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COMICS! |OT| January 2013. "Read more comics"? Now that's a resolution I can keep!

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Sorry I meant the fact that it's all boring, ugly, grey, Lord of the Rings art. No sense of style whatsoever. Real well done but I still don't find it appealing to look at.

The panel to panel storytelling is also fairly non-existent, but that's sort of common with that kind of stuff.

Iunno. It's impressive from a craft standpoint but not really a style that suited to sequential art.
Dude has plenty of style. He is a master of some killer expressions on his characters in more laid back conditions. That can be found a lot more in *ahem* his other main work which is also getting turned into a graphic novel that will no doubt turn some heads.

Dude seems to just be able to shit finished coloured comic book pages by the dozen. Its terrifying. I hate-love him.

Which is his "main other work"?
It looks great, is the story good? its been a while since I buy something based only on art.


People do comics for money? Wat

When I am dictator, comics will be made for free. However, all comic artists will net great social benefits, since their efforts make the world a better place for all of us. Good comic artists will even get fame. They will be allowed to sell their art for money, but they will have the option to give it away for free online.

We will also have a special prison on the moon for Dan Slott, and will build a special rocket ship for Dan Didio. He will become a national hero, kickstarting our new space exploration program. Unfortunately we didn't have enough fuel to bring him back from Andromeda, but we sent him with plenty of dehydrated food and probably enough water to make it there.


anyone invoking the New 52 will be shot.

edit: Superman will be made to wear appropriate red and blue pants again. Anyone making underpants jokes will be sent to the moon.
Were the new Crossgen minis decent? Was thinking to get Mystic for David Lopez but I used to read old Mystic, Sojourn, the pirate one Cazador I think, and Meridian. I think I have some Ruse too but whatever. sucks that it failed


I don't know if anyone wants them, but I have digital codes for Savage Wolverine #1 and Cable and X-Force #1. If anyone wants them, PM me.

Were the new Crossgen minis decent? Was thinking to get Mystic for David Lopez but I used to read old Mystic, Sojourn, the pirate one Cazador I think, and Meridian. I think I have some Ruse too but whatever. sucks that it failed

I just bought the first couple trades of Sojourn a few days ago. Maybe it was because i was younger and had the tendency to enjoy every comic I could get my hands on, but I really enjoyed Crossgen stuff.

the chris

"Maybe shoehorning a bunch of DC characters in to a Wildstorm concept will actually work this time!"


To be fair, it was kind of a clusterfuck when Marvel tried it too.



We got people taking shots at Team 7 now?

It sucks. If I wanted to go traipsing around old DC comic world casefiles, I'd read fanfiction. Oh wait...

Not to mention half of these people didn't read the books they write and don't know continuity, so when their characters are totally ridiculous, they have no idea why. Disowning previous continuity won't make your badly written characters any better. Oh look at Waller and Slade in their younger years. Oh look there's Canary.

and what the fuck is going on with Tim Drake?
So I have not read Spidey since around issue 600 but just read 700, Avenging 15.1, and the first issue of Superior and I am not quite understanding all the hate this is getting? I'm sure everyone knows what happened but just in case the below is in spoiler tags...

It's tons of fun seeing
Doc Ock run around as Spider-Man and seeing his interactions with the rest of the cast of characters. Having Peter Parker just be a jerk to everyone is a neat contrast to the usual Parker hijinks and I enjoyed seeing how Doc Ock Spidey approaches a fight in a more elaborate super villiany planned way than how Spider-Man would usually just swing in and start throwing punches. Also making Peter a "bluey" isn't exactly the most suprising twist in the world. I mean c'mon we all know Doc Ock won't be Spider-Man forever and this is an interesting way for Peter to mess with Octavious and try and keep him on the straight and narrow

Anywho, Comics should be fun and this new direction has loads of potential!

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Pie, did Stjepan ever admit to being shiniez or is that still just an internet assumption?

Its him :p That's his other upcoming graphic novel ever since someone randomly edited his skyscraper webcomics into a standard page format and showed that it worked. Don't think you'll be able to jam that into an OP!


You really liked Black Beetle but you were meh about the new Deadpool. You sound like a good person. Keep it up :) We gonna be friends.

