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COMICS! |OT| July 2014. Lots of stores on the way to San Diego sell deodorant.

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Jedeye Sniv

I am so, so, so far beyond exhausted by Quitely jokes. At this point it's like hitting a bottle of glue with a stick and calling it a dead horse.

I like it, it helps me sort out the people whose opinions are to be ignored. This is the only thread where I actually use my ignore list in fact.

Sometimes it's unbearable, it's like mixing the alt-rock and pop music threads together, entirely incompatible worldviews that are totally antagonistic towards each other where each side thinks the other is a bunch of fucking idiots. Not conducive to good times.
Lol. Yes.... yes I do.. Just so happens they're all pretty good too eh?!
Don't forget Tec Comics and Batman/Superman :))
I just recently started pulling Batman/Superman after getting the first HC

Yeah, Batman is in a really great place right now. All of his mainline titles are engaging. A few months ago you could safely say Detective and Dark Knight were quite mediocre but with the creative team change and the cancellation they are all just wonderful.

How did you like Pak/Lee on Batnan/Superman?

Sometimes it's unbearable, it's like mixing the alt-rock and pop music threads together, entirely incompatible worldviews that are totally antagonistic towards each other where each side thinks the other is a bunch of fucking idiots. Not conducive to good times.

Sometimes sure but it just as often exposes people to stuff they don't normally frequent. The recent Seven Soldiers discussions are a good example. Heck, with the Anti-DC / New 52 crowd mostly spent and mellow it's downright enjoyable more oft than not.


Dark Knight still quite shite, but all the other bat books is tight for me..


Jedeye Sniv

Sometimes sure but it just as often exposes people to stuff they don't normally frequent. The recent Seven Soldiers discussions are a good example. Heck, with the Anti-DC / New 52 crowd mostly spent and mellow it's downright enjoyable more oft than not.

Sometimes. I pretty much have to stop myself telling someone to go fuck themselves at least once a day, sometimes it can be pretty aggravating just reading through this thread.

There will always be people who are into different things. But there is a world of difference between that and repeated childish, obnoxious attacks on artists who are widely critically acclaimed followed by the usual suspects posting tired popGAF #dead/salty/whatever the fuck memes.

I declined to get into this last night because I had to go to bed, but I get up today and it's still going on?
Yeah, Batman is in a really great place right now. All of his mainline titles are engaging. A few months ago you could safely say Detective and Dark Knight were quite mediocre but with the creative team change and the cancellation they are all just wonderful.

How did you like Pak/Lee on Batman/Superman?

I like Jae Lee's art a lot. It's different from most artist out there.
Dark Tower was one of the first couple comics I bought.
Also nice because the art is alot different it kinda separates itself from the rest of the Bat titles.


Sometimes. I pretty much have to stop myself telling someone to go fuck themselves at least once a day, sometimes it can be pretty aggravating just reading through this thread.

There will always be people who are into different things. But there is a world of difference between that and repeated childish, obnoxious attacks on artists who are widely critically acclaimed followed by the usual suspects posting tired popGAF #dead/salty/whatever the fuck memes.

I declined to get into this last night because I had to go to bed, but I get up today and it's still going on?

Couldn't agree more. Actual discussion is one thing but it's always the same posters spamming the same tired image and whatever annoying gif or catchphrase is popular at the moment. And it's always the people against said artists who constantly bring them up and continue to drive it into the ground.


Couldn't agree more. Actual discussion is one thing but it's always the same posters spamming the same tired image and whatever annoying gif or catchphrase is popular at the moment. And it's always the people against said artists who constantly bring them up and continue to drive it into the ground.

Please know that when I posted anything Quitely related I was kidding. From day one I had mentioned that he's one of my faves and that All Star Superman is one of my favorite books. I genuinely love the guys art. I felt I had to say something earlier because it's just...boring. I'm going to sit here and wait for Napoleon Dynamite jokes now.

Edit: the best thing to come out of Quitely jokes was "Dick & Damian"
I like Jae Lee's art a lot. It's different from most artist out there.
Dark Tower was one of the first couple comics I bought.
Also nice because the art is alot different it kinda separates itself from the rest of the Bat titles.

