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COMICS!!! |OT| January 2017 This is the Dawning of the Age of Apocalypse

Dude can't handle being subtweeted never mind actual criticism




So what's up with Doctor Strange. I saw that
magic was dead
. I know Marvel doesn't petter on that type of charcater as much as DC, but it seems like that would be considered a big deal.

No work tomorrow so I'm going to spend the rest of the night and all tomorrow catching up with comics.


So what's up with Doctor Strange. I saw that
magic was dead
. I know Marvel doesn't petter on that type of charcater as much as DC, but it seems like that would be considered a big deal.

No work tomorrow so I'm going to spend the rest of the night and all tomorrow catching up with comics.

Magic users are kinda scarce in the MU at the moment, Wiccan is in Supreme Sorcerers but it's a future one, Wanda is dealing with witchcraft and aside from some references, no one kinda talks about it.

Similar to God King Thor, no one has really addressed it.


Magic users are kinda scarce in the MU at the moment, Wiccan is in Supreme Sorcerers but it's a future one, Wanda is dealing with witchcraft and aside from some references, no one kinda talks about it.

Similar to God King Thor, no one has really addressed it.

Ah hopefully it were up a future storyline and maybe even an event. Bit weird that this isn't effecting anyone like Ghost Rider. Even Thor tip topes the line between Magic and Alien depending on the writer.


Slott and the Allreds Silver Surfer is incredible and will be looked back at in the future as a defining run.


Just caught up on All Star Batman and it was pretty damn good. This arc ended strong expect for one detail that seemed pretty out there(
The fact Two-Face turned off clouds though his cell
). The art takes a hit in the third issue when it depicts Bruce's face but other than that the art is above average. The art is the best in the rain or in a fight. I would love to see more Beast in other comics. He was awesome.


Or like Hawkguy, delay the book despite it being done.

And now those delays do not matter and Hawkeye is still incredible.

Silver Surfer doesn't really rely on the rest of the universe so it can be evergreen much like Hawkguy.
I don't pay any attention to the gaps between Silver Surfer issues, and treat it as a very pleasant surprise when it pops up in my weekly list

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Freeza was right! The second issue of Surgeon X was pretty horribad. I didn't even make it through third issue. Dropped!
The modern X-Men deep cut I like to point towards is BKV's Ultimate X-Men run. He was supposed to just be a fill-in for four issues until Bryan Singer got on the book. Yes, THAT Bryan Singer. But that never materialized, so BKV stayed on the book alongside some fine artists like Brandon Peterson, Adam Kubert, and Stuart Immonen did the last 12 issues. Its mostly self-contained and accessible. After Mark Millar's unlikable caricatures and Bendis'...whatever, BKV finally gives the Ultimate X-Men some strong characterizations, and his reboot of the X-Villians is quite entertaining. Great team dynamics, strong artwork, effectively uses sub-plots inside the main arcs to build reader interest and actually come to a real conclusion in the last story arc. Its all the things people say they like about X-Men team books, so why not give it a read?

also you can see the context for this hilarious pair of panels


Should I read Ultimate X-Men up to that point? I've been meaning to regardless of whether or not I should.
Hahaha, I love Bane in Secret Six.


"Yes. But I am Bane. I endure."
Bane will never rise above this run as a character. The best.


D.C. Is feeling like the new image.

I can't get over how much I'm enjoying DC books. Are there any Marvel books that I should be hopping onto?

Should I read Ultimate X-Men up to that point? I've been meaning to regardless of whether or not I should.

I remember enjoying, but it was among the first comics I read as a teen. I certainly did not have a keen eye for quality at the time.


Unconfirmed Member

Absolutely love these. Zodiac Master is a hell of a deep pull and goober Robin is adorable.

I also got a duplicate Nurse Harley
or nurse Kelly Sue DeConnick, as I like to call her
if anyone wants it. Let me know.

Oops posted this in December first.
Started watching Black-ish. Just got to "Hope". I don't think I've teared up more during an episode of any show. And I've watched a lot of television.
Completely agree.
I love a character with nuance that's more than a plot beat.
I can't get over how much I'm enjoying DC books. Are there any Marvel books that I should be hopping onto?
Captain America: Sam Wilson
Captain America: Steve Rogers
Old Man Logan
Jessica Jones
Uncanny Avengers
The Ultimates (and by extension The Ultimates2)
The New Avengers (which just got done, but U.S.Avengers is following it up)
The Mighty Thor
The Unworthy Thor
Black Panther
Infamous Iron Man

Any other books I've forgotten, or haven't been going long enough for me to reasonable recommend them. Or I'm shaky.
I remember enjoying, but it was among the first comics I read as a teen. I certainly did not have a keen eye for quality at the time.
Same, but I don't give a fuck.