Now I really feel like I'm in a visual novel...

senpai ain't never gonna notice my ass.

vv: example? I think they were doing OK before the New Status Quo with the multiverses angle. They even figured out how to bring fucking Milestone back. I almost shat a duck. I almost want to hope that the Shadow Cabinet fuckers who run Stormwatch are somehow related to that other Shadow Cabinet. Their leader during the last DC introduction totally had that whole star pattern body thing going for him. But I'm sure I'm way off and DC is fucking the dog in a completely different way.

if they had just done a 1:1 carry over, but it's all the retcons that are killing me.
So I just blind grabbed a couple of Supreme books from the library just 'cause I recognized Alan Moore's name on them. Had no clue about the comic or even the company that made them. And man, I thought that the first collection "Story of the Year" was really, really good. The storyline kinda doubled back and forward on itself while switching between classic 50s and 60s drawings and bulging boobs and biceps 90s styles as various timeframes were shown. Did a nice balance of both deconstructing superhero tropes while celebrating other ones. Was a good read I thought, anyone else familiar with it?
the authority pretty much defined how marvel and dc did superhero team books for the next 10 years but it wasnt an actual idea that was imported into the dcu i guess
Sorry I should have clarified, I meant ideas aka characters/concepts carried over into the new52, not things from 15 years ago when wildstorm had a-list talent at the helm.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
So you don't take it personally when another person doesn't like the same comics as you do???

To be fair I only get uppity when peeps hate on the GOOD comics I like. I read a ton of bullshit that folks got every right to talk mess about.
Picked this up today, definitely on board with this book in a big, bad way.
Doll's House is so damned good. Corinthian is a creepy motherfucker.

Picked up Saga 9 and Hawkeye 6 yesterday but haven't gotten around to them. 9's cover is pretty damn awesome, if not disturbing. But if bro wants him so spider vag, who am I to judge
I recently picked up the Morning Glories tpbs, and really enjoyed them. What's the release schedule like for this series? I hope (but have a feeling it isnt) it is on a regular timely release without too many delays D:
So I have not read Spidey since around issue 600 but just read 700, Avenging 15.1, and the first issue of Superior and I am not quite understanding all the hate this is getting?

Yeah, i find it really amusing that all those "hardcore" spider-man fans are coming out of the woodwork to badmouth Slott, when a good number of them likely haven't even been reading his run.


No Scrubs
So I have not read Spidey since around issue 600 but just read 700, Avenging 15.1, and the first issue of Superior and I am not quite understanding all the hate this is getting? I'm sure everyone knows what happened but just in case the below is in spoiler tags...

It's tons of fun seeing
Doc Ock run around as Spider-Man and seeing his interactions with the rest of the cast of characters. Having Peter Parker just be a jerk to everyone is a neat contrast to the usual Parker hijinks and I enjoyed seeing how Doc Ock Spidey approaches a fight in a more elaborate super villiany planned way than how Spider-Man would usually just swing in and start throwing punches. Also making Peter a "bluey" isn't exactly the most suprising twist in the world. I mean c'mon we all know Doc Ock won't be Spider-Man forever and this is an interesting way for Peter to mess with Octavious and try and keep him on the straight and narrow

Anywho, Comics should be fun and this new direction has loads of potential!

Yea, you're right in that it's a good bit of fun. Since you like it, I'd say read the rest of the run leading up to this. The whole thing actually has roots all the way back in 600.


Yeah, i find it really amusing that all those "hardcore" spider-man fans are coming out of the woodwork to badmouth Slott, when a good number of them likely haven't even been reading his run.

Superior is good. I'm not sure why everyone thinks that peter is going to be gone for any extended amount of time, give it a few months and I'm sure the Jackal will get something together for Peter's spirit.
I recently picked up the Morning Glories tpbs, and really enjoyed them. What's the release schedule like for this series? I hope (but have a feeling it isnt) it is on a regular timely release without too many delays D:
Resumes in Feb. with 24 and March with 25. I wish Eisma's pencils were as good as Esquejo's art. The angular lips and weird noggins in MG were so distracting to me :/
not really saying a lot. and this will change the second brian wood's x-men drops.

