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COMICS! |OT| January 2013. "Read more comics"? Now that's a resolution I can keep!

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I'm about to tear into my books but I just finished the first season of Twin Peaks and what the fucking fuck.

You might just want to stop there. I won't give anything away, but the second season gets a lot weirder, and then a lot worse.


and the second season is when it gets WEIRD

Yeah, that's what I'm expecting. I mean there was some really strange shit peppered throughout the first season but I have a feeling shit is about to go full on supernatural.

You might just want to stop there. I won't give anything away, but the second season gets a lot weirder, and then a lot worse.

I loved the first season enough to watch all of the second and Fire Walk With Me despite any quality dips.
Avengers was great. Uncanny Avengers was just...odd. What was up with all the narration? The actual plot with Red Skull vs UA was cool, but you can really tell Cassady rushed this artwork. The page with Havok on the roof saving that woman has the most basic, slapped together art I've ever seen of his.
And I still don't buy Cap taking orders from Havok, but at least that's addressed.

I didn't like X-Force. At all. Someone earlier mentioned the artwork looked straight out of the 90s and that was my thought too. The story so far was really rushed and frantic-and boring.


Ok, thoughts on Young Avengers. This is probably going to be a good book. It's gorgeous and has a cool cast. I don't know who in here was saying there was a lot of exposition because there was absolutely no exposition. Nothing is explained with more than a sentence of dialogue.

Kate's line at the beginning, though: "This is everything I always hoped for." That shit is mad corny and cringe worthy.
i enjoyed young avengers. i was a good set up isse for things to come.

Avengers had a weird ending.
capt universe talking ex nilo into surrender was weird. i know it will payoff later but it was a bit unsatisfying.
also curious how this ties into New avengers since the illumati are dealing with creation killers while the avengers dealt with creation makers.


i enjoyed young avengers. i was a good set up isse for things to come.

Avengers had a weird ending.
capt universe talking ex nilo into surrender was weird. i know it will payoff later but it was a bit unsatisfying.
also curious how this ties into New avengers since the illumati are dealing with creation killers while the avengers dealt with creation makers.

there ya go


there ya go

I'm curious to see
why Cap represents life and Iron Man represents death

Also, Captain Universe Monica was sort of throwing off a Geoff Johns' post-Infinite Crisis Starman vibe. I'm also looking forward to seeing how that plays out.


Batwoman #16

I love the mythology angle but they've been treading on this same shit for too long. Most gorgeous book coming out of anywhere right now.

Avengers #3

Best issue yet, Opena is god tier. Hickman being Hickman, great as usual.

Justice League #16

Why is everyone so fucking stupid in this book? All the decisions being made are the absolute worst possible decisions by these dummies.


What a fucking TERRIBLE variant. Aquamang and Diana, your faces are GARBAGE.
I was going to buy the variant cover for Jl but after I saw it I'm like nope.

Mostly Marvel comic posts on this thread. I'm guessing DC has a diminished presence on this forum?


I recently caught up on Manhattan Projects and Saga (I had only read the first issue of each prior to this), and both are excellent books that will be moving to the top of my read pile in the future. The artwork took some getting used to, but I think Manhattan Projects is my favourite Hickman title out of his current books. It's basically a twisted version of some of the themes he was playing around with on S.H.I.E.L.D. before that went into limbo. Great stuff.

GAF has also convinced me to try out Fear Agent. I just need to track down the TPBs since they don't seem to be in print at Amazon and I don't like dealing with Amazon's third party sellers.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I was going to buy the variant cover for Jl but after I saw it I'm like nope.

Mostly Marvel comic posts on this thread. I'm guessing DC has a diminished presence on this forum?

Not really, just nobody ever talks about em. I personally read a ton of DC books but very rarely find anything I need to say about them. I read Wonder Woman today. It was good but like nothing happened. That scene with Zola and Hera at the bar was cute. I feel like "cute scene with Zola and Hera" is the go to scene for that book while it's spinning its wheels waiting for shit to happen. That god guy from Antarctica beat the shit out of those Hades ice golem things. That was cool too I guess. Great book.

I've got a grip of Green Lantern comics to churn through this week, and Justice League. and Batwoman. I'll get around to em. Was more interested in getting to the new Now #1s first.


