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COMICS! |OT| January 2013. "Read more comics"? Now that's a resolution I can keep!

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The circus arc of WatXM was a boring and uninspired riff on the Arcade stories from Claremont which never really took off despite great art contributions from Bradshaw HI HATERS.

Also comics shouldn't be fun they should be good, there's a slight difference which needs to be highlighted.

Also, Team 7 is boring.

Also, Slott shouldn't have shown his hand this early with regards to the Ghost Peter stuff in Superior because it deflates the entire climax of ASM #700.

Also, All-New X-Men is fine, you babies, it's Bendis doing his best imitation of Geoff Johns, unsubtle litteralism included, but it's the fun Geoff Johns, not the "this is the most important story ever even more important than the last most important story ever" Johns.

Also, I am literally unable to wait for Young Avengers gosh fucking darn.

Preach on brother, I agree with most of your points.

WATXM Circus arc was MEH but stupid fun, it's not going to win any awards soon.

Slott is too busy hitting up 19 year olds to focus on the long term plotting of spider-man.


@Wool- Aw man I forgot to PM you the list, sorry bro I'll get to that today >_<.

So I just blind grabbed a couple of Supreme books from the library just 'cause I recognized Alan Moore's name on them. Had no clue about the comic or even the company that made them. And man, I thought that the first collection "Story of the Year" was really, really good. The storyline kinda doubled back and forward on itself while switching between classic 50s and 60s drawings and bulging boobs and biceps 90s styles as various timeframes were shown. Did a nice balance of both deconstructing superhero tropes while celebrating other ones. Was a good read I thought, anyone else familiar with it?

Moore's Supreme is really good a nice nod to classic Superman comics and ideas. Def. read the remaining TPBs as they're very well written.


Knows the Score
So I just blind grabbed a couple of Supreme books from the library just 'cause I recognized Alan Moore's name on them. Had no clue about the comic or even the company that made them. And man, I thought that the first collection "Story of the Year" was really, really good. The storyline kinda doubled back and forward on itself while switching between classic 50s and 60s drawings and bulging boobs and biceps 90s styles as various timeframes were shown. Did a nice balance of both deconstructing superhero tropes while celebrating other ones. Was a good read I thought, anyone else familiar with it?

Supreme / Supreme : The Return is probably the best work Alan Moore has done with traditional superheroes (Miracleman is probably his best work overall, but doesn't really fit in the light hearted men in capes stereotype.). The final issue of Supreme The Return wasn't published until last year for various reasons so it did finally end but you might need to try and find a copy of the last issue seperately as I don't think it's been included in the collected edition.

I believe the comic is still published with Erik Larsen on writing duties, but I've never been a fan of his.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I'm marathoning WatXM right now, somewhere around 14 at the moment.

If that's what it's becoming I'm a little concerned. :(

It's not "what it's becoming" bro. It isn't the Wacky Frankenstein Travelling Circus book now. It was a story arc. It was goofy and fun and it was something you can't see in any other X-book and now it's over and all the whiners can stop bitching about it. Aaron can go back to giving Broo space AIDS and making Idie a raging cuntbag and everybody can have their sadporn comics back.
It's not "what it's becoming" bro. It isn't the Wacky Frankenstein Travelling Circus book now. It was a story arc. It was goofy and fun and it was something you can't see in any other X-book and now it's over and all the whiners can stop bitching about it. Aaron can go back to giving Broo space AIDS and making Idie a raging cuntbag and everybody can have their sadporn comics back.


Don't talk to Idie like dat :(
It's not "what it's becoming" bro. It isn't the Wacky Frankenstein Travelling Circus book now. It was a story arc. It was goofy and fun and it was something you can't see in any other X-book and now it's over and all the whiners can stop bitching about it. Aaron can go back to giving Broo space AIDS and making Idie a raging cuntbag and everybody can have their sadporn comics back.

I remember when it was fun AND good. I suppose repeating over and over "but it's fun" is a small consolation.