Exactly what I'm waiting for on the strength on the women involved. Wood's first X-men arc was snoozeville, but he cannot screw this up.

X-books are in shambles. WatXM one of the worst offenders since AvX. Directionless, and slowly more neutered by Bendis' plans. =(

If that were the case as a DC fan I'd have died from a thousand paper cuts in these threads by now.

The vast majority of the snipes come from people that haven't read them in ages so no worries.
Exactly what I'm waiting for on the strength on the women involved. Wood's first X-men arc was snoozeville, but he cannot screw this up.

X-books are in shambles. WatXM one of the worst offenders since AvX. Directionless, and slowly more neutered by Bendis' plans. =(

I'm not even a Bendis fan, but I have to admit All New X-Men is pretty rad so far. I'm actually interested to see what he has in store for Uncanny. Oh, and Wood's X-Men was a great read, what the hell are you talking about. :(

I do agree with you on WatXM though.
I'm not even a Bendis fan, but I have to admit All New X-Men is pretty rad so far. I'm actually interested to see what he has in store for Uncanny. Oh, and Wood's X-Men was a great read, what the hell are you talking about. :(

I do agree with you on WatXM though.

Directionless and shoehorned IMO. His new run however is looking fun.
Resumes in Feb. with 24 and March with 25. I wish Eisma's pencils were as good as Esquejo's art. The angular lips and weird noggins in MG were so distracting to me :/

Its actually the eyes I find the most distracting. They way Eisma draws the reflection (?) In the pupils often comes across as a bit derp-face. Lol. Also took me a while to figure out Zoe was the Indian girl on the cover and not some other white girl with a slight tan lol.

Good to hear its resuming in Feb :D


The circus arc of WatXM was a boring and uninspired riff on the Arcade stories from Claremont which never really took off despite great art contributions from Bradshaw HI HATERS.

Also comics shouldn't be fun they should be good, there's a slight difference which needs to be highlighted.

Also, Team 7 is boring.

Also, Slott shouldn't have shown his hand this early with regards to the Ghost Peter stuff in Superior because it deflates the entire climax of ASM #700.

Also, All-New X-Men is fine, you babies, it's Bendis doing his best imitation of Geoff Johns, unsubtle litteralism included, but it's the fun Geoff Johns, not the "this is the most important story ever even more important than the last most important story ever" Johns.

Also, I am literally unable to wait for Young Avengers gosh fucking darn.
The circus arc of WatXM was a boring and uninspired riff on the Arcade stories from Claremont which never really took off despite great art contributions from Bradshaw HI HATERS.

Also comics shouldn't be fun they should be good, there's a slight difference which needs to be highlighted.

Also, Team 7 is boring.

Also, Slott shouldn't have shown his hand this early with regards to the Ghost Peter stuff in Superior because it deflates the entire climax of ASM #700.

Also, All-New X-Men is fine, you babies, it's Bendis doing his best imitation of Geoff Johns, unsubtle litteralism included, but it's the fun Geoff Johns, not the "this is the most important story ever even more important than the last most important story ever" Johns.

Also, I am literally unable to wait for Young Avengers gosh fucking darn.

It was all Peanuts parents talk until this. WAHHH WAHHH WAH WAHHH WAHHHH
I'm moving exclusively to trades because I get too ADD with floppies. I just want to read the whole thing NOW.

Can't believe I have to wait until March for the first Hawkeye trade to come out.

Edit: Speaking of Constantine, the university library has a metric shit tonne of Constantine comics. Any suggestions? I picked up John Constantine Hellblazer: Original Sins vol. 1 at random. Is it any good?


I've been digging Sword of Sorcery so far, but I don't think I'm a fan of this new, watered-down Constantine that DC has been trying to feed us.

If I wanted to read Hellblazer, what would be a good run to start with? I am willing to put ~$30 towards it to jump in.


If this is bad comics then I'm fucking out of Comic-GAF and you haters can wallow in your own shit together without me.

I'm marathoning WatXM right now, somewhere around 14 at the moment.

If that's what it's becoming I'm a little concerned. :(
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