I was going to buy the variant cover for Jl but after I saw it I'm like nope.

Mostly Marvel comic posts on this thread. I'm guessing DC has a diminished presence on this forum?

DC has, maybe, five books worth talking about. Batman gets more discussion than anything in here.

Marvel is putting out a lot of new hotness...
and obviously has the better universe overall.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I was going to buy the variant cover for Jl but after I saw it I'm like nope.

Mostly Marvel comic posts on this thread. I'm guessing DC has a diminished presence on this forum?

Not really. When hot stuff from DC comes out, people talk about it. I just think that most of us are afraid to get attached to books without fear of random restructuring


Knows the Score
I was going to buy the variant cover for Jl but after I saw it I'm like nope.

Mostly Marvel comic posts on this thread. I'm guessing DC has a diminished presence on this forum?

Until the new 52 stuff happened I read mostly DC, now I don't read any of their books other than Batman Inc & Action. Also, DC seems to be a mess these days and anything I've picked up randomly recently has been pretty poor whereas Marvel have done a good job of aligning their brands with interesting writers and artists.


What a fucking TERRIBLE variant. Aquamang and Diana, your faces are GARBAGE.

Did the Flash forget to stop running? Why is he flying off at a random angle? Also, wouldn't Cyborg rust?


DC has, maybe, five books worth talking about. Batman gets more discussion than anything in here.

Marvel is putting out a lot of new hotness...
and obviously has the better universe overall.

I don't want to agree with this but I think I do. I feel like DC has higher highs though but that's only because I'm a huge, HUGE Grant Morrison fanboy. I think Batman Inc. is pretty much the greatest thing ever and I would chose it over any Marvel book.
Question about another Comixology sale... I bought Star Trek: Countdown, Star Trek: The Movie Adaption and Star Trek: Nero from the "Countdown to Darkness" Star Trek sale, for my partner. What else is worth a look? He's a Star Trek fan obviously and is excited for the new movie. With that in mind, is the current Star Trek on-going worth reading?


Unconfirmed Member
I recently caught up on Manhattan Projects and Saga (I had only read the first issue of each prior to this), and both are excellent books that will be moving to the top of my read pile in the future. The artwork took some getting used to, but I think Manhattan Projects is my favourite Hickman title out of his current books. It's basically a twisted version of some of the themes he was playing around with on S.H.I.E.L.D. before that went into limbo. Great stuff.

GAF has also convinced me to try out Fear Agent. I just need to track down the TPBs since they don't seem to be in print at Amazon and I don't like dealing with Amazon's third party sellers.

I've never had issues buying out of print comics from third party sellers.


No Scrubs
I was going to buy the variant cover for Jl but after I saw it I'm like nope.

Mostly Marvel comic posts on this thread. I'm guessing DC has a diminished presence on this forum?

People read DC, it's just other than Bat-books there isn't a whole lot to talk about. Plus unless the guy writing your book is named Scott Snyder there is a real fear editorial will fuck with the book and or creative team for no reason. (Personally I would kill for a good Superman book but they all feel by the numbers, even Morrison's Action Comics) Plus Marvel is going through their whole NOW campaign.
I see, explains the lack of discussion with most DC comics.

The New 52 helped me jump in as a newbie and Superman has always been my favorite hero out of all heroes out of DC and Marvel. About 75% of comics I pick up is DC mostly with the rest split between Marvel and other publishers.

I've recently expanded to Marvel with Iron Man and Amazing Spider-man #700/Superior Spider-man. Spider-man is good but Iron Man is a big ? because I barely have any idea what is going on with Extremis and stuff.

I'm looking towards X-men and some other Marvel comics but I'm still iffy on subscribing to them.


Super Member
Question about another Comixology sale... I bought Star Trek: Countdown, Star Trek: The Movie Adaption and Star Trek: Nero from the "Countdown to Darkness" Star Trek sale, for my partner. What else is worth a look? He's a Star Trek fan obviously and is excited for the new movie. With that in mind, is the current Star Trek on-going worth reading?
The current series is just decent rewrites of TOS stories. Well, the last issue was new. Scotty's tribble gets loose on Earth. Various hijinks ensue.

