorry for all the questions but I feel like a ton of stuff has passed me by and I'm trying to get my bearings again.
This new guy just can't draw faces. The facial features look like they are being sucked through a black hole at the chin. Dino's looked cool though.There's a lot of great stuff in MarvelNOW. Captain Marvel recently got a new artist, not as good, but it's not Greg Land either.
So what did you guys think of Saga #9?
The impossible has happened!
The Earth has been taken by Ultron...what few super hero survivors there are try desperately to stay alive.
And it is Luke Cage who discovers the secret behind Ultrons victory over all of mankind.
A secret that will have fans of Marvel comics arguing for years to come!
The super hero survivors of the Ultron devastation follow a trail to the Savage Land in the hopes of finding a way to survive or turn the tide of the Ultron apocalypse.
But with half the Marvel heroes dead, what chance do any of the survivors have?
The choice that will forever change the course of Marvel history...!
The heroes take the fight to Ultron...with a near-broken Captain America taking the lead!
Meanwhile, Wolverine takes it upon himself to make one of the most controversial decisions in the history of Marvel comics...
...and youll never believe who goes along with him!
Ultron took over the world.
Ultron killed the heroes. your father.
When youre Victor Mancha, android teen Runaway, daddy issues doesnt quite cover it
An AGE OF ULTRON tie-in (make sure you read #6 first!)
Wolverine and the Invisible Woman find themselves in the Avengers past!
Everybody likes The Will, but Lying Cat is secretly the best character