my name is ed
The Nicola Scott redesigns are pretty great imo
Certainly makes them more appealing to me
Certainly makes them more appealing to me
The Nicola Scott redesigns are pretty great imo
Certainly makes them more appealing to me
Honestly, I would have been embarrassed to pick these books up off the shelf in their old costumes.
I was thinking the same thing. Also, it appears that Red Sonja got rid of the chainmail bikini?
Congrats, Dynamite. You just made a $550 Red Sonja Sideshow statue that hasn't come out yet obsolete. (Thanks for saving me $550)
Lol if you think that bikini is gone for good. Also how is it obsolete? People buying statues like that don't care about any new design. They are buying it because they want that design.
It kinda should be gone for good. It seems a bit outdated, not to mention impractical.
I don't disagree. It doesn't change the fact that Dynamite will drop back to it the second the book starts to dip down in sales/other factors.
Honestly, I would have been embarrassed to pick these books up off the shelf in their old costumes.
Honestly, I would have been embarrassed to pick these books up off the shelf in their old costumes.
This Bleeding Cool article made me giggle, for reasons completely unrelated to the article.
The guy pictured in the article looks like old Bray Wyatt.
His writing style is about as coherent as a Bray Wyatt promo as well.
The Superior Foes omnibus doesn't seem to be out until the 16th here. Booo.
All the online book stores I use have it listed as the 16th.Are you using Amazon release dates? Non-specialty shops always gets things a week or two later than comic shops.
Finally saw Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens with my pops. I enjoyed it thorougly. Oddly emotional for me.
Finally saw Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens with my pops. I enjoyed it thorougly. Oddly emotional for me.
Excellent movie. Probably my favorite outside of maybe Empire.
RotJ was always my favorite, if only for the final Vadet v Luke battle.I'm glad to have another person on Team Rey, the only rational choice.
Just read Deadpool #6
WTF was that bollocks?
It's finally happening, DC recollecting Waid's Flash run -
Why?I was embarrassed when my little sister almost picked out a book with her old costume. Then my older little sister told her to put it away because she was embarrased.
All the characters are pretty cool. Finn had some really good momentsTeam Finn
It is February, where the fuck is the new thread? Have our standards slipped that much?
It was an awesome beginning to the Deadpool 2099 story that will be told in the issues between arcs of Deadpool. Like the flashback issues of the previous series. I kind of wish it was its own series though as I enjoyed it way more than regular Deadpool.
It was awfulWorst book of that week for me, was just thinking "Wow, every books been great this week" Whilst I caught up, and then I read that.
It is February, where the fuck is the new thread? Have our standards slipped that much?
Got a few hours before I put it up. Got distracted by the Street Fighter beta RIP
Got a few hours before I put it up. Got distracted by the Street Fighter beta RIP
I will forgive you this time. Do you play as Cammy?
I really loved everything about it. I had been considering dropping deadpool as I think it has been boring as shit so I guess I will just pick it up every 5 issues now.
No. I've been trying Bison, Chun-Li, Karin, and Mika so far.
How is Chun-Li? I want to try her out. I usually only play as Cammy and I was told yesterday the other person I played as in 4 is gone. Viper.
Pff no fear of death by comic gaf. Well just come back with the next event and with new #1sComicGaf holding strong with no deaths so far in mah Darkest Dungeon. The same cannot be said about other Gaf communities >_>
ComicGaf holding strong with no deaths so far in mah Darkest Dungeon. The same cannot be said about other Gaf communities >_>
Yeah, even after the first season of DLC characters, the max count is going to be 16 characters. More DLC characters will be released later, but that's pretty far in the future.
So you are telling me there is a chance of Viper?
Pff no fear of death by comic gaf. Well just come back with the next event and with new #1s
Am I in this game?
...i should totally do that. When someone dies, ill name a new one "allnewgketter" lol
Yup. For now at least
I would think at this point they know that the bikini has no impact on sales. It's all about the quality (or lack thereof) of the story.
This Bleeding Cool article made me giggle, for reasons completely unrelated to the article.
The guy pictured in the article looks like old Bray Wyatt.
Can't really see anyone complaining too hard about the Red Sonja's not a huge leap from chainmail 2 piece bikini to chainmail halter top and loincloth.Who am I kidding, they're probably furious
I'm happy about it, because it makes me far less tempted to buy the $550 Premium Format if the costume design is outdated. Freeza be shallow like that.
Like...Captain Marvel has never worn the costume in her premium format, never will. Yet you bought that.