Yeah Jae Lee grew on me. It's still a bit weird to me and probably not something I normally want on a traditional superhero book. He has a definite dislike of backgrounds and his faces are a little too impressionistic at times but he does body language extremely well. His Catwoman positively oozed confidence, for example.


You seem to take that Quietly stuff way too serious.

Man, I really don't like people saying stuff like this. Maybe I misunderstood your intentions, but to me it reads the same as "Games! Serious business, huh? Lol." I love games, man, so yeah, it is serious business to me. So are comics.


It's just tiring seeing people like Tragicomedy come here once in a while (I'm pretty sure he doesn't post in this thread very often and it feels like everytime he does he takes a stab at our Quitely-loving hearts :( ) and be all smug like "ha, the art you love sucks!"


And the thread is so much more fun when Jedeye is excited about comics he loves than when he is tired/not being nice.



Yeah Jae Lee grew on me. It's still a bit weird to me and probably not something I normally want on a traditional superhero book. He has a definite dislike of backgrounds and his faces are a little too impressionistic at times but he does body language extremely well. His Catwoman positively oozed confidence, for example.

I really like this upcoming cover



Man, I really don't like people saying stuff like this. Maybe I misunderstood your intentions, but to me it reads the same as "Games! Serious business, huh? Lol." I love games, man, so yeah, it is serious business to me. So are comics.

Yea no, that was not my intention. What I meant to say is that I find it kinda strange that people can't just live with the fact that other people like different things and relax a little bit (and that applies to both sides of the argument imo). For example that whole potatoe thing is just some kind of running gag right now (at least it seems like that to me) and not some serious attempt to shame people who like his art.


You guys talking about Jae Lee, were you around when he had a short run on X-Factor in the early 90s? He did some cool stuff in that run. I'm fairly certain his run on X-Factor was at the same time Capullo was on X-Force.


Yea no, that was not my intention. What I meant to say is that I find it kinda strange that people can't just live with the fact that other people like different things and relax a little bit (and that applies to both sides of the argument imo). For example that whole potatoe thing is just some kind of running gag right now (at least it seems like that to me) and not some serious attempt to shame people who like his art.

Oh. I'm sorry, than. And my example kind of shows that you have a point ;) You're right about the potato face thing being a running joke, but I don't think anyone is getting up in arms about it. But then you have people just trolling and devaluing (I'm still looking at you, Tragicomedy!) the thread and that's not nice at all.
You guys talking about Jae Lee, were you around when he had a short run on X-Factor in the early 90s? He did some cool stuff in that run. I'm fairly certain his run on X-Factor was at the same time Capullo was on X-Force.

The only comic things from the 90s I remember are the Phalanx holofoil covers and Danger Girl. Everything else is a blur.

And the cat touching Catwoman's ass

Serious teamwork going on for that Cat ass touch.

Jedeye Sniv

And the thread is so much more fun when Jedeye is excited about comics he loves than when he is tired/not being nice.


ha! Sorry brah :)

Since last week's books were a bit light I spent a bunch of time reading old Batman books, partially inspired by Viewtiful's links to the Best 75 Batman stories - http://goodcomics.comicbookresources.com/category/75-greatest-batman-stories/

I'm now 31 years of age, and have been reading Batman since I was 10 and picked up #5 of The Batman Adventures (just a few issues before Harley's first appearance which I no longer seem to have...). As such, I've seen a massive chunk of the Batman mythos. I remember legendary covers of books I never picked up though, so I've been making a point of going back and reading some of these arcs to see what was up with that.

Most recently I have been going back and filling in my gaps of the Chuck Dixon canon. For those of us joining the comics party late, Dixon was a Batwriter in the early 90s who pretty much invented 'modern Batman'. Tim Drake might have been introduced by Wolfman in Lonely Place of Dying, but it was Dixon (and to a lesser extent Alan Grant) who laid the real groundwork for the character, writing the three Robin miniseries that set the character up. Dixon is also responsible for the modern Huntress, rescued Nightwing from big-collar obscurity, wrote a great Catwoman, created the Spoiler and also kicked off the Birds of Prey books before Simone got her hands on them. He's a straight up legend.

