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COMICS! |OT| January 2014. Another year of nothing will be the same ever again. EVER.

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Have any of you guys spotted the interviews that have been cropping up with Steve Orlando for his new book at Image, Undertow? The artwork is incredibly striking (by Artyom Trakhanov). Book sounds pretty sweet too, could be a cool thing. I haven't read anything by Orlando though, so jury's out obviously.

Yeah, I've been keeping an eye out for this series. I look forward to seeing a longer preview.

I've never read a Justice League book, but this Justice League United piques my interest. Martian Manhunter, Supergirl, Animal Man.. all characters I've been interested in checking out for a while.


It's interesting to me that there are no Lanterns or speedsters on either of the announced new Justice League rosters. Other than DeMatteis telling me Etrigan is coming to JLD in the fall, I don't think anything has been said about changes to that book.
We're at Image Expo, and you have several projects with Image, and right now you only have one book at Marvel -- a very acclaimed one, "Hawkeye" -- but that's certainly different than it's been for the last seven years or so for you.

It's weird, people have been saying, "Oh my god, you're so busy!" I was writing six and a half books for nine months, until September of last year, and no one mentioned my schedule. And now suddenly I'm overbooked.

I'm at this point banging out "Hawkeye," and happy to. I want to get that done, just write all the scripts and get them banked, and finish that kind of thought and then figure out what comes next -- whether that's more "Hawkeye," whether that's something new, I don't know. I don't want to start [speculation], "He's leaving Hawkeye!" I don't know what's coming next. It's all very new. At this point, my head's still spinning from everything.

People like to jump to conclusions when they hear things like "Matt Fraction's off 'Inhuman,'" but we've seen creators like Ed Brubaker, who was also a very prominent writer at Marvel, now focus solely on creator-owned comics. Is that something you could see yourself doing?

Sure. I also could have seen myself writing at Marvel for the rest of my life.

We tried to make "Inhuman" work. That was so much of my energy, and so much of my time, and just the idea to not have that anymore is a seismic change in my thinking. And it happened right before the holidays. And then suddenly Thanksgiving, and then Christmas -- we'll get there. Never say never. We're talking about stuff now, but I feel like if you're reading "Hawkeye," we're getting to the home stretch of this particular story. This is all building to a head now. I just want to stick the landing, and focus on this. Writing for two artists is complicated enough, and then I wrote for a third artist -- Chris Eliopoulos is doing an issue, so suddenly there are three artists on "Hawkeye," and there were four a while ago. We're talking about stuff, and we'll see what happens. But for now, "Hawkeye."

"He's leaving Hawkeye!" *panic*

fraction pls
Yeah, I've been keeping an eye out for this series. I look forward to seeing a longer preview.

Definitely, I really love the artwork. I can't find more pages of Undertow but here's a cool little story the artist put on his facebook a little while ago. I think he stopped working on it to get on with Undertow, but it gives a little look at what he's capable of. Click


ALSO, Captain Cold is on the Justice League. Captain motha'fuckin' Cold...is on the Justice League. More importantly, Geoff Johns is back to writing him. Man, this is the best comics news.
Best news? Really?
I'm not much of a DC guy, just some Batman books over the years, so as a casual outside opinion, I must admit I've never even heard of Captain Cold. I think it's a pretty safe bet that the non-comic world has never heard of Captain Cold either. So now this guy has somehow proven himself to be worthy of the Justice League? And this guy is going to help sell Justice League comics? And this is the best news?

So who be this guy and what pray tell should I have been reading?
Best news? Really?
I'm not much of a DC guy, just some Batman books over the years, so as a casual outside opinion, I must admit I've never even heard of Captain Cold. I think it's a pretty safe bet that the non-comic world has never heard of Captain Cold either. So now this guy has somehow proven himself to be worthy of the Justice League? And this guy is going to help sell Justice League comics? And this is the best news?

So who be this guy and what pray tell should I have been reading?

Not to be the defence league, I'm sure Slug can speak to himself but...a character Slug likes is being written by a writer he likes. So it's the best news from his perspective. Who said anything about it pleasing him, having to please you? You wrote all that like he should have justified why he should be excited, but by your standards and not his. I don't really get it.