I'd rather have sadporn and well written, but Aaron is inconsistent as ever. Like Fraction, you can tell when try stop giving a shit, or lose inspiration.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I just do not like the Hellfire kids at all... much more excited for Azazel and Mystique counter-school stuff than those insufferable brats influence there.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Isn't that the same school?

Yeah, but I'm hoping some of the adults being there is going to make it all a little less "THESE KIDS ARE UNBEATABLE" dumbness. Sabretooth was a good inclusion for them for a while, but I think he's out of the lighthearted runnings of Aaron's book after UXF's fallout.

Jedeye Sniv

I remember when it was fun AND good. I suppose repeating over and over "but it's fun" is a small consolation.

I'd rather have sadporn and well written, but Aaron is inconsistent as ever. Like Fraction, you can tell when try stop giving a shit, or lose inspiration.

Wait, you'll defend Lobdell but get pissy at Aaron for a weak arc? Fun's not enough for one of the best books out there (with one of the prettiest artists to boot), but it's enough for C-tier dreck like Red Hood?

Dude, you're being inconsistent now. You're cool with dumb (some might say objectively bad) 90s shit, but Aaron doing stupid clown shit is a tipping point for you?

Are you sure that's not a bizarro shirt in your avatar (shot in a mirror, obvs)?
Bleeding Cool reports Ed Benes is leaving Batgirl and taking a break from monthly work for a year or more, to work with his studio. It comes from his Facebook, and they ran it through a translator so its a little fuzzy as to what's really said.
Tomorrow I'm getting:

A+X #4
Avengers #3
Gambit #8
Uncanny Avengers #3
Uncanny X-Force #1
Wolverine and the X-Men #24
Young Avengers #1

Uncanny X-Force and Young Avengers are going to be amazing. I haven't been this excited since a long time. As for Uncanny Avengers and Gambit, this is maybe their last chance. I have been bored as hell since after the first Gambit arc, and UA was never really good.
I thought that was their idea back in 2010. X-men had Second Coming, BP was Doomwar, Herc had Chaos War, Cosmic was Thanos Imperative, Daredevil did Shadowland(may we never speak of that again)...Events in their own little universe


I don't like the idea of Nova and GOTG starting out as lead-ins to an event that occurs after a ten issue triple shipping Bendis Ultron miniseries. GOTG and Nova are already going to be slow builds in the first "arc".
Wait, you'll defend Lobdell but get pissy at Aaron for a weak arc? Fun's not enough for one of the best books out there (with one of the prettiest artists to boot), but it's enough for C-tier dreck like Red Hood?

Dude, you're being inconsistent now. You're cool with dumb (some might say objectively bad) 90s shit, but Aaron doing stupid clown shit is a tipping point for you?

Are you sure that's not a bizarro shirt in your avatar (shot in a mirror, obvs)?

I don't see the issues. You think WatXM is good and I don't. I think Red Hood has been great and you don't. There's nothing Bizarro about it.

I'm willing to accept that Red Hood is not universally liked. You seem bent out of shape that most here don't think WatXM has been worth anything since it broke during AvX.

It's not an uncommon opinion.

Jedeye Sniv

I don't see the issues. You think WatXM is good and I don't. I think Red Hood has been great and you don't. There's nothing Bizarro about it.

I'm willing to accept that Red Hood is not universally liked. You seem bent out of shape that most here don't think WatXM has been worth anything since it broke during AvX.

It's not an uncommon opinion.

I didn't mean to sound as asshole-y as I did, I just thought it was a funny dichotomy. I think that WatXM has still been above average in the dumb comics stakes, although I hope it returns to the character based stuff that made the book great. Villains for the sake of villainy is a bit boring compared to the characters just hanging out and being who they are.


I stopped reading Shadowland after issue 1 or 2. What was the excuse for Matt being evil? A demon or something?

He was possessed by The Beast from Elektra: Assassin.

You didn't really miss much, Shadowland was basically Emerald Twilight and Green Lantern: Rebirth wrapped together in one shit sandwich.
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