Khan: Ruling In Hell is a great bridge between TOS and Wrath of Khan. The TOS and TNG mangas were pretty fun too.

There was also a Spock-based tie-in with the other movie comics. I didn't read that one.

Dang now I'm interested in Star Trek comics. I don't know of any collections though.
I was going to buy the variant cover for Jl but after I saw it I'm like nope.

Mostly Marvel comic posts on this thread. I'm guessing DC has a diminished presence on this forum?

Us DC fanboys are definitely here but yeah, the Marvel fanboy ratio is much higher in this particular thread. It's sort of like MS vs. Sony on the gaming side. MS doesn't get near the attention as Sony does despite being just as equal a player.

I also disagree with the assertion that there are "only five DC books worth talking about". Plenty of DCs titles are enjoyable reads. Anyone saying otherwise is likely a Marvel fan. Books I'd say are worth it;

Batman, Batman and Robin, Batgirl, Batwoman, Nightwing, Red Hood and the Outlaws, Talon, Earth 2, Worlds' Finest, Green Lantern, GL: Corps, GL: New Guardians, Red Lanterns, Justice League, Action Comics, Supergirl, Aquaman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Legion of Super Heroes, Sword of Sorcery, Animal Man, Swamp Thing, Demon Knights, Batman Beyond*.

Others are interesting depending on taste. I like Team 7, but you have to been in the mood for a GI Joe style action book. But I'll happily argue with anyone who disagrees with this list. The notion that Marvel's books are all somehow superior to DCs is laughable at best. There are certainly good ones but people here seem to lower the score in their mind of a DC book because of stuff outside the book, like perceived editorial interference. Guess what; When I read a book I rarely notice such things. I judge the book on the merits of what I've actually read. If its good/bad, I'll judge it as such.

Jedeye Sniv

I was going to buy the variant cover for Jl but after I saw it I'm like nope.

Mostly Marvel comic posts on this thread. I'm guessing DC has a diminished presence on this forum?

DC isn't doing anything interesting these days, and it's hard to keep talking about how mediocre everything is. Plus the Marvel Now launch has everything freaking the fuck out. But when the new 52 launched we only talked DC for half a year. It's cyclical.


Also doesn't help that DC has stuck some books in dull non-events like Third Army and Rotworld. I was reading GL, Corps, New Guardians, Swamp, and Animal Man and i'm bailing on everything but GL.

Jedeye Sniv

I see, explains the lack of discussion with most DC comics.

The New 52 helped me jump in as a newbie and Superman has always been my favorite hero out of all heroes out of DC and Marvel. About 75% of comics I pick up is DC mostly with the rest split between Marvel and other publishers.

I've recently expanded to Marvel with Iron Man and Amazing Spider-man #700/Superior Spider-man. Spider-man is good but Iron Man is a big ? because I barely have any idea what is going on with Extremis and stuff.

I'm looking towards X-men and some other Marvel comics but I'm still iffy on subscribing to them.

If you're checking out Marvel you'll probably want to try the Avengers books and the All New X-Men. Pretty good places to start.
One thing that DC doesn't seem to get enough credit for? Just how gorgeous a book portion of their books are. I'd argue that they tend to have the superior artists. Books like Batman, Batwoman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Sword of Sorcery, I Vampire, etc; Have some of the best art in the industry, hands down.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
DC has some amazing artists but I feel like a lot of their top tier artists are completely interchangeable. Especially in their higher tier books that they want to keep "safe." Most of the time I wouldn't have a clue who was drawing any given Batman or Green Lantern book without checking the cover*. There just isn't a lot of style variation in a lot of their highest sellers. Down in the "bottom rungs" you had undiscovered art wizards like Andrea Sorrentino who did I Vamp, and Ken Rocafort who was doing Red Hood, both of which have since been poached to higher profile books.

*There are exceptions, natch, like Capullo's style is unmistakable.
DC has some amazing artists but I feel like a lot of their top tier artists are completely interchangeable. Especially in their higher tier books that they want to keep "safe." Most of the time I wouldn't have a clue who was drawing any given Batman or Green Lantern book without checking the cover*. There just isn't a lot of style variation in a lot of their highest sellers. Down in the "bottom rungs" you had undiscovered art wizards like Andrea Sorrentino who did I Vamp, and Ken Rocafort who was doing Red Hood, both of which have since been poached to higher profile books.