Yes. Dini is still an excellent storyteller and has a deep love for the women of DC, especially the magical ones.

ALSO, Captain Cold is on the Justice League. Captain motha'fuckin' Cold...is on the Justice League. More importantly, Geoff Johns is back to writing him. Man, this is the best comics news.

I was about to post this, Captain Fucking Cold on the JL! Aw yiss
I was asking about this the other day. More Kate Yay!

Hahah, as a trade reader, anything to get more in my veins quicker Messi. It's kind of cool though, a nice little gimmick to take advantage of the situation. Fraction's such a crazy writer, I don't really follow everything he writes, only the stuff that really catches me, so I was surprised reading that interview excerpt, I didn't realise he had so little going on with Marvel now. Interested to give Sex Criminals a go. Thinking about maybe getting it for my girlfriend too when it hits trade, but I have no idea how crude it is haha.


Hahah, as a trade reader, anything to get more in my veins quicker Messi. It's kind of cool though, a nice little gimmick to take advantage of the situation. Fraction's such a crazy writer, I don't really follow everything he writes, only the stuff that really catches me, so I was surprised reading that interview excerpt, I didn't realise he had so little going on with Marvel now. Interested to give Sex Criminals a go. Thinking about maybe getting it for my girlfriend too when it hits trade, but I have no idea how crude it is haha.

It's all very tongue in cheek. Its a fun book. I think it will read well in trades.
Yeah, it's the same book that was initially announced as JL Canada. The team is Animal Man, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, Stargirl, Supergirl, Adam Strange, Hawkman, and an unrevealed brand new character. The first two arcs will deal with Rann and Thanagar.

I caught a CBR article on JLU, I really do like that opening team (plus it means more Lemire-written GA, which is never a bad thing).
hell nah, GuruFX shit looks like Greg Land 2.0

I tell ya what does look good tho, Esad Ribic coming back to Thor next month




Thor vs Big Business! Old King Thor vs Old Galactus! Submarines, floating islands, flying factories, Minotaurs, oh my!
Just got an iPad Mini with Retina. It's quite possible I never read a physical comic again. Even with a smaller screen than my ancient creaking iPad 1 it looks INSANE.


Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Just got an iPad Mini with Retina. It's quite possible I never read a physical comic again. Even with a smaller screen than my ancient creaking iPad 1 it looks INSANE.


Have the older gen 1 iPad Mini and I love the form factor and readability on the thing. Been debating upgrading to the Retina version when announced, but not really sure if the added screen resolution helps as comics look stunning even on the the older tech.

But yes, I adore the way comics look and read on the device. Just wish they didn't take up so much space. I just recently got back into the medium and I had to clean the fridge just to load up entire runs of my current reading list. Wish I could just throw my whole digital collection on that I have accumulated recently but I have to pick and choose. :(


hell nah, GuruFX shit looks like Greg Land 2.0

I tell ya what does look good tho, Esad Ribic coming back to Thor next month




Thor vs Big Business! Old King Thor vs Old Galactus! Submarines, floating islands, flying factories, Minotaurs, oh my!

While I love Ribic's art, I never had a problem with the other art. It's always looked good to me.
Have the older gen 1 iPad Mini and I love the form factor and readability on the thing. Been debating upgrading to the Retina version when announced, but not really sure if the added screen resolution helps as comics look stunning even on the the older tech.

But yes, I adore the way comics look and read on the device. Just wish they didn't take up so much space. I just recently got back into the medium and I had to clean the fridge just to load up entire runs of my current reading list. Wish I could just throw my whole digital collection on that I have accumulated recently but I have to pick and choose. :(

Going from a big but old screen to a smaller but retina screen is honestly pretty jaw dropping. Even two page spreads like nice on it. Dialogue totally readable and now that I'm not in iPad 1 IOS1997, I have the latest apps and the zoom is better and it doesn't crash and oh my goodness.
Just got my first print comics and I'm not impressed with Marvel's quality at all. They feel flimsy and have a bazillion ads everywhere. DC's books feel nice as hell though (especially their $4 glossy cover ones). Got them all from a comic shop.