IMO, Dixon's Detective run is one of the stronger bunch of issues in the history of the character, ably assisted by the wonderful Graham Nolan, another great forgotten Bat-creator. To me, Nolan is the definitive 90s Bat artists - I never was into Aparo even as a kid, he's an incredibly limited artist with very little dynamism in his work, just a few stock faces (front on, profile or 3/4 shot only) and always this brittle feel to it. Nolan by contrast was exciting, he drew a muscular Batman without being 90s ripped and his style fell somewhere between Adams and Timm, especially with his approach to Robin and Batman's cowl.

The books themselves are refreshing to read in today's climate of grim and gritty 12 part stories. Little one and two part tales with a surprisingly lightness of touch. Snappy dialogue with an engaging supporting cast. The run stretches from around Robin's introduction right up until the start of No Man's Land, covering an impressive span of years from #644-729, including a massive chunk of Knightfall and the subsequent crossovers. Of special interest is a little run pre-Knightfall, including the lovely #650 of Tec called The Dragon where Harold, Batman's hunchbacked mute engineer goes exploring the Batcave while Robin and Alfred rush to stop a bomb going off live on TV. It's a light and fun little book with good character work, we don't see this enough any more. Also in this run is A Bullet for Bullock that the animated series ep was adapted from.

So yeah, pretty much just thinking about old Bat-runs. I'll post more as I read more.


The only comic things from the 90s I remember are the Phalanx holofoil covers and Danger Girl. Everything else is a blur.

Oh this was before the Phalanx stuff.
Here's one of his covers from his run, 20+ years later and it's still one of my favorite images of Archangel.

Joe Quesada started his run on art duties with the next issue, which was the infamous Doc Samson analyzes X-Factor issue.


*shrugs* when ive popped my head in, there's been nothing but shots. when i've disagreed, others have groaned at me for "bringing up the discussion again". maybe it's my timing but it sure doesn't feel that way. didn't mean to bust balls but it's been pretty off-putting

ah, was assuming as much but it's good to hear, thanks for that man.


There are lots of people in this thread that like Quitely You've just been baited by probably his biggest detractor. It's just not worth responding to at this point. I would have ignored it and moved on.

The reason people groan is because the discussions normally go round in the same circles eventually as the ones we've had in the past. By all means discuss his work, just be prepared for the potshots I guess.


user-friendly man-cashews
Just ordered the trade with Jim Steranko's run on Nick Fury : Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

I'm expecting this to be a fun fun read.
Man, I really don't like people saying stuff like this. Maybe I misunderstood your intentions, but to me it reads the same as "Games! Serious business, huh? Lol." I love games, man, so yeah, it is serious business to me. So are comics.

I don't think that's what was being said at all. I took it more as people getting personally offended by some one not liking the artist or writer that they do.

Some people react to other people not liking some thing as if they just insulted their parents and entire family lineage. There's not "discussing" certain artists/writers here because even if it's attempted to get responses like "I'm ignoring anything you say because you don't like person x."

So yeah both sides can be pretty damn childish about it.
You guys talking about Jae Lee, were you around when he had a short run on X-Factor in the early 90s? He did some cool stuff in that run. I'm fairly certain his run on X-Factor was at the same time Capullo was on X-Force.

His run on X-Factor is amazing. Specially for the 90's, if memory serves me right it was something very different from what was being done in the other X books.
If it's any consolation, Supreme Blue Rose #1 is out on Wednesday.

Haha I actually know super super little about that. I assume it's supposed to be like Prophet and Glory, a supreme reboot but just completely off the wall and nothing like the actual original property? The art looks stunning but eh, Supreme. I remember reading some event in the mid ninties called extreme prejudice where a big muscular dude called Quantum stole his powers or something? Even knowing it's a reboot by Ellis does little for me, I'd rather just wait and see what the artist does next. I'll definitely grab Trees when it hits trade though.

There it is haha.

I'm with the dude who sez this is a bad look.

If people had actually engaged, say, my detailed attempts to explain how even the Nuff Said panel does not have objectively interchangeable faces, I'd agree this behavior was just part of an open balanced discussion.