*There are exceptions, natch, like Capullo's style is unmistakable.

Naturally you are going to run into some artists whose style is just acceptable or good without being standout. I'd argue that Marvel is also guilty of this. Many of their Avenger's or X titles for example fit this category for me. Not being able to name something is also different from not being able to identify a style. I'm notoriously bad with names, but I can recognize the style of an artist I really like.

I do agree with you that it's great to see lower tier book artists getting recognition.
Maybe I'm biased since I have fond memories for the show, but I've really think Batman Beyond has been excellent so far. I've certainly enjoyed Superman Beyond more than anything else Superman has been in recently.
Maybe I'm biased since I have fond memories for the show, but I've really think Batman Beyond has been excellent so far. I've certainly enjoyed Superman Beyond more than anything else Superman has been in recently.

The Batman Beyond title has been pretty much universally praised around here. I certainly forgot to put it into my list.


No Scrubs
Maybe I'm biased since I have fond memories for the show, but I've really think Batman Beyond has been excellent so far. I've certainly enjoyed Superman Beyond more than anything else Superman has been in recently.

That whole Beyond series is just consistently good.


Until the new 52 stuff happened I read mostly DC, now I don't read any of their books other than Batman Inc & Action. Also, DC seems to be a mess these days and anything I've picked up randomly recently has been pretty poor whereas Marvel have done a good job of aligning their brands with interesting writers and artists.

Did the Flash forget to stop running? Why is he flying off at a random angle? Also, wouldn't Cyborg rust?

After a few seconds of contact with water. Is that his thing? And maybe Flash is running off to sort out the water problem.
Us DC fanboys are definitely here but yeah, the Marvel fanboy ratio is much higher in this particular thread. It's sort of like MS vs. Sony on the gaming side. MS doesn't get near the attention as Sony does despite being just as equal a player.

I also disagree with the assertion that there are "only five DC books worth talking about". Plenty of DCs titles are enjoyable reads. Anyone saying otherwise is likely a Marvel fan. Books I'd say are worth it;

Batman, Batman and Robin, Batgirl, Batwoman, Nightwing, Red Hood and the Outlaws, Talon, Earth 2, Worlds' Finest, Green Lantern, GL: Corps, GL: New Guardians, Red Lanterns, Justice League, Action Comics, Supergirl, Aquaman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Legion of Super Heroes, Sword of Sorcery, Animal Man, Swamp Thing, Demon Knights, Batman Beyond*.

Others are interesting depending on taste. I like Team 7, but you have to been in the mood for a GI Joe style action book. But I'll happily argue with anyone who disagrees with this list. The notion that Marvel's books are all somehow superior to DCs is laughable at best. There are certainly good ones but people here seem to lower the score in their mind of a DC book because of stuff outside the book, like perceived editorial interference. Guess what; When I read a book I rarely notice such things. I judge the book on the merits of what I've actually read. If its good/bad, I'll judge it as such.

I love you.

And hell yeah! After reading the interview for the new Vibe book, I'm finally getting a good feeling. Sorta a new Booster Gold feel, and that, my co-manchildren, is a good thing.
Hi Comics GAF this is my first post!

Avengers - Anther awesome issue. Can't wait for the big ideas in this book and NA to connect. Can't wait to find out more about the new Captain Universe.

Young Avengers - This blew me away. I picked it up on a whim. The dialog, paneling, art, all of it. Biggest surprise of the week.

X-Force - So bad. It sucks that Humpries has to follow Remenders landmark run but then again, what has Humphries done that is good since "Our Love is Real"?

Winter Soldier - Bittersweet ending. Not sure I'm going to stick with the next creative team. Especially since it looks like Bucky will be on Secret Avengers with Sam Jackson Fury :\

Harbinger - The supporting characters in this book make it. That and the eventual tie in with bloodshot advertised for later this year keep things interesting. Valiants doing an awesome job.

XO Manowar - Another solid issue. This book is pretty straight forward with great dialog and action. The pacing is what keeps me coming back for more. Its very hard not to root for the main character.

Still have to read Prophet and some others. Prophet will probably be my book of the week like it always is :)
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