I think I might just go with subscribing straight through Marvel for their $4 books since they are 40-44% off and come with free digital copies. DC's physical books are nice but since they don't come with digital, I can't fuck with them (they drop in price every 2 months on Comixology anyway).

And I don't think I'll ever step foot in a comic shop again. They didn't have full back issues of anything I wanted minus Superior Spider-Man. Plus, all their newer back issues were marked up by 16 cents.

Oh, I got Harley Quinn #1 too. They didn't have the variant cover so I got Wonder Woman 601's instead (damn impulse buys).


Have the older gen 1 iPad Mini and I love the form factor and readability on the thing. Been debating upgrading to the Retina version when announced, but not really sure if the added screen resolution helps as comics look stunning even on the the older tech.

But yes, I adore the way comics look and read on the device. Just wish they didn't take up so much space. I just recently got back into the medium and I had to clean the fridge just to load up entire runs of my current reading list. Wish I could just throw my whole digital collection on that I have accumulated recently but I have to pick and choose. :(
Having gone from mini to retina mini myself, the difference is significant. You can zoom in on panels and pick out fine details with the retina, but yeah they take up more space than you'd expect from still images. The AvX collection is over a gig alone.


I've been getting a bit bored of it, especially the Kate-focused issues without Aja on art. The long delays aren't helping it either.

Kate issues are cool but the whole thing has just lost a ton of steam because of these delays and a meandering story.


I've lost 90% of my interest in Clints story. But that's cool because Kate is still awesome

I liked the book so much at first because of their interactions so splitting them up just left me with two characters that aren't strong enough on their own for me to care about. Clint's story should be awesome and straight forward at this point but Fraction dawdled too much when his brother came around.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Best news? Really?
I'm not much of a DC guy, just some Batman books over the years, so as a casual outside opinion, I must admit I've never even heard of Captain Cold. I think it's a pretty safe bet that the non-comic world has never heard of Captain Cold either. So now this guy has somehow proven himself to be worthy of the Justice League? And this guy is going to help sell Justice League comics? And this is the best news?

So who be this guy and what pray tell should I have been reading?

For me personally, I don't care about what the casual outside world has and hasn't heard of, because I buy the books and invest the time into these worlds, characters, writers, and stories. I'm happy that there is finally, ostensibly, a decision made by a creator that has to do more with what he wants to write, who he wants to write, and who people who like him and his stories will enjoy reading. Including Lex and Captain Cold has to be exciting for anybody who enjoys Geoff Johns because you can tell he really, really loves those characters, and so he wants to do new and interesting things with them. Also, Justice League as a title has been mediocre until recently, where Trinity War and Forever Evil have gotten some great momentum back into the title.

As for who Captain Cold is--well he's the baddest motha'fucka to take on the Flash outside of a giant talking Gorilla. He's a blue-collar criminal who bands together a group of like-minded miscreants in an effort to get by in a world with Flashes running around. If you want a great character study and encapsulation of who Captain Cold is and who the motha'fuckin' Rogues are, check out Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge. It's short, self-contained enough in that you just have to know they fucked up, and the world's gone to shit around them, and one of my favorite stories.
It's sort of funny that the moment Hawkeye decides to get serious, with Barney and the Grills murder and the Tracksuit Mafia assassin, instead of continuing with the "superhero on his day off" premise it started with, is the moment that the delays come in and kill any momentum they had going. It's been fun watching Katey-Kate bungle her way through sticky situations with youthful overconfidence, sure, but it's been so long since we've seen Clint and it's getting harder to remember why we should care.

The villain, Locus, in Justice League 3000 #2 is the greatest part of the book. I think I am rooting for her at this point.
I liked her too.
Rooting for her to succeed in molesting Hal?
The thing about Hawkeye was that Fraction was going for a Rashomon type thing, with different perspectives reacting to this death. Now some of those issues were very good(#10 and #11 in particular), but because they only released 8 issues in one year, you basically got half a year spent reacting to Griggs' death, and Clint being Brubaker-era Matt Murdock and being moapy depressed rich white guy.

