Nah you are good, You are a crazy fast reader but other than that you are nowhere near Kipp Level of badness. That dude is trying to sink the industry. Did you know he went to a con last year and brought a pack of nuts and parking fare and bought nothing else. Shameful.
I'm impressed by your memory. You got the details exactly right.
...That was a really fun convention though. Can't wait to go to another one and not spend money.
even tho Im a Marvel fanboy, Preacher is probably my favorite series ever and I never read his Punisher stuff
am I a bad person?
No, you're not a bad person, but you are a deprived person. Preacher is probably my favorite series ever as well and Ennis's non-MAX Punisher stuff is a close rival to it for me. It's just so, so enjoyable. Really similar tonally as well. His MAX stuff is also excellent, but it's almost opposite to Preacher and his non-MAX Punisher in tone.
I'd most definitely check out his Punisher stuff if I were you.
I don't want to go back to a post SiP world again. Today's reading was goooood (of course). Dammit Kipp why did you get us to read this again. Don't you see its putting a damper on all the other books out there! This is just another way for him to kill the industry
I'm sorry.
Today's reading was incredible. One of my favorite three issues yet. And that's saying something.
You're like an evil Kipp that can't stop buying things, instead of the normal one that never buys things.
He is Bizarro Kipp. In fact, you guys may not have noticed, but if you re-arrange the letters in gketter, it spells Kipp. Well, you kind of have to disassemble the letters, but it works eventually.
I flipped through it in the bookstore today. There's some really nice stuff in it, but only a few of the pieces from Daredevil: Echo. They should have tossed some more of the art in there. Nice book, for me, a lot would depend on price. I like my artbooks to have way more art than text.
It's only $20 on IST, so not bad at all. And I think it's more of an artsy comic book rather than an art book. Kind of similar to McKean's Pictures That Tick.
I did a flip through it. It seems mostly to be an art book with a couple short story pieces thrown in and then photos and whatnot of the process, people, etc. But since i'm a huuuuuuge David Mack art fan this is a winner for me. That DH Library edition size is great.
Kabuki should be on the book club consideration list. More people need to read this series
Ah, cool! I wasn't sure if it was Library Edition-sized or just oversized. That's awesome. And I really enjoy Mack's stuff as well (though I've never actually read anything that he's done the art for...) so I'll definitely try to pick it up sometime.