Uncanny Avengers:
Uncanny X-Force:
Young Avengers:
GL/Corps/New Guardians:
What's with the constant narration? I find it kind of unnecessary in this type of medium. I find it harder to stick with Remender on this one.
Uncanny X-Force:
So Fantomex left Betsy for himself? Good issue nonetheless
Young Avengers:
I think I was maybe over-hyped about this, but I still enjoyed it a lot. Can't wait to see the "Kid" Loki part play out and the team to get together. Loved the panel arrangements.
My favorite issue so far, but I think the villains brought the whole arc down. However, I trust Hickman to bring them up and expand on them later in the run or in New Avengers. The team might still be too large, so I hope it gets better when they are divided in sub-teams later on.
I think I liked every single page. Not a perfect issue, but it was just what I was looking for.
GL/Corps/New Guardians:
I really want this event to be over. I am really interested in Baz, Kyle and Guy's stories, but I can't find the Third Army appealing at all.
Despite not liking and dropping Fraction's F4, I am enjoying this title immensely and can't wait for the next issue. It is such a good read.