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COMICS! |OT| January 2013. "Read more comics"? Now that's a resolution I can keep!

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the fuck?! how much is it?!? i dropped 80 bones for 2 copies + 2 shirts and was told it would be one printing only - still haven't gotten it :(

Have you read David Brothers' pieces on comics alliance and his blog about this book? I didn't fund it because I didn't really have money at the time but holy shit, I think I dodged the bullet here because it sounds like a hot mess.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
$50 I think.

mmm at least it's more expensive than what i paid.

Have you read David Brothers' pieces on comics alliance and his blog about this book? I didn't fund it because I didn't really have money at the time but holy shit, I think I dodged the bullet here because it sounds like a hot mess.

just did. i'll hold my reservations til i read it but that kinda took the wind out of my sails. at the very least, it'll put some money into stokoe's wallet so he can continue to draw wonderful things for us. and it'll look good on my shelf.


America's Got Powers #1 and 2: Feels like a recent Mark Millar book but with less people being raped. I like it so far even if it's a bit dumb and lacking in development.


Hi folks. Just started getting into comics again after a long period of not getting anything, for various reasons. I've never really read the traditional ongoing superhero comics, so I was wondering if people had any suggestions for great comics I can jump in on, or that have started recently and are worth checking out. Previously I read a lot of stuff along the lines of Fables, Invincible, Sandman, BPRD & Hellboy, Preacher, The Unwritten, Y: The Last Man and Ex Machina if that helps. I just don't really know where to jump in with Marvel/DC stuff mostly, although I wouldn't necessarily be against that sort of thing.

I've seen Saga mentioned here so I'm going to check that out, as I like Brian K Vaughn's stuff a lot, and I'll probably try and pick The Unwritten and Fables back up again, but anything else that'd be good for a fresh start would be appreciated.

Mark Waid's Daredevil run is pretty good for that.

With other DC/Marvel stuff just jump onboard with the recent #1 issues of whatever title you're interested in. It's never been easier to pick up on past continuity, if you should ever feel that there's something you're not quite getting, with forums like this and the various wikis dotted around the internet.

I was a new reader in 2008, and I'm talking completely new to comics with rudimentary information on certain characters and their abilities from TV shows. I was uncertain about where to start and in the end just took a jump on some trades of Incredible Hercules, Green Lantern:Rebirth and other stuff that interested me(Fables, Preacher, etc). I didn't have too many problems. It often feels like people worry too much on behalf of new readers and the continuity problem gets overblown as a result.

An example: the recent tensions between Black Panther and Namor seen previewed in New Avengers. Now sure, some might not have read the events in question, but in most cases I think you can enjoy New Avengers just on the basis of "Hey, some shit went down in the past between these two, and now there's bad blood". Obviously, if you're interested you can go back and read what happened or read the wiki entry. Or like the whole Nick Fury jr thing.

Maybe there are examples where knowing about previous continuity is essential but I've often found that you can piece things together with info in the book you're reading or just read up about it online. It can add more depth to certain scenes knowing about a character's history but as I've said I've not really found it to be detrimental to my reading experience yet.
Wiki entries help a lot. Before I started reading comics, I just read a bunch of the entries for the characters that I was interested in.



Still waiting on my copy...

The fact that people who kickstarted that project got the pdf AFTER it was already serialized monthly via comixology and that he's selling hard copies on amazon and stores is such amazing bullshit. Guy is sketchy as hell. He also apparently tries to solicit free work from dudes on tumblr or whatever on the chance that they *might* get paid.
I don't care how sketchy this brah is, I just want more Gladstones School for World Conquerors. And what problems did reviewers have with SS? Thought the first chapter was good and James Stokoe is my fave artist so m biased.


Just Finished the last Run of Uncanny Xforce...

So. Damn. Good. I think I chose the perfect entrance into the Marvel Universe.

Is Secret Avengers as good?


What is?

I am still on a high, my local shop is still open and I do not have to work tomorrow.

In my opinion? Astonishing X-Men, the Whedon run. I like Carey's run on X-men Legacy a lot, even though it really isn't talked about a whole bunch.


I just saw The Black Beetle today, and thought I should pick it up. I love that old pulp feel. I picked up the Ennis run on The Shadow, but haven't followed up on Dynamite's Masks or The Spider. It's interesting how the pulp/radio serial inspired comics are making a comeback with an audience that was (presumably) not alive when these heroes were at their most popular. Makes me wish someone would resurrect Doc Savage novels with a decent writer at the helm.


This came out last month but I thought I'd try reading the first issue anyway as the cover was quite eye-catching.

Change #1


It's another Cthulhu comic, except instead of fusing the mythos with noir like Fatale this is... I'm not sure, really. Maybe it's fused with a stereotypical "doesn't Hollywood suck you dry" type story, but that doesn't explain the astronaut.

(nothing really explains the astronaut at present, the dialogue is so cryptic)

The story appears to be following three characters - the screenwriter on the left of the cover, the rap artist/producer in the middle, and the astronaut - with some kind of creepy prophecy and hooded cultists involved, and something creepy lurking under the ocean (call Scott Snyder! Tell him to cancel The Wake now!). The art reminds me a bit of Daytripper except not as detailed, and the writing... it's very... indie... it feels like they were a bit stoned when they wrote it, a bit rambly and disconnected, even when the rap producer goes to his dog's funeral or they reveal why the screenwriter has these weird brown blotches on her face (camouflage, apparently!).