Started watching Black-ish. Just got to "Hope". I don't think I've teared up more during an episode of any show. And I've watched a lot of television.

I love a character with nuance that's more than a plot beat.

Captain America: Sam Wilson
Captain America: Steve Rogers
Old Man Logan
Jessica Jones
Uncanny Avengers
The Ultimates (and by extension The Ultimates2)
The New Avengers (which just got done, but U.S.Avengers is following it up)
The Mighty Thor
The Unworthy Thor
Black Panther
Infamous Iron Man

Any other books I've forgotten, or haven't been going long enough for me to reasonable recommend them. Or I'm shaky.

Same, but I don't give a fuck.

Thanks for the recs.

If nothing else, the scene of Prof X getting pushed down the stairs was the first time I felt inclined to edit a picture and attempt to make a gag post on a forum. Classic panel.
Started watching Black-ish. Just got to "Hope". I don't think I've teared up more during an episode of any show. And I've watched a lot of television.

I love a character with nuance that's more than a plot beat.

Captain America: Sam Wilson
Captain America: Steve Rogers
Old Man Logan
Jessica Jones
Uncanny Avengers
The Ultimates (and by extension The Ultimates2)
The New Avengers (which just got done, but U.S.Avengers is following it up)
The Mighty Thor
The Unworthy Thor
Black Panther
Infamous Iron Man

Any other books I've forgotten, or haven't been going long enough for me to reasonable recommend them. Or I'm shaky.

Same, but I don't give a fuck.

Not feeling Invincible Iron alongside Infamous?


I can not sit here and let someone recommend ultimates and the sequel and not act.

The pay off for that book is not worth the admission.


I don't pay any attention to the gaps between Silver Surfer issues, and treat it as a very pleasant surprise when it pops up in my weekly list

I love Slott's Silver Surfer. The last page of the recent issue totally gave me a Doctor Who vibe-hinting that a heartbreaking ending is coming.


Unconfirmed Member
I love Slott's Silver Surfer. The last page of the recent issue totally gave me a Doctor Who vibe-hinting that a heartbreaking ending is coming.

The whole of his run has been more Doctor Who-y than the actual show has been for the last season or so. I really dig it.


The whole of his run has been more Doctor Who-y than the actual show has been for the last season or so. I really dig it.

The tag line on the cover is very "Who-like" as well. It's something like "Anywhere...and Everywhere! Hang On!" Sounds like something that Doctor would say right before taking a new companion on a trip in the first episode of a season.


I figured "why not?" The Astonishing line only has about twelve volumes and then turns into Amazing X-Men which only has about two. It'd be nice to find a hidden gem. A run that's good, but no one talks about it. Ellis's short run post-Whedon was pretty dope. So it's not all terrible.

Plus it's be nice to read an entire line that lasts for more than twelve issues.

I'm sad to say that the most I remember of Ellis' Astonishing X-Men run is....
This cover with Emma Frost, which even at the time weirded me out.

The modern X-Men deep cut I like to point towards is BKV's Ultimate X-Men run. He was supposed to just be a fill-in for four issues until Bryan Singer got on the book. Yes, THAT Bryan Singer. But that never materialized, so BKV stayed on the book alongside some fine artists like Brandon Peterson, Adam Kubert, and Stuart Immonen did the last 12 issues. Its mostly self-contained and accessible. After Mark Millar's unlikable caricatures and Bendis'...whatever, BKV finally gives the Ultimate X-Men some strong characterizations, and his reboot of the X-Villians is quite entertaining. Great team dynamics, strong artwork, effectively uses sub-plots inside the main arcs to build reader interest and actually come to a real conclusion in the last story arc. Its all the things people say they like about X-Men team books, so why not give it a read?

also you can see the context for this hilarious pair of panels



I should finish BKV's Ultimate X-Men run, really liked what I had read of it.
Didn't he also write a Cyclops miniseires?
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