No one did, proving to me that this is just targeted insult.

After all, Frank Quitely is never going to read this thread. The only purpose of those posts is to rag on those who enjoy his art and criticize their own subjective tastes.


His run on X-Factor is amazing. Specially for the 90's, if memory serves me right it was something very different from what was being done in the other X books.

Yeah it was strikingly different than the other X books. You had Kubert on X-Men, early Greg Capullo (when he was still channeling Liefeld) on X-Force, and I think Brandon Peterson on Uncanny. Those three books were very much in the house style of the time and then Jae Lee was doing his own thing.
If people had actually engaged, say, my detailed attempts to explain how even the Nuff Said panel does not have objectively interchangeable faces, I'd agree this behavior was just part of an open balanced discussion.

No one did, proving to me that this is just targeted insult.

A few months back, during another one of these discussions, I wrote up a detailed post on why the image with Emma Frost and I forget the other X-Woman in it looked to me, to have similar faces. I broke it down objectively from an art background. I talked about what features were similar, and why they felt/seemed similar to me. I made no comment on quality of the work, or if it was liked or disliked. I simply commented on comparing the two faces and what aspects of them looked and felt similar and why.

The only response I got was something along the lines of "LOL comparing eyebrows, I can't even." Granted, not from you, but it was the only response the post got.
Yeah it was strikingly different than the other X books. You had Kubert on X-Men, early Greg Capullo (when he was still channeling Liefeld) on X-Force, and I think Brandon Peterson on Uncanny. Those three books were very much in the house style of the time and then Jae Lee was doing his own thing.

I want to say it was even very different from anything Marvel or DC were really doing at the time. While I can't remember every artist who was putting stuff out back then, I remember it feeling REALLY distinct from either of the big two.

Closest I can think of at the time was Bogdanove on Superman and that'snot really fair to either of them. Since their styles are pretty different, and it was more just the two of them doing very different things from the norm at the time.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Really enjoying Valiant's Shadowman. Valiant has some great characters...


I want to say it was even very different from anything Marvel or DC were really doing at the time. While I can't remember every artist who was putting stuff out back then, I remember it feeling REALLY distinct from either of the big two.

Closest I can think of at the time was Bogdanove on Superman and that'snot really fair to either of them. Since their styles are pretty different, and it was more just the two of them doing very different things from the norm at the time.

You also had Kelley Jones at DC during that era whose stuff was fairly different than the norm of the time.
Too bad they botched him this go around. That's what you get when you launch him with the unimaginative Justin Jordan. Valiant is disappointing me lately....

It wasn't Jordan or Milligan's fault. The story was great. The book is buried by inconsistent or just plan terrible art. End Times is blander than mayo.

The rest of Valiant though is epic these days. Armor Hunters is really killing it, specially now that Bloodshot is in Unity. I dug the Hard CORPS arc, but it's nice to see they're not afraid of really shaking up the status quo.
It wasn't Jordan or Milligan's fault. The story was great. The book is buried by inconsistent or just plan terrible art. End Times is blander than mayo.

The rest of Valiant though is epic these days. Armor Hunters is really killing it, specially now that Bloodshot is in Unity. I dug the Hard CORPS arc, but it's nice to see they're not afraid of really shaking up the status quo.
Yeah but they killed of the series for Eternal Warrior, Quantum and Woody and Dr. mirage is a mini. They are homogenizing their line more than Marvel Now!


Sometimes, I feel like people think there should be only one universal opinion on things.

Yeah, the jokes come up fairly often, but again, we don't have to personally attack people and put them down. No ones opinion is any more superior than the other. Lighten up..


Sometimes, I feel like people think there should be only one universal opinion on things.

Yeah, the jokes come up fairly often, but again, we don't have to personally attack people and put them down. No ones opinion is any more superior than the other. Lighten up..

They are the most lighthearted jokes to me. Especially the potato jokes, we are just having a bit of fun. It shouldn't affect how you feel about his work. If you like it you like it. It's kind of like how you folks all shit on Ann Nocenti, but I am sure you guys don't really hate her work. :/
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