So while it doesn't seem to make a huge amount of sense, the basic story is right in my wheelhouse - I like the creepy elements in a modern world and I'm keen to see what the astronaut stuff is about. I'll probably pick up the trade in due course.


Just Finished the last Run of Uncanny Xforce...

Shit, me too. It's not a perfect comic - that Billy Tan issue with Magneto/the Nazi is still really fucking terrible on all levels, Otherworld still sucks, and the accelerated shipping schedule makes for really annoying shifts in art - but it's really damn impressive taken as a whole. I'm really surprised Marvel essentially let it to its own thing, without crossovers or event tie-ins, which is commendable even if it shouldn't be.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
I'm really surprised Marvel essentially let it to its own thing, without crossovers or event tie-ins, which is commendable even if it shouldn't be.

I miss Vaughan's run on Runaways for that reason. Especially in the beginning it was clearly grounded in the Marvel U, but besides that they were pretty much left in their own corner.
Aaron's Wolverine and the X-Men is in UXF's league, especially Bradshaw's stuff. Ramon Perez on WatXM is gonna be insane.

Man, I couldn't disagree more. They seem way different in tone.

In terms of quality, I seem to be in the minority with this, but I don't think it's a very good book (and I'm a bit of an Aaron fan, too). I get it's supposed to be zany and lighthearted, but none of the story beats really hit with me. Wolverine seems entirely out of character (weird, given Aaron has done great stuff with him in the past). And aside from Bachalo's stuff, the art looks pretty bad, imo. Not a fan of Bradshaw at all. Hellfire Club Kids was a terrible idea for villains, too. I liked the first arc, but it pretty much ended there for me.


Which way is that exactly? I am not in the loop quite yet.

You can basically ignore the Crossover now, for instance Fantastic Four will have The regular issue, Fantastic Four #6 and also Fantastic Four #6AU, the AU beign the cross over issue. So it's going to cost more for crossovers but you also aren't being force fed anymore.
Mike Carey on X-Men from 188-207 is right up there with classic Claremont and Morrison's New X-Men. The Supernova's TPB is perfection. It sort of takes a hit when it becomes X-Men Legacy, and the focus on Rogue is a lot more miss than hit.

He needs to come back to the X-Men already.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Man, I couldn't disagree more. They seem way different in tone.

In terms of quality, I seem to be in the minority with this, but I don't think it's a very good book (and I'm a bit of an Aaron fan, too).

No I agree 100%. The first half dozen or so issues of WATXM were solid and it just fell off. It's not very good...

You can basically ignore the Crossover now, for instance Fantastic Four will have The regular issue, Fantastic Four #6 and also Fantastic Four #6AU, the AU beign the cross over issue. So it's going to cost more for crossovers but you also aren't being force fed anymore.

You can basically ignore the Crossover now, for instance Fantastic Four will have The regular issue, Fantastic Four #6 and also Fantastic Four #6AU, the AU beign the cross over issue. So it's going to cost more for crossovers but you also aren't being force fed anymore.

Seeing as I want to read Age of Ultron, but have no interest in the tie-ins. This is perfect. I wonder what it was that made them take this approach.


Seeing as I want to read Age of Ultron, but have no interest in the tie-ins. This is perfect. I wonder what it was that made them take this approach.

I guess it kind of combines the way they did it for Flashpoint/Fear Itself (separate mini-series for books) and what they normally do (tie-ins that interrupt the series). This way they can do stories that don't interrupt the story and, with the power of double-shipping, also have them be part of the main book.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I guess it kind of combines the way they did it for Flashpoint/Fear Itself (separate mini-series for books) and what they normally do (tie-ins that interrupt the series). This way they can do stories that don't interrupt the story and, with the power of double-shipping, also have them be part of the main book.

the best application of double-shipping i've ever seen

Marvel really got their shit together
Mike Carey on X-Men from 188-207 is right up there with classic Claremont and Morrison's New X-Men. The Supernova's TPB is perfection. It sort of takes a hit when it becomes X-Men Legacy, and the focus on Rogue is a lot more miss than hit.

He needs to come back to the X-Men already.

Couldn't agree more. It also has my favorite X-Team all around.

((So, yeah. Long time lurker, got into comics about 2 years ago, been reading most of your recommendations.))
Mike Carey on X-Men from 188-207 is right up there with classic Claremont and Morrison's New X-Men. The Supernova's TPB is perfection. It sort of takes a hit when it becomes X-Men Legacy, and the focus on Rogue is a lot more miss than hit.

He needs to come back to the X-Men already.

Yeah, I'm on board with this, too. Supernova was great, and I really enjoyed most of Carey's stuff on Legacy as well. His Age of X is probably the highlight of that run for me.

Morrison and Whedon are my top recommendations for (relatively) recent X-Men. Gillen did some fantastic work with his Uncanny, although it's not as focused as UXF.

I have some good vibes about Remender's Uncanny Avengers so far.


Perhaps hate is too strong a word. Let's just say I find him utterly mediocre. I never read The Sixth Gun so I can't comment on that.


Can't have sex with a giant spider-lady, bros. Just can't do it.

What if she tries to eat your head during the act or something?
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