varies a bit though.
Literally...a bit is right.
varies a bit though.
Oh my god, why is Winter Soldier over two hours long
Oh my god, why is Winter Soldier over two hours long
It was really, really fucking good. I'm 100% sold on this movie now.
Oh my god, why is Winter Soldier over two hours long
I don't know about that. I mean, the combat feels more convoluted this time in that they sometimes throw too much at you at once. In previous games, they threw a lot at you simultaneously, but if you stayed on your toes, you could counter everything and keep your combos going. This time, it feels like they got a bit carried away at points and throw too many enemies at you at once with many requiring different moves or combos to counter.
There's a little bit of that but I feel the hand to hand combat is still enjoyable. Anything to do with the Batmobile though is awful and some of the worst anything I've ever played in a video game. It seriously has ruined the game for me, making it my biggest disappointment this year, and hell of the last 5 or so probably. Worst entry in the franchise by far.
Combat was still enjoyable, but I noticed myself getting frustrated at times and it very rarely happened with the earlier games (I've never played Origins, so I just mean in regards to Asylum and City).
Origins got a bit frustrating in the combat but for different reasons IMHO. Origins seemed to have slightly sped up the animation for the enemies, while leaving Batman's animation speed the same. So you were slightly slower than them, so you had to react quicker, which threw off the timing you were used to from the previous games. Once you got used to it, it wasn't so bad, but it did take a bit.
"Red flash guy charging me, time to throw a batarang. Or try to counter him.
Problem with Oranges combat wasn't so much the slightly sped up combat, but the fact that you couldn't counter out of almost any attack, whereas in AC and AA the only move you can't counter cancel is the ground pound.
Completely changed the flow of combat.
The fight withwas a pain in the dick until you figured things out.Black Mask in the Red Hood DLC
Are there any good comics where Batman fights the mob?
I was wondering, how big is the paper artist use before it's published ?
What if Civil War is 3 hours.
What if Civil War is 3 hours.
What if Civil War is 3 hours.
its an excellent movie
why are you complaining
unless you dont like it
in that case, Im sorry Tim/Frye/other alts, we cant be comics bros anymore
It could be judging from the fact that the movie is Avengers 2.5 and is being hyped to be a game changer for the entire MCU.
Edit: How bout 4 hours?
Civil War will be 15 hours long, thus successfully beating out the longest movie ever released in theaters by 27 minutes.
They could have the entire movie be 18 hours long if they decide to include all 3 Iron Man movies, 2 Capt. America movies, and 2 Avengers movies to build up the plot of Civil War which will begin around the 15 hour mark.
There are no bathroom breaks.
If you were a real Mahvel fan, you'd wear an adult diaper like everyone else.
You must go to a very smelly theater.
It was entertaining, which is about as high of praise as I can give a Captain America movie. Guardians and Iron Man 1 are still my favorites
also Freeza, your current avatar is amazing
Freeza why is your avatar sexy as fuck?
Freeza why is your avatar sexy as fuck?
She is just a child bro
Wat? Messi, you're thinking of a character from Low, and I dug this up on his blog way further back than any of the art he did for Low.
It looks really like her tho...
Aaahhhh. My fingers hurt so much. Is there such a thing as too much climbing?
Aaahhhh. My fingers hurt so much. Is there such a thing as too much climbing?
Aaahhhh. My fingers hurt so much. Is there such a thing as too much climbing?
Yeah. It's called any climbing at all.![]()
I don't know. Did you climb an actual mountain this time?
Well, if I had to guess, I'd say that if your fingers start to hurt, that means you've been doing too much climbing.
Yes! Well kind of. I went rock climbing (the kind of climbing with a harness and ropes and actual tall cliffs) outdoors for the first time today.
I think Tochinni is just one of those artists that draws a lot of faces that are pretty similar from one to the next. I mean, look at Low. I totally thought Della was Stel at first until I realized that this was a completely different place with a new set of characters.
I will never trust anything you say ever again.
She is just a child bro
I'm not so sure about this theory. I think you're wrong.
Everest awaits, my friend.
I think that's wise.
There are no muscles in your fingers. That is not a "good burn."