I envy the trade-waiters in a way, because you can read all these in order without the delays slowing the momentum down, so #15 will be Clint and his brother actually taking action against the tracksuit mafia living in the building


and they'll go back and forth with Kate's adventures in LA(which I still enjoy)



Secret Avengers 13 and 14
So uh did they
retcon Mockingbird's past or something with this series?
Mentallo and Tasky being bros is awesome though, and I am starting to dislike 'Ultimate' Fury @_@

Rat Queens #4
Shut the fuck up, Gary!

Daredevil 35
Man this must be the first time I've read Elektra in a comic book in...ages.
Also WTF at that ending.

Transformers MTMTE #25
As always I hate how this book switches between authors, once James' writing is up, I don't want to end.
Non the less, hilarious stuff in this issue and the mystery of
is getting rather interesting.

My Little Pony #15
Great issue IMO, dat cliffhanger.

Megaman 33
Good issue, and I really liked the Dr. Wily and Light scenes in this one. I guess the next few issues will focus on
, really interested in seeing what Ian can do with him.

Sonic the Hedgehog 256
Great to see Sally again but uh she got some upgrades hah.
THeir multiverse being affected makes me wonder what's changed with Scourge, but the wait for Ian to show more of this new world is gonna be troublesome
Just got an iPad Mini with Retina. It's quite possible I never read a physical comic again. Even with a smaller screen than my ancient creaking iPad 1 it looks INSANE.

Retina iPad was honestly the biggest disruption in my comic reading habits since Marvel introduced OSHCs (which back then turned me overnight in a trade waiter and obsessive collector).

I must confess right now, the comixology app eats up 55gb on my iPad air and I don't regret a thing. Hell, I've even started gifting digital comics on sale to friends.

Speaking of that, I was looking forward to a week-end sale, hoping to (re)read whatever whatever interesting stuff was on sale.
Then I got a Gambit sale.

(not a hater but beyond the first mini, I've honestly had a hard time keeping interest in the stories).

Also, Acid, you have an awesome dog.

Secret Avengers 13 and 14
So uh did they
retcon Mockingbird's past or something with this series?
Mentallo and Tasky being bros is awesome though, and I am starting to dislike 'Ultimate' Fury @_@
I really enjoy that book but honestly, it might have jumped the shark this week. We'll see how things evolve from there before passing judgment but that felt pretty cheap
particularly after Secret Invasion. I guess they could just throw Spider Woman in there to make matters worse

Still, it's probably the first time I've read a book for AIM. At least since that Avengers issue last year where Sam and Roberto partied with them lol.
In relation to JL 3000, wasn't their a recent article where some scientist said that reality as we know it is just a 3d hologram of a 2d reality which is used in the book? Thought I read that here in GAF.


Secret Avengers 13 and 14
So uh did they
retcon Mockingbird's past or something with this series?
Mentallo and Tasky being bros is awesome though, and I am starting to dislike 'Ultimate' Fury @_@

Looks like they did, but I'd wait out the end of arc too see if it's all true. I'm still hoping Taskmaster isn't dead :(


In relation to JL 3000, wasn't their a recent article where some scientist said that reality as we know it is just a 3d hologram of a 2d reality which is used in the book? Thought I read that here in GAF.

I've seen that theory in a couple of places, Google "holographic universe"
Sure. And to murder everyone. She comes across as more empathetic than the entire Future League combined. ;)
Who wouldn't feel for Barry, and his constant crippling fear of spontaneous human combustion? Or join Bruce in taking equal equal pleasure from the repeated, self-inflicted humiliations of an insufferable jackass like Cla- Superman? Who among us doesn't yearn for the best in life like Diana, and by "best" I mean crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you, and hearing the lamentation of their men? And who among us hasn't muttered a silent prayer of thanks upon seeing two overworked parents futilely attempt to herd a gang of bawling, squabbling, needy quintuplets towards their intended destination?

Who doesn't like shiny objects